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Author Archives: Peter Cook

About Peter Cook

When I was five years old, I wanted to be in The Beatles, but all the jobs were taken … By the age of 12, I wanted to be a scientist and I became one. At the age of 18 I took a job with a philanthropic pharmaceutical company, working around the world and developing the first human insulin, novel medicines for herpes and to bring the first HIV / AIDS treatment to the world in record time. This means that I bring a scientific mind, curiosity and rigour to your enterprise. By the age of 30 I had developed an interest in business leadership and began teaching MBA programmes, having completed 3.5 degrees myself. At 34, I took myself out of a paid job and, for the last 28 years, I have worked independently as a consultant, author and speaker with people at all levels all over the world, helping them to transform their enterprises. My clients seek to balance their passions, purposes and profit for a more responsible and sustainable form of capitalism in the 4th industrial age. I also help leaders digest what we call "wicked problems and opportunities", in other words, the issues that keep them awake at night, using a unique mixture of divergent and convergent thinking skills. My 28 years of consultancy experience bring a wealth of expertise and wisdom to you, in enterprises as diverse as Unilever to the United Nations. Along the way, I have written 12 books on leadership, innovation and creativity, gaining a prize for my work from Sir Richard Branson and various accolades from Professors Charles Handy, Adrian Furnham, Tom Peters et al. Over some 50 years, I have gradually combined my three passions of science, business and music into a potent mixture which reaches the head, heart and soul of your enterprise. In combination, your enterprise benefits from rigour, analytics and curiosity due to my science and business background, plus the emotional intelligence, creativity and improvisation skills that come from my life as a music composer and producer. As a musician I have been privileged to interview world class musicians such as Roberta Flack, John Mayall, AC / DC, members of Prince’s ensembles, Queen's production team and Meatloaf's singing partners for their insights into leadership, innovation and success. I am a passionate advocate for better politics and better business for a better world, fighting populist politicians and short-termism in our global affairs. I am an "HR" person, i.e. a "Hippy Realist": green by ideals, but pragmatic by actions to change the world towards more sustainable behaviour.
100 000

Press Release – Brexit Betrayal?

The people have spoken – 100 000 people want a debate on Rejoining the EU. But the Government have already responded, stating that Brexit is done. It’s not f…king good enough. Only 11% of British people now want to carry on with Brexit. When the facts change, we must change! Please send this press release to journalists and anyone that will listen. Text version and image below for use in e-mails and on social media. Or just share this article.

BREXIT BETRAYAL? – Democracy Denied?

Sir Keir Starmer has not yet granted a meaningful debate about Rejoining the EU, following a democratic mandate by 100 000 citizens of Britain, via an OFFICIAL Government petition.

The system requires 100 000 signatures to trigger a mass debate. We have faithfully followed the rules, but no debate has been offered thus far. Instead Starmer has hardened Brexit by demonising ALL migrants, whether legally here or not, and opted out of global standards on AI. These are the actions of a Cabinet consumed by “Farageosis Nervosa” and “Trumpius Maximus”, virulent neurological conditions which can only be cured by “mass Brexorcism”.

Peter Cook, Brexorcist in Chief, Reboot Britain.

Cook edited a book Rejoin EU: Reboot Britain, together with 60 people across UK and Europe, including former Labour MEPs, a KC and subject experts across many fields. Reboot Britain offers a clear guide to opportunities afforded and threats avoided by embalming Brexit in formaldehyde before burial at sea. No one should assume that breaking Brexit before Brexit breaks Britain is the single magic bullet solution to all Britain’s problems. But the positive impact of returning the UK to the heart of Europe will be wide ranging and felt right across the socio-economic, political, technological, environmental and ethical landscape. Without our European allies, Britain risks being isolated in an increasingly dangerous world. The threat posed by the four horsemen of the “populypse” (populist apocalypse): Trump, Musk, Farage, Putin brings Brexit Britain’s unsplendid isolation into sharp relief.

Peter Bone, Pensioner, Chelmsford.

We demand a full public debate on Rejoining the EU, not a late-night sub-committee hearing or 15 minutes before afternoon tea in the House of Lords.

Klara Goldy, UK Chair G100 Global Mission.

For an exclusive interview contact us on 07725 927585 or


Rejoin EU

To Rejoin or not to Rejoin

Last week was a bit of a bumper ride. I attended the UK in a Changing Europe (UKICE) event in London on Tuesday, then Stella Creasy’s Labour For Europe event on Thursday. I also spoke with James O’Brien on Brexit Day 31 January !! We have also started some musical and activist projects. Settle in for a long read ….

Before we begin, We are supporting Robert McMaster’s petition to force a debate about Rejoining in Parliament. The petition had stalled at 69 000 signatures with virtually no activity. In just three days we restarted the flywheel, adding 13 000 to the total and more since. Please sign and share, then send copies of our book to MPs and influencers. 60% author discount copies for those who don’t wish to use Amazon via e-mail

Watch our latest videos on the project:

UKICE event highlights

UK in a Changing Europe hosted an event with Sir John Curtice, Prof Anand Menon, Prof Catherine Barnard and Sarah Hall, hosted by the BBC’s Jo Coburn. Labour stayed away from the event which surprised me. Catherine Barnard began by confirming our own view that the problem with Brexit is political paralysis and suggested that lawyers would be happy to sort the ‘wiring’ out if the politicians ever developed backbones (my words, not hers). John Curtice explained why Labour are reluctant to move the Overton window to bring Brexit back into view, stating that a referendum would consume a lot of political energy. Our settled view is that if Labour don’t confront the Brexit elephant in the room, there will be no substantial growth and therefore no second term. Anand Menon suggested that there would not be sufficient time for any Rejoin benefits to flow through. I believe that this is based on the liberal elitist assumption that a referendum is needed and therefore a lot of time would be needed to orchestrate such a decision. Also, the strategic intent to rejoin would be sufficient to boost confidence in business and markets, so I beg to differ with courtesy Anand. Views like this from academics, prominent Remain figures such as Jon Danzig and ‘peaceful warriors’ play straight into Labour’s hands when they say that that nobody wants to go back through the arguments over rejoining. Yet we all know the polling data. Yes, people don’t want to go back through a lengthy national soul searching process again, but this assumes that one is needed. From my own research, I find that the vast majority of people would not be that troubled if Brexit were made to go away quickly and without fuss. We say, let Parliament do the job they are paid to do. A referendum may only be needed as a confirmatory step, and then a simple, short process with fully fact checked information. See Reboot Britain for the reasons we say this.

On the other side of the debate, I find that some Remainers unwittingly reinforce and mirror the views of Remoaners, some of whom have pathologised victimhood, as articulated by this view from one of our co-authors Paul Cawthorne:

Curtice importantly confirmed our view that the time is now to campaign for rejoin. The entire session is below on video. Although I took comfort from Catherine Barnard and John Curtice’s remarks, overall the tone of the debate was one of ‘learned helplessness’, perhaps informed by fears and fantasies about what the far right might do if Labour were to take decisive action to stem the flow of blood from Brexit rather than apply more bandages. Leadership is needed from Labour rather than followership aka management by driving through the rear view mirror. My question to the panel can be found at 1.05.47 ish onwards. I gave books to Jo Coburn and John Curtice and our 1:1 conversations were candid about the need for leadership rather than handing the country to Farage and his wolves.

Stella Creasy’s Labour In Europe Event

Undoubtedly Labour have not stooped to the depths of depravity that 14 years of Tory rule have delivered in terms of divide and conquer politics, austerity on steroids and victimisation of vulnerable people via Brexit on crack cocaine. So the Tories should have been an easy ‘support act’ for Labour to follow. Labour’s first moves in power have however been somewhat awkward, as brilliantly parodied by Larry and Paul. That said, we must not underestimate the difficult of turning a super tanker round mid ocean after 14 years of degradation with some people still on deck trying to lock the ship onto icebergs.

In Labour’s search for “growth by 1000 ameliorations” whilst ignoring the Brexit elephant in the room, they will find it difficult, dare we say impossible to deliver the levels of growth required to win a 2nd term in office. By the end of the evening, Stella Creasy seemed a little rattled by an audience of remainers for ‘going on about Brexit’. Possibly in a moment of sheer frustration, she brought up the bogey man of rule by Elon Musk if we did not ‘get over it’. She seemed somewhat irritated by the encounter and took me to task over my suggestion that Keir Starmer needed more confidence to take tough decisions. This was the essence of my question to Stella:

I stood for Parliament in 2024 against Labour. I say against but my candidacy was solely to split the Tory vote in a safe seat. I recommended that people vote for Labour at all Hustings events, something that political candidates don’t do. Having spoken with Labour MPs and MEPs I am told that Labour’s strategy will be to consider rejoining in 2032. When I explain to them that (a) all the Brexit damage will be complete by then (b) much of it will be irreversible like some chemical reactions and (c) since there is no appetite to discuss Brexit in 2024, no one will be able to connect their lived experience with Brexit as a contributory cause in 2032, Labour MPs agree with me that the idea of rejoining later is disingenuous at best. At the hustings Naushabah Khan (Labour) stated that Brexit did not come up on the doorstep in defence of Labour’s position. I agreed, stating that all the front of mind issues that did come up on the doorstep (Cost of Living, NHS, social care etc.) had at least one foot in Brexit as a contributory factor. I used the Brexit iceberg to illustrate my point. Nashabah did not challenge my analysis. The Conservatives and Labour passively colluded to move Brexit out of the Overton window in favour of its offspring.

Brexit Iceberg
Brexit Iceberg

Our internal sources tell us that Keir Starmer is naturally cautious and need a lot of support to make bold decisions. By fearing Farage, Starmer is “managing by driving through the rear view mirror” rather than leading. And when he says we won’t rejoin in his lifetime, he means his political lifetime. It may come soon without a little more risk taking. Perhaps this week’s incremental moves in Brussels are a kind of “national focus group” to test reactions. If nobody blinks, he moves another inch and so on. The right wing media and the Farage extremists have all cried “surrender” just because he went to Brussels at all … if that’s the reaction to an entirely trivial set of proposals, he may as well be hung for a sheep than a lamb. See sunk costs in the book.

I came away a little disheartened by the tone of the event which appeared to be telling us that ‘mum and dad knows best’. Although I would rather have open heart surgery without an anaesthetic than vote Reform UK, I came away with a strong understanding as to why others would. The more that people in Labour tried to defend the indefensible, the more toxic the comments became via the online chat. In hindsight, I think this dialogue may have been better handled in a real life event than on ZOOM, where feedback can go unheard and views build up like a pressure cooker. I was pleased however to see that my MP was brave enough to share my reactions to the event on social media and Nigel Farage is incandescent that Starmer signed a paper in the same building that Edward Heath used many years ago. Nigel really cares about the people of Britain of course but seems trapped by the iconography …

Naushabah Khan
My MP Naushabah Khan
Rejoin EU
Rejoin EU

Brexorcists in Chief

On Friday I had a dialogue with James O’Brien about the last Remaining Brexiteers. There are not many people flying the flag for Brexit now, some 11% in fact. They mostly now fall into two categories: The people who still believe that the EU is an unelected superstate and who vote for Nigel Farage (himself elected to the EU as an MEP!!) and the racists / xenophobes. Gone are the people who voted for Brexit to stick it to Cameron, the ones who believed in the £350 million on the bus, Mogg’s lies about cheap food and shoes and so on. Are we to die on a hill for these people with Keir Starmer? Here’s the interview with James:

Click to listen to LBC

We also wrote a new song in partnership with Paul Cawthorne in Italy. Brexit’s in the air is a rewrite of the Wet Wet Wet song – the band title is “Slightly Red” to reflect Labour’s current positioning. Don’t just graze on the website, download the track and support our work.

Click to download on Bandcamp

Farage: Make Shit Happen

Finally, we rewrote a Sham 69 song around the story of Nigel Farage’s nephew, convicted for upskirting in the Co-Op in Orpington. How bizarre.

Keep on keeping on

Keep sending hard copies of the Rejoin EU book to MPs, influencers etc. …

Press Release
Press Release
DEFORM UK Press Release.
Farage Co-Op

Upskirting Farage

Nigel Farage likes to suggest that there might be a “terrorist gene”. Of course, this is utter rubbish. He also implies that no terrorists are English in spite of compelling evidence to the contrary. This is how the far right take people for a ride …. But, if that’s true, then surely there must be an “upskirting gene”, since Nigel’s cousin was convicted of the sleazy crime of photographing women’s panties in a clandestine manner at the Co-Op in Orpington, just near to Nigel’s house in Downe.

This remake of a Sham 69 song tells the story of Nigel Farridge’s nephew who got a £572 fine for upskirting, when he should have had a two year jail sentence. There’s privilege in action for you!

I decided to write a song about it, choosing the Sham 69 Punk Rock song “Hurry up Harry” as the vehicle. Download “Hurry up Farridge” at Bandcamp to support our work. Here’s the video. I rated it 18 since it deals with the unsavoury subject of upskirting.

An early contender for best music video 2025.

Da Vinci ( 2025-01-29T14:18:05.814Z


Come on come on ‘urry up Nigel come on

Come on come on ‘urry up Nigel come on

We’re going down the shop It’s all at the Co-Op

Now listen here Farridge If we’re shooting up her skirt

You’d better tell your mum and dad And promise not to spurt

I wish you’d listen to Lee No, I don’t want a cup ov tea

Come on come on ‘urry up Nigel come on

Come on come on ‘urry up Nigel come on

We’re snapping down the shop It’s all at the Co-Op

You’re friends with Elon Rusk

But Nigel don’t you see If EU had to trade with Trump EU wouldn’t be me

She’s wearing a g-string So now’s the time for skin

Cum on cum on Curry up Farridge cum on

Cum on cum on Curry up Farridge cum on

We’re going down the shop It’s all at the Co-Op

You don’t have to tell me To photograph her thong

Cos everything I do in life Has always been so wrong

Now I think I understand How to ‘shoot my gun’

Cum on Dawn Come on Downe

Yet another Farridge In Orpington town.

Cum on Cum on ‘urry up Nigel cum on

Cum on Cum on ‘urry up Farridge cum on

We’re going down the shop Up skirts at the Co-Op

Farming and Brexit

Farming Today

The decision by Keir Starmer to charge inheritance tax will affect a number of farmers who are, in the vernacular, asset rich, but cash poor. For example, a farm with an asset value of £8 million but average profits of £19 000 pa will face a tax bill of £1.2 million on the death of its owner. This is yet another example of a Government looking round desperately for cash to drive recovery, although the actual amounts gained are relatively small.

Many farmers were duped by the Brexit sales pitch in 2016. It is at the root of the problem. The Conservative Government’s promised replacement for the Common Agricultural Policy was very poor in comparison with what we had in the EU. Today, the far right and Deform UK are to hijack the farmer’s protests, instead of admitting that it is THEY who the root cause of farmers’ problems, having sold them the lies of “BSE” (Brexit Surrealistic Exaggerations).

Dr Charlie Clutterbuck writes on the Brexit mistake for food, farming, land and labour. Here’s an extract from our White Paper on the topic.

If we were to admit that the Brexit elephant is at the heart of our problems and apply to Rejoin EU, we would not need to be doing this, nor punish other groups through measures which don’t help Britain grow.

Write letters to MPs, influencers and mainstream media using our white paper, exec summary and template letter.

This excellent piece by Sumi Olson:

Sorry (not sorry) but those pushing the farming hysteria need an absolute fcking reality check. The very same group who ignored strong warnings about the devastating impact brexit would have on farming, and who voted time and again for the actual political party that signed international deals that undercut UK farmers, undermined our food and environmental safety standards, are now reaping what they sowed.

And aided by the right wing media pumping out misinformation/disinformation fed by the tories and the millionaire agricultural land investing tax dodgers, they’re gaslighting everyone into blaming Labour for their current difficulties. I simply refuse to wring hands for people who are blaming others for a crisis of their own making (in that voting has consequences). Labour’s October inheritance tax measures are not responsible for the last eight years’ worth of farming difficulties.

Yes, things are very, very hard for farmers- as Remainers told them it would be if they voted for Brexit (and the tories), and urgent measures have to be done to help them. But get a fucking grip. Don’t let those who made policy these last 14 years play you into blaming a party which only took power before Summer Recess.

I’m fully aware commercial farmers work extremely hard to produce their harvests for domestic and overseas consumption. And every nation needs to be able to feed itself as much as possible. I am very supportive of farmers who farm ethically and sustainably. I’m very supportive of vocational, family business, small farmers. But I’m not prepared to swallow this narrative that this is all Labour’s fault and farmers are Labour’s victims. No, many farmers played a hand in this situation, and need to acknowledge it.

Analysis from Farmers’ Weekly: 7 years after Brexit, farmers count the cost: Increased red tape, a worsening economic situation, damaging free-trade deals, a trail of broken promises – it seems that farmers and those working in the ancillary industries are far from satisfied with Brexit.

That is the inevitable conclusion from a new survey by Farmers Weekly into how the agricultural sector now perceives Brexit, seven years on from the historic referendum of 23 June, 2016.


Thank the Lords

A group of us from all over Europe have just written to Lord Darroch about our white paper on Rejoining the EU after he published a piece in the Observer about Trump and our place in Europe. Here is the letter on Rejoining the EU, which you may adapt for your own purposes for use with Ambassadors, Lords and influencers:

Dear Lord Darroch of Kew KCMG,

We read with great interest your piece in The Observer on Sunday, where you mention the UK’ relationship with the EU.  We are Reboot Britain, a network organisation that campaigns for a Better Britain in a Better Europe for a Better World

We write to appraise you of a comprehensive cross-party white paper on the question of rejoining the EU by 60 members of our network.  You are right.  The government’s painfully slow and minimalist reset towards the UK EU reset is not good enough.  It amounts to a slow decline of Britain by 1000 ameliorations.

Public perception is now at the point where a number of polls suggest that 2/3 of British people realise that Brexit was a mistake and that we should rejoin as a priority. Sadly  political paralysis accompanies the apparent “will of the people” in this respect.  It is unlikely that UK growth will be possible by “ignoring the Brexit elephant in the room”.  We are sure that, particularly given the likely governance inclination of President Elect Trump, you will agree the much needed “growth” in the UK economy is impossible outside of Europe. We potentially face a further depression in the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) growth predictions for the next four years.

We would urge you to read the report and would be very happy if you were to circulate it to interested parties that you know.  A two-page Executive Summary is attached also.  If at all possible, we would like to meet for an open dialogue without prejudice in Westminster or at a place of your choosing. Would this be possible?

Yours sincerely.

Alan David – MBA, Member of the International Systems Dynamics Society,

Fellow of the Institute for Teaching and Learning 07729 828360

Michael Hindley – Three term MEP, Vice President of the European  Parliament’s Trade Committee. Coordinator of the Former MEPs’ Guest Lecturers Programme. 

Colonel Terence Knott MC – President, Amicale Europe Pays de Fayence, France

Peter Cook – MBA, MRSC C. Chem, FCIPD, Leader, Reboot Britain 07725 927585

Sign the petition and share

Write to your MP

Download the white paper

Orifice of Brexorcism

Project 2025

No, not occupy Greenland !! The real Project 2025 is to Rejoin the EU. Our new book is out. Order your copies on Amazon. To get multiple discount copies at author discount of just £3.50 plus P&P, please mail me via The main uses of the book are to:

Send physical copies to MPs, journalists and influencers in UK and Europe. A physical copy is a coffee table item and much more likely to be read than a digital copy of the book.

Place in cafes, libraries, universities (e.g. politics / history courses), pubs, clubs, book clubs and other social settings to change minds about Brexit and Europe.

Use it for the basis of talks to communities to Brexorcise groups.

Here is the press release. Feel free to use it on social media.

Sir Keir Starmer has stated that there is no case to Rejoin the EU. We disagree and 60 of us wrote this book to explain why the case for applying to Rejoin the EU is overwhelming and urgent. This will help as part of a strategy to Reboot Britain and begin the path towards sustainable growth. 

Although ending Brexit and applying to Rejoin the EU is not a one size fits all magic bullet solution to Britain’s problems, the impacts will be wide ranging and felt right across the STEEPLE factors. (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical). Contrary to what some might say, Brexit is far from done. However, we are done for if we refuse to confront the Brexit elephant in the room. It is not so much that we must Rejoin the EU, but that we cannot afford not to do it.

Please send the book to MPs, influencers, journalists, friends, family and those few who still think that Brexit was a good idea, poorly executed. It will begin the Brexorcism conversation anew, now that 2/3 of the population accept that Brexit was a mistake.

Featuring contributions from Dr Charlie Clutterbuck (Author, Bittersweet Brexit), Michael Hindley (former MEP), Ian Forrester KC, Wendy Nowak, Mark Sampson (Iron Man Records), Helga Perry, Terence Knott (President Amicale Europe Pays de Fayence), Paul Cawthorne, Julie Ward (former MEP), David Powell, Sue Bird, Adrian Ekins-Daukes (former EU Commission diplomat), Paul Weller, Irina Fridman, John Falch, Kevin McDonald, Judith Spencer and Andrew Hessleden.

You may also enjoy our other publications : “Reboot Britain” – a book on the gentle art and discipline of Brexorcism and “Private Eyelines” – a book on Brexit satire which busts the myths of Brexit using the power of humour mixed with facts.

Reasons to be helpless

I spend a lot of time on social media listening to earnest Remainers and Rejoiners. They are all good people and mean well. They mostly don’t want to upset others and that’s a strength.  But it also has a serious downside.  I remind them (often with social disapproval) that we, the Remainers, lost three elections and a referendum by being nice and playing fair. Before you jump to any conclusions, I’m not suggesting that we should be horrible or play unfair here. But we must better the far-right rather than copying them or, worse still, amplifying their cause by sharing their stuff with disgust. I regularly hear these excuses for doing nothing about Rejoining the EU. They are all invalid, bar the last one.

Things people say include “If we or Labour mention Rejoin, Nigel will get elected” and “The Daily Mail won’t like it/me/us“. Organising your strategy by constantly being in response mode to Nigel Farage is rather like trying to drive a car by constantly looking through the rear view mirror. The Daily Mail et al. don’t like anything that Keir Starmer’s Government do and they react just as strongly to the miniscule items (e.g. a youth mobility scheme) as the big ones (e.g. rejoining the EU). Might as well be hung for a sheep than a lamb … in accountancy terms, Starmer’s outlook on the EU is a sunk cost as it is well known that he believes that Brexit was a mistake. The ’embedded commands’ of the Remainers typically come wrapped in statements like this:

Keir is still a remainer at heart, he just needs to be cautious“.

We must avoid pandering to the metropolitan liberal elite as the Far Right media will slaughter us”.

We can “make Brexit work” without rejoining anything“.

We only have to worry about the red wall as liberal minded pro-Europeans will always vote for us“. Just a reminder, the red wall did not vote for Labour in 2024. Labour have a job of mass Brexorcism to do with this group.

Ultra-Remainers”, the “rejoin or nothing brigade” are naïve and deluded“. Read our White Paper and mail it to MPs, influencers and media people. Brexit isn’t working. It can never work.

Respectfully, I say, horseshit. I realise this gets me the reputation of being the Nigel Farage of Remain, but the truth hurts.

Lord of the lies.
GB News

Things this group of people say include “We must wait until 2035. Keir is playing the long game“, “Brexit is done“. Strangely, the farmer’s wife Liz Webster says this on BBC Radio 4 in order to pursue her farmers before Brexit agenda alongside Farage and Clarkson. Given her media reach, it is a dangerous and incorrect narrative. I know that Jon Danzig falls into this category as well, along with some of the larger so called Remainer groups such as The European Movement. Given their reach, all this does is feed people “learned helplessness”. As ex MEP Michael Hindley says, we need to be in the business of installing a sense of hope in the Rejoin community.

Learned Helplessness
Learned Helplessness

Other objections relate to flawed ideas about democracy: “It would be anti-democratic to Rejoin“. “We would need another referendum“. All these objections are addressed in the White Paper.

Perhaps due to 8 years of psychic bullying by Johnson, Mogg, Braverman, Truss, Farage, Jenrick, Badenoch et al, Remainers are happy to accept ‘crumbs from the table’. Yet these will not deal with the underlying problems of Brexit. They say things like this, often believing that if we make a small ask (a) The Daily Excess won’t notice it (THEY DO) and (b) that this will lead to rejoining by stealth. They seem to forget that journalists notice if Keir Starmer wears new socks, let alone if he sends people to Brussels for ‘talks’. Here are some of the increments they mention:

No, we must get carnets for musicians“.

No, we must back the farmers“.

No to rejoin, we must join the Single Market“.

No, we must restore Freedom of Movement for young people

We address the problem of logical incrementalism in the White Paper. Expect better!!

Without ever producing a Gantt chart or analysis of strategy or politics, I find that people have many different ‘orders and sequences’ as to what is the right way to go about Rejoining the EU. This itself is a function of the lack of leadership and strategy from the movement as a whole and our ‘Indonesian’ organisation structure. Things like:

We must fight Elon Musk first“.

We must get the economy back on track first“.

We must get democratic reform first“.

We need to tackle the ‘bread and butter’ issues in Britain first“.
All are dealt with in the paper. Download it. There are as many formulations of what we should or must do about Brexit as there are protagonist. I call it ‘musturbation’.

It’s Sunday. We can’t ask to Rejoin on a Sunday. Or any other day ...”

We (I) will look silly if the EU say no“.

I’m quite busy this year … and the next ...”

The month has an R in it“.

Nobody’s interested in the EU anymore“.
The EU don’t want us back“.
We can “make Brexit work” without rejoining anything“.
We can’t do it as it would mean Schengen and the Euro“.
Cameron told us it was a “once in a generation decision” so we have to wait another 20 years“.

The cat died“. That’s clearly the best excuse !!

With thanks to Paul Cawthorne for his help with this. Please read our White Paper and sign the petition.

Brexit resilence concrete
Brexit resilence concrete

Rejoin EU

Book 15: Rejoin EU: Reboot Britain

Our new book will be released soon. Watch out for it on Amazon: Rejoin EU: Reboot Britain will soon be available to send to MPs, influencers, journalists, friends, family and the few remaining people who still think that Brexit was a good idea.  If you wish to buy copies at cost price starting at £3.41 for one copy plus P&P, for placement in cafes, bars, libraries etc. please mail me at stating how many copies you want and a despatch address. It’s also available on Amazon with proceeds going towards the maintenance of our website and ongoing costs  Hard copy is much better for social settings such as book clubs, coffee mornings and so on, so we have updated the work for 2025.

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Overton Window

Who moved my Overton window?

The Overton window describes the range (or window) of policies that the public will accept. It is used by politicians to win elections through campaigning on issues that lie inside the window. Although the concept is neutral, like most things, mankind and especially politicians have attempted to manipulate things inside and outside the window for their own personal gain since humanity began. A few examples illustrate the problems of moral hazard.

The Overton window.

In 2014, hardly anyone cared about our membership of the EU, apart from a few politicos in the Tory party and some think tanks who feed the media with lies. In doing so they feed popular culture about what people care about through the media. Fast forward to 2016 and David Cameron completely misjudged the Brexit referendum on two counts : He thought he would lose the GE and not have to keep the promise of a referendum and ; He did not see how Nigel Farage would weaponise 6 years of austerity through blaming foreigners for people’s feelings of being left behind. Result : a 52:48 vote instead of 60:40 in favour of remaining (source UKICE).

In 2020, the perceived problem of small boats was almost non-existent. The far right moved the boats into the Overton window through manipulation of the press when the actual problem of illegal migration remains relatively small. At the same time, ALL the political parties have moved BREXIT out of the window with the illusion that “Brexit is done” when the truth is far from this. All have colluded in this piece of mass manipulation since they do not wish to fight another General Election on the “B word”. However, we are living with all the offspring of Brexit as our iceberg demonstrates. The issue does not go away just because politicians and the media have airbrushed it out of existence. And it is always best to deal with root causes of problems. Brexit remains a major contribution to broken Britain, when Sunak, Starmer, Davey et al would rather have you believe that we are at war and so on.

The Brexit Iceberg
The Brexit Iceberg.

When one considers the global finding that the majority of people who voted for Brexit were more susceptible to being lied to, due to general intelligence levels, the Overton Window is an important concept. It’s even more important that our politicians and media people tell us the truth about difficult issues.

It is well known that it is much easier to influence people of lower general intelligence. It’s not decent tho.

The lessons here are :

Do not let Brexit slip away from the Overton window. It’s a one way trip!

Always ask questions when politicians try to move issues into the public consciousness. What do they NOT want you to think about?

Continue to mass Brexorcise people using our guide to the process.

It’s entirely fair to bring truth into the Overton window. Join Gina Miller’s True and Fair party for ethical politics.

And so on.

BEWARE : By writing this article, I myself am trying to move the Overton window back to the long term issues facing our children. In other words to counter lies with the truth.

The latest gaslighter is Kemi Badenoch, a major racist, hiding under the cloak of equalities minister. Watch this superb film from Rob Burrows, which exposes her Overton window-shifting ways:

Bad Enoch


Murder Mystery

This is an extract from our white paper to Rejoin the EU. The piece on the white paper is heavily referenced and has been edited to suit more gentle minds. This piece is the unvarnished truth, without window dressing of apology from a cyber / security specialist who has been operating in Ukraine and other places behind the wire. It reads more like a murder mystery than an academic paper, hence the title. Read on.

Download the white paper to send to MPs by clicking the image.

The Deceit & Russian interference;

Kipling’s Six Serving Men, KYE and How the Disinformation monolith is taken down & positive hope

Introduction – Situation Report

The aim of this document is not to look back at the criminal travesty inflicted on the UK by Brexit, but it is essential for us to review and understand the state level resources who were and are ranged against our legitimate and reasonable aims to rejoin the EU.

In this section we seek to understand how they achieved their long term aims & massive investment in the damaging and weakening of the UK & EU, how they sowed and continue to sow and propagate disunity, the by-product of which is the UK equivalent of the US MAGA cult.

They are led and grifted to their rage by the agents of chaos, in the pay of Russia and the fossil fuel industry.

We can gain perspective that they are not to be feared, that their downfall is written into the script they follow, with the hope that escalation and global conflict will be avoided.

Once we have that valuable insight – How do we proceed in the short / medium / long term?

Are there any examples of ordinary, decent people fighting back and reclaiming the realms of reasoned debate and civility, with a view to showing the agents of chaos back to the rocks they crawled out from?

Can we align and link up meaningfully with these organisations or follow their highly successful “business model“ ?

I highly recommend the works of the esteemed Professor Timothy Snyder particularly his “On Tyranny: 20 Lessons from The 20Th Century” and any of his own channel videos on YouTube or recorded presentations, lectures or blog postings.

KYE – Know Your Enemy

Some insight into Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, better known as ‘huilo’ is in order. Born in St Petersburg, of dubious parentage, he has a fabricated and much-fabled childhood, with stories of his mother being noticed by his father in a pile of bodies after a battle with the Germans and revived, him as a small child confronting a cornered rat etc. The facts are he was enamoured by a radio series about a spy and aspired to join the KGB. He achieved this, excelled in the German language but failed to achieve a serious & meaningful posting, ending up in the backwater of the Kommandatura in Dresden under the cover of a translator. The stark fact remains that he ended up there, and not in some leading role in the organisation, because of his security risk due to his alleged paedophilia.

Post German reunification and the end of the Soviet Union, Putin achieved power in St Petersburg through grand fraud and corruption and working with organised crime groups in a time of crisis; natural resources were sold (wood) for food, but he never delivered, and he tasted corrupt wealth.

As deputy mayor, he developed kompromat on his senior and usurped him.

During another time of crisis with Yeltsin he was selected as a grey and controllable vessel by a group of oligarchs, led by Boris Beresovsky, (who would later be suicided in the UK by Putin) with his agreement to spare Yeltsin and his family from prosecution being agreed in advance before his succession. This plan to have a puppet controlled by the oligarchs backfired completely, as Putin simply upscaled his St. Petersburg model on his appointment to president.

The biggest mistake we can make on Putin and his regime is to think it is, as his publicly stated aim is, to restore the communist federation of the Soviet Union. He oversees a partnership between the state and organised crime, where he allows his oligarchs and siloviki (inner circle) to carve up ownership of and profits from natural resources, providing him with a percentage, in exactly the same way as any mafia boss operates. This makes him the richest man on the planet, owning a vast portfolio of properties and luxury items, registered through family and friends as cut outs. The obscenity of this wealth was exposed by Navalny, with the Pink Palace featuring an aqua disco and gold toilets, he also has a significant number of luxury homes in the UK, some in the name of his daughter.

Every country has organised crime groups that operate on a national / international / intra national level. Russia is a country owned by organised crime, and Putin is a fascist – witnessed by his adoration of Ivan Illyn (his devotion extending to disinterment of Illyn from Switzerland and reburial with honours in the motherland ,gifting his works to Russia’s ambassadors and promotion of the modern Alexander Dugin.

To further his kleptocratic aims, he has followed the Gerasimov principles of asymmetric warfare, and the Surkov ethos of sowing chaos, backing all sides politically, but focussing heavily on the right wing  “populist” movements. This entails provision of direct funding through cut outs, individuals, or organisations, expertly detailed by the OCCRP’s Russian Laundromat investigations.

This is how Salvini, Orban, Le Pen, Fico etc are funded, and political fringe nothings like farige have achieved prominence.

Putin’s investment in subverting the UK has been a long and thoughtful one; the capture of Londongrad, to use our capital as a money laundering hub and safe haven for oligarchs and siloviki to hide their money and educate their brats has been carried out over decades. The purchase of the tories was easy, direct donations, sidling alongside, indirect funding, easily obtained British citizenship and patronage of and funding by people like Lebvedev, pere et fils and of course the “Conservative Friends of Russia”. Johnson, like Trump, is an ideal vehicle for Putin’s aims – easy to flatter narcissist, sexually incontinent and constantly in need of money. The amount of dirty Russian money the tories have received from Russians and as freshly minted British citizens is staggering.

Quite simply Putin bought the conservatives, but he needed another vehicle to sow deep division and hatred. The ultimate aim – destruction of the EU, enabling him to march into any country previously part of the Soviet Union or Warsaw Pact at will, was to be lead by a raft of Brexit style “revolutions” , hence the “Grexit“, “Frexit“ farces, all fell flat because of

A. The respective governments putting country before personal profit and

B. The abject failure of Brexit

Ahead of a French presidential election the Russians attempted a huge data dump disparaging Macron & his wife, this fell flat because the French Security Service were prepared for this by deploying appropriate resources in counter intelligence and the Russians making the drop in English for some bizarre reason.

Back to the UK – Step up the loathsome, vile fascist revenant from Kent.

Examination of this creature’s voting record whilst an MEP (when he bothered turning up of course) shows absolute regurgitation of Russian propaganda, toeing their disinformation line with dogged devotion, for money.

The £700,000 fees from Russia Today (RT) that we know about are the tip of a deep iceberg (the full extent of his funding from Russia will be available when Putin falls unless the data is bought in Belingcat style ). The more recent blaming of the EU and Ukraine for the 2014 & 2022 Russian invasions shows that this agent is still in the pay of and active for Putin.

So let’s bring this completely up to date – in the run up to the UK General Election in July 2024, we were all subject to that twisted Twitter/ ‘X’ algorithm that meant we saw nothing but the Reform Ponzi Scheme templates along the lines of

“I’m a 73-year grandma from Nottingham, traditional Labour voter etc, but because of blah Nigel saviour blah reform “

There were thousands in the run up to July’s General Election, the template credible enough in tone and style for the actual gammon to copy them, suggesting they were prepared by Reform beforehand and signed off for use by Russian Troll Farms like St Petersburg’s Internet Research Agency.

Sharp eyed Twitter users found instances of deceased people’s photos – some harvested from BBC news stories – being used in the fake Russian profiles to vilify the tories and Labour and promote Reform.

We now know that the pro-Trump Elon Musk bought Twitter with financing from Russian oligarchs, removed it’s moderators and proceeded to mould it into a pro Putin / Trump cesspit. There are further revelations that Musk has met with Putin, there can be no doubt that the capture of Twitter is seen as a good investment and the massive loss in the value of the company is of no interest if it achieves its Russian propaganda aims.

The Fightback – Hope in the response to Russian propaganda & Putin’s fall

So far, we have painted a grim picture – we have the 21st Century Hitler, waging both a full genocidal war in Ukraine and a full on destructive attack on democracy using asymmetric Chekist principles.

Can we hope, as decent people, to fight back?

Has anyone been successful in countering the tidal wave of division and hate?

The answer is a resounding yes to both questions.

The Baltic countries, Ukraine and Georgia have been long term targets of Russian information warfare and they have become the best equipped and experienced in combatting the hydra like attacks on their nations. The Elves academy was established as a joint venture to combat Russian trolls and they have been very successful.

There is a story of ordinary, decent people stepping up, facing off and defeating Russia in their hate campaigns that was recognised with an award of the Lithuanian Diplomacy Star for the tireless work and countless hours that volunteers have put in since Russia’s 2022 full scale invasion of Ukraine.

That organisation is NAFO (The North Atlantic Fella Organisation) and is estimated to be comprised of more than 250,000 people from around the world.The members of NAFO are called Fellas as each one has a NAFO-forged avatar, primarily Shiba Inu dogs or cats, adopting a wide range of personas.

NAFO started by a response to a propaganda tweet by the Russian Ambassador to the UN. This was swamped by people in response, and the ridiculing of blatant lies (known as shit posting) followed, with #NAFOArticle5 being invoked to bring other NAFO Fellas into the response and to mass report terms of use violations, resulting in the suspension and banning of perpetrators.

Along the way, NAFO has developed into an organisation that funds good causes in support of Ukraine and has plugged gaps where delay and dithering has left Ukraine short of supplies and support.

Most importantly, NAFO has show that the vast pernicious forces of division and hate, operating directly from Russia or through their agents here, and be faced down and defeated.

Almost to a person, the vast and nebulous network that is NAFO knows the full roster of traitors working for Putin, and by way of example, farige, Banks and Galloway are well documented:

It is very easy to become a NAFO Fella, it is also very easy to adopt the ethos of NAFO and strike back at the people working directly for or as agents of Kremlin propaganda or disinformation.

The Rejoin community has much in common with NAFO & an alliance would be a strong, supportive and cohesive way forward.

One thing that defines NAFO is a collective sense of humour that pierces the fascist conceit with deadly accuracy – a tradition that can be traced back to Charlie Chaplin and his Adenoid Hynkel character in The Great Dictator.

We all know that fascists with their dedication to “othering” and obsession with their racial superiority can’t bear to be laughed at, the “Splash the Fash” campaigns prove that.

One of Professor Timothy Snyder’s recommendations is that we can all, however minor or modest, play a part in stopping those trying to destroy democracy and piling in to correct Reform lies and their promotion of Russian interests is a good place to start.

Putin’s Fall – is not far away, his greatest hope that Trump is re-elected has come to pass.

The fallout from Putin’s fall, for his international agents and puppets, will be rapid.

In the endemically corrupt Russian state, anything is for sale, and the prime examples of Belingcat’s purchase of data that provided the evidence on both the shooting down of MH17 and the Salisbury poisoners amply demonstrates that.

A major boost came in September 2024 during an interview with Vladimir Kara-Murza, who was freed in the prisoner exchange. In his Guardian interview he said:

“These guys keep meticulous records. When the end comes – and it will – and the archives will open, we will find out about Marine Le Pen and your British guys too “

There are constant, exceptional efforts to combat the agents of chaos – there is a positive outcome, closer than we imagine – and we can all play a vital, valid part in making that day happen.

Download the White Paper

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Brexit and Russia
Brexit and Russia