Forget Hartlepool. Forget the gaslighting of Gove, Jenrick, Johnson et al. Here’s what the papers won’t say about the local elections. It seems that the our efforts as non-party campaigners helped quite a bit. The Tories lost overall control of Tunbridge Wells, with the leadership of Nick Pope and the Lib Dems in that area. We also helped turn parts of Kent Green with an incredible team of people who went out leafletting and talking on the street. I also understand that these results spread far and wide through those who took our leaflets in Hampshire, Scotland and the West Country. In most cases, we made a contribution to the leavening of the Tory vote across Britain. Tory party HQ will be discussing these results more than the story they want us to focus on. We are still awaiting insights from Swindon, Cornwall and some other places.
A massive thank you to the team who designed the leaflet, produced the graphics and layout and who went out tirelessly to deliver them. Also a big shout out to EU Flag Mafia for the loan of the Mini Cooper.
Our next projects aims to re-energise people to take to the streets across summer. We need £260 for a video and up to £500 to pay for social media ads to mainstream the initiative “We are Everywhere”. To contribute, please go to Re-Boot Britain. Please join us on Monday 10 May at 8 pm to help design the video release. Here is a draft which the film maker is to improve upon:
In other news, next Friday, we are part of a major marketing campaign to Rejoin the EU via The New European.
What should we have learned from this election?
COVID has taken residence in people’s minds. Low turnouts. A retreat to the safety levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs in the face of post-COVID PTSD.

Scotland deserve better than Brexit.
Brexit won’t lie down and any party that thinks it will must reflect, learn and act.
An unwillingness to collaborate allowed the Tories to maintain the illusion that they won.
[…] From the vault : Corona : Lessons learned […]