We plan to go back on the road again … to bugger Brexit.
We plan to take the “Bollocks to Brexit Mini Cooper” on the road again, on a COVID safe trip around Britain to raise awareness that Brexit can be suspended in the wake of Corona. We’ll be distributing 10 000 of the famous EU Flag Mafia stickers of two new designs. At each location we offer a music performance and a COVID safe protest to re-ignite Remainers who wish to see an end to Brexit disaster. The only good Brexit is a dead Brexit and Brexit is far from over – see Brexit Choices.
Aside from this, we are organising a Festival of Brexit aka Futurama in November. We wish to pay the artists for their time to perform at the event. See Futurama for details.
At the same time we’ll be writing articles and making video content along our journey. We hope not to get arrested this time as we did in Essex last time we did this – see Arrested Development.
In case you are confused about whether Brexit can be stopped please read Brexit Choices. Brexit is a political process and the law is merely a civil servant to the political will. Just consider how many laws our Government has broken to “get brexit done”, including international law.
Whilst we are here, report your Tory MP for breaking international law.
The case for suspending Brexit can be found at SuspEND Brexit. It is somewhat doubtful that we’ll be able to rejoin, especially if we end up with a Brexit deal, so we must act now. See Fool Britannia for some analysis on the prospects of rejoining the EU in the mid-long term.
We plan to commence the tour at the beginning of November so there’s no time to waste. Please support the project and share with others.