Join us in Clacton on Sea, Thursday June 22nd, 6 pm at the Town Hall for the BBC Question Time Special. This event is only open to leave voters. It would be a pity if some rejoiners infiltrated the event … 🙂 We’ll be driving the ‘Bollocks to Brexit Mini Cooper’ to Clacton on Sea aka Brexit on Sea for the event. And we will offer a rolling keynote entitled ‘Brexit has failed‘. We’ll also be performing a suite of original songs from 6 years of anti-Brexit / pro-EU activism. And engaging with the leave voting audience in some ‘mass Brexorcisms‘. There may be some surprises. Putting the Mini back on the road has cost circa £700 plus event / travel costs. Please support our expenses in mounting this audacious project here.

The Brexit iceberg
The iceberg explains the link between all the things that are at the front of people’s minds with the largely invisible causation factors of Brexit, COVID 19, Russia and, of course, climate change. I have not mentioned climate change in the diagram, as it is a global factor. It does of course also play its part unless on is also a climate denier and Brexiteer. I have sized COVID 19 and Russia smaller than Brexit. They are actually less significant factors in the medium-long term. The government is now unable to use COVID 19 as a mask for the state of things in Brexit Britain.
However, COVID 19 definitely contributed to increased NHS waiting times, but few of the other factors. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia contributes to food price inflation through costs of fertiliser etc. But even here, Brexit is the main causation with a 15% hit on food prices.
Today, Boris Johnson has been ‘sentenced’ to 90 days hard Brexit labour. As with everything, Johnson escapes every time. Lord Andrew Adonis of The European Movement was wrong when he said “If Boris goes, Brexit goes”. It’s not true. In fact Johnson has got off scot free, leaving Brexit as a dirty protest on Britain, with no one in any of the main parties willing to claim responsibility for the Brexit mess, even less willing to do anything about rectifying it.
Sign and share to stop liars from having privilege
Sign and share to remove Johnson’s honours’ list
Labour are a Brexit party
Of course the Tories are the major cause of Brexit. But Labour are not without their share of blame. Keir Starmer is perfectly able to say that Brexit has failed at this time. He can point to plenty of evidence from UK in a Changing Europe and other places. But he refuses to do so. Accordingly, he runs the risk of having his clothes stolen by a desperate Rishi Sunak. See our article Hard Labour on Scottish Bylines for more on this topic.
Send the Scottish Bylines article to Sir Keir Starmer
Any questions?
Join us at The Question Time Special for the purposes of mass Brexorcisms. We need people outside the venue and some inside. Get in touch by e-mailing us at Brexit has failed. Let’s make sure Brexit is placed in a grave where it belongs !!

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