People ask me “Surely it is too late to reverse Brexit?” Of course we can. Brexit is a political process and the law is merely a servant to the politicians. If political will changed, the law would be made to fit the circumstances with a suitable narrative created for the media and people. We must therefore change political will across all parties. A political backbone has been absent for four years and Remain have sometimes gold-plated the strategy that lost them the referendum, with the best of intentions. Please support our work via Re-Boot Britain.
We cannot allow the greatest disaster next to climate change to threaten the next generation’s futures to continue. Our continued resistance is both moral, a fight worth having and certainly not a waste of time, given how much people have sacrificed over the last four years. Would you like to be able to say that you contributed to the re-establishment of an honest Government? I would.
Here’s a detailed video that explains our project in full. If you are in a hurry, read our pitch deck:
We have already had a sneak preview of what Brexit will deliver via the panic buying associated with the Corona outbreak. This is merely a sneak preview for Brexit, if we allow things to continue towards 31.12.20.
Read all about our strategy in our slide deck “Re Building Britain ” and the paper “Brexit Futures “. This has been adopted by Grassroots for Europe and a number of other large pro EU institutions including the Federal Trust and the originators of the FBPE hashtag.
We are building a full time professional movement with the aim of breaking the deadlock of “dead cat” Brexit politics:
1. Breaking Parliamentary Paralysis – via lobbying MPs using a variety of means.
2. “Taking Back Control” of populist media via press and media activity in national and local print / radio and TV media.
3. Develop much better reach into social media, in terms of honesty, depth of penetration and reach outside the Remain bubble.
4. Changing minds on Brexit via 1:1 “Brexorcisms” and / or en masse via online leaders’ debates and other grassroots strategies.
This is Stage One of a wider project to build a full movement and will get us to our first level of professional organisation, for example virtual PA, professional website, company registration, accountants etc. I ask that you join us with a suggested donation of £10 per month or £100 pa for Silver membership. If you can spare more, please consider higher level donations of £250 or £500 per annum. Or please just give what you can afford on an ad hoc basis. Everything helps.
Silver : Gives you basic exclusive access to our daily stream of writing and media
Gold : Gain copies of our work in advance of release (books, music, media). Exclusive invites to our regular series of conference calls and seminars
Platinum : 1:1 coaching in the art and discipline of changing minds on Brexit plus all other benefits above
Frequently asked questions
Isn’t Brexit already done? A piece of paper was signed.
We have merely had our “Chamberlain moment” on 31.01 plus some time spent in a gulag (fridge). But Brexit is a political process and the law is merely a servant to the politicians.
If you are not sure on this point, just think of ONE occasion when the Government obeyed the rule of law in the last four years or other precedents. Here’s a few where they didn’t:
1. Gina Miller’s Supreme Court Case
2. The Cooper No Deal amendment
3. Pro-rogation
4. The 6 million petition
… and so on. Our Government is beyond the law
If political will changed, the law would be made to fit the circumstances. It would have to look painful and difficult as a piece of “political theatre” but nonetheless all that is needed at this point is a phone call from Johnson saying “sorry”, not easy, but possible. Johnson is the only politician currently able to do a 360 degree turnaround and get away with it.
Is it too late? We are about to finalise things in June?
There are clearly moves to institute delay. Johnson may instigate one at the final hour per his many other U turns … die in ditches, Halloween etc. The EU may also downgrade the importance of Brexit leading to fudge June may present a false ending to the story. In any case there is still the rest of the year to introduce twists in the road.
What will we do with the money?
We plan to hire a small organisation – A PA, fundraising team, professional web platform and so on. Also allocate some of the funds to support our full time input. Voluntary activity is fine but we need full time professional help to be agile and able to react. I am prepared to set my work aside to do this but I also need to live.
Oh, no, not another anti Brexit movement?
Our difference comes from the fact that we will be more direct than professional politicians, outsmarting Nigel Farage et al at their own wicked games. We will also rely more on professionals in their field rather than volunteers. This will give us the edge. At the same time we will collaborate with other pro EU and anti-Brexit groups across the board acting to amplify their efforts. Despite best efforts of grass roots EU organisations, much of our work has suffered from “initiative constipation” – see Brexit Futures for more insights on this.
About the leader of the project
I am an unusual mix of scientist, business academic and musician. I lead the Rage Against The Brexit Machine project, having written three albums of anti-Brexit protest songs and got one of them to Number One on the Amazon chart. “Brexorcist in Chief” for Mid Kent 4 EU, I gained two black eyes for daring to ask difficult questions of angry leave voters and was arrested by Essex Police for driving a Mini Cooper with the words “B*llocks to Brexit”. I also stood a stuffed cat in the 2019 General Election which did not come last in the ratings !!
For nearly 4 years I have acted to dispel the illusions of Brexit. At 62 I am at some risk from Corona and consider that a fitting epitaph for my life would be the destruction of Brexit populism for the sake of future generations. I wrote a requiem for Brexit on 31 January 2020 and it explains why this matters better than words can manage: