The European Movement has an election coming up for Branches Forum Chair and I have been encouraged to apply for it. Here is my 500 word pitch. Do call me on 07725 927585 to ask me why I deserve your vote.

Peter Cook

A Better Britain in a Better Europe for a Better World

As the UK’s leading pro-European group, with 73 years of history, nationwide membership, European-wide reach and unique international links, The European Movement can transform our nation’s fortunes.  By uniting pro-EU and anti-Brexit branches and affiliates, we will return to the heart of Europe.

Having written 12 business leadership books, my career spans science, business consultancy, MBA academia, professional speaking and music.  At 18 I joined The Wellcome Foundation, a philanthropic pharmaceutical company, working internationally, developing human insulin, novel medicines for herpes and bringing the first HIV / AIDS treatment to the world in record time.  My business background gives me the skills to tackle so-called “wicked problems” in decision-making and problem-solving.  With 18 years teaching MBA’s, 27 years running a business and all my life playing music, I bring a scientific mind, creative spark and business discipline to The European Movement.

I am an unparalleled pro-EU/anti-Brexit campaigner around the UK/EU focused on engaging people of all persuasions on their own terms.  I have done considerable media work on Brexit on TV/Radio/MSM in the UK and around the world.  Please check my profile at LinkedIn or via Re-Boot Britain.

I see the Chair role as that of a “gardener”, helping germinate ideas, providing nutrients to convert embryonic ideas into action, cross-pollination of initiatives and so on to help branch chairs and committees develop, grow and strengthen their groups.  I will work with you full-time to:

  • Attract, engage and unite younger and more diverse audiences to address our demographic time bomb.  By targeting universities, embracing different lifestyle groups and harnessing popular culture, we can re-ignite the spark of what it means to be a citizen of the world.
  • Resolve complex challenges and fixing “unfinished business” on key issues such as NationBuilder; completing the BARNS reforms; defining organisational direction; promoting a shared vision for Re-joining the EU; protecting the constitutional relationship between the centre, our membership and local groups etc.
  • Reach outside the bubbles of our disunited Kingdom.  We need to build on superb initiatives such as the Euro Cafés.  By working with business communities in all sectors and local politicians from all parties we can deliver powerful, authoritative messages in the mainstream media.  My book Let’s talk about, based on thousands of hours interviewing people, also shows how therapeutic interventions on a 1:1 and small group basis are highly effective in changing minds.
  • Help our Movement’s branches and affiliates shift the Brexit narrative by reaching parts of the media that others cannot.  Much social opinion is embedded in what people consume in local papers and from resulting social media conversations.  Through well-placed letters, phone-ins, commentaries on articles, op-ed pieces in newspapers, radio and TV, our groups’ amplification can change the “diet” of what people consume in the media on Brexit.  We are experts on this and we must multiply our impact.

Any questions?  Call me on 07725 927585.  To sample our work, join us every Monday at 8pm on Zoom. We are presently working on short and longer term scenarios for Rejoin – see the work in progress below. Please register for our special event with Professor AC Grayling.


Short term event strings
The longer view – join us to refine the scenarios every Monday at 8pm
Whilst you are here please support our audacious tour of the UK by clicking the link
We are also going to the Reading Festival with grassroots groups at the end of August