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Category: Elections

Brexit Elephant Cat

Labour and the Brexit elephant

A letter to my new MP Naushabah Khan. I supported her candidacy in the General Elections, helping to split the Tory vote three ways. Even more pleasing I got a reply on her 2nd day in office. This validates my decision to stand and, of course, my strategy to ‘do no harm’ to Labour during my campaign, in spite my key difference over Brexit. Write your own letter to your MP. Feel free to use mine as a template.

Morning Naushabah,

Firstly, congratulations on your appointment – fully deserved !!

My campaign was instructive in so far as it revealed something that I already knew … just how little Rehman Chishti bothers to deal with local issues unless it was multi-faith or Saudi arms ‘consultancy’ – coughs a bit …. But turning to the positives here …

I wonder if you will reverse this lack of consultation by installing ‘citizens’ assemblies’ here in Gillingham and Rainham? I know you are much more plugged into local issues than Mr Chishti, but I detected a distinct lack of public consultation from my hundreds of miles cycling round the constituency and in cafes / bars and fb groups in recent times. There is disquiet about a number of current initiatives where local consultation would lead to better solutions.

And, of course, you will expect me to ask you to put an end to Brexit as a priority and not in 2032 as Tristan Osbourne has mentioned a few times. Nobody will know what Brexit is by then and the damage will be complete, much of it irreversible. Nigel F will exploit a slow drift towards Rejoin in 2029 anyway if he is still around. Keir need not have boxed himself in on Brexit. It would have been enough to say that Brexit isn’t working, but there we are. And slow death by a thousand sector by sector ameliorations (what I call logical incrementalism in Reboot Britain) is also not an answer. Mr S seems puzzled by the question of a business case for Brexit. I am not and will be writing one in the coming week. In common with 2019, people loaned their votes to Labour in order to remove the terrible Tories. I doubt that will happen a second time and I realise how unfair this is, given the scale of things that need improving, but that’s politics as they say ! ☹️

On a note of help, you can rely on my assistance in every way to improve the high street and other areas in which I can provide help. I’m also a skilled campaigner having received more votes than I deserved and having been told by many people that although they wished to vote for me, would I mind if they voted Labour to ‘carry the ming vase across the ice rink’. I did not mind and actively encouraged it.

You probably figured out at the hustings that I am supremely talented as a ‘critical friend’. I am presently bogged down in getting repairs made to my property due to criminal damage and knife crime by Reform UK acolytes, but once I have raised funds to pay for their criminal activities, I will be ready to assist in making Gillingham and Rainham a better place.

All the best

Peter Cook

Hard Labour

General Election fallout

I stood an independent candidate for the GE recently with a difference … standing a cat for election, on the basis that a cat could do no worse than Rishi Sunak … We had done something similar in 2019 as a joke, asking for no votes and finding that we did not come last !! The original intention was to undertake a two year campaign of events, briefings and other campaigning, but only a few thought it worthwhile, so we could not resource the longer project. I decided at the 11th hour to conduct an intensive campaign over six weeks, to see if we could disrupt the sitting Tory’s 15 000 majority and thereby assist with tactical voting by removing Rehman Chishti. I’m delighted to say that we succeeded at this level and also assisted in removing not ONE, but at least FOUR Tories from office !! Here i describe some of the highlights.

Help us pay for damage by Reform UK fans

344 votes were cast for Stan the Cat. I came 6th out of 8 candidates, beating two national parties (The Christian People’s Alliance and Social Democrat Party), both with budgets and national resources.

This was not too shabby, given that I recommended people vote for Labour rather than myself at two sets of hustings. In spite of this kamikaze mission, I gained more votes than Count Binface, who had immense national publicity, also outperforming the vast majority of independent candidates. I was constantly schooled by some independents in The Rejoin Party and more generally, that my cat campaign was wrong headed. They are now silent. Here’s one example of my many armchair advisers.

Every day over the last 6 months, we have seen adverts on facebook / You Tube etc. from Labour (and Conservative). It was not possible to compete with the £ millions used by major parties to spam people with ads, so Stan the Cat was a means of ‘punching above our weight’ in an impossible situation to cut through to 71 000 people. Although my campaign was serious (a manifesto was available and so on), I also observe that people are switched off by politics (turnout was down in my area from 70% to 56%), so I set out to conduct a campaign which was both serious on content and fun on the means of engagement. Many people who said they would vote for my cat have subsequently told me that they felt compelled to vote for Labour in the end (Labour told residents that ‘it was too close to call” and “a vote for anyone else would cause the sky to fall in” etc. All the main parties use this tactic. In the end, my prediction came to pass … Labour won comfortably with 5000 majority and my cat was no threat to their win, but I fully understand why people were frightened to make a different choice.

I did all the on the ground campaigning by myself, accepting that most people thought that resistance was pointless and potentially dangerous. The few that offered to help were not really ready to hit the ground running, some were Labour supporters who really did not get the campaign objective of ‘do no harm’ and so on. I eventually judged them to be a drain on progress, given the short time we had and decided to get on the bicycle and do the work myself, picking up advocates on route at bus stops, cafes, bars and in pop up events on the high streets and so on. This proved to be much more effective although exhausting. My original plan of building a team over two years and offering a range of community engagement events would have been much better, but most people only act when there is a burning platform i.e. the snap election.

At the same time, I helped The Lib Dems to win in Epsom through recruitment of volunteers and putting down a vicious attack on Helen Maguire, Lib Dem candidate by Gina Miller, leader of the so-called True and Fair party.

Our anti-Tory leaflets also helped to remove the truly odious Kelly Tolhurst and Nathan Gamester in Rochester / Strood and Chatham / Aylesford, through local distribution to network contacts. Others took small orders of 1000 / 2000 to target Tory strongholds and marginals. As my mum used to say “Every little helps, said the old woman pissing into the sea”.

I also helped to recruit 14 candidates for the Climate Party and coached them on various matters from campaigning to hustings and social media. They have made a small but vital footprint in the sand for future generations.

Given that Deform UK got 8000 votes from 41 000 in my area, I consider my 344 as being really good. Not content with stumbloing into the ballot box, some Deform UK acolytes conducted a knife attack on my bicycle tyres and ran keys down my car. As a result I have a bill of at least £500 to put these things right. I suspect the car incident was down to our familiar local Brexitear Ken, as it was close to his house and he did say in his last communication that “doubtless we’ll meet again”, but, of course, Kent Police do not wish to investigate an ex-Met Policeman who left under mysterious circumstances … If you can help by supporting the repairs please donate via PayPal or Go Fund Me. I asked one of the Reform UK party people who I know from musical jam sessions if he could deal with the miscreant, but, of course, he dodged the question as they always do …

Deform UK also staged a series of online attacks. Read the comments on this video.

The comments from gammon are comedy gold if a little wearing …

I also faced endless online criticism from some people across UK who voted to Remain in the EU, who said that I would split the vote and allow the Tories to win. In fact, I did the exact opposite. I knew exactly what I was doing in my area but the armchair critics thought they knew best. Rather than looking at the campaign objectives and the detail, they continued to operate from a visceral sense of panic and doom. In that sense, these people are united with Brexiteers in their inability to see things objectively. I will be detaching from the Rejoin movement gradually, as this election experience has demonstrated that (a) we are lost (b) when some leadership is shown it is rejected in favour of the status quo and (c) Starmer remains the leader of a Brexit party at the time of writing. Mealy mouthed accommodations by Starmer on Brexit are not enough. They will not solve the raft of economic, social, environmental and political problems we face as a country going forward. Yes, we won the battle against the Tories but lost the war against Brexit. Here’s the film I made on Starmer which I did not promote at the time to respect my ‘do no harm’ promise to the Labour candidate. It remains prescient.

I was Gina Miller’s Campaign Manager for several months this year, eventually offering to resign after I realised that she preferred media attention over local campaigning and took her advice from Isabel Oakeshott and Richard Tice. I tried to persuade her of the need to rebalance from media appearances on “Talk Shit TV” with five viewere to the hard work of local campaigning. One of my greatest regrets is that I failed in this attempt. She sacked me to save face from my resignation proposal, stating a host of trivia as the reasons. You may say that I’m bitter. I’m not overall as it was a privilege to have the offer from someone I admired greatly. I do however remain cross about a sum of £5000 + that is owed due to a broken promise over a bonus (I worked for free initially based on referrals). When Mrs Miller reneged on the promise of referrals, we moved to a financial arrangement. She lost three campaign managers over a few months. To lose one is unfortunate, to lose three, careless … I suppose the big lesson here is that it’s sometimes a mistake to meet your heroes.

In the end, Gina Miller, a woman with £46 million and a supposed international brand, got 845 votes, versus a man with a bicycle and a cat 🐈 I’ll take this as a win !!! Miaow !!

ITV and the local media channel KMTV refused the carry any coverage of my contributions to the Hustings, despite being told by several candidates and members of the public that they were by far the best contributions to the debate. KMTV ‘forgot’ to invite me and other independent candidates to the Hustings whilst stating on their website that ALL candidates had been invited. I suspect that the main parties were aware of this ‘omission’ but did nothing about it. So much for democracy.

Had I conducted a long range campaign, I believe it could have been transformational … leaflets hit the doorsteps around 10 days before the election, not everyone got them as I became aware that some people got three copies from the Royal Mail and others none and so on. A member of staff told me that some Royal Mail people throw the leaflets away if they don’t agree with them …

On the upside, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting new people and discussing the issues they face in the area as well as the big ticket items currently being ignored by Starmer. I’m minded to start some citizens assemblies to ensure that he hears from the people of Medway.

Overall I am minded to think that further campaigning to end Brexit is pointless. We still lack leadership, strategy, structure and collaboration mechanisms and the major movements who people listen to are polluted by Labour. Brexit is a cross party issue. I am 8 years older than when I begun this etc. The Remoaners are still far to accommodating in their expectations of politicians and lack the skills and drive that gave Nigel Farage his victory.

Some wonderful people supported me online over the six weeks and I’m very grateful to them, especially David Hennessey, Julian Foster, June Austin, Greg Newman, James Rowland, Helga Perry, and many more, too numerous to mention. Here’s a small selection of the online activity.

Help us pay for Reform’s attacks

Four horsemen of the Brexit apocalypse

The Four Horsemen of the Brexit Apocalypse

I attended the local church hustings recently to face down lies from the Reform party and the Conservatives, who had fled the scene of the crime. Here are my answers to questions levied by the public. Click on You Tube to view. The whole hustings were two hours and this summary is the shortest I could make it with some annotations of the questions.

The film covers a wide range of issues and I’m available to answer others on request. More below on Food Banks.

I offer five key points of difference compared with the mainstream parties:

  • 100% independent so no party whips to obey. My stakeholders are our citizens.
  • Brexit must be ended as a priority. No-nonsense trying to “Make Brexit Work” or mealy mouthed accommodations which fail to address the elephant in the room. We stand to gain £140 BILLION per annum as a start from making a commitment to rejoin the EU. Money which can be spent on healing the damage of 14 years of Tory chaos. All talk of growth by other parties is vacuous nonsense without dealing with Brexit.
  • An acceleration of our efforts towards net zero and the climate crisis in general.
  • An immediate ceasefire in Gaza and a Northern Ireland styled dialogue to resolve the mess.
  • Reforms to our democracy, truth, trust and transparency in politics.

We have just been ranked as five stars by Stay European, above all the major parties. If you want to Rejoin EU in Gillingham and Rainham, please vote Independent.

Our outline manifesto can be found at MANIFESTO.

To support our project to remove a Tory, please go to “GO CAT“.

Stop the four horsemen … there may be more of them …

Peter Cook’s Manifesto

I launch my manifesto out today for my independent candidacy in Gillingham and Rainham. Please download the ‘catifesto’. You may also wish to access the Hustings from last night in Rainham Kent. It was a joyous adult conversation amongst good people, made much better by the absence of the Tory and RefUK parties. As an independent I differ from most of the main parties in many ways, for example :

Brexit – Start the journey to end Brexit NOW

Climate – Accelerate progress towards Net Zero NOW and seize the opportunities provided by the Green Industrial Revolution

Gaza – No parasan – ceasefire and a Good Friday Agreement styled dialogue NOW

Plus many more local policies on NHS, Education, Transport, Housing, Immigration and so on.

We also attended the hustings recently. Find a livestream below:

Click image to view.

ITV news gave air time to Rehman Chishti and ReFUK even though they did not attend !! They also gave no coverage to the elephant in the room aka Brexit – quel surprise !! Nor did they give coverage to other small parties. This kind of political censorship by mainstream media is a deplorable development.

I’ve tweeted ITV about it and sent a formal complaint.

Farage v Cats

Get The Tories Out in Medway

Will you help my cat, Stan remove a Tory in Gillingham and Rainham? Donate generously now so we can get him onto the ballot paper for the General Election, giving them a genuine and compelling protest vote, splitting the vote and spelling Cat-astrophe for the Tories. Miaaaaooooowwwww.

We have decided to stand a cat for election in June 2024 to get the Tories out in my area of Medway (#GTTO), having done extraordinarily well in 2019 with a similar approach. Read why this is not a batshit or catshit crazy idea here. lease support the project by clicking on the crowdfunder link. We have until THURSDAY 13th June to make a decision to fully fund a mailing to 70 000 people in the constituency and we have no political backers.

Stan the Cat will achieve one of three outcomes:

Suppress disaffected Tory voters who will not vote differently by getting them to vote for Stan.

Remove hard Tory voters by switching them to Reform UK, thus splitting the Tory vote and allowing the tactical candidate to win.

Moving soft Tory voters by getting them to vote tactically for the recommended tactical voting party.

This is a carefully calibrated tactic based on deep knowledge of the area and expert level skills in canvassing. We will systematically target Tory voting areas and leave people alone who have already made a different choice other than the Tories.

Read our CATIFESTO below:

Farage v Cats
Let’s split the Tory / Reform vote.
The UCAT logo. Click on STAN to BACK a CAT.

Join Cats Against Brexit Mayhem on Facebook

Cats Against Brexit Mayhem
Our Catwoman. Click to back Susanne.
Brexit resilence concrete

Progress towards joining EU anew

Read General Election first

We set out five goals for Reboot Britain some years ago. It seems relevant to review progress as they set the conditions for joining the EU anew. Here they are below in hugely reduced outline form as they first appeared. I’m pleased to say that we’ve made significant progress on many fronts.

Five Goals
Our Five Goals.

Part of Breaking Parliamentary Paralysis is the need to remove the Brexit culture carriers from power. Compared with 2019 we have made good progress when one looks back. ERG now a busted flush and divided into at least five families, more likely ten.

Gove is gone, so is Leadsom, Lee Anderson, Chris Heaton Harris, John Redwood, Kwarteng, Douglas Ross, Elphicke x 2, Bill Cash, Dehenna Davidson, Brandon Lewis, Craig McKinlay, Charles Walker, Nadine Dorries, Boris Johnson, Therese Coffey, Crispin Blunt, Failing Grayling, Peter Boner, Andrew Bridgen, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, Gordon Henderson, Lucy Allen and a long tail of swivel-headed Brexiteers who have been forced to resign due to rape, having one’s hand in the till and other peccadilloes. In a perfect world, most of these people would be in Belmarsh Prison by now, but politics does not work like that. This is why we need fundamental parliamentary reform. But this sets the tone for how we might be received by the EU when making an application to join anew and it’s quite clear that we have achieved some ‘ethic cleansing’ here.

So, who should be on the list for PPE, or “Parliamentary Political Exfoliation“? Braverman, Badenoch, Mogg, Morduant, Steve Baker, Duncan-Smith, Coutinho, Michael Fabricate, Barclay, Patel, Esther McVey, Sir John Hayes, Edward Leigh, Desmond Swayne, Francois, Truss, Mone, Jenkyns, Sunak (Sunak may be gone by the time I publish this of course!!) Of course Farage has fled to his only remaining friend Mr Trump to rumours that he and Tice and Tice and Oakeshott no longer speak to each other.

Order your GE leaflets now

Quite a few members of Reboot Britain have extended their work, with appearances on BBC Question Time, Any Answers, LBC and with letters and articles in local and national newspapers. All of this matters since mainstream media is effectively the ‘diet’ of the Brexiteers and we must change what they eat for Brexfast. See our selection of Radio appearances at Radio Gaga, our suggestions for media activity at media and our book ‘Private Eyelines‘ which satirises populist MSM. Ian Hislop and Gina Miller have copies of this large format fully illustrated and full colour book.

Private Eyelines
One of the pages from Private Eyelines. Click to view on Amazon. Best prices via direct orders

It’s fair to say that mainstream media are now in remission on Brexit. Even The Sun recently reported on the fact that ‘BREX border checks’ would cost £4.7 Billion !!

BREX FAIL. Click to read The Son.

The Brexit referendum was won in part by fake news spread on social media. We need therefore to fight fake news on this medium. We have a number of social media groups whose sole purpose is to amplify our footprint on social media. Join our ABV (Anti-Brexit Virus) groups below and subscribe to this website as an independent source.



We have reached a point where nearly 2/3 of people believe Brexit has failed and that we must join the EU anew. Of course, demographic change aka deaths of Brexiteers have affected this number. So has the entry of young people into the age of voting, most of whom are not polluted by faux nostalgia and illusions about ‘Brexitannia’. Soft Brexiteers are in remission, with only a thin minority of loud gammon voices still calling for a ‘pure Brexit’, a return to civil war as a means of running the country and drowning refugees in the English Channel. Farage leads the gammon charge but even he has fled the country for better pay by Donald Trump. Crucially, we must still talk to soft Brexiteers to help them down the mountain. Our book ‘Reboot Britain‘ teaches you how to conduct Brexorcisms, essentially a therapeutic approach to change. Unlike most of the books written about Brexit which are essentially therapy for Remainers, our book actually SHOWS you how to conduct these difficult conversations. Read samples on Amazon. There is more to do in this area but we have made significant progress from 52:48 towards 67:33 in favour of joining the EU anew.

Click to read Reboot Britain on Amazon.

I have developed a number of links with members of the EU on Linkedin, as have members of Reboot Britain, but it’s fair to say that there is more work to be done here. It would be a mistake to make Britain match fit for joining the EU whilst having forgot the other partner in the reunion. If you can help in this ambition. Yet Ursula von der Leyen recently reconfirmed that she looks forward to working with the new Government towards this ambition.

Once again we will take the Mini Cooper out around the UK with our leaflets in the coming month. Please support us via PayPal or GoFundMe.

We need you

General Election

There’s a lot to be done in the next six weeks in the run up to the General Election aka Independence Day. We have a one time opportunity to change the course of the future … this will not wait !! I am spreading my effort across a number of initiatives to meet several goals :

To remove the Tory majority and end the chaos of 14 years of Tory disaster capitalism jet propelled by Brexit.

To introduce more plurality in Parliament and make sure that Brexit and Joining the EU anew remains on the agenda.

To this end, we have several collaborative projects which you must join:

To get a minimum of 500 000 of our ABC (Anyone But Conservative) leaflets out to various constituencies. Please order yours NOW by mailing me at Guide prices : 500 = £42, 2000 = £67, 5000 £100 etc. These are non-party campaigning leaflets, perfectly legal to use alongside regular campaigning. We need a small army of people to get these leaflets out. If you cannot deliver leaflets but want to get the Tories out, please send money so that we can buy the needed leaflets and resource distribution. By sponsoring others, you will get digital copies of the leaflet to use on social media and in other communications.

Support this project

We will support Helen Maguire on the ground and online in Epsom, Ewell and Leatherhead. The area is Chris “Failing” Grayling’s constituency and the new Tory candidate is a Trump supporter with a reliable track record of losing elections!! Having worked on the ground in Epsom, Ewell and Leatherhead for Gina Miller, I have determined that the area is a two horse race between The Lib Dems and one nation Tories. As such and having done some due diligence on the situation I can no longer support Gina Miller’s party in Epsom, as I believe it will split the vote to stop the Tories. To help the Lib Dems to win this seat in the blue wall on the ground, online or both, please mail me at

Helen Maguire’s pitch.

I plan a meeting to discuss the GE at the Ewell Tap on Thursday May 30th. This is the same day as BBC Question Time.

We will support the Rejoin Party in Sidcup and Bexley and in other places where they are standing. Rejoin are fresh from a massive vote in the London Assembly Elections and will publish their target seats soon. Who’s in for this?

The Climate Party are a small party with an excellent strategy to target centre-right voters who are concerned about sustainable development and environment but with a pragmatic view of how Britain may seize the initiative from zero carbon politics. Ed Gemmill leads the party. They seek candidates and volunteers and are willing to pay the deposit for standing in July 4th. See Change the Climate. Ed is himself targeting “Brexit Hardman” Steve Baker’s constituency of High Wycombe, a worthy target for a man who has done so much damage to Britain. If you can help in target seats below, get in touch via We are especially interested in candidates in the following areas below but if you have vim and vigour, please apply anyway.

One mission, One vision.

Target Seats
Target Seats,

Maximise your vote in an unfair system by swapping it. It’s perfectly legal and decent in a broken FPTP system. Find our more at Swap My Vote.

Join us at 8 pm Monday 27 May on ZOOM via this link to discuss plans to change the course of history at the election.

We need you

Change the Climate

Before reading the below, read GE

Are you passionate about fighting climate change? Do you believe that innovative climate solutions can drive economic prosperity and create a sustainable future for our nation? If so, The Climate Party is looking for dedicated individuals like you to stand as candidates and / or volunteers in the General Election on July 4th. We must register you by June 4th so please read this TODAY and get in touch if interested via

1. Be a Voice for Change: As a candidate for The Climate Party, you will have the platform to champion bold, science-based policies that address the climate crisis while promoting economic growth. You will be a voice for a vision that combines environmental stewardship with economic prosperity.

2. Shape Policy and Impact Lives: Your candidacy will play a crucial role in shaping policies that can reduce carbon emissions, promote renewable energy, and protect our natural resources. You will have the opportunity to make a tangible impact on the lives of your constituents by advocating for a sustainable and prosperous future.

3. Lead the Economic Transition: We believe that climate action is the key to unlocking economic potential. Our platform is designed to stimulate green innovation, attract investment in sustainable technologies, and create a wealth of new jobs in the clean energy sector. As a candidate, you will lead the charge in driving this economic transition.

4. Empower Your Community: Running with The Climate Party means empowering your community to take action on climate change. You will engage with local residents, raise awareness about our mission, and inspire others to support policies that benefit both people and the planet.

  • We pay your candidate registration fee of £500 as a bare minimum.
  • Comprehensive Training and Support: We provide all the training you need to run a successful campaign, including workshops on campaign strategy, public speaking, and media engagement.
  • A Network of Passionate Advocates: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to making a difference. Share ideas, collaborate on initiatives, and build lasting relationships.
  • Strategic Campaign Tools: Access to campaign tools, data analytics, and digital platforms to help you connect with voters and effectively communicate your message.
  • Guidance from Experienced Mentors: Benefit from the wisdom and experience of seasoned political leaders and advisors to help you with your campaign.

1. Express Your Interest: Reach out to us with your intent to run. We welcome candidates from all backgrounds who share our commitment to climate action and economic prosperity.

2. Attend Our Candidate Workshop: Participate in our introductory workshop to learn more about our platform, campaign strategies, and the support we offer our candidates.

3. Develop Your Campaign Plan: Work with our team to develop a tailored campaign plan that outlines your goals, key messages, and strategies for engaging with voters in your constituency.

4. Launch Your Campaign: With our support, launch your campaign and start connecting with your community. We will be with you every step of the way, providing the tools and resources you need to succeed.

We are especially interested in candidates in the following areas below but if you have vim and vigour, please apply anyway. This is the of the climate deniers from Net Zero Scrutiny Group and the Labour MP from GWPF. Fancy a crack at Lee Anderson, Bridgen or The Minister for common sense?

Target Seats
Target seats : Do you live in these areas?

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time, but it also offers a unique opportunity for leadership and innovation. By standing as a candidate for The Climate Party, you will be at the forefront of a movement dedicated to creating a sustainable and economically prosperous future.

Don’t wait—step up and lead. Your vision, passion, and commitment can help us turn the tide on climate change and drive meaningful progress.

Contact Us:

Website: The Climate Party

Together, let’s create a brighter, more prosperous future for our nation. Stand with The Climate Party and be the change we need.

Climate Party
Click to support The Climate Party.
Hard Labour

Labour’s flawed Brexit policy

This from Paul Cawthorne in Italy, an economist, international consultant and long-term member of Reboot Britain. Image by Patricia Paton, Editor Bylines Scotland, from the related article Hard Labour, which you shoud read in conjunction with this piece.

Labour’s current “Make Brexit Work” policy is seriously flawed and, at best, will have no positive or negative impacts on their immediate electoral prospects. Labour is going to win power because the Tories are imploding after 14 damaging years (including Brexit) and Labour are now more trusted on all the key bread-and-butter issues (the NHS, the economy etc). Labour will win the general election despite, not because of, its unnecessary “no rejoining” red lines. If Starmer left the door open to rejoining the single market and customs union he would still be winning the election by a large margin.

1. Poor advice based on outdated (2019) focus groups and internal polling data.

2. Overestimation of the enduring support for a hard Tory Brexit in the so-called Red Wall. Confirmed by John Curtice.

3. Underestimation of the the impact of Brexit’s evident failure on public opinion. See also The Sun’s reaction to the £5 Billion wasted on border checks just yesterday.

4. Underestimation of the impact of demographic changes on the electorate.

5. Overblown fear of the reaction of Tory tabloids to any perceived watering down of Brexit. See The Sun yesterday and the Telegraph.

6. Misplaced belief that “Make Brexit Work” will be a convincing winning 3-word slogan in 2024.

7. Nostalgic belief that Labour is still essentially a “working class” party and needs to prioritise at all costs the views and prejudices of these traditional “core supporters”.

See also Tectonic Plates

See also Blank Canvas

See also Hard Labour

The run up to an election is a critical time to influence politicians. Make sure you tell your Labour MP or candidate that your support is conditional on a change on policy.

Share relevant articles that accord with Paul’s analysis.

Expect better. Remainers are all too often on the back foot.

I ambushed Keir Starmer this morning (23.05.24) at Gillingham Football ground with a message about Brexit and Rejoining the EU. It went down rather well with Labour activists. A few locals scowled as is normal in the area when Brexit is mentioned. My message was short as there are always just a few seconds to make your point in such circumstances : “Brexit is a game of two halves. Let’s make sure Mr Starmer is not on the losing side in the Euros”.

Hannibal Lecter Brexit T-Shirt
A warning from the future for Keir Starmer.
Blank Canvas

Blank Canvas

The Labour Party knocked on my door at the weekend. An extremely pleasant man began the canvassing by introducing himself and then asked me if I had any local issues that were troubling me. I replied with one word : BREXIT. I also apologised later on for telling him things he probably did not want to hear. He seemed fine with that and our conversation was cordial. Some of the hoops we jumped through are here for the record.

I began by explaining that I was finding it hard to vote for a Brexit party and revealed that I knew some senior Labour people who had told me that they would commence Rejoining in 2032. I explained that nobody would know what Brexit was by then and, in any case, the damage wreaked by Brexit would be mostly complete and much of it irreversible. I went through my usual argument that growth was for the birds, with a 4.5% resilience knock from Brexit, akin to trying to swim the English Channel with a 4.5 kg block of concrete around one’s neck.

Brexit resilence concrete
Brexit resilence concrete

He listened carefully and then tried a few gentle pieces of pushback:

Well the Conservatives won’t reverse Brexit” … I replied that I was not so sure, citing the fact that there was evidence of incremental movement to undo some of the worst elements of Johnson’s Brexit deal via the Windsor framework and our rejoining the Horizon science scheme. I went to point out that David Cameron had not come back to politics for a game of tennis and that one scenario would see Cameron pivoting towards the centre leaving the ERG loons in a boat on the Channel. I pointed him towards our articles Tectonic Plates and Cameron.

Read Tectonic Plates

He went on to say “But the Tories will pivot towards the far right” … Again, I had to disagree, citing my appearance on James ‘O Brien, where I said that the votes were in the centre and that whilst it may appear that the far right are in ascendancy, this was only due to the loudest voices on MSM, such as Braverman and was not supported by the numbers. He nodded. I went on to say that Labour now have a major PR problem, having decided to partner with someone who supports sex pests and who relishes the thought of drowning children in the English Channel.

He found it very hard to argue against this recent development with Nathalie Elf Thick, but did ask me “What was Keir Starmer supposed to do?” … I replied that he should have simply thanked her for her kind offer and politely declined. Elphicke’s arrival in Labour offers them few advantages but also may cause them significant problems. I have wondered if she has actually been sent in under a false flag. We shall see. It seems rather fishy that the Tories instantly denounced her. Smells like a double bluff to me.

My canvasser’s parting shot was that he’d put me down as a floating voter, after I said that I may even have to hold my nose and vote Tory if Labour would not change its position on Brexit. I explained that Brexit was at the heart of many of the things he was hoping I might talk about (cost of living, NHS, migration etc.) and showed him my Brexit iceberg in the window of my house. It was a bit like doing a slightly nerdy keynote address with a poster in my window instead of a PowerPoint visual !!

Brexit Iceberg
The Brexit Iceberg.

I am hoping that he’ll report all of this back up the channels to Labour strategists. I was really impressed at our dialogue and how well he listened and constructively challenged me.

On the other hand, I heard from one of our group that Labour are banning posts on their Facebook groups that mention words like Erasmus, Horizon, ULEZ, Brexit etc. Labour are just as bad as the Tories in terms of censorship. I’m pleased to say that this has not extended to my local fb group, although the levels of misinformation are beyond comparison in the group. Some examples are below:

There are still industrial levels of misinformation out there. Don’t be like Steve.

Never give your voting intention away as you lose power to influence policy by doing so. I am still contemplating standing a candidate for the Rejoin party or possibly a cat again.

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