I have taken a break over the last few months to reconsider my pro-EU and anti-Brexit activities. I have concluded that, whilst my full-time commitment to this cause is unsustainable, it remains valuable, important and impossible to escape from. What would I tell my children if I did not continue to face up to the greatest disaster for Britain across several centuries? However, things need to change and I propose the following improvements for 2022:
We need a proper organisation rather than another Remain hobby group. I have managed most of the functions of Re-Boot Britain entirely on my own up till now and this has damaged my ability deal with other priorities. To this end, I will only continue once we have appointed a board with most of the functions needed to sustain a professional organisation, in other words finance, administration, outreach, social media and so on.
To this end, I propose that we hold a meeting to discuss this on Monday January 31st at 8:00 PM via ZOOM, where we can discuss the formation have a professional organisation, so that we can deliver on the priorities we set ourselves when I formed Re-Boot Britain in 2020. We have four principal objectives and these are listed below:

The different objectives lend themselves to some of the capabilities that we have developed over the last few years with the circle of around 100 people and a wider outer circle:
Our Lobbying objective requires people with high level advocacy skills delivered via a variety of media : Face to face discussions, letters, petitions and other means of moving opinions with movers and shakers on all sides of the political spectrum.
Media activity requires people who are skilled at securing newsworthy inputs across the different platforms. Getting pictures in the Guardian as a backdrop is not sufficient in order to get the message out. Nor frankly is citizen journalism unless it is amplified to levels that cut through and reach outside the bubble.
Our social media amplification team is something that all can contribute towards, as it is home based, can fit the time that people have and so on. We have been quite successful already in this area with our ABV (Anti-Brexit Virus) amplifier groups but can do more, especially outside the Remain / Rejoin bubble.
The solid work to change individual minds requires time, patience and considerable skill. This is why I wrote a book to help people practice the art of difficult conversations about Brexit and the European Union. Read the book and join me in a masterclass.
At the same time, high level discussions continue with other pro-European groups that feel the need to come together to offer something much better than what we currently have. If a better organisation for our collective efforts emerges then I will be prepared to merge with that, rather than persisting with more and more silos in our movement. It is time that we join forces in pursuit of a better Britain in a better Europe for a better World.