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We need you

Change the Climate

Before reading the below, read GE

Are you passionate about fighting climate change? Do you believe that innovative climate solutions can drive economic prosperity and create a sustainable future for our nation? If so, The Climate Party is looking for dedicated individuals like you to stand as candidates and / or volunteers in the General Election on July 4th. We must register you by June 4th so please read this TODAY and get in touch if interested via

1. Be a Voice for Change: As a candidate for The Climate Party, you will have the platform to champion bold, science-based policies that address the climate crisis while promoting economic growth. You will be a voice for a vision that combines environmental stewardship with economic prosperity.

2. Shape Policy and Impact Lives: Your candidacy will play a crucial role in shaping policies that can reduce carbon emissions, promote renewable energy, and protect our natural resources. You will have the opportunity to make a tangible impact on the lives of your constituents by advocating for a sustainable and prosperous future.

3. Lead the Economic Transition: We believe that climate action is the key to unlocking economic potential. Our platform is designed to stimulate green innovation, attract investment in sustainable technologies, and create a wealth of new jobs in the clean energy sector. As a candidate, you will lead the charge in driving this economic transition.

4. Empower Your Community: Running with The Climate Party means empowering your community to take action on climate change. You will engage with local residents, raise awareness about our mission, and inspire others to support policies that benefit both people and the planet.

  • We pay your candidate registration fee of £500 as a bare minimum.
  • Comprehensive Training and Support: We provide all the training you need to run a successful campaign, including workshops on campaign strategy, public speaking, and media engagement.
  • A Network of Passionate Advocates: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to making a difference. Share ideas, collaborate on initiatives, and build lasting relationships.
  • Strategic Campaign Tools: Access to campaign tools, data analytics, and digital platforms to help you connect with voters and effectively communicate your message.
  • Guidance from Experienced Mentors: Benefit from the wisdom and experience of seasoned political leaders and advisors to help you with your campaign.

1. Express Your Interest: Reach out to us with your intent to run. We welcome candidates from all backgrounds who share our commitment to climate action and economic prosperity.

2. Attend Our Candidate Workshop: Participate in our introductory workshop to learn more about our platform, campaign strategies, and the support we offer our candidates.

3. Develop Your Campaign Plan: Work with our team to develop a tailored campaign plan that outlines your goals, key messages, and strategies for engaging with voters in your constituency.

4. Launch Your Campaign: With our support, launch your campaign and start connecting with your community. We will be with you every step of the way, providing the tools and resources you need to succeed.

We are especially interested in candidates in the following areas below but if you have vim and vigour, please apply anyway. This is the of the climate deniers from Net Zero Scrutiny Group and the Labour MP from GWPF. Fancy a crack at Lee Anderson, Bridgen or The Minister for common sense?

Target Seats
Target seats : Do you live in these areas?

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time, but it also offers a unique opportunity for leadership and innovation. By standing as a candidate for The Climate Party, you will be at the forefront of a movement dedicated to creating a sustainable and economically prosperous future.

Don’t wait—step up and lead. Your vision, passion, and commitment can help us turn the tide on climate change and drive meaningful progress.

Contact Us:

Website: The Climate Party

Together, let’s create a brighter, more prosperous future for our nation. Stand with The Climate Party and be the change we need.

Climate Party
Click to support The Climate Party.
True and Fair 3Es

Economy, Education, Environment

You are cordially invited to Gina Miller’s True and Fair party launch event on Economy, Education, Environment, Tuesday November 7th at 9.00 am online via ZOOM. This is the 2nd part of the True and Fair party’s policy release in the build up to a general election.

In the 4th industrial age, education is the key to so many things. Our Government has run down education over 13 years of managed decline to the point that our schools are literally crumbling, mentally and physically. They are also in denial of climate change and environmental stewardship, the very antithesis of what the idea of conservatism was supposed to mean. And we hardly need to mention the economy after 13 years of austerity which powered Brexit. This has led to a 4.5% knock in our resilience to face other global shocks such as Russia’s war, COVID and so on. Only Gina Miller’s party has a clear strategy for rejoining the EU.

If you want different rather than a continuation of the same old same old, join Gina Miller’s party today. True and Fair are standing a small number of candidates across England and some more plurality in our politics will enable us to lever significant change in Westmonster. Check out their Chapters for Change policy document on the reforms needed in politics. If you can help the candidates in any way in Derbyshire Dales, East Wiltshire, Epsom, Ewell, Leatherhead, Fareham, Waterlooville, Mid Bedfordshire, Monmouthshire or the Wirral, please get in touch via

Conviction candidates rather that Convicted Conservative candidates.

Join us on Wed Nov 1st 8pm on ZOOM to Reboot Britain


Mid Beds by-election

If you think that politicians are all the same, think again. Please vote for Gina Miller’s True and Fair party in the Mid Beds by-election today. The candidate Alan Victor is NOT a politician and therefore does not come from the broken political system in Westminster which caused this election.

Alan has lived and worked in the area for 30 years, so he’s not just arrived on the patch. Importantly, he has worked in corporate life as well as a Director of several charities, responsible for delivering caring services in and around the constituency.

Vote for better politics and politicians

This by-election is a unique opportunity to elect someone who will put the people of Mid Bedfordshire before petty party politics. True and Fair are committed to ending Brexit and the unfair FPTP system. Crucially they are taking votes from disaffected Tories who want more compassionate and caring politics. Find out more about the policies of the True and Fair party, started by Gina Miller in the wake of a decline in our fortunes, socially, economically, environmentally and politically.

If you think that truth, trust, transparency and fairness are badly needed in our broken politics, give Alan a chance to serve you. If he obtains sufficient votes this will send a powerful message to Westminster that “Enough is Enough”. It will also send all the parties a wake up call that they need to rethink their attitude to Brexit carnage and it’s offspring in broken Britain. If you think that we must vote Labour, just remember that they remain a Brexit party and show no signs of wanting political reform in a binary duopoly. The Lib Dems also offer a mealy mouthed view on Brexit. Read more at Mad Nads and Red Blue Brexit.

If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got

Here’s what one Mid Beds’ constituent had to say about Alan Victor and the importance of truth and fairness in politics.

Follow Gina Miller’s work and that of The True and Fair Party by clicking the banner.
Icberg Strat

Election elephants in the room

The big story from the by-elections this am is a Lib Dem landslide in Somerset and Frome with a 29% swing. Labour also put in a record performance in Selby with the biggest swing recorded for decades. However, the Conservatives surprised everyone by crawling across the finishing line with 495 votes in Uxbridge. Labour say that they achieved this by opposing the extension of the ULEZ scheme, a policy that Boris Johnson originated. However, the Labour candidate in Uxbridge opposed the extension of ULEZ to keep in lockstep with Tory policy on the matter, opposing Sadiq Khan and the entire environmental movement.

Tories voted to kill kids

Someone said that Labour could have won if the Greens had loaned their 700 or so votes in Uxbridge. I think it highly unlikely that Green party members would have loaned their votes given Labour’s capitulation to the Tories on ULEZ, a core issue for Green party voters. This was a victory for people who don’t mind killing children. Given that many young people don’t vote Tory, I can almost imagine the text on Johnson’s WhatsApp messages on his phone “Let the bodies pile high”. Just remember it was Grant Shapps who ordered Sadiq Khan to extend ULEZ.

Vote Tory to kill your kids would have been a more honest electoral slogan.

Ming vase broken

A lack of opposition (Keir Starmer’s so-called Ming vase / ice rink strategy) may not have helped Labour in Uxbridge. Worse still, Labour are asking Sadiq Khan to roll back his ULEZ initiative which affects one in 10 cars in London. Climate denial is not the answer and capitulating to swivel headed loons worse. Sure more help needs to be given to affected people to do the right thing, but this is Tory policy rather than Sadiq Khan’s decision.

I was ambivalent about Labour, as I am a realist but their recent position on climate change has turned me from ambivalence to opposition. Not content with running my kids socio economic futures with brexit, they are now chasing the far right climate denial bus ….

Brexit’s Breaking Britain

Brexit remained the elephant in the room at the by elections. No one discussed it, yet it is at the root of most of our lived experiences in Britain as depicted by the iceberg below. By extension, a lack of opposition on Brexit and the products of Brexit (cost of living, NHS crisis and so on) may well come to bite Labour on their collective bottoms. It’s entirely feasible that a lack of opposition on child benefit by Labour may also have played into the overall result in Uxbridge.

The Brexit Iceberg
The Brexit Iceberg connects front of mind issues with their underlying roots.

Approximately 2500 votes when to other parties such as Lawrence Fox, other far right parties and some anti-ULEZ parties. I don’t buy the argument that these far right votes would have gone to Labour if these parties had not split the vote. The lesson for Labour here is clear:




Tell the truth

I have just listened to Daisy Cooper refusing to answer a simple question on Brexit on BBC Radio 4. In conversation with senior figures such as Sal Briton and Irina von Weise, we agreed that the Lib Dems need a clear USP on Brexit rather than a mealy mouthed apology (we’ll join when the time is right, yada, yada). Nick Robinson just savaged Cooper live on this point who replied with a word salad of internationalism, environmentalism etc. This is why I’m backing Gina Miller and The True and Fair Party.

Join the True and Fair Party today.

Join True and Fair today

Brexorcisms work

To those that tell me that the electorate are stupid and we can’t talk to them about uncomfortable truths such as Brexit, climate disaster, asylum seekers and so on I say horsehit. But we must hold these difficult conversations in a skillful way. Quite why I wrote a book on the gentle art of Brexorcism based on therapeutic interventions supported by psychology and anthropology. A Brexorcism takes skill, patience and time but I have 1000’s of hours experience in changing minds on Brexit. The approach applies just as much to other difficult issues. Labour and Lib Dems ought to be in the business of confronting racists, climate deniers and so on rather than chasing their votes.

Support mass Brexorcisms

Nonetheless, however many Tories attempt to spin the election results, it is a crushing defeat for Rishi Sunakered. We have not yet seen the outfall of this shocking result. No doubt Nadine Dorries, Liz Truss, Kemi Bad Enoch Powell and Penny Morduant will be sharpening their claws. John West sums up the outcome:

Follow John West for hard facts about politics.

Brexit Chaos

In the wake of the first Labour local council victory in Medway since 1998, I draw some post-election consequences for the Lib Dems, Greens, SNP, Labour and Conservatives. Undoubtedly, this was a disaster for the Tories and Brexit in terms of what was predicted. The Tories lost 1061 local council seats. The question is, is this enough to get the Tories done and Brexit undone?

My part in the Tories’ decline

At a personal level, I was delighted to play my part in the Tories’ decline in Medway, through long term campaigning, mass Brexorcisms in pubs, cafes, supermarkets, bus stops etc., and doorstepping in Tory voting areas over the last few weeks. My family loaned 8 votes from my family to Labour last week and some to the Lib Dems and Greens. However, we shall not repeat this performance in a General Election, unless Labour turn on Brexit and Europe. I have put their Councillors on notice to this effect.

My Tory MP Rehman Chishti became so desperate about the decline in his party’s fortunes that he decided to attack Suella Braverman about her recent demonisation of Pakistani Muslims in The Observer. This is significant, in so far as Mr Chishti has an impeccable record in voting with the prevailing cabinet. His unbridled attacks appear to have sprung from sheer desperation and a desire to pick up the Pakistani vote in my area rather than any serious conviction that Braverman is an evil spirit who was herself an immigrant. He failed. Given that the Tories have a stronghold in my area, I plan to stand an independent candidate in Gillingham and Rainham and need your help to do this NOW. Please click on the link below and back us.

Get the Tories out in 2024

Lib Dem renaissance

Perhaps the story less covered in the mainstream media is that of the Lib Dems renaissance in last week’s elections. The Conservatives losses were fairly evenly distributed between Labour and the Lib Dems, with the Greens taking a very good proportion of votes as well. If this were to continue, the Lib Dems could find themselves as Kingmakers in a General Election along with the SNP. The Tories and Labour like the binary system which both believe they profit from. But we could find ourselves in a rainbow coalition in 2024. A lot can happen between now and then. Coalitions mean that politicians have to do things they really don’t like doing : listening to opposing views ; coming up with better decisions ; occasional compromises and so on. It’s all good with me. The people may just be the net winners in such a system … ?

The big winners here were the Lib Dems and Greens, with the losers being the far right (Tories) and the far right parties.

Green revolt

The Green party cleaned up, gaining a very respectable 241 seats in England and taking control of one Council in Brexity Mid Suffolk completely. Increasing awareness of sewage, climate catastrophe and possibly a protest vote against the far right parties aka Tories and UKIP may all have contributed to this. Let’s hope this continues into a General Election. Check our film out, based on our music composition ‘How do we want to be remembered‘.

Climate Crisis is the number one issue facing our planet.

How do we want to be remembered?

Rishi Sunakered

Sunak is under pressure from the ERG to go further right with his policies. As a holding statement on The BBC on Friday, Sunakered simply repeated his five priorities. He claims that people who cannot afford to eat were more interested in stopping the boats. Even James O’Brien is not sure what Sunak means by lurching to the far right. O’Brien frivolously suggested on LBC that it might involve bringing back the birch. I’d add bear bating, the rack and the drowning of witches, to take us back fully to Jacob Rees-Mogg’s 18th Century Brexit idyll.

An 18th Century Tory Synthpop Trance Floor dance groove we composed.

I called James to discuss Sunak’s options. Paradoxically, I suggested that Sunak would be better advised to move towards the centre ground of politics to pull the Swordaunt from the stone. James and I riffed away to my catchphrase ‘Sunackered’, which I coined in the summer of 2022. James said that Sunackered (or Sunakered) is worthy of a Daily Mail headline ‘if some guy wasn’t going to wear his mum’s hat and sit on a chair on Saturday’. Listen into to our riotous dialogue at LBC James O’Brien. #Sunackered is trending on Twitter as I write this.

I coined the phrase at the end of Summer 2022. Sunakered is free to use by the populist press. Please download the album to support our continuing work to banish Brexit bullshit.

Early indications suggest that Rishi Sunakered listened to my advice on LBC. Yesterday, Kemi Bad Enoch Powell announced that the Government has rowed back on its promise to have a bonfire of EU laws, 98% of which British politicians helped to make! Unusually, Jacob Rees-Mogg has called Sunak out as a traitor. Bad Enoch was sanctioned by TWFKASLH (The worm formerly known as Sir Lyndsay Hoyle) yesterday. Hoyle is a man who has allowed all sorts of bad behaviour to pass in the House of Commons but decided that enough was enough with the Nigerian Brexit fraudster. Mogg never calls the Government out. He even backs rapists. His outburst on the bonfire of EU law is clearly a smokescreen to get more than 20 Tory signatures on a letter to shaft Rich Tea Sunakered. I confidently predict that the approx 600 laws to be incinerated will be the ones with no large scale impact or connectivity to the main body of EU law. In other words, it will look as if we have taken back control of our laws, but, in reality, nothing will have changed, unless you indulge in some arcane Brexity manufacturing processes. For example, making car engines from English oak, impact-destructing cricket bats or pepper grinders without holes. Otto English sums up one of the many contradictions:

Arse Nicked by Brexit

And, once again, the ERG are fighting like cats in a sack. Andrew Bridgen has split the fascist parties by joining Lozza Fox’s Reshame party instead of Ricardo Tice’s Rebjorn Again party. It’s all good. Rishi is doing exactly what I predicted in order to save the Tory party from Brexit oblivion. Next he will steal Keir Starmer’s clothes, see Hard Labour. Perhaps Rishi is not Sunakered after all?

Sunackered or Sunakered – The theme tune – we were the first to convert the catchphrase into an EDM dance groove in 2022!!

Go now

In his weakened state, Sunak now needs some scapegoats. Given that the Select Committee has not yet reported on Boris Johnson’s multiple illegal, immoral and indecent behaviours, a convenient distraction would be for this committee to make a strong verdict against Johnson soon, such as full suspension from parliament. Accordingly, this would allow Sunak to blame the current malaise in the Conservative party on Johnson and Truss’ catastrophic mishandling of the country. It would also allow him to exorcise Johnson’s ghost without having to do anything himself. This is the way that Sunak likes to handle his HR decisions, through outsourcing to other agencies.

If Johnson is suspended for more than 10 days, The Rejoin Party have a plan to issue a recall petition to remove him from office and break the spaffer’s spell for good. Please join them in readiness.

Voter Suppression

The other big news about the election was voter id and voter suppression. For more on this read our full article on the subject. Early indications suggest that this will have disadvantaged specific demographic areas, such as ethnic minorities, the disabled and young people. The Government now runs the Electoral Commission and they decided not to record any data from polling stations. Correspondingly, it is quite likely that there is serious under-reporting on the extent of voter suppression in these elections. Edwin Hayward reports on over 70 case studies of voter suppression. They are almost certainly the very small tip of a very large electoral fraud iceberg.

These elections have demonstrated that the voter id system is totally unfit for purpose. I made my own small protest to the Electoral Commission. Above all else, please make your voice heard. Add your name to the call for action at electoral reform.

Say no to voter suppression

The Scottish position

Although the local elections are a hammer blow for the Tories, they are not catastrophic. Labour needed to reach the magic number of 40% vote share in these elections to win a General Election outright. They won approximately 35%. This explains why Labour want to take 30 seats in Scotland. I predict an informal coalition of aggression between Labour and Conservative to viciously attack the SNP on any agenda and exploit the change of leadership. Admittedly, the SNP’s transition could have been smoother. However, I believe we will see some very bad behaviour from both Labour and Conservatives in the coming weeks and months. They must be dealt with accordingly.

That said, the SNP’s problems are temporary. The essence of SNP support and the values underpinning them will be largely unchanged by a few sensational tabloid headlines in the longer term. For comparison, I note that Boris Johnson’s many breaches of the law did not attract police tents in his garden and officers in fancy dress Hazmat suits. Added to this, Brexit delivers a daily stream of bad news, both in the short, medium and long term. Robert Peston reported that 86% of young people wish to rejoin the EU. In consequence, Starmer’s position on Brexit is ultimately untenable. I reported on Labour’s position on Brexit in the previous article “Hard Labour“. If Labour’s results are not good enough to win a General Election outright, a hung parliament still seems a likely outcome of the current optimism about the local elections.

Read our page on Scotland

Voter suppression

Voter suppression

Voter suppression is hardly a hot story for the tabloids, particularly with the Coronation and Eurovision to entertain us to death, but we like to publish the stories that the populist Brexit press will not print. There were numerous examples of voter suppression in Thursday’s by-elections. Accordingly, this article records just a few of them. Write to the Electoral Commission to complain about your own examples via Electoral Commission.

The Government now runs the Electoral Commission and they decided not to record any data from the elections. Undoubtedly, these examples are the very small tip of a very large electoral fraud iceberg. This development is a cynically constructed and desperate attempt to cling on to power by the Tories. Accordingly, the policy has failed spectacularly. Britain is now in full decline into a banana republic. The worse part about this is that nobody much gives a flying fuck about it. However, if you do, read on to see some of the examples mentioned by Edwin Hayward:

Edwin’s thread contains numerous examples of fraud

Clear evidence of law breaking by the Tories

The move to voter id is totally “disproportionate” when compared with historically low levels of electoral fraud in UK elections. From the Government’s own website:

The UK has low levels of proven electoral fraud. There remains no evidence of large-scale electoral fraud in 2019

From the Government’s own website. Voter fraud is an illusion created by the Tories.

This is another example of the sleepwalk into a fascist state by the Brexit party aka the Tories. There is absolutely no sensible explanation as why a young person’s Oyster card is NOT an acceptable form of id when an old person’s Oyster card IS acceptable. Add your name to the call for action at electoral reform.

Read some of our other articles on elections at Ensure Brexit doesn’t pay, Gerrymandering and Don’t Pannick.

What the papers won’t say

Forget Hartlepool. Forget the gaslighting of Gove, Jenrick, Johnson et al. Here’s what the papers won’t say about the local elections. It seems that the our efforts as non-party campaigners helped quite a bit. The Tories lost overall control of Tunbridge Wells, with the leadership of Nick Pope and the Lib Dems in that area. We also helped turn parts of Kent Green with an incredible team of people who went out leafletting and talking on the street. I also understand that these results spread far and wide through those who took our leaflets in Hampshire, Scotland and the West Country. In most cases, we made a contribution to the leavening of the Tory vote across Britain. Tory party HQ will be discussing these results more than the story they want us to focus on. We are still awaiting insights from Swindon, Cornwall and some other places.

A massive thank you to the team who designed the leaflet, produced the graphics and layout and who went out tirelessly to deliver them. Also a big shout out to EU Flag Mafia for the loan of the Mini Cooper.

Our next projects aims to re-energise people to take to the streets across summer. We need £260 for a video and up to £500 to pay for social media ads to mainstream the initiative “We are Everywhere”. To contribute, please go to Re-Boot Britain. Please join us on Monday 10 May at 8 pm to help design the video release. Here is a draft which the film maker is to improve upon:

In other news, next Friday, we are part of a major marketing campaign to Rejoin the EU via The New European.

What should we have learned from this election?

COVID has taken residence in people’s minds. Low turnouts. A retreat to the safety levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs in the face of post-COVID PTSD.

What the papers won't say

Scotland deserve better than Brexit.

Brexit won’t lie down and any party that thinks it will must reflect, learn and act.

An unwillingness to collaborate allowed the Tories to maintain the illusion that they won.

If you like this article, please tip us using the Paypal button on this site or via GoFundMe

We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Say no to the new variant Brexit – Write to your MP and the press using the facts in this article to make your case

Read our guide to Brexorcism

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

Re-Boot Britain – What The Papers Won’t Say