This is an extract from our white paper to Rejoin the EU. The piece on the white paper is heavily referenced and has been edited to suit more gentle minds. This piece is the unvarnished truth, without window dressing of apology from a cyber / security specialist who has been operating in Ukraine and other places behind the wire. It reads more like a murder mystery than an academic paper, hence the title. Read on.
The Deceit & Russian interference;
Kipling’s Six Serving Men, KYE and How the Disinformation monolith is taken down & positive hope
Introduction – Situation Report
The aim of this document is not to look back at the criminal travesty inflicted on the UK by Brexit, but it is essential for us to review and understand the state level resources who were and are ranged against our legitimate and reasonable aims to rejoin the EU.
In this section we seek to understand how they achieved their long term aims & massive investment in the damaging and weakening of the UK & EU, how they sowed and continue to sow and propagate disunity, the by-product of which is the UK equivalent of the US MAGA cult.
They are led and grifted to their rage by the agents of chaos, in the pay of Russia and the fossil fuel industry.
We can gain perspective that they are not to be feared, that their downfall is written into the script they follow, with the hope that escalation and global conflict will be avoided.
Once we have that valuable insight – How do we proceed in the short / medium / long term?
Are there any examples of ordinary, decent people fighting back and reclaiming the realms of reasoned debate and civility, with a view to showing the agents of chaos back to the rocks they crawled out from?
Can we align and link up meaningfully with these organisations or follow their highly successful “business model“ ?
I highly recommend the works of the esteemed Professor Timothy Snyder particularly his “On Tyranny: 20 Lessons from The 20Th Century” and any of his own channel videos on YouTube or recorded presentations, lectures or blog postings.
KYE – Know Your Enemy
Some insight into Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, better known as ‘huilo’ is in order. Born in St Petersburg, of dubious parentage, he has a fabricated and much-fabled childhood, with stories of his mother being noticed by his father in a pile of bodies after a battle with the Germans and revived, him as a small child confronting a cornered rat etc. The facts are he was enamoured by a radio series about a spy and aspired to join the KGB. He achieved this, excelled in the German language but failed to achieve a serious & meaningful posting, ending up in the backwater of the Kommandatura in Dresden under the cover of a translator. The stark fact remains that he ended up there, and not in some leading role in the organisation, because of his security risk due to his alleged paedophilia.
Post German reunification and the end of the Soviet Union, Putin achieved power in St Petersburg through grand fraud and corruption and working with organised crime groups in a time of crisis; natural resources were sold (wood) for food, but he never delivered, and he tasted corrupt wealth.
As deputy mayor, he developed kompromat on his senior and usurped him.
During another time of crisis with Yeltsin he was selected as a grey and controllable vessel by a group of oligarchs, led by Boris Beresovsky, (who would later be suicided in the UK by Putin) with his agreement to spare Yeltsin and his family from prosecution being agreed in advance before his succession. This plan to have a puppet controlled by the oligarchs backfired completely, as Putin simply upscaled his St. Petersburg model on his appointment to president.
The biggest mistake we can make on Putin and his regime is to think it is, as his publicly stated aim is, to restore the communist federation of the Soviet Union. He oversees a partnership between the state and organised crime, where he allows his oligarchs and siloviki (inner circle) to carve up ownership of and profits from natural resources, providing him with a percentage, in exactly the same way as any mafia boss operates. This makes him the richest man on the planet, owning a vast portfolio of properties and luxury items, registered through family and friends as cut outs. The obscenity of this wealth was exposed by Navalny, with the Pink Palace featuring an aqua disco and gold toilets, he also has a significant number of luxury homes in the UK, some in the name of his daughter.
Every country has organised crime groups that operate on a national / international / intra national level. Russia is a country owned by organised crime, and Putin is a fascist – witnessed by his adoration of Ivan Illyn (his devotion extending to disinterment of Illyn from Switzerland and reburial with honours in the motherland ,gifting his works to Russia’s ambassadors and promotion of the modern Alexander Dugin.
To further his kleptocratic aims, he has followed the Gerasimov principles of asymmetric warfare, and the Surkov ethos of sowing chaos, backing all sides politically, but focussing heavily on the right wing “populist” movements. This entails provision of direct funding through cut outs, individuals, or organisations, expertly detailed by the OCCRP’s Russian Laundromat investigations.
This is how Salvini, Orban, Le Pen, Fico etc are funded, and political fringe nothings like farige have achieved prominence.
Putin’s investment in subverting the UK has been a long and thoughtful one; the capture of Londongrad, to use our capital as a money laundering hub and safe haven for oligarchs and siloviki to hide their money and educate their brats has been carried out over decades. The purchase of the tories was easy, direct donations, sidling alongside, indirect funding, easily obtained British citizenship and patronage of and funding by people like Lebvedev, pere et fils and of course the “Conservative Friends of Russia”. Johnson, like Trump, is an ideal vehicle for Putin’s aims – easy to flatter narcissist, sexually incontinent and constantly in need of money. The amount of dirty Russian money the tories have received from Russians and as freshly minted British citizens is staggering.
Quite simply Putin bought the conservatives, but he needed another vehicle to sow deep division and hatred. The ultimate aim – destruction of the EU, enabling him to march into any country previously part of the Soviet Union or Warsaw Pact at will, was to be lead by a raft of Brexit style “revolutions” , hence the “Grexit“, “Frexit“ farces, all fell flat because of
A. The respective governments putting country before personal profit and
B. The abject failure of Brexit
Ahead of a French presidential election the Russians attempted a huge data dump disparaging Macron & his wife, this fell flat because the French Security Service were prepared for this by deploying appropriate resources in counter intelligence and the Russians making the drop in English for some bizarre reason.
Back to the UK – Step up the loathsome, vile fascist revenant from Kent.
Examination of this creature’s voting record whilst an MEP (when he bothered turning up of course) shows absolute regurgitation of Russian propaganda, toeing their disinformation line with dogged devotion, for money.
The £700,000 fees from Russia Today (RT) that we know about are the tip of a deep iceberg (the full extent of his funding from Russia will be available when Putin falls unless the data is bought in Belingcat style ). The more recent blaming of the EU and Ukraine for the 2014 & 2022 Russian invasions shows that this agent is still in the pay of and active for Putin.
So let’s bring this completely up to date – in the run up to the UK General Election in July 2024, we were all subject to that twisted Twitter/ ‘X’ algorithm that meant we saw nothing but the Reform Ponzi Scheme templates along the lines of
“I’m a 73-year grandma from Nottingham, traditional Labour voter etc, but because of blah Nigel saviour blah reform “
There were thousands in the run up to July’s General Election, the template credible enough in tone and style for the actual gammon to copy them, suggesting they were prepared by Reform beforehand and signed off for use by Russian Troll Farms like St Petersburg’s Internet Research Agency.
Sharp eyed Twitter users found instances of deceased people’s photos – some harvested from BBC news stories – being used in the fake Russian profiles to vilify the tories and Labour and promote Reform.
We now know that the pro-Trump Elon Musk bought Twitter with financing from Russian oligarchs, removed it’s moderators and proceeded to mould it into a pro Putin / Trump cesspit. There are further revelations that Musk has met with Putin, there can be no doubt that the capture of Twitter is seen as a good investment and the massive loss in the value of the company is of no interest if it achieves its Russian propaganda aims.
The Fightback – Hope in the response to Russian propaganda & Putin’s fall
So far, we have painted a grim picture – we have the 21st Century Hitler, waging both a full genocidal war in Ukraine and a full on destructive attack on democracy using asymmetric Chekist principles.
Can we hope, as decent people, to fight back?
Has anyone been successful in countering the tidal wave of division and hate?
The answer is a resounding yes to both questions.
The Baltic countries, Ukraine and Georgia have been long term targets of Russian information warfare and they have become the best equipped and experienced in combatting the hydra like attacks on their nations. The Elves academy was established as a joint venture to combat Russian trolls and they have been very successful.
There is a story of ordinary, decent people stepping up, facing off and defeating Russia in their hate campaigns that was recognised with an award of the Lithuanian Diplomacy Star for the tireless work and countless hours that volunteers have put in since Russia’s 2022 full scale invasion of Ukraine.
That organisation is NAFO (The North Atlantic Fella Organisation) and is estimated to be comprised of more than 250,000 people from around the world.The members of NAFO are called Fellas as each one has a NAFO-forged avatar, primarily Shiba Inu dogs or cats, adopting a wide range of personas.
NAFO started by a response to a propaganda tweet by the Russian Ambassador to the UN. This was swamped by people in response, and the ridiculing of blatant lies (known as shit posting) followed, with #NAFOArticle5 being invoked to bring other NAFO Fellas into the response and to mass report terms of use violations, resulting in the suspension and banning of perpetrators.
Along the way, NAFO has developed into an organisation that funds good causes in support of Ukraine and has plugged gaps where delay and dithering has left Ukraine short of supplies and support.
Most importantly, NAFO has show that the vast pernicious forces of division and hate, operating directly from Russia or through their agents here, and be faced down and defeated.
Almost to a person, the vast and nebulous network that is NAFO knows the full roster of traitors working for Putin, and by way of example, farige, Banks and Galloway are well documented:
It is very easy to become a NAFO Fella, it is also very easy to adopt the ethos of NAFO and strike back at the people working directly for or as agents of Kremlin propaganda or disinformation.
The Rejoin community has much in common with NAFO & an alliance would be a strong, supportive and cohesive way forward.
One thing that defines NAFO is a collective sense of humour that pierces the fascist conceit with deadly accuracy – a tradition that can be traced back to Charlie Chaplin and his Adenoid Hynkel character in The Great Dictator.
We all know that fascists with their dedication to “othering” and obsession with their racial superiority can’t bear to be laughed at, the “Splash the Fash” campaigns prove that.
One of Professor Timothy Snyder’s recommendations is that we can all, however minor or modest, play a part in stopping those trying to destroy democracy and piling in to correct Reform lies and their promotion of Russian interests is a good place to start.
Putin’s Fall – is not far away, his greatest hope that Trump is re-elected has come to pass.
The fallout from Putin’s fall, for his international agents and puppets, will be rapid.
In the endemically corrupt Russian state, anything is for sale, and the prime examples of Belingcat’s purchase of data that provided the evidence on both the shooting down of MH17 and the Salisbury poisoners amply demonstrates that.
A major boost came in September 2024 during an interview with Vladimir Kara-Murza, who was freed in the prisoner exchange. In his Guardian interview he said:
“These guys keep meticulous records. When the end comes – and it will – and the archives will open, we will find out about Marine Le Pen and your British guys too “
There are constant, exceptional efforts to combat the agents of chaos – there is a positive outcome, closer than we imagine – and we can all play a vital, valid part in making that day happen.
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