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Category: Elections

Rejoin EU

London Assembly for Rejoin

The London Assembly elections take place soon. If you vote strategically, you will be able to send a strong message to the whole of the country that we wish to Rejoin the EU. This will not affect the election of Sadiq Khan as Mayor. Let me explain how:

You have three votes : Tier 1 : Mayor, Tier 2 : constituency London Assembly Member, and Tier 3 : London-wide Assembly Members. Each election operates under different rules and therefore you don’t have to split the vote for Major in order to give your third vote to the Rejoin Party candidates. Tier 1 and 2 operate under the First Past the Post (FPTP) system, whereas Tier 3 operates under a D’Hondt based proportional system. This is where Rejoin candidates are standing. Thus a vote for Rejoin is NON-DESTRUCTIVE in terms of the vote for London Mayor. Read the rules at The Electoral Commission.

Help The Rejoin Party at their campaign events:

Fri 12 April : Soho and Fitzrovia : 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM Soho Square Gardens W1D 4NR

Sat 13 April : Notting Hill and Portobello Road :11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Portobello Road Market, near Notting Hill Gate W11 1AN

Sun 14 April : Hackney: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM: Hackney Central, Broadway Market E8 4PH

Mon 15 April : University College London (UCL) and Surrounding Area: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Malet Place, near UCL Main Quad WC1E 6BT

Wed 17 April : London School of Economics (LSE) and Surrounding Area: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Sheffield Street, outside LSE Old Building WC2A 2AE

Thur 18 April : Islington: 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Angel Central Shopping Centre N1 0PS

Sat 20 April : Shoreditch and Hoxton: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Shoreditch High Street, near Boxpark E1 6JE

Sun 21 April : South Bank and Waterloo: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Near the Southbank Centre Book Market SE1 8XX

Fri 26 April : King’s Cross and St Pancras International: 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM Near the entrance to the international departures N1C 4QP

Sat 27 April : Camden Market and Surrounds: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Camden Lock Place, near the food market NW1 8AF

Mon 29 April Kings College London (KCL) : 12.00 – 2.00 PM Surrey Street WC2R 2LS

Tues 30 April London School of Economics 12.00 – 2.00 PM Sheffield Street WC2A 2AE

Wed 1 May University College London (UCL) 12.00 – 2.00 PM Malet Street WC1E 6BT

Brexit has failed - official

Con Home

Amidst all the other carnage of Brexit, Tory sleaze, corruption and mismanagement a rather odd item emerged into the political landscape this week. It was a report from Conservative Home stating that Brexit had not produced ANY benefits, now or into the future. It also pointed out that Brexit has cost us some 2-3% in terms of resilience. Actually that figure is ‘conservatively’ low aka a LIE. Best estimates suggest a 4.5% GDP hit to the UK economy into perpetuity… with a peak of 5-6% by 2035. Any ideas of growth from Liz Truss, Rishi Sunakered or Keir Starmer are therefore for the birds. And it’s not just GDP. Imports and exports will tank by 15% The impact of post-Brexit trade deals is minimal at best and probably insignificant, never mind the social and environmental effects of Brexit.

Seeing is believing … from the horse’s mouth below !!

This comes on a day when David Cameron stepped out into the open and more or less admitted that Brexit was the main obstacle in addressing the question of illegal migration. He had to backtrack in order to avoid having several organs removed by ERG hopefuls Truss, Badenoch, Mordaunt, Braverman et al. I’ve said on many occasions that Cameron did not rejoin mainline politics as a swansong, and despite his many peccadilloes, we should ‘play the ball and not the man‘. Of course, I have been pilloried by Labour ideologues and Remoaners with visceral reactions to Lord Cameron. Nonetheless, I’m possibly right and willing to eat a hat if I’m wrong, in the absence of any serious and cohesive cross party strategy to join the EU anew. Watch Peter Stefanovic’s surgical analysis of Cameron’s ‘walk on the wild side’.

I’m left wondering if Cameron’s outburst was mainly directed to the swivel headed loons within his party to face down the fascists.

Read more at Cameron

Click to read Tectonic Plates

In case anyone is still confused about ways to address immigration, watch my two minute film on the solution. Of course, the overarching solution to immigration is the end of Brexit which has now failed : it’s OFFICIAL.

Just two minutes needed.

In case of any doubt as to the manufacture of the immigration issue:

2015: 299 crossed on small boats
2022: 45,000 crossed on small boats
Post Dublin Regulations. No returns arrangement made in that ‘oven ready deal’, burned to a crisp!!

Read The only good Brexit

The Chronicles of Brexit

The Chronicles of Brexit

This is the opening prelude to a new book on Brexit and Rejoining the EU. Aptly titled “The Chronicles of Brexit”, combining the notion of the fantasy world of Narnia together with the chronic condition of political paralysis.

I still hear Remainers telling me that Brexit is done. They have fallen prey to the kool aid put forward by the Brexiteers, that Brexit was a project and not a process. A project has a finite end point such as building the Channel Tunnel whereas a process continues. As I write in 2024, Brexit continues to wreak a slow chronic infusion of damage socially, economically, politically, environmentally, technologically and legally. We hardly need to rehearse the impacts here, from the gradual departure of businesses, industries and brains from UK plc, the rating of Britain as a ‘problem child’ regarding inward investment, to the unsavoury sights and smells of shit in our rivers and the jubilation by a few residual racists at the joy of drowning migrants. This is Brexit Britain. It’s nothing to be proud of.

Many of the chronic impacts predicted in these chronicles have come to pass since I wrote the original articles collected in this book. Worst of all, we are still dogged by the parliamentary paralysis that made Brexit possible. Keir Starmer continues to spout the vacuous football chant ‘make Brexit work’ to charm people with feeble minds, when all the data suggests that he could carve out a leadership position and win an election comfortably by stating that ‘Brexit isn’t working’. The Lib Dems continue to suggest that we could rejoin the EU ‘when the time is right’. Of course, that time will never come … Only the Scottish National Party (SNP) are brave enough to lead on the need for independence from Brexit Albion.

The Chronicles of Brexit
Images by James Rowland.

A little while back, I designed a t-shirt with a picture of Hannibal Lecter and the slogan ‘Brexit consumes all its children’ with a list : Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, Sunak, Starmer. I predict that Starmer will also be consumed by the offspring of Brexit, perhaps with some fava beans and a nice Chianti  … the offspring of Brexit include the cost of living, ramped up concerns about immigration, a broken NHS, business failures and so on. Of course I was hammered by my left-wing colleagues on Twitter, who have gotten into such a stir with Tory fascism that they are now manically possessed by the idea that we must get Starmer in, then we can talk about Brexit. I hope they are right but fear they are not. See Scottish Bylines as to why I say this.

Even 18th century retro-Latin imperialist adventure capitalist Jacob Rees-Mogg bragged that we will get nothing back from Brexit for 50 years … I am impatient as a ‘Brexit fundamentalist’ (The only good Brexit is a dead Brexit) not for myself at my advanced age, but for future generations. And the softly-softly approaches used by some of the central Remain organisations have largely assisted us in getting a ‘boiled frog Brexit’; so slow that we (the frogs) hardly notice the chronic decline (death by gradual boiling). This makes any approach to undoing Brexit especially difficult, as it requires a large majority of people to have their lived experiences changed by Brexit realities, which will only be visible in slow motion and in small doses.

My labour chums tell me “shh, we’ll consider rejoining in 2032”. This misses two important points. Nobody will remember what Brexit was by then and, in any case, much of the damage wreaked by Brexit will be complete and much of it irreversible by 2032. It is at best a dream, at worst a weapon of mass deception to get elected. But I cannot vote for a Brexit party in a General Election even if that means allowing a Tory back in. There is always hope and I hope you will want to read the book and act upon its advice and guidance.

To place a discount pre-order for The Brexit Chronicles in hard copy inc P&P, please PayPal £15.00 as a gift via Paypal using the link below.

We also have one remaining signed copy of our Brexit satire book Private Eyelines at a discount of £20.00 all inclusive compared with £34.99 plus P&P on Amazon.

Pre-order The Brexit Chronicles

Grab your copy of Private Eyelines

London Assembly Elections



Not only have we had five Prime Ministers since Brexit, we have also had five lecterns. Each of them have a different character, like each PM and each has cost the taxpayer more than Angela Rayner’s alleged tax scam. Liz Truss’ Jenga lectern cost an uncool £4175, seemingly appropriate, as, no doubt it could be rebuilt into something else 49 days later … In this article we look at the emerging “academic discipline” of lecternology inspired by Peter Hurst and Peter Stefanovic.

Cameron’s lectern was designed by his head of operations to appear “statesmanlike”. Cameron was the youngest PM and, as such, the wood for his lectern was sourced from B&Q, using freshly cut pine with a curved, flared column, signifying agility and smoothness, and a glossy finish to signify superficiality. Read more on Cameron at Cameron.

The simple religious cross style of Theresa’s oak lectern symbolises her victimhood as the Prime Minister who felt a sense of duty to serve but who ultimately would be hoist by her own inner conflict. In the end, the ERG and Remainers placed her on a cross for sacrifice in favour of someone more malleable. That person would be the fatberg formerly known as Boris Johnson.

Johnson’s lectern column and base are the thickest of the five, matching the intelligence and heft of the incumbent. “The Johnson” as it was referred to in No 10 was constructed of teak for strength, as it doubled as a shagging plinth for internal use. It is believed that Carrie’s children were conceived on “The Johnson” along with other random offspring from the Brexit staffers during Partygate.

The Truss lectern is perhaps the most interesting in so far that it is constructed using Jenga. This would enable quick breakdown and reassembly after her 49 days tenure. We have an authentic woodchip replica of The Truss ceremonial lectern available on e-bay for the bargain price of £30 000. This would enable us to stand a lettuce for election in her South West Norfolk constituency. Tony Hanlon commented on the spiral construction “Its a treasured memory of her death spiralling of the economy”.

Truss has since blamed the failure of her Brexonomics budget on the infiltration of left-wing Norwegian wood into her lectern at a cost of £70 billion to the taxpayer and the ruination of young people’s hopes of home ownership. John Lennon, Kate Bush, Chris Witty and Angela Rayner have been blamed by The Truss, along with left wing lawyers, left wing carpenters, carping judges, civil servants, punk rockers, classicists, MDF, lettuce, homosexuals, trannies, the blob, layabouts, drug users, climate protesters, smoking bans, Potter Heigham, Brundall, The A47, The Bank of England, The OBR, UN, The Queen, charities, do-gooders, poets, artists, piss artists, vegans, Christians, Moslems, London, wood carvers, carvery owners, wood workers, sex workers, sex swappers, The Lib Dems, brie, gorgonzola, camembert, left wing cheese, real ale drinkers, real world thinkers, Remoaners, men, women, children, animals, plants, left wing micro-organisms, algae, fungi, Liz’s parents and all members of the deep state who sought to bring her down. The Jenga lectern proved to be her downfall and it was nothing to do with her incompetence, social ineptitude and the triumph of confidence over competence. That is a disgrace. In Liz’s own words “Liz Truss is best ignored”.

Click on the description to buy The Truss on e-bay.

The Sunak lectern is paradoxical. It is bigger than the other lecterns although Sunak is possibly the shortest Prime Minister in history. The upright section is designed to obscure both of Rishi’s legs for reasons of modesty and as support in case he were to break one. Just like its user, the Sunak lectern has no integrity, professionalism or accountability, being made from offcuts from the “previous administration”.

All of the above are, of course, pathetic attempts to look in control by people who are easily persuaded by presentation over content.

Vote to Rejoin EU in the London Assembly Elections

Read The only good Brexit

Matt Miller has the last word …
The Wall

Another Prick in the Mall

Our leaflets are now ready to destroy the Tories. Please mail me at to order yours. Together with your order, you will receive digital versions of the leaflet for use on social media. For local versions of the leaflet with different text please get in touch. Low res drafts below:

Another Prick in the Mall

Make Votes Matter

Make Votes Matter

A landmark judgement was made recently that allows British Citizens in Europe (EU Britizens) a vote in elections. Some 3.8 million people are affected by this decision which could have easily swung the Brexit referendum away from the tragedy of Brexit. Grateful thanks to Julien Fouchet, Grazia Valentino-Boschi and Alice Boulliez who have pursued this case relentlessly over an extended period. This from Gina Miller explains what you need to do about the opportunity.

The 2024 general election represents a real opportunity to create a movement that gives people a positive political choice including all Brits abroad.

If you are living abroad, irrespective of length of time, you are now able to register to vote in the 2024 General Election.  It is more important than ever that you use this opportunity to vote, make your voice heard and ensure your interests, values and beliefs are represented.

If you’ve got all the information needed to hand, you can register in under 10 minutes! Read on:

In order to be eligible to register as an overseas voter for the general election you will need to:

  • Be a British, Irish or qualifying Commonwealth citizen.
  • Have been previously registered to vote in the UK and/or previously resident in the UK.

More information about eligibility can be found here.

To register you will need:

Proof of ID: you will need your date of birth and your National Insurance number, you may also need to give details of a current or expired British passport. If you have lost your NI number, you can search for it here.

The last UK address where you were registered to vote, or the last UK address at which you resided (if you were not registered to vote in the UK before you left). STOP PRESS : Grazia tells me that there is no need for proof of address from those who’ve already registered so it’s even easier!!

You may need to provide additional evidence to support your application if your identity/address cannot be verified. Your registration will last for 3 years before needing to be renewed.

You can register online on the GOV.UK website. If you have all the information to hand this should take under 10 minutes. You can also apply by post.

Register NOW

You will need to apply for a postal or proxy vote separately once your registration has been processed. You can do this online or by post.

Postal Vote

Proxy Vote

Already registered to vote or have friends/family who live outside the UK? Please share this with them!

Also ask them to support the True & Fair Party who have a clear policy of re-joining the EU, and a powerful, passionate advocate in Gina Miller.

Find out more about Make Votes Matter here.

Make Votes Matter
Make Votes Matter
Brexit bunker

The Don

Don Adamson’s round up of all things politics for the week that was …

One – Does the existence of pro-Brexit Toryism prove the existence of minus quantity integrity? 

Two – Discuss the following statement: Hermann Göring was a slippery character. At the Nuremburg Trials the prosecution struggled to pin down the charges against him. David Maxwell Fyfe, a British trial lawyer cross examined Göring. Fyfe went through Göring testimony detail by detail. In the process he demolished his defence and afterwards he was a broken man. What a pity there are no trial lawyers in the Parliamentary Labour Party who could tear apart the fairy stories that Tory Ministers deliver in the House of Commons.  

Three – Discuss the following statement: Andre Philips is the latest ‘mega talent’ to be hired to work for GB News. He would be long forgotten but for the fact that he was one of the gigolos who ill treated Katie Price. Gammonite Balderdash News seems to be only interested in hiring mediocrities and has beens; preferably with dubious reputations.  

Four – Discuss the following statement. I would always allow my enemies a way out if they repent their sins and repair the damage they did. Tories are gradually coming to realise that their precious Brexit has gone horrible wrong. It has been at least a couple of years since we heard anything about that Brexit earthly paradise we were promised. Nigel Garbage is telling us that the whole point is that Brexit allows us to live in poverty if that is what we want. Gammons and Tories do not mind being detested but they do mind being the object of ridicule. They are slowly beginning to realise that they are the laughing stock of the entire world. That is not enough to justify Rejoin. Am I alone in thinking that there is a dangerous Betrayal Myth taking hold with Gammons and Tories blaming everybody but themselves for the horrors they have unleashed on us? 

Read Myths and Riffs of Brexit

Five – Discuss the following statement. Fifteen years ago I would not have thought it possible that a British government could be capable of the horrible things these Tories do regularly and routinely. When challenged the Tories respond: ‘we got the big calls right.’ What on earth is that absurd statement supposed to mean?

Six – Police Officers and other officials in occupied countries in wartime were faced with a cruel dilemma. Should they quit and abandon their responsibilities to the enemy? That does not come easily to dedicated public servants. Should they stay put and try to maintain some standards knowing that the stench of collaboration will cling to them. Since 2015 we have seen the most corrupt and incompetent British government for many years, perhaps of time. Since Johnson became PM we seen criminality, false values and a degree of sheer crass, pig headed uselessness that I would not have thought possible in a 21stcentury British government. The PCS, a Civil Service Trade Union has mounted a legal challenge to this government’s disgraceful scheme to transfer asylum seekers to Rwanda. Can it really be true that the Civil Service Unions are the only people in government circles with any notion at all of decency? 

Read Brexshit Bonus

… autumn budget statement got one thing right. It also handed out illusory windfall … One measure … striking example of sensible policy making. … the rest leaves a mess for the next government … likely to be Labour … what he got right … ‘full expensing’ … the right of businesses to deduct upfront their capital expenditure from taxable profits … probably by the single greatest pro-growth tax reform possible … Where did the money come from? … *unt said fall in inflation made it possible … in fact close to the opposite is true … Office of Budget Responsibility calculates that some budgets would have to fall by 4.1% per year … not credible … a fiscally responsible government would admit taxes must rise …  if *unt’s successors do not reverse his tax cuts then meeting this goal will squeeze cash starved public services even more tightly. … Disappointing legacy after 13 years of Tory government … which has been comically self-contradictory on tax … hard to make sense of what Tories are trying to do other than make trouble for Labour successors…                                                         

Is the government’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda salvageable? 

.. Supreme Court’s demolition of the plan … so meticulous the policy was ‘probably dead’ … point of the scheme … to deter migrants … no evidence it would have that effect … Rwanda government has said it can only take a few hundred asylum seekers per year (compared to the thousands that make the crossing … Supreme Court’s description … ought to shame the scheme’s champions … only way the scheme might go ahead is if Rwanda cleans up its asylum system … Britain may not be up to the task of making that happen. British government needs to fix its own asylum system … the idea … is for the birds…

Immigration sorted in two minutes.

… Richy Scumbag has been far too keen on wrecking … In Autumn Statement Jeremy *unt put forward preposterous spending plans … a serious government would admit this is implausible … cynical government … budgetary landmine … for the next government … a ‘pro-business’  … would be welcome …

UK Trade Intensity remains 1-7% below its 2019 level … compared to an average increase of 1-9% across other G7 countries.  … Forecasters predict … long term view of Brexit to be 15% in the long term… 

… interviewed by the National Crime Agency as part of their investigation into how PPE Medpro, the  company in which Tory Peer Michelle Mone was involved, won £200M in contracts during the pandemic … 

Buy us a coffee

… Relinquished her morning show on GB News … is retaining weekly column in Daily Express … ministerial code says any minister wishing to practice regular journalism must have prior approval from 10 Downing Street … unusual if not unprecedented for approval to be granted … Even Johnson was obliged to comply … code strictly forbids ministers from being paid for media articles … In the past year McVey paid £22,447 for her jottings 

… audience loudness is disproportionate to its largeness … John Cleese’s much hyped Dinosaur Hour has had its repeat removed due to waning interest …  Bosses hope Johnson’s arrival in the new year will shake up ratings … lost more than £30M in first year … owner Paul Marshall hopes to spruce up image in hope of bagging Telegraph titles in New Year…

GB News
Read Gammon Brexit News

… Some person has completely rewritten the science advice … cherry picking … Quite extraordinary … breezy confidence. Incredibly alarming … quite extraordinary … all highly political … Johnson is obsessed with older people accepting their fate … quite bonkers … economic predictions from the Treasury based on no evidence, no transparency, pure dogma, and wrong … Richy Scumbag thinks ‘just let people die and that is OK. … Johnson argues for letting it all rip … most people who die have reached their time … right-wing press are culpable… weak and indecisive PM … bring in the pro death squad from the Treasury … scientific advisers … testified that they had not been consulted … it was not sensible … obvious risk … Johnson’s witness statement’ claimed scheme was properly discussed with Chris and Patrick … they have no recollection of this … let the bodies pile high … no appetite to express with clarity what the plan was … government ignored scientists .. She could not understand why the government was doing nothing … did not believe this was enough to prevent NHS being overwhelmed … you could have heard a pin drop … controlling the next pandemic will require early mass testing and surveillance capabilities that have been dismantled… during the pandemic…

Brexit Too Little, Too Late
A stitch up in time saves nine

… Telegraph remains excited about its hero Nigel Garbage appearing on the show … can overdo it … featured a subhead about how Garbage was enjoying himself ‘as another jungle bunny’ … too overtly racist even for the Torygraph…

… would find room for the wretch that is Johnson. … Unpublished Telegraph article why he has backing Remain might be the last known point he both talked sense and told the truth … alas he sent the other one in the hope it would help him become PM … we are all paying the price …

Pip Pip             Don Adamson Medway Delta (Retired)           Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class 

Read Private Eyelines


Hertfordshire for Europe

‘I was delighted to provide a masterclass on Rejoining the EU and preparing the ground to end Brexit via the gentle art and discipline of “Brexorcism” for North Herts for Europe. Here are the video recordings of both sessions if you missed it.

Brexorcise a friend today.

A great set of questions and reflections.

Follow North Herts for Europe on Twitter to get updates on events.

Get our books on Brexorcism via books:

Books to change minds on Brexit and Europe.

Read Cameron

Read Faulty Towers

Read Private Eyelines

Ursula von der Leyen

Tectonic plates

Change in politics happens when all the ‘tectonic plates’ move in unison. So, what ‘underground movements’ have been happening in the area of Brexit? I’ve picked out some ‘geopolitical seismic effects’ to consider, both internally within Westmonster and in the external environment. Cameron, Sunak, von der Leyen, Curtice, Starmer, Balls, The Tory party and others. The ground is shifting under our feet. Let’s begin with our most surprising appointment.

I have already set out my thoughts on David Cameron in an article for Scottish Bylines. Suffice to say that we must act on Cameron, even if it requires us to hold our noses. David has already made some warm noises about the EU and has executive power to act as he is outside the cabinet in his role as an unelected Lord. Please don’t waste your or my time writing to me on Facebook about pig f..cking and Cameron’s rapid departure after he lost the referendum. Use the opportunity afforded by this unexpected development. Cameron’s next adventure will be to go to Brussels. Let’s see what he does there …

Bylines Scotland
Click to read more on Cameron.
Read “Did Austerity Cause Brexit?’

Surveys on the here and now cannot tell us what leaders can do inductively to change things. But they do offer us cold facts. Professor John Curtice has reminded us that Keir Starmer can win an election whilst mentioning the B word. Watch his analysis here:

Labour Leave voters are now overwhelmingly pro-rejoin. Keir Starmer is living in the past. Cameron is ahead of the curve.

Keir Starmer falls prey to what I call management by focus groups, when he should be in the business of leadership with a bold vision on Brexit. Focus groups are like trying to drive by spending all your time looking through the rear view mirror. Read more on Labour’s faulty plan for rejoining the EU below.

Read Faulty Towers

Ursula von der Leyen confirmed (again) that the door is still open for Britain to join the EU anew. Of course Rishi Sunak has to say no in public, in case the ERG set their attack dogs on him. But it is now clear that he has abandoned the far right and pivoted towards the centre to limit the damage to his party for an election. A sure sign that this has rattled a few swivel headed far right loons comes from The Soaraway Sun, who, of course, have adopted the Daily Mail’s ‘F word’ i.e. FURY !!!

The Sun
To read our book Private Eyelines, which satirises the Sun, Maul and Excess, click the image.

Even the odious James Cleverly has suggested that we will not be leaving the ECHR and I suspect that Suella Braverman’s Stop the Boats campaign will be put into dry dock. This aligns well with the recent polling data which suggests that the vast majority of British people do not like the unsavoury spectacle of seeing migrants sent to concentration camps. The Rwanda fiasco was entirely invented by Braverman and amplified by the right wing media, just like Brexit, to feed feeble minds with red meat.

Not so Cleverly
Read The Guardian article.

It matters that von der Leyen said this, mainly because I get remoaners telling me that we can never rejoin on Facebook almost daily. As Gina Miller points out, the only missing ingredient to end Brexit is political will. Here’s an example of someone who accepts the status quo below. I spend more time doing ‘therapy’ with remoaners who have ‘learned helplessness’ than dealing with the people outside the bubble. It’s exhausting and a waste of everyone’s time. Our main job is to Brexorcise the nation in readiness for an eventual drift towards joining anew.

Cats Against Brexit Mayhem
Rick has learned helplessness. Don’t be like Rick.

Rachel Wolf, who co-wrote the Conservatives’ 2019 Tory manifesto has said that The UK could rejoin the European Union ‘in some form’ as a result of shifting geopolitical fault lines and changing attitudes among Brits (sounds like a load of hyperbole / BS, but they need a different reason to avoid saying that Brexit is an utter mess!). So now, even the Tory party are actively talking about undoing Brexit. Keir Starmer is very late to the party …

Shortly after David Cameron started making small moves in foreign policy, Keir Starmer responded with what management consultants call a ‘symbolic intervention’. He said the piece of music that best “sums up” the Labour party party is Beethoven’s Ode to Joy. Speaking to Classic FM, he said the symphony had a “sense of destiny and is hugely optimistic … it’s that sense of moving forward to a better place”. It may be a coded message about Rejoining the EU but it’s not sufficient. Starmer is more than able to point to a vast amount of evidence that shows that Brexit isn’t working. He need not finish the sentence by saying that we must join anew. That would be taken as read. Like it or not, the next General Election will be fought on the ‘offspring of Brexit’, as depicted by our Brexit iceberg:

The Brexit Iceberg
The Brexit Iceberg. All the visible symptom have their roots wholly or partly in Brexit.

Ed Balls has insisted that Labour needs to start talking about Brexit now. He wants ‘a proper structured-with-metrics conversation about what we’re going to do to get to a better relationship’ with the EU.

Ian Collard reports that even the Lib Dems are making soft noises to Ed Davey about needing to be harder on Rejoining the EU.

George Smid reports that even The Torygraph are having the collywobbles on Brexit:

When you consider these collateral moves, it becomes obvious that (a) the Brexit question is not settled (b) Labour are lagging behind in the conversation (c) events will overtake them if they are not careful and (d) The Tories are now desperate to find ways to limit the damage from an election. Brexit is the turd that just wont flush ….

Brexshit – the stinky turd that won’t flush …

Read other articles from the vault:

12 Angry Tories

Jonty Bloom

Mass Brexorcisms

Food fighters

David Cameron


I’ve been shocked and disappointed by the public reaction to David Cameron’s appointment by Remainers and Rejoiners alike. They appear unable to get past the “two minutes of hate”, sometimes much longer, for pig fucking and various other of David Cameron’s peccadilloes. It is, of course, too early to judge him by his actions now in post, but I put it to you that Cameron is a potential asset in the fight against Brexit. Stay with me on this. This will be a long piece and a nuanced argument and I am not in any way excusing him for his sins in and out of office. Before we begin, I am NOT suggesting that we forgive Cameron for his faulty referendum decision and various other defects and decisions. I am suggesting that we use Cameron’s obvious regret about that decision to help alter the political paralysis that has allowed Brexit to prevail. Let’s begin with the man himself:

Regrets, I’ve had a few

Cameron says in his autobiography that not one day passes when he does not regret Brexit. If you are a cynic, you may find this to be an attempt to gain sympathy. It’s true that people do not write autobiographies to trash their reputation. However, when taken in the round I find his regrets to be authentic and heartfelt. More importantly, whatever the reasons for his regret, we must use his reflections as a lever for change. Compared with Liz Truss, Johnson and the emotionally bankrupt Sunak, Cameron is a much softer figure. He mistakenly thought that he could build unity in the Tory party by offering the people a plebiscite on Brexit. Of course he was horribly wrong and, importantly he did not see that Nigel Farage would weaponise austerity by blaming immigrants for people’s lived experience in 2016. Research from UKICE demonstrates that Vote Leave moved the dial on the result by 12% – in other words the referendum result would have been 60:40 for staying in the EU without Farage’s ‘clever’ but deplorable interventions on ‘othering’. Yes, the campaign was lame and the murder of Jo Cox allowed Richard Tice and his mates to pile into the campaign in the final days. All of it odious.

Total misjudgement by Cameron? YES.

Total contrition by Cameron? YES.

Has he emerged wiser? We’ll see but possibly YES

… but only if we play the ball, not the man.

Hold your nose and read his reflections.

STOP PRESS : Guy Verhofstadt welcomes Cameron’s return

Guy Verhofstadt tweet
Click to respond to Guy’s tweet.

Rishi’s decision

I called James O’Brien some months back saying that if Rishi Sunak was wise, he would pivot to the centre rather than the right to save his party. I suggested that he needed about a dozen rabbits to pull from a hat. It seems that David Cameron is one of those rabbits, judging by the reactions of voters in Brexity West Bromwich being interviewed for BBC Radio 4 Today on Saturday 18 November around 07.20. Jeremy C. Hunt’s tax cuts are another, even though these will probably only affect a small number of people and are probably based on fiddled inflation figures.

A passage to India

Sunak is not Johnson. Sunak will not have tossed a coin, smoked a cigar or had a few glasses of Chablis to decide whether he should sack Braverman. He will have carefully weighed up the issues, perhaps even on a spreadsheet! He must have ‘priced in’ the notion that the ERG are a busted flush and that any counter reaction would be tolerable, even agreeable. So far, his analysis holds true: Hardly anyone attended the New Conservatives (akin to the Real IRA?) meeting on Monday 13 November and; Andrea Jenkyns managed to get a five year old to write a letter asking for Sunak to resign.

It is rumoured that Sunak may wish to be off soon to a position in the Indian High Commission. By putting Cameron in the Foreign Office, he has installed a safe pair of hands amidst the lunatic fringe of Badenoch, Morduant and others who may wish to hold the crown or a sword. A journalist pointed out that Sunak may have just installed the next Prime Minister and with it someone who may be able to join the EU anew before Starmer has even woken up in 2032. Perhaps the question to ask in terms of Sunak’s reputation is does he leave before an election to pursue other goals or does he risk leaving after a crushing or less fatal defeat which still seems possible given recent events on all sides. I know which I’d choose. Yes, Cameron’s appointment is an affront to democracy and so on, but I repeat, we are not in a position at this point to do much about that, so we must act in ways that can make some useful changes.

Vital signs

At the moment, the jury is out as to whether Cameron will be a force for reform towards the centre, although I have some direct intel from inside Parliament that says he could well be. However, he did temper the Government’s attitude towards the ceasefire on Tuesday 14th November. This itself is a sea change from the far right loons of his party such as Braverman who borders (sic) on fascism. Labour are now caught with their trousers down on the ceasefire. This is an immediate vital sign of a more centrist viewpoint from Cameron acting from his role as Foreign Secretary.

But what would Cameron need to do in order to change the parliamentary paralysis that I mention? His moves may only need to be quite minimal to be effective. For example, as Foreign Secretary, all Cameron has to do is go on a trip to Europe, mend some bridges with EU leaders, utter some of his regrets about Brexit in despatches, perhaps even suggest that Brexit has not worked out per the ‘brochure’ and so on. His views on Brexit are already public knowledge so there are no surprises for the far right press to report on here. If he even so much as whispered something about the failure of Brexit, Keir Starmer would be compelled to agree, in order to maintain his strategy of being in lockstep with the Tories. The vow of silence on Brexit would be broken irrevocably.

Andrew Marr has an interesting complementary outlook on this matter. It’s well worth watching his You Tube video on matter. In the words of George Michael, ‘Listen without prejudice’. Marr agrees with me on the point that Cameron virtually had no choice but to offer a referendum on Brexit. Clearly he did not factor in the toxic weaponisation of austerity by Nigel Farage, without which the referendum result would have been 60:40 to remain in the EU.

My views have polarised the masses, with some believing that we should influence the debate and others (almost universally Labour ideologies) saying that we must just get the Tories out. That of course is guaranteed, but then we are left with a red Brexit. Read Faulty Towers for more on the existential risks of leaving Brexit to Labour. Some of the people telling me I’m wrong have not even read the article before making their judgement. I imagine that thy must have ESP !!

It seems that Betty did not bother to read the article before responding. Oh well.
2 minutes of hate. Actually I’ve had hours of it on social media. Note that I never said any of these points yet people believe I’m giving Cameron a pardon for his misdemeanours which I’m not.
The only good Brexit is a dead Brexit
The only good Brexit is a dead Brexit.

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Breaking Parliamentary Paralysis

At the present time, all we have had in terms of tools to stop Brexit have been lobbying Labour, Lib Dems etc. and our efforts have largely failed in the wake of complete radio silence on the subject and mealy mouthed platitudes from both main parties. If Cameron were to utter even some doubt about Brexit we suddenly have a new powerful tool in the box to work across the other parties with. Political influence requires us to be emotionally detached from political ideology. Breaking Parliamentary Paralysis has been one of our five goals for activism.

Five Goals
Reboot Britain goals.

Join Gina Miller, Marr, Bercow this evening

What to do then?

I sometimes wonder if grassroots Rejoiners and especially those who are Labour supporters actually want to remain ‘Brexit victims’. When they are presented with opportunities, they spend inordinate amounts of time telling me how I’m mad, bad or evil. I prefer not to pathologise victimhood or what I call ‘learned helplessness’. Here are my suggestions if you wish to act rather than watch from the sidelines.

Forget the pig fucking.

Start supporting Cameron.

Separate this from legitimate criticism of Sunak and the cabinet.

Lobby for a change in the Conservative party’s position on Brexit.

Mention what you are doing to Keir Starmer and Labour.

Remember, you don’t have to agree with Cameron on everything.

Be surgical and support any positive moves he makes on Europe.

Play the ball not the man

Learned Helplessness
Learned Helplessness summed up.