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Category: Environment


Peter Cook’s Manifesto

I launch my manifesto out today for my independent candidacy in Gillingham and Rainham. Please download the ‘catifesto’. You may also wish to access the Hustings from last night in Rainham Kent. It was a joyous adult conversation amongst good people, made much better by the absence of the Tory and RefUK parties. As an independent I differ from most of the main parties in many ways, for example :

Brexit – Start the journey to end Brexit NOW

Climate – Accelerate progress towards Net Zero NOW and seize the opportunities provided by the Green Industrial Revolution

Gaza – No parasan – ceasefire and a Good Friday Agreement styled dialogue NOW

Plus many more local policies on NHS, Education, Transport, Housing, Immigration and so on.

We also attended the hustings recently. Find a livestream below:

Click image to view.

ITV news gave air time to Rehman Chishti and ReFUK even though they did not attend !! They also gave no coverage to the elephant in the room aka Brexit – quel surprise !! Nor did they give coverage to other small parties. This kind of political censorship by mainstream media is a deplorable development.

I’ve tweeted ITV about it and sent a formal complaint.


The elephant in the room

We are now registered as an independent candidate in Gillingham and Rainham for the General Election. Our aims are two fold:

  1. To split the Tory vote there and allow the tactical candidate to win.
  2. To make sure that the Brexit elephant in the room remains in on the cabinet table for the next Government to deal with.

We desperately need another £500 of support to fund our leaflet campaign for 70 000 people in the area. Please back us here.

The Brexit Elephant in the room.

Find our press release, our leaflet and a 250 word local press release below:

Peter Cook, Independent

Peter is a self-made Medway-born business-person and professional speaker, from Gillingham. He is standing Stan the cat for election, on the basis that it could do no worse than Rehman ‘n’ Rishi. Although this sounds mad, Peter is deadly serious about the need for a better Medway and better politics.  Peter’s policies include:

  • Expand the Medway Tunnel for bicycle and pedestrian use, to boost the Medway economy.
  • End Brexit chaos. Apply to Rejoin the EU, to reclaim our seat at the top table, improve trade and our place in the world. Brexit created 4.5% GDP loss to Britain. Our cost of living crisis has its roots in Brexit, like trying to swim the channel with a 4.5kg block of concrete around your neck. We cannot grow Britain without addressing the Brexit elephant (cat) in the room.
  • Restore broken Medway communities. No new houses without infrastructure: doctors; schools; hubs; pubs etc. Rethink town centres, rather than letting them wither.
  • Prosecute criminal MPs and water companies. Justice for Post Office workers, contaminated blood victims, WASPI women etc.
  • Convert the Great Lines to a giant litter tray … oh wait a minute, they already are … let’s green and clean up our towns instead.

Vote for Peter if you are fed up with political incompetence and incontinence, just fed up with politics and politicians in general, or think Britain needs a reboot. As an independent, I have no party to serve, just people who deserve a better Medway.


We need a canvassing team next. I am organising a speakeasy meeting at “UCAT HQ” this coming Tuesday at the Frog and Toad in Gillingham from 7 pm and another on Wednesday, the Mackland Arms in Rainham from 7 pm and the 12 Degrees in Rochester Thursday 20th June from 7 pm.

Frog and Toad 11 June

Mackland Arms 12 June

12 Degrees 20 June

There’s not a lot of love for Rehman Chishti in my area. See these comments from his facebook page:

The wonderful work of James Rowland. Click on the cat to back Stan.
The Brexit Elephant in the room
Stan versus Goliath. Click the QR code to back Stan.
We need you

Change the Climate

Before reading the below, read GE

Are you passionate about fighting climate change? Do you believe that innovative climate solutions can drive economic prosperity and create a sustainable future for our nation? If so, The Climate Party is looking for dedicated individuals like you to stand as candidates and / or volunteers in the General Election on July 4th. We must register you by June 4th so please read this TODAY and get in touch if interested via

1. Be a Voice for Change: As a candidate for The Climate Party, you will have the platform to champion bold, science-based policies that address the climate crisis while promoting economic growth. You will be a voice for a vision that combines environmental stewardship with economic prosperity.

2. Shape Policy and Impact Lives: Your candidacy will play a crucial role in shaping policies that can reduce carbon emissions, promote renewable energy, and protect our natural resources. You will have the opportunity to make a tangible impact on the lives of your constituents by advocating for a sustainable and prosperous future.

3. Lead the Economic Transition: We believe that climate action is the key to unlocking economic potential. Our platform is designed to stimulate green innovation, attract investment in sustainable technologies, and create a wealth of new jobs in the clean energy sector. As a candidate, you will lead the charge in driving this economic transition.

4. Empower Your Community: Running with The Climate Party means empowering your community to take action on climate change. You will engage with local residents, raise awareness about our mission, and inspire others to support policies that benefit both people and the planet.

  • We pay your candidate registration fee of £500 as a bare minimum.
  • Comprehensive Training and Support: We provide all the training you need to run a successful campaign, including workshops on campaign strategy, public speaking, and media engagement.
  • A Network of Passionate Advocates: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to making a difference. Share ideas, collaborate on initiatives, and build lasting relationships.
  • Strategic Campaign Tools: Access to campaign tools, data analytics, and digital platforms to help you connect with voters and effectively communicate your message.
  • Guidance from Experienced Mentors: Benefit from the wisdom and experience of seasoned political leaders and advisors to help you with your campaign.

1. Express Your Interest: Reach out to us with your intent to run. We welcome candidates from all backgrounds who share our commitment to climate action and economic prosperity.

2. Attend Our Candidate Workshop: Participate in our introductory workshop to learn more about our platform, campaign strategies, and the support we offer our candidates.

3. Develop Your Campaign Plan: Work with our team to develop a tailored campaign plan that outlines your goals, key messages, and strategies for engaging with voters in your constituency.

4. Launch Your Campaign: With our support, launch your campaign and start connecting with your community. We will be with you every step of the way, providing the tools and resources you need to succeed.

We are especially interested in candidates in the following areas below but if you have vim and vigour, please apply anyway. This is the of the climate deniers from Net Zero Scrutiny Group and the Labour MP from GWPF. Fancy a crack at Lee Anderson, Bridgen or The Minister for common sense?

Target Seats
Target seats : Do you live in these areas?

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time, but it also offers a unique opportunity for leadership and innovation. By standing as a candidate for The Climate Party, you will be at the forefront of a movement dedicated to creating a sustainable and economically prosperous future.

Don’t wait—step up and lead. Your vision, passion, and commitment can help us turn the tide on climate change and drive meaningful progress.

Contact Us:

Website: The Climate Party

Together, let’s create a brighter, more prosperous future for our nation. Stand with The Climate Party and be the change we need.

Climate Party
Click to support The Climate Party.
Cold War Steve


One of the few remaining arguments of the last Brexiters on planet earth is that it’s too soon to review the benefits of Brexit in 2023. It isn’t. We have had nearly eight years of intention / formulation of Brexit strategy and nearly four years of Brexecution / implementation. Formative evaluation is therefore both possible and necessary. Let’s not forget that we were told that there would be no downsides to Brexit and we would have instant wins from our independence, in terms of ‘taking back control’ of our money, borders and laws. So, how is it all going? What does it mean to the man and woman on the street? Take a look back to my Linkedin article of July 2023 for a bit of nostalgia – Hard Facts about Hard Brexit. It gets worse every month. Header image by the genius Cold War Steve.

On a simple basis, Brexit did not solve our abilities to take back control of our money. Brexit inflicted the Government’s own predictions – a 4.5% resilience shock to GDP or £100 BILLION per year. This is the equivalent to trying to swim the English Channel with a 4.5 kg block of concrete round your neck. Liz Truss’ experiment in Brexonomics added a whopping £74 BILLION in just 49 days, ruining young people’s dreams of home ownership for a generation. Read the Bloomberg report on decline in foreign investment in Brexit Britain. Whilst it is clear that nobody wants to talk about Brexit in 2023 due to radio silence by politicians on all sides, the ‘offspring’ of Brexit are all around us with the cost of living, food inflation and so on. All is depicted by our Brexit iceberg below. Government gaslighting continues with ‘pints of wine’ and other bollocks. Nobody of any intelligence is fooled by this shit. Are you?

The Brexit Iceberg
The Brexit Iceberg – what’s visible and what’s hidden.

At a more parochial level and as an example of ‘taking back control of our money’, British energy prices in 2023 are 53% more than in France. Yet Gina Miller demonstrated that we have always had our sovereignty without needing to leave the EU. French energy companies are owned by the state and still make a profit at half the prices of British energy companies. When Boris Johnson said ‘take back control’ he forgot to mention WHO would be taking back that control. Clearly it was NOT the taxpayer or the great unwashed.

Longer term, we have only just begun to see the unfolding of a return to slavery in terms of minimum wages and an unwinding of employment standards in Brexit Britain. The drive towards the return to a feudal system continues with no opposition in sight. Read Red Brexit, Blue Brexit for insights into Labour’s failed Brexit strategy. Take a look at this You Tube video below, made earlier this year for insights into Brexonomics and numbers in general.

The numbers don’t add up.

Clearly Brexit worked from the viewpoint that it discouraged Europeans from wanting to come to Britain. We could have achieved this quite simply by having a Government sponsored campaign of racial hatred in Britain, without needing to break the economy and destroy our reputation in the world as a standard bearer. Oh, wait a minute, we did that! You will notice from the graph below that migration figures from Europe are now in negative numbers. Yet migration from Africa, India and the Far East has increased dramatically.

As well as that, Brexit did not magic away our responsibilities to take in migrants from Hong Kong, Ukraine, Afghanistan and so on. Brexit has worked in exactly the opposite way to that predicted by the Brexiters. This is the perverse law of unintended consequences that arises from shoddy strategy. In short, fail to plan, plan to fail.

New Migration figures
For clarity, Non-EU means people OUTSIDE the EU.

Inside the non-EU figures in the graph are people who came from Ukraine, the Hong Kong refugees and other effects, so the figure is temporarily high. Nonetheless, Brexit did not solve migration, nor will it. Britain also relies on foreign students as a source of income, many of who then return to their own countries, so it is all too simple to say that we must ban students. Our Government needs to maintain the illusion of ‘the enemy outside’ in order to win the votes of xenophobic Brits, racists and general shits in elections. Watch our You Tube video on how to address immigration.

Brexit means more migration, not less.

Buy us a coffee

The illusion of small boats

Before Brexit, small boats were not a thing really. The weaponisation of small boats was an invention by a Tory government desperate to distract people from thinking about the real issues facing an island nation with an increasing elderly population with food, skills and other resource insecurities. It is the triumph of marketing via right wing media to feed feeble minds and fill their minds with fury. Nearly every headline in the Mail and the Express has the word FURY in it. This is exactly why I wrote Private Eyelines to highlight how we are being taken for furious fools. In a parallel universe, in 2014 nobody gave a stuff about Europe or the EU. Again, EU fury was steadily manufactured to win a referendum based on lies.

In the 14th century it may have been feasible to operate your own laws in your town, fiefdom, region or country as, generally speaking, world trade and travel were not a thing. In 2023, we live in a globally connected world and it becomes increasingly difficult to become a rogue state, unless you are Belarus or North Korea. if we wish to exploit people’s lives and livelihoods we are set on a course to become international pariahs rather than guardians of law and order. People still moan at me about the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) as if it is part of the EU. It is not.

When people talk to me about taking back control of our laws, they often fail to mention which ones are troubling them. We don’t have to drive on the left hand side of the road as part of the EU, nor drink litres of beer. We are still free to conduct barbaric acts such as fox hunting as the Spanish have their bull fighting. We have pounds and the Queen on our money. Just what laws do the Brexiters mean when they claim that they want them back? The law exists to protect people from exploitation. We now see the bizarre spectacle of our Government arguing with the rule of law in order to exploit people or behave unethically.

I’m sure you know the story of the boiling frog. People tell me that “Brexit was done”. “It happened”. Sorry, Brexit was not an event, a newspaper headline or a project with an end point. It was a process. Michael Vail, a ‘farmer’ living in Brisbane, typifies the view that Brexit was an event on his Linkedin ravings. Sure there can be some winners and losers in all changes, such as in the field of disaster capitalism (Michael is a disaster capitalist cum estate agent) but, of course, Brexit was supposed to offer benefits for all not just for people who can play the financial system in the wake of a boom or bust.

Brexit hasn’t delivered the promised benefits except in the case of people who have exploited other people’s misery. I am not in a stage of grief. When someone points to the many benefits of Brexit, I will join the cause. It’s just that Michael and his few remaining Brexiters have nothing to show me socially, economically, politically, environmentally and so on for the positive impacts of Brexit nor any problems that Brexit solves. Read Brexit Freedoms.

Michael Vail - Linkedin

Michael resorts to yin and yang rather than a lie on a bus to explain Brexit. I guess it’s a new take on “Que sera sera” which my Brexity sister favours. He also lies about the Cuty (city) who are quietly moving people out of London. It’s easy to say all this when you live in Australia.

In case you are still under any illusions that “Brexit is done”, please see this very long list of Brexit impacts still to come in 2024 – 2027 and beyond. from Edwin Hayward.

We’ve only just begun … The Brexit Carpenters.

In Europe, they have agreed to use one charger to rule all our electronic devices. It means
🔌The same charger for all phones, tablets and cameras
⚡ Harmonised fast-charging technology
🔄Reduced e-waste

In Britain, we’re still talking pints. Soon, we will be introducing bakelite plugs. This brilliant video sums up the fact that Brexit and satire are now indistinguishable.

Please subscribe to Evan Edinger’s channel.

Fix our broken politics in 2024

Observer poll
Not something to be proud of really.

Food fighters

Food fighters

Our latest article for Gina Miller’s True and Fair party previews their policy on food, water and the environment. Read the whole article here. A taster is below:

After World War II there was a necessary focus on food security in Britain, informed by ration books and virtual bankruptcy of the country. But we forget quite quickly and the National Farmers Union reported that self-sufficiency levels in fruit & vegetables fell steadily since the mid-1980s, from 78% to 64%. Britain imports 46% of its food and this may explain why our Government has delayed Brexit border checks five times since 2020 for fear of food shortages and, ultimately, food fighters. Our lack of resilience is not a sustainable position, particularly for a nation that is now isolated from the safety of belonging to the biggest trading bloc in the world. We also operate in a world where food and water will become precious assets into the 21st Century due to global warming.

Join Gina Miller in Ewell Sat 11th November

Join John Bercow, Andrew Marr and Gina on Tues 21st November

Make a donation towards better politics

True and Fair 3Es

Economy, Education, Environment

You are cordially invited to Gina Miller’s True and Fair party launch event on Economy, Education, Environment, Tuesday November 7th at 9.00 am online via ZOOM. This is the 2nd part of the True and Fair party’s policy release in the build up to a general election.

In the 4th industrial age, education is the key to so many things. Our Government has run down education over 13 years of managed decline to the point that our schools are literally crumbling, mentally and physically. They are also in denial of climate change and environmental stewardship, the very antithesis of what the idea of conservatism was supposed to mean. And we hardly need to mention the economy after 13 years of austerity which powered Brexit. This has led to a 4.5% knock in our resilience to face other global shocks such as Russia’s war, COVID and so on. Only Gina Miller’s party has a clear strategy for rejoining the EU.

If you want different rather than a continuation of the same old same old, join Gina Miller’s party today. True and Fair are standing a small number of candidates across England and some more plurality in our politics will enable us to lever significant change in Westmonster. Check out their Chapters for Change policy document on the reforms needed in politics. If you can help the candidates in any way in Derbyshire Dales, East Wiltshire, Epsom, Ewell, Leatherhead, Fareham, Waterlooville, Mid Bedfordshire, Monmouthshire or the Wirral, please get in touch via

Conviction candidates rather that Convicted Conservative candidates.

Join us on Wed Nov 1st 8pm on ZOOM to Reboot Britain


Brexshit Bonus

Yet another Brexit freedom has emerged. We are to be free to dump more shit in our rivers. Previously, we were tethered to those pesky EU standards for clean beaches  and rivers. Read The Guardian article for more details. Rather than levelling up after Brexit, we are quite literally shitting on our own doorstep. Are you still happy about Brexit and its false promises? Planning to swim with your kids in a river of Brexshit with Therese Coffey who points out that “it’s just a bit of poo”. Granted there are many more things to think about at the moment but (a) our Government has turned a blind eye to these and (b) urgency is not a reason to let important standards drop.

Liz Truss Brexshit
Brexshit Broke Britain

I wrote a song which foreshadowed the problem a year ago called Tory Brexit Scum. Check the PG rated video out below.

Tory Brexit Scum – Country and Western Punk Rock : PG rated.

Somewhat coincidentally, Crispin Blunt and Jeremy Hunt feature in the song along with some other rhymes. Jeremy Hunt is rumoured to be about to leave the Tory party before having to face losing his seat. As for Crispin Blunt, time will tell …

Join us for a free masterclass on Brexorcism

Brexit Freedoms

Some of my Remoaner friends keep telling me there are no Brexit Freedoms. They are not looking hard enough. I have come up with a long list of Brexit Freedoms to counterbalance the cost of Brexit, currently standing at an eye watering £128 BILLION, and predicted to outweigh the cost of COVID multiple times into the future. So, doomsayers, prepare for a shock !!


For years I have been compelled to go into English pubs and say in a weakened voice “Can I have 564 ml of Champagne please?” No longer. I can now stride in proud and say “Stout Yeoman, I want a pint of foaming English brown beer in a straight glass”. And it has a little crown on the side. As I drink the hoppy infusion, I am reminded of are Queen and Prince Andrew. It just gets better and better … Soon, we’ll be able to have English Lions back on our eggs … HM Government state that imperial units like pounds and ounces are widely valued in the UK and are a core part of many people’s British identity. I don’t know anyone of my own age that can count in stones, pounds and ounces. My sense is that this is a LIE.

Brexit has failed UK Tour

Fifty pence

We now have the Brexit fifty pence piece back, although I confess I have not seen one of late. But it signifies the fact that we now have the Pound back as our currency. I did speak with a woman who told me that her dad said that we no longer had the Pound before Brexit. Did you notice that? Buy one of the rare 50 pence pieces on e-bay and support our work to Re-Boot Britain. Outrageous prices!! 🙂

Buy our new book on Amazon – click the image.

Brexit freedoms o’ fish

Scottish Salmon fishermen report on Farming Today that Europeans still want our salmon, although exports have been hit to EU countries due to Brexit. Since Scottish Salmon is a major Scottish export, salmon fishermen are able to hire entire containers to ship their goods to Europe, reducing the mountain of Brexit paperwork and other costs in their segment of the fishing industry. Sadly this benefit does not exist for other fish varieties and the predicted decline in fishing continues, as predicted by the Remainiacs. And let’s remember this is Scottish Salmon. Once Scotland have their independence, they will take this benefit with them. Scottish Salmon and Whisky are major exports from Scotland.

Against the backdrop of the BBC’s nationalistic drive to back Brexit on Farming Today, The Food and Drink Federation showed that Scotland’s whisky and salmon exports were down by 11% and 6.4% respectively since 2019, with the UK’s total exports of food and drink was down by £2.7 billion (-15.9%) in the first three quarters of 2021 – with £2.4bn (-23.7%) directly from a drop in sales to the EU. It’s not necessarily true that the salmon are swimming against the tide.

Brexit Fish Freedoms
Cod only knows …
Brexit benefits
Helpful comparisons …

Irish unification

The current troubles with Edwin Poots and the DUP draw Irish unification ever closer. The DUP seek to throw away 30 years of relative peace on the island of Ireland by asking the Government to break international law on the Northern Ireland Protocol, a bill which they signed up to. I cannot comprehend the nuclear levels of two faced stupidity being brought to bear on the people of Ireland by the DUP. It seems that plans are underway for a cross-border administration in the wake of the breakdown of the Stormont Government. Meanwhile trade between Ireland and Northern Ireland is UP after Brexit with trade between NI and mainland Britain DOWN. Our Brexit scenarios predict that this will continue to a point where the vast majority of people see the economic advantages of a united Ireland outweigh the religious and political forces that divide the island.

Blue tape

Brexit is reckoned to SAVE £1 BILLION in cutting red tape. It is not specified where this will happen, but we presume it will be in a bonfire on worker protections, food, environmental and other regulations, making our products less safe and opening up Victorian levels of exploitation and climate damage. At the same time, The FT says that Brexit has ADDED £7 BILLION of red tape. We only have to ask lorry drivers, farmers, fishermen et al. Taking Back Control never specified who would gain that control and plainly it was the Government through moral hazard and a return to Victorian England. In case of doubt, £7 bn is more than £1 bn.

Read the Government’s LIES on Brexit at Brexit Freedom Bill

Brexit simplification in action.

Vaccination vacillation

Boris Johnson claims that the speed of our vaccination programme was due to Brexit Freedoms. Sadly it is not true. The BBC reported that we have been able to authorise the supply of this vaccine using provisions under European law. Johnson simply acted first in a desperate move to buy up the vaccine and starve the rest of the world from supplies, like the little boy in the playground who kept all the sweets and then realised that nobody wanted to play with him. By the way, the British vaccine was developed by Turkish and German scientists. I’m surprised that Brexiteers want such a “foreign invasion”.

Brexit freedoms : Rich pickings

Undoubtedly Brexit has caused an exodus of foreign workers, in part due to red tape and associated costs, but, in the main because, England has once again become a racist country under Brexit. Arguably, we did not need Brexit Freedoms to “take back control” of the fields, lorry parks, bus stations etc. I await the queues of Brexit voting OAPs to pick for Britain, drive for Britain, stack shelves for Britain and so on. So far, we have been underwhelmed with applications from “Dad’s Brexit Army”. Meanwhile illegal migration proceeds, due to our Government’s attempts to kill people who flee from terror.

Left outside alone to die by Priti Patel and Suella Braverman.


The Government claim that the Brexit Freedoms of sovereignty are many and various in their 105 page document. I can only find wind. Grab your bag of Brexit Sovrinty here.

If you like this article you will LOVE the book – Click to read

Blue passports

Undoubtedly the showstopper in Brexit Freedoms has been the blue passport. We will pay £30 per family and hours of queuing to benefit from this Brexit Freedom, but clearly it’s worth it. In case of doubt we were always able to have blue passports, even if they were made in France. The Government paper on this is simply FAKE NEWS:

Brexit Freedoms
LIES, LIES, LIES. To support our work on the truth about Brexit, click on the lies above.

Funding the NHS

The Government document claims that £57 BILLION is to be given to the NHS. They were promised £18.2 BILLION EVERY YEAR. You do not need a calculator to realise that the £57 billion is actually smaller than £18.2 billion every year. Go compare.

State control

France recently decided to make EDF Energy subsidise energy price hikes. So energy consumers in France will get a 4% price hike whilst UK consumers will experience a 54% price hike. And France is in the EU. How then were France able to do this if they are “controlled by an EU superstate”? See Social Care for more details on our lies about the need to raise national insurance. How was Viktor Orban able to buy his vaccines from Russia whilst being part of the EU? The EU superstate argument is vacuous.

Tampon freedom

We are now free of the Tampon Tax!! Women may rest safe in the knowledge that the VAT man is not taking a percentage of their periodic blood losses. Except that even this is a LIE-Let me explain. The trouble with so-called “tampon freedom” is that this arrangement was made in 2016, whilst we were a member of the EU. We have NOT been prevented from removing tax on tampons by our EU membership. UPDATE : the 5% tampon tax was only reduced by 1%. Brexit is literally bleeding Britain to death …

Brexit Tampon Freedoms
LIE Lets.

Amidst the other Brexit Freedoms that The Government paper puts forward that we could not do as members of EU are:

  • Giving up smoking – really?
  • Adding more arsenic into children’s food.
  • Healthy eating – who knew that the EU were stopping this?
  • Ending the throw away culture – Britain leads the world in throw away culture.
  • Faster HGV licence approval by reducing the difficulty of HGV tests, so more dangerous OAP lorry drivers on the roads.
  • Simpler, better railways – this means not doing the Northern leg of HS2.
  • Pints of French champagne.
  • Use of the 105 page document for redecoration of 10 Downing Street when Boris Johnson leaves.

Click to read other articles: 


P&O Ferries and Brexit

Brexit and WW III

Death of Democracy in UK

Click on the image to support us
Climate Change

Caroline Lucas

One day of Caroline Lucas’ life beats one year of a Tory life … perhaps that is an underestimate … I salute her on the occasion of her decision to stand down from politics in order to focus on more important priorities. In global terms, climate change is the single most important problem we face, with Brexit accelerating our sleepwalk into oblivion. Caroline has spoken in Parliament without fear or favour. I can only imagine the nuclear levels of hatred that this attracts from career politicians on all sides. In fact, I am aware of some of this. Labour contacts in her constituency despise her for standing up to property developers, by insisting on good environmental standards in construction and town planning. The pressure must be unbearable. Consequentially, I imagine Caroline has decided that there might be better ways to save planet earth. We shall see.

As I reach the autumn of my life, it seems right and proper to consider the legacy that one leaves behind. I have always had I basic hippy instinct that has guided me towards trying to leave the world in a better place than when I arrived. We can all do better always in life. Accordingly, I produced a piece of music in the hope that it inspires people to do better on our environmental stewardship and concern for planet earth.

I fear that planet earth may have given up on us …

but we must not give up on planet earth …

The piece was inspired by Greta Thunberg, to impress upon people the importance that everyone can do something to make the world a better place in terms of sustainability and environmental action. The music was set to film by a fantastic videographer called Al Clouston. The most important contribution you can make is to share this article and film widely with world leaders and people of influence.

‘How do we want to be remembered’ reminds us that we are all in charge of our own destiny. We are all in this together. If we choose to act in smaller or greater ways, we can make an impact for planet earth. Caroline Lucas epitomises the title of this piece of music.

With love and respect for whatever you choose to do next Caroline

Supporting Coats for Calais.

Check our interview with Green Party MEP Molly Scott-Cato

Read our books

Car crash special


Brexit under the microscope : Science, tech and climate impacts

Watch our latest film on Brexit impacts in terms of science, technological and environmental damage to Britain. The film took days to make and it’s well worth 12 minutes of your time on a lazy Sunday instead of shouting at Laura Kuenssberg on the telly box. Brexit is far from done, as Johnson, Sunak, Truss and Starmer would have you believe, with 63% of people now believing that it was a mistake and 86% of young people wishing to rejoin the EU.  There was a deliberate intent to ensure that we had a ‘boiled frog’ Brexit. This was so that people would not notice our slow motion sleepwalk into Brexit oblivion.  Our frog is probably only at 50 degrees Celsius as there’s plenty more Brexit carnage to come.  People on both sides of the Brexit chasm tell me there’s nothing we can do about it.  They are wrong. 

Our film covers the 4th industrial age and Brexit, science, farming and Brexit. Also environmental standards and the bonfire of EU laws made by British politicians and how Brexit impacts climate disaster in the short, medium and long term. And much more. Check it out.

Boris Johnson promised that the Brexit ‘sunlit uplands’ would make Britain a country where innovation, competition and growth would all thrive thanks to reduced red tape and costs.  These have not materialised.  All the indicators suggest that this will be the case going forward.

In the 4th industrial age, we need to support STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in order to innovate, reach sustainability goals and profit from the age of AI responsibly.  All the indicators suggest that instead of this, we will plunder science and technology as Brexit cash cows, until we drive innovation out of Britain’s DNA.

Financial support for science looks set to dwindle in the post-Brexit world.  Since science is a team sport, we can expect our reputation to decline in the coming decades.

All of this impacts climate change.  We entered the EU as the sick man of Europe and we are leaving as the dirty man of Europe.  All so that a few politicians can pray at the altar of the false God of Brexit.