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Support our work

We are committed to work full time on ways to end Brexit and join the EU anew, having worked with EU Flag Mafia, the Rejoin Party, The European Movement, World Wide Wednesday, European Movement Sussex, Manchester for Europe, True and Fair party, Leeds for Europe and many other groups. This means that we need financial support. The work consumes all of my time and I also need to live and look after my family. Here are some different ways you can help to support our efforts, depending on your preferred platforms for support.

Buy us a coffee

For small one off or regular donations, please click on the PayPal logo. Lots of regular small donations help us to plan further into the future.

Click the image to support our work via PayPal.

Get Brexit Gone

if you prefer to use Go Fund Me click on the logo for details.

Go Fund Me
Click the image to donate to our Go Fund Me campaign to remove a Tory MP.

Say Brexit has failed

We will come to your city, town, hamlet or living room to deliver a protest on request. In partnership with the EU Flag Mafia we will bring the car, keynote speeches and intelligent musical protest to your event. All are police, media and child friendly to augment your own protests. The Mini has cost £1000 to put back on the road (new ABS, brake service, tyres and so on) and the cost of an average round trip ranges from £30 – £250, depending on how far we travel and if we have to stay over for long journeys. Our work often attracts local and national media interest.

Mini Cooper
Click to back the Bollocks to Brexit 2023 UK Tour.

E-mail us

Join our events on ZOOM

We meet first Wednesday of the month 8 pm UK time on ZOOM to plan Europe wide activist projects to commit Brexit to an early grave. Join via ZOOM. It’s the most fun you can have breaking Brexit and the insane actors of Brexit populism.

Brexit Operation Pisspot
Click image to join ZOOM. First Wednesday of the month 8 pm.