Nigel Farage likes to suggest that there might be a “terrorist gene”. Of course, this is utter rubbish. He also implies that no terrorists are English in spite of compelling evidence to the contrary. This is how the far right take people for a ride …. But, if that’s true, then surely there must be an “upskirting gene”, since Nigel’s cousin was convicted of the sleazy crime of photographing women’s panties in a clandestine manner at the Co-Op in Orpington, just near to Nigel’s house in Downe.

This remake of a Sham 69 song tells the story of Nigel Farridge’s nephew who got a £572 fine for upskirting, when he should have had a two year jail sentence. There’s privilege in action for you!

I decided to write a song about it, choosing the Sham 69 Punk Rock song “Hurry up Harry” as the vehicle. Download “Hurry up Farridge” at Bandcamp to support our work. Here’s the video. I rated it 18 since it deals with the unsavoury subject of upskirting.

An early contender for best music video 2025.

Da Vinci ( 2025-01-29T14:18:05.814Z


Come on come on ‘urry up Nigel come on

Come on come on ‘urry up Nigel come on

We’re going down the shop It’s all at the Co-Op

Now listen here Farridge If we’re shooting up her skirt

You’d better tell your mum and dad And promise not to spurt

I wish you’d listen to Lee No, I don’t want a cup ov tea

Come on come on ‘urry up Nigel come on

Come on come on ‘urry up Nigel come on

We’re snapping down the shop It’s all at the Co-Op

You’re friends with Elon Rusk

But Nigel don’t you see If EU had to trade with Trump EU wouldn’t be me

She’s wearing a g-string So now’s the time for skin

Cum on cum on Curry up Farridge cum on

Cum on cum on Curry up Farridge cum on

We’re going down the shop It’s all at the Co-Op

You don’t have to tell me To photograph her thong

Cos everything I do in life Has always been so wrong

Now I think I understand How to ‘shoot my gun’

Cum on Dawn Come on Downe

Yet another Farridge In Orpington town.

Cum on Cum on ‘urry up Nigel cum on

Cum on Cum on ‘urry up Farridge cum on

We’re going down the shop Up skirts at the Co-Op