This is the opening prelude to a new book on Brexit and Rejoining the EU. Aptly titled “The Chronicles of Brexit”, combining the notion of the fantasy world of Narnia together with the chronic condition of political paralysis.
Brexit didn’t happen
I still hear Remainers telling me that Brexit is done. They have fallen prey to the kool aid put forward by the Brexiteers, that Brexit was a project and not a process. A project has a finite end point such as building the Channel Tunnel whereas a process continues. As I write in 2024, Brexit continues to wreak a slow chronic infusion of damage socially, economically, politically, environmentally, technologically and legally. We hardly need to rehearse the impacts here, from the gradual departure of businesses, industries and brains from UK plc, the rating of Britain as a ‘problem child’ regarding inward investment, to the unsavoury sights and smells of shit in our rivers and the jubilation by a few residual racists at the joy of drowning migrants. This is Brexit Britain. It’s nothing to be proud of.
Many of the chronic impacts predicted in these chronicles have come to pass since I wrote the original articles collected in this book. Worst of all, we are still dogged by the parliamentary paralysis that made Brexit possible. Keir Starmer continues to spout the vacuous football chant ‘make Brexit work’ to charm people with feeble minds, when all the data suggests that he could carve out a leadership position and win an election comfortably by stating that ‘Brexit isn’t working’. The Lib Dems continue to suggest that we could rejoin the EU ‘when the time is right’. Of course, that time will never come … Only the Scottish National Party (SNP) are brave enough to lead on the need for independence from Brexit Albion.
Brexit’s Breaking Britain
A little while back, I designed a t-shirt with a picture of Hannibal Lecter and the slogan ‘Brexit consumes all its children’ with a list : Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, Sunak, Starmer. I predict that Starmer will also be consumed by the offspring of Brexit, perhaps with some fava beans and a nice Chianti … the offspring of Brexit include the cost of living, ramped up concerns about immigration, a broken NHS, business failures and so on. Of course I was hammered by my left-wing colleagues on Twitter, who have gotten into such a stir with Tory fascism that they are now manically possessed by the idea that we must get Starmer in, then we can talk about Brexit. I hope they are right but fear they are not. See Scottish Bylines as to why I say this.
Even 18th century retro-Latin imperialist adventure capitalist Jacob Rees-Mogg bragged that we will get nothing back from Brexit for 50 years … I am impatient as a ‘Brexit fundamentalist’ (The only good Brexit is a dead Brexit) not for myself at my advanced age, but for future generations. And the softly-softly approaches used by some of the central Remain organisations have largely assisted us in getting a ‘boiled frog Brexit’; so slow that we (the frogs) hardly notice the chronic decline (death by gradual boiling). This makes any approach to undoing Brexit especially difficult, as it requires a large majority of people to have their lived experiences changed by Brexit realities, which will only be visible in slow motion and in small doses.
My labour chums tell me “shh, we’ll consider rejoining in 2032”. This misses two important points. Nobody will remember what Brexit was by then and, in any case, much of the damage wreaked by Brexit will be complete and much of it irreversible by 2032. It is at best a dream, at worst a weapon of mass deception to get elected. But I cannot vote for a Brexit party in a General Election even if that means allowing a Tory back in. There is always hope and I hope you will want to read the book and act upon its advice and guidance.
To place a discount pre-order for The Brexit Chronicles in hard copy inc P&P, please PayPal £15.00 as a gift via Paypal using the link below.
We also have one remaining signed copy of our Brexit satire book Private Eyelines at a discount of £20.00 all inclusive compared with £34.99 plus P&P on Amazon.
‘I was delighted to provide a masterclass on Rejoining the EU and preparing the ground to end Brexit via the gentle art and discipline of “Brexorcism” for North Herts for Europe. Here are the video recordings of both sessions if you missed it.
I was delighted to give my last performance at The Last Night of the Proms last Saturday for the EU Flag Mafia. The organiser of the event had his car broken into after the event and his laptop stolen. I myself had a laptop stolen by Vote Leave after a march a few years back. It is utterly sickening. Sadly the Met Police could not be bothered to investigate, which, of course, is typical. I’m even slightly prepared to believe that it may have been an ‘inside job’, given the Met’s credentials.
To help him recover his losses, I am selling this multi guitar rack and a PA system plus two Peavey speakers. Sensible offers please. I will also be making a donation. If you wish to do so, please e-mail me and I will give you his direct details for cheques and direct transfers. The Flag Mafia leader wishes to remain anonymous as he fears media attention which could jeopardise his employment.
Please support this cause. Every year, the Flag Mafia organise this monumental project. I stepped in at short notice after all the classical musicians cancelled at less than 24 hour’s notice, gaining social disapproval from a couple of Prosecco swilling Brexiteers and some of “Steve Bray’s angels” who attempted to stop politically motivated musical protest.
Last Night at the Proms. Click image to hear the music.
Do we need to reform the civil service? By Paul Higgins.
We have heard quite often lately that the civil service needs to be reformed. Whilst this is true, the reform needed should go in the opposite direction to the one we so often hear about. Most problems in the civil service come from contagion from politicians, especially ministers and secretaries of state.
If we look at current ministers and compare them with those 30 or 40 years ago, we see that today ministers in any department have little or no expertise or knowledge of their areas. 40 years ago, the Secretary of, say, Defence, used to be a military or an expert with an idea of where he wanted our armed forces to be in 10 years and what steps were needed for that journey to happen. Similarly, the Secretary of Agriculture was a farmer, an academic, a veterinarian or someone with experience or expertise in farming. Because of this expertise they tended to stay longer in the post, which enabled them to build a strong corporate memory to address the various issues affecting the department or the field, to see future problems and to prevent them before they happened.
Things have changed dramatically. Ministers now move fast from one department to another and they rarely have any knowledge of the areas they manage, whether it is farming, defence or international relations. Because of this, politics are now quite shortsighted. Nothing after the next general election matters and public services show a sharp decline in efficiency and quality. This is because the building stones for this quality will deliver tangible results only after some decades after being laid instead of some months. Another factor behind the increasingly poorer quality of public decisions is its politicisation. It is quite common to see a minister arguing with the engineers about whether a road should be built passing through this or that constituency, and, as you can imagine, the arguments rest on how voters in the constituency would react to a new road instead of on how to make the road safe, cheaper, environmentally friendly or how it will improve the capacity and time of journeys.
The civil service is suffering a similar trend. This is very clear when we look at recruitment or promotions where technical expertise has disappeared and instead the so-called behaviours are now the only criteria. These behaviours are valid everywhere, in every post, but leadership, influence or communicating will not make you capable of designing the best road but to argue in a powerpoint that it wasn’t your fault that the road was of a substandard quality. Putting even more effort in promoting these behaviours will improve relations between ministers and civil servants in the short term but will result in even worse and more expensive public services. As problems and tensions accumulate the blame game will intensify and we will see even more and louder calls to reform the civil service and get rid of unelected bureaucrats and experts. Since civil servants are not allowed to respond and publish their side of the story, this trend is quite difficult to reverse.
Finally, it is worth noticing that while most governments in western democracies suffer this problem, it is the UK Government where it is most exacerbated and, hence, more difficult to reverse.
To complement our article Hard Facts about Brexit, this article explores some softer facts about Brexit around Rishi Sunak’s five promises now relabelled five priorities, soon to be called five phantasmagorical illusions. I’m defining hard facts as things having numerical values such as the recent revelation that only 18% of the British population think that Brexit was a good idea. Still some cling on to the promise of cheaper training shoes the year by 2066. Soft facts are no less important but they inhabit the less quantifiable world. Robert McNamara pointed out the value of things we cannot easily measure in his famous statement which came to be known as the McNamara Fallacy:
Click to read more on this.
Immigration can be fixed
Rishi Sunak has amped up the Stop the Boats campaign in order to keep BIR (Brexit Inspired Racism) alive in Britain. Undeterred by a decisive judgement that the Rwanda scheme is immoral, indecent and illegal, Rishi has no place to go other than to waste more of your money taking the decision to a higher court.
Rishi disagrees with the rule of law. Integrity in the dustbin.
Before Rishi’s Stop the Boats campaign, less than 10% of British people cared about immigration. Research from UK in a Changing Europe suggests that Ukraine changed attitudes to migration along with staff shortages due to the exodus of European migrant workers after Brexit. As with many things in public life, perception beats reality. People seem to believe that Brexit solved the problem of migrants, despite there being record numbers of migrants after Brexit. It’s almost as though Brexit popped a festering boil called migration and now people think we are pimple free. Accordingly, the Tories moved into the tight corner of hardcore racism, by demonising people in boats who are forced to live in hotels by the Government, because the Government refuses to allow them to work. The problem with immigration is three-fold:
1. We have not provided safe routes for asylum seekers.
2. The Home office is hopelessly unable to process those arriving.
3. Our government insists on incarcerating all people seeking asylum in hotels and on boats when the vast majority could become productive members of society who pay taxes. Naturally this antagonises people with feeble minds who don’t understand that this is a deliberate choice by Rishi Sunak.
Even Tory party majorette Laura Kuenssberg questioned the veracity of Rishi Sunak’s claims that NHS waiting lists are falling. Patently they are NOT. It is a dirty LIE. Granted that Sunak said that people waiting two years for treatment are not waiting now. Some of them are dead …
"People's experience doesn't match up with you saying repeatedly that [NHS] waiting lists are coming down"#BBCLauraK asks PM Rishi Sunak if he should admit waiting lists are a problem
Sunak may well be able to halve inflation. He needs to do this by early 2024 if there if to be a mini bounce prior to an election. Here is little Rishi’s strategy:
Sunak refuses to negotiate with nurses, doctors, train drivers, public servants yada yada even though public service pay rises do not contribute to inflation. But he manages the perception that he is being tough by doing this.
Little Rishi is instead loading the costs on first time buyers and people with mortgages who may have their houses repossessed. Of course, destitute people don’t contribute much to inflation. Dead people are even better, as they are a net tax input to the treasury.
Food inflation continues but people cannot afford to eat, so that problem is solved.
Fuel inflation is now largely baked into Rishi’s spreadsheet so he may get lucky here. But luck is not a strategy.
Rishi’s promise aka priority in this area is once again typically vague. When 0.1% came off inflation 10% Rishi claimed a victory. For someone skilled in counting (his own) money. this is a fatal maths error !!! Thanks to Brexit we have record levels of national debt so any decrease would also be hailed as a great success. Truss wiped an uncool £70 000 000 000 off of the value of UK plc thanks to her Kamikaze budget in her experiment in hard Brexit economics. The Tory Fiscal cliff is now unprecedented and the root cause is 13 years of Tory mismanagement and hobby projects such as Brexit which have lowered our resilience to other global effects such as the pandemic and the Russian war on Ukraine.
The Golden Growth Goose
Rishi must, of course, be seen to have a go at growth, per his predecessor Liz Truss. This is why he recently suggested that Britain would be an area of low or no regulation re AI. He plans to fight America and Europe in the gold rush for jobs in AI … except that this is the war of the worlds scenario that leads to our extinction. See my articles and book on AI and humanity.
Apart from anything else, Britain does not have a workforce of highly skilled people, with many having left the country due to Brexit. His desperate attempt to hire gardeners and OAPs to do dentistry is at the root of his problems.
— Reboot Britain / Rage Against The Brexit Machine (@BrexitRage) July 1, 2023
Going for growth is also problematic at an ethical level. Producing more stuff in a world that needs and wants less stuff is morally bankrupt. We are seeing an end of days strategy from a weak Prime Minister, devoid of ideas, support and soft power in the world.
Don Adamson reports on the BREX files : all things Britain from his shady hollow in Barnsley, in the forgotten northern Brexit powerhouse.
This week’s homework:
One. Discuss the following statement: Nigel Garbage, Widdecombe, Andrew Neil (Murdoch lackey of the worst description for decades), swathes of the Tory Party and 66% of Daily Express readers have noticed that Brexit has failed. Nigel Garbage blames the Tories. Meanwhile Tories blame everybody but themselves. Who is right? Meanwhile the only people who do not notice that Brexit has failed are Keith Starmer and the Labour Party. Why is that?
Brexit has failed. Click to rejoin the EU.
Two: Discuss the following statement – There is nothing the Tory newspapers would like better than to blame Labour for the failure of Brexit (Incidentally, Brexit has already failed). By making these weird and wonderful claims that Labour can make Brexit work is Starmer playing into their hands?
Three: Discuss the following statement: Ben Wallace is that rarest of endangered species – he is a Tory Cabinet Minister with a deserved reputation for competence. By all accounts he has done a reasonably good job as Secretary of State for Defence. In the dim and distant past he would have been a strong candidate to be appointed Secretary General of NATO. He is not going to get the job. As a consequence of Brexit British Ministers (even surprisingly competent ones) are not considered to be ‘serious people.’ Brexit has made Britain as irrelevant as Andorra or San Marino. This is what Gammons and Flagshaggers wanted when they voted for Brexit. Does this mean that in future Britain’s most valuable export will be special issues of postage stamps for sale to philatelists?
Brexit has made Britain as irrelevant as Andorra or San Marino
This week’s quotes:
Future of the Torygraph
… journalists wonder what the future holds now that Lloyds Banking Group has seized control of media empire and seeking to sell it off … best hope is that somebody Looney right comes forward … titles reckoned to be worth £500-£600M .. Short of the £600M the Barclays paid in 2004… Rothermere has shown ‘mild interest’ but has enough on his plate … Barclay’s dispute with Lloyds over debts allegedly approaching £1B… Torygraph opposes Inheritance Tax on behalf of 3.76% of the population that pays it … recruited 50 MPs … include fiscal mastermind Thick Lizzie … absurdly easy for millionaires to avoid paying tax … weirdo twins Cur Frederick and Cur David Barclay … complex series of trusts … to avoid tax liabilities …
Brexit stuffed the city
Financial Services, one of UK’s very few world class sectors…. put at serious risk by Brexit … Paris now largest Stock Exchange in Europe … London is losing business and jobs … Large companies do not bother to float on LSE … going to New York … London lost all its EU trading to Amsterdam … abolishing rules and balances is not a rational move … British financial sector has to do business in EU, US, Japan and China, all of which have tough rules of their own … watering down your own rules little use when competing for foreign business …. Gammons and Flagshaggers forget that they have to follow other people’s rules…. access to EU dependent of membership of the Single Market … City contributes huge amounts to Treasury coffers and to the size and success of the British economy … Brexit was a ridiculous act of vanity and self harm … don’t worry about the demented fools who backed this madness. They are multimillionaires who can live anywhere they want … when they abandon the sinking ship they will take their money with them … any credible economic policy must acknowledge and address the economic damage done by Brexit … Labour refuses to do that…
Read Brex and the city by clicking on Carrie.
Brexit relegated Britain from the Art Major League .
.. Before Brexit, London was the art capital of Europe … cancellation of three major fairs … government complacency … neglect of arts and creative industries … calamitous impact…. Spanner in the works … doing any sort of business with Britain involves a mountain of paperwork … additional and unpredictable costs … thousands of job losses….
Read Musicians and Brexit at The Federal Trust.
Bribing the Tories £5M from Mohamed Mansur
… questionable Egyptian … Russian connections … Non Dom status … Amit Lohia gave £2M … low wages … disrespect of staff … put a major Tory donor on the Charities Commission … Crapita has profited from privatised public services including NHS ‘outsources’ and ‘private foster care agencies’ …
Pandemic Ministers panicked by forensic questions
… Did you inform Italian PM that you wanted ‘herd immunity’…. did you state that you would rather let the ‘bodies pile high’ … did the then Cabinet Secretary advise you to dismiss Mad Halfcock … government’s only tactic is to delay and minimise damage …. Deadlines have passed unanswered…. unacceptable delays … why have excess deaths remained high … complex questions but we should have better answers … Telegraph report was based on a widely criticised analysis … epidemiologists and mathematicians called it half baked. Peter Cook called it a Britastrophe as long ago as 2020.
In 2020 we said that the toxic combination of Corona Crisis + Brexit Disaster amounted to a Britastrophe – turns out we were right.
Bribing the Labour Party
Labour pockets big donation from hedgie who was denounced by the party for privatisation of the Post Office … Stuart Roden … sat on the board alongside Cur Ian Duncan Smith.
BBC merged international and domestic News Channel
Just two of his allies said they would also quite Parliament in solidarity…. Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish First Minister was glad he hogged the headlines to attention from her troubles… Will we miss Johnson … unfortunately not? He will hang around like the smell of a sewer… post Johnson to fight to reassert truth is the fight of our times … nauseating Mirror video of Tories partying on the day Mad Halfcock announced that Covid restrictions would apply to London … what happened to basic ethical decencies of politics … Johnson personifies the rip in the space time continuum … In 1964 when MacMillan discovered Profumo had lied in parliament … MacMillan was physically ill … Parliamentary standards rely on the honesty of ministers … compare Johnson’s systematic to the Commons … his expensive lawyers should introduce him to the concept of mens rea or ‘guilty mind’ … truth means nothing to Johnson and his allies … the less we hear from Johnson the better … Johnson’s biggest crime was the insider dealing where mates of the powerful got to bid for the mountain of Covid cash …. Could be his lasting legacy … blasé manner all these stitch ups were made … lying and cover up … notorious Tories … unequalled since WW2 …
Richy Scumbag’s plans to make UK an AI superpower fall short
… AI has stoked a frenzy of excitement … Scumbag’s vim sounds breathless…. problems aplenty … Brexit means Britain has lost access to EU Single Market … much will have to change … Britain will struggle to persuade anybody to set up here … holding back investors across the economy … AI announcements gush from Downing St … for all his well intentioned zest … government has yet to confront reality … enormous hurdles … Britain has serious difficulties to overcome … lack of access to the large market on its doorstep … pitifully little has been done … borderline dishonest … Richy Scumbag should know better … the longer the delay the lower the chances of success … another set of British companies misses out … too often a mess … British government lags behind … fool’s errand … we lack competence at the heart of government … people who run the policy just do not understand it … majority of firms that started in London are now in USA … the country lags …
… Johnson’s political legacy has already disappeared…. Tories are losing everywhere … support is falling fastest in the north … in the constituencies it was so proud of winning … northern voters who backed the Tories have little to show for it … fundamental problems … Johnson made impossible promises … four big pledges … they received one – Brexit … and delivering it made the others impossible to achieve … Brexit has weighed on growth … grand schemes Johnson promised have been scrapped … by pressures worsened by Brexit … MPs offered bromides best left in an airport self help book … Voting Tory for the first time was a big deal … they want to be proven right … Tories are not trying to win … need to win voters in the North to hold power. The party needs to maintain voters in the south to exist … Johnson’s sweeping promises are gone … Scumbags Doncaster speech became a eulogy for Johnsonite Toryism which is dead … came across as an admission of defeat.
Fiscal policy
… grossly irresponsible … Britain is uniquely exposed to a wage spiral … efforts to change course have been paltry…
Fiscal incompetence due to Brexit. Well worth 17 minutes of your time. Please subscribe to the EU TUBE channel.
Labour and the media
Tory Party, which Mail backed to the hilt imploded in office … already blaming the next Labour government for everything … Mail story so ridiculous as to be funny: living in a country with a plebeian far right at war with the government will not be so funny … anti fascist monitoring sites have seen a surge in hate speech … Braverman and Scumbag cannot open their mouths except to say ‘Stop the boats’ … Brexit killed the expat dream.
Meaningless drivel flows from Sunak’s mouth when asked serious questions
Post Brexit travel rules driving us mad
… Brexit has shattered their Italian dream … bureaucracy is tedious and time consuming … Seafood restaurants along the Italian coast are worried. Brits were regular clients but this year have not shown up … Brits really should have considered the affects of Brexit more seriously … Sarah felt sad and betrayed by Brexit … which she now regrets voting for … nobody in the UK was fully informed … ‘we were all duped’ …
Daily Mail and Johnson
… after agreeing to pay Johnson £1M a year for a weekly column there is buyer’s remorse among Mail executives…. inaugural column made nonsense of the claim … ‘he would be required reading in Westminster and across the world’ … too early to say if Johnson will attract or repel readers … comments beneath the online version … ‘just unbelievable, no shame … Paul Dacre … looked as if Dacre would receive peerage … must be feeling especially aggrieved … morale among Mail journalists not high … declining print sales … Johnson’s salary has gone down like a bucket of cold sick …
… has the wit to see that Keith Starmer … intention to abolish non dom tax status… will cost Murdoch a fortune … word has come down from on high to get behind Richy Scumbag …
Pip Pip Medway Delta (Retired) Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class
I saw a king sitting on a stone In a church built in a time long gone Unnaturally dressed in mystic clothes Stood in what tradition for him chose For he’s used to the comfort of a proper throne
An archbishop buzzing like a bee Forced the king on his knees The clergy carrying his gown Whispering “try to calm down” As Charles was not quite at ease
Orb, sacred vestments baton and swords Solemnly carried after being 70 years stored The Masons watched in disbelief It’s our copyright! they sobbed in grief For what the king did on his own accord
The archbishop took a red book Not the Firm’s chequebook “Bible” was written on its cover Charles had hardly time to recover Before swearing with a solemn look
I swear to defend the faith, said the King For that’s a holy thing Worry not, it’s not a wraith Provided it’s the Anglican faith Salvation to Britain it will bring
I know Anglicans are in a small minority And over other 60 million Brits I have no authority Rishi reading from the Bible laughing at the poor chaps Who believe in all his crap For cutting taxes is the real priority
It’s all an ancient uniform fashion show The guests are sitting in orderly rows The members of the Firm in the first Spare wheel Harry in the third Alone his eyes closed in woe
The BBC, CNN and world TV channels Interviews and opinions in the panels In fierce competition for the audience Who slowly lost their patience And zapped to the sport channel
Back to the palace, the main actors on the balustrade Smiled and waived, looked like a happy brigade Outside the crowd sing and cheer Looking forward to their beer And poor Willy who is next bravely kept his staid
London VI – V – MMXXIII AD
Paolo Bolzoni is a Milanese economist specialised in International Banking, and an amateur cabaret artist. A lover of philosophy, logic and quantum mechanics, his witty approach to issues gives a novel view to topics all too often deemed to be for “specialists only”. Philosophy and rugby are his masters of life values. Bolzoni is an active member of the UK Liberal Democrats and of the Netherlands D66 Social Democrats. He lives in Maastricht, Netherlands, where he enjoys his vineyard.
One day of Caroline Lucas’ life beats one year of a Tory life … perhaps that is an underestimate … I salute her on the occasion of her decision to stand down from politics in order to focus on more important priorities. In global terms, climate change is the single most important problem we face, with Brexit accelerating our sleepwalk into oblivion. Caroline has spoken in Parliament without fear or favour. I can only imagine the nuclear levels of hatred that this attracts from career politicians on all sides. In fact, I am aware of some of this. Labour contacts in her constituency despise her for standing up to property developers, by insisting on good environmental standards in construction and town planning. The pressure must be unbearable. Consequentially, I imagine Caroline has decided that there might be better ways to save planet earth. We shall see.
As I reach the autumn of my life, it seems right and proper to consider the legacy that one leaves behind. I have always had I basic hippy instinct that has guided me towards trying to leave the world in a better place than when I arrived. We can all do better always in life. Accordingly, I produced a piece of music in the hope that it inspires people to do better on our environmental stewardship and concern for planet earth.
I fear that planet earth may have given up on us …
but we must not give up on planet earth …
The piece was inspired by Greta Thunberg, to impress upon people the importance that everyone can do something to make the world a better place in terms of sustainability and environmental action. The music was set to film by a fantastic videographer called Al Clouston. The most important contribution you can make is to share this article and film widely with world leaders and people of influence.
‘How do we want to be remembered’ reminds us that we are all in charge of our own destiny. We are all in this together. If we choose to act in smaller or greater ways, we can make an impact for planet earth. Caroline Lucas epitomises the title of this piece of music.
With love and respect for whatever you choose to do next Caroline
Don Adamson reports on the Tory car crash special : the news that Rupert Murdoch dares not publish. It is indeed strange that a car trundles into a gate at 2 mph, causing no damage to the car or the gate and, all of a sudden, Rishi Sunak has to be evacuated. One is left wondering if this is a stunt dreamt up in Tufton Street to garner sympathy for Sunakered? Or, to insist on greater police powers to arrest children riding Playmobil cars in Britain, on suspicion of crimes against the state?
Talking cock
This week’s quotes: “Nigel Garbage sees himself as cock of the walk at Gammonite Balderdash News … sense of resentment that GB News does not remunerate him more handsomely … little or no logic on how people are paid … sniping about pay and grievances … Garbage paid £480 536 … Last year Labour raised £300,000 more from donors than Tories … Johnson’s earnings (sic) down from £766,000 to £216,000 from speeches in London, Pennsylvania and Lagos … not persuaded Johnson to give up the free accommodation that JCB heir, Lord Bamford, provides … not all joy in Johnson land. …
Tory wipe out in local elections … eccentric fan club Conservative Democratic Organisation champion his return to office …. Johnson fanzine Mail On Sunday decided to focus on Prince Harry bashing … support for Brexit drastically falling … 63% want UK to Rejoin … I cannot see the Tories coming back from this one … no disguising catastrophic results … a range of exhausted volcanoes … seven years of Brexit have been an unqualified disaster … terrible reckoning lies ahead of the Tories … the party is over. Brexit has reduced Tories to a populist campaigning movement … crude culture wars … nativist vilification…. Tories have to answer to the questions … nothing of substance to say … The sun is finally setting on a political empire born 44 years ago (Thatcherism) …
Starmer or Stammer?
It is high time the 21st century began in earnest . Is Starmer’s Labour Party up for the challenge? … Might the Mail and other right wing propaganda rags have been part of the reason for the Tories dire performance in recent elections … the difference between their version of politics and what is actually happening is now so vast it just makes people angrier … Tory tone deaf response to shellacking underlines how out of touch they are … ‘if they focussed less on stopping boatloads of refugees and more on stopping our teeth from falling out we might not be so desperate to kick out the Tories’ … I doubt Richy Scumbag will see that … What can Labour promise? … It is easier to be principled and uncompromising when you do not collide with reality … Any idiot can promise the world. There is nothing impressive about extravagant promises that can never become real … very few voters think the country is on the right track and even fewer want an opposition party to deliver more of the same only more competently …
I thought Brexit was, frankly, nuts, … the private equity sector think that Cruella de Ville is some kind of woke do-gooder ,,, financier Guy Hands has emerged as an intriguing and informed critic of the whole Brexit mess …a Brexit that was designed to tear up the accepted order, risk the country’s future and benefit the ultra rich … libertarian right wing – callous and uncaring assumed they would always survive decided to press ahead, setting their own needs ahead of the country … people dismissed Thick Lizzie as being incredibly stupid, whereas what she was saying was that the only way Brexit would work was basically to tear up the rule book … within a few weeks it was clear that could not happen and the country would go bankrupt … she was ideologically correct … that was the only way Brexit could work … ironic that Tory ministers try to blame the Civil Service or Remainers for the failure of Brexit … will not take responsibility for the fact that what they tried to do was delusional … the reality is that Brexit could never have worked … we have the worst of both worlds … the issue is how much damage will have been done to Europe as a whole … while it is bad for the UK it is bad for Europe as a whole …”
It is indeed strange that a car trundles into a gate at 2 mph, causing no damage to the car or the gate and, all of a sudden, Rishi Sunak has to be evacuated. One is left wondering if this is a stunt dreamt up in Tufton Street to garner sympathy for Sunakered? Or, to insist on greater police powers to arrest children riding Playmobil cars in Britain, on suspicion of crimes against the state?And what was Ann Widdecombe doing in the boot?
Winners and Losers
(COMMENT: I said this all along). “The only people really benefitting are the Chinese … the damage from Brexit continues … we are losing our advantage. UK is being torn apart … death by a thousand cuts … They think the French are going to love us because we divorced them … UK is in decline … Britain has become rather nasty. Whether it is sending people to Rwanda or attacking people who disagree with the government…. we need politicians who admit they got it wrong … It is a mess … asking for such politicians nowadays is asking for pigs to fly … steady creep of Tory attacks on our freedom … Britain feels less like a third country and more like a third world country …Brexit has done good job of making EU countries glad they are in it – they look at us and shudder … If voter ID cannot stop the anti Tory vote we should raise the voting age to 70 … we should add ‘expectation management’ to the ever growing list of things the Tories cannot do …
Who are EU?
“World Health Organisation declared Covid 19 is no longer a ‘public health emergency … 7M deaths have been reported … WHO thinks the true toll is 20M …Fox Corporation swung to a quarterly loss because of costs associated with $787.5M settlement in a defamation case …Britain plays catch up in a global scramble for essential commodities …lacks the heft of USA, China or EU … it is a big hole to dig out of … Ramsgate Harbour once held a big fishing fleet … only sign of life is four cutters of the Border Force … in 2015 UKIP took control of Ramsgate council, first and last it would run…. shambolic … the issue of Brexit has faded … lives are dominated by the cost of living and the health service … UKIP lost all its councillors … the towns where the Brexit revolution started are showing signs it may be at an end … Mid Suffolk district council… first to be controlled by the Green Party … decades of cuts to the British Army have called into question its ability in a conflict … at its smallest since the Napoleonic era …
From Russia with hate
Putain’s generals are useless, Putain himself is a ‘a complete asshole’ and the war is going to be lost … Russia’s willingness to go on fighting is approaching tipping point … what can break that arrogance, along with the propensity to rape, torture, murder and mutilate that Russian troops have become infamous for? … what, if anything might persuade Sue Ellen Braverman that her rhetoric and strategy might have gone too far … morally unacceptable … denounced by the UN Refugees Association, Council of Europe, UNICEF and former PM Theresa May … Braverman has been referred to the Bar Standards Board for breaching its code of conduct … what we in the trade call ‘ a lie’ … the majority of child exploitation groups are made up of white men under the age of 30 .., downright sinister shift in her rhetoric … even on its own terms the government is failing …
Bankrolled by Putin … now totally discredited … Nigel Farage
Truth bombs
Starmer promised that his government would be transformative … a good start would be to present himself as a leader with courage to speak the truth … rank hypocrisy … encouraging signs that this wave of popular illiberalism encouraged by irresponsible politicians is receding … Lincoln, Churchill and Kennedy demonstrated that nations can be inspired by confrontation with reality …. Richy Scumbag has worked out that an economy battered by Brexit cannot take much more of financial, legal, commercial and environmental chaos … Brexit being both symptom and cause of our decline … running the new line ‘if only we did Brexit the way we want it everything would be tickety boo … some of the many things about Brexit that were damaging the country … Brextremists never accepted responsibility for Brexit’s failure, and none of them ever had a credible plan …
Brexit Broadcasting Corporation
BBC has for years provided platforms to the Brexiters and they are never properly challenged nor scrutinised … the right seem to defend their anti-woke diatribes as being rooted in free speech … in practice try to shut down any criticism of the populist, polarising, post truth approach … Brexit morass into which we are sinking more each day … more bad news about the impact of Brexit … “ Everything in the country seems broken … disappearing Tory voters and disaffected Brexiters … classic Tory tactic … arriving at fantasy uncosted figures … there is a real black hole … created by 13 years of bad government, austerity, slow productivity growth, and the disaster of Brexit … failing state with weak defence and a deteriorating health service … Brexit is costing the government some £40B to £50B per year in tax revenue …
Sharp cuts
RAF does not have enough pilots, the navy does not have enough ships and shrunken army cannot put an armoured division in the field … a host of other areas where massive cuts have sneaked through and the consequences are being felt … the police and the courts are groaning. The civil service’s ability to deal with crises has been affected by cuts … the atavistic Thatcherite belief that you can provide a good NHS, strong defence and everything else people and business need while keeping taxes low has been exposed as a lie … Brexit costing £100B a year in lost output … the chatter among the media classes is who will replace Sharp? …
Pip Pip Don Adamson Medway Delta (Retired) Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class
As part of our continuing work to Brexorcise the population as a preparatory step on the road to rejoining the EU, I encountered two tough cases recently. Selecting your target is vital if you want to make the most of your time, but given that I go out daily with an open invite to talk to people painted on my t-shirt, bicycle etc. one cannot always choose your ‘client’ for Brexorcism. Learn the underlying psychologies, sociology and therapeutic approaches here. The two individuals were themselves quite complex and this underlines the need to use personalised approaches to reach such people.
The Club Landlord
I had the ultimate confessional from the Club Landlord last night. A man in his 50’s who was jailed for violent crimes in his 20’s. He has taken to God of late, believes in Brexit mainly because he watches You Tube videos that tell him that the whole world is a conspiracy and that most of the time we are lied to. Amongst the lies that he believes we have been told include that COVID exists. The conversation went on for hours. He is a lost cause in terms of Brexorcism so I chose to just listen to him. He has picked up the term critical thinking from somewhere but tends to go only to the internet for his information, and then, a fairly narrow channel of material. He voted for Brexit as a protest vote and does not care about the outcomes, even though he has teenage children. I know him quite well and mainly feel sad for him.
There is no single standard Brexit Brain. Learn how to enter them by clicking on the image.
The Trade Unionist
I stopped at a cafe with my bicycle. A man about 50-60 approached and observed my signage, opening up with “I would die for the King and my country”. After some introductions, he self identified as a trade unionist. I imagined him to be left of centre and enquired “what do you think about Brexit?”. He replied that it was the best thing that had happened to Britain as we could make our own Labour laws. He winced as I pointed out that Liz Truss plans to roll back the working time directive which prevents exploitation of the masses, but dodged the question about this. I asked him about what he was now able to do because of Brexit and he answered with some twaddle about WW II. I restated the question but he returned to WW II. I asked “Were you in WW II?” He replied yes but clearly this was not true. He eventually admitted that the country was just the same as it was before Brexit, in other words, that there were no benefits. We moved on to Mick Lynch and host of other topics and it was hard to get away from him. Finally we discussed the 2019 election, Boris, Corbyn and so on. I explained from personal experience of standing a cat for election that my experience on the doorstep demonstrated that Boris and Brexit did not win but Corbyn lost, in part due to our populist media but possibly due to his own presentation and policies in a word that is more sensitive to style over substance. To my surprise, he revealed that he voted for Boris Johnson !! A trade unionist, Brexiteer who voted for a right wing populist. To quote Jim Morrison “People are strange”.
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