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Our networks

We are stronger when working together. One of the hardy perennials of Remain has been the tendency to work in silos which limit our scale, reach, collaboration possibilities and impact. Here are some important connections which help us do better, reach further and multiply our impact. If we must have silos as our organisation structure, we need to work across these silos as a means of achieving critical mass.

Scottish Bylines

Find our work for Scottish Bylines by clicking the picture below:

Bylines Scotland
Click the image to view Bylines.

The True and Fair Party

Reforming politics one MP at a time. The brainchild of Gina Miller – Find them at True and Fair.

Gina Miller.

Brexit Lies

£75 billion and counting …

Philip Jausseune operates the Brexit Lies website which offers a comprehensive list of Brexit Lies. It’s a marvellous resource for Brexorcism.

EU Flag Mafia

Intelligent resistance via on the ground activism, stickers and other participative activities – Find them at EU Flag Mafia.

3 Dec 2019 – London, UK – Minis in Essex Street, London in a stunt organised and crowdfunded by anti-brexit campaigning group EU Flag Mafia.

Biz Catalyst 360

A global perspective on a better world. The brainchild of Dennis Pitocco. See Biz Catalyst 360.

Biz Catalyst 360
Click on the microscope to view.

Brexit Carnage

The brainchild of Phil Waller, leader of Enfield for Europe Brexit Carnage.

Brexit Carnage
Brexit Carnage – soul sister of Brexit Rage.

The Rejoin Party

A political party who will lead the charge on rejoining the EU Rejoin Party.

Join the Rejoin Party.

The Federal Trust

Enlightening articles and videos on a federal Europe. The Federal Trust is a research institute studying the interactions between regional, national, European and global levels of government. Founded in 1945 on the initiative of Sir William Beveridge, it has long made a powerful contribution to the study of federalism and federal systems. It has always had a particular interest in the European Union and Britain’s place in it.

Join The Federal Trust.

UK in a Changing Europe

Thought leadership via events and publications – Find them at UKICE.

Michel Barnier with Prof Anand Menon at UK in a Changing Europe – credible thought leadership.


beCause Global Consulting provides a range of services including strategic action plans, leadership development, organizational change management and executive coaching. beCause is led by Nadine B. Hack, known internationally for pioneering engagement leadership work. Creating connectedness is at our core. beCause helps individuals and organiaations connect to their core purpose, connect across silos in their organisations, and connect with external stakeholders, friendly and even adversarial, all based on building and sustaining trust.

be the Cause.


Professor Joshua Silver leads this group which will eventually help us retain our EU citizenship. We never lost it in fact. Find his work at EU Citizenship. Find our musical contribution to the question of EU Citizens in Britain and British Citizens in Europe at In Limbo:

Under my umbrella

Please join this umbrella network list for Rejoin and to work on PR with like-minded individuals – Rejoin Umbrella.

Please mention the Group(s) you represent in the ‘Comments’ box.

You can also subscribe to this list by simply sending an email to

Both methods may require a Google ID or send an email to: requesting to be added to the list if nothing else works 😉