Brexit has failed. That much is clear. Yet exiting Brexit will be a long and tortuous process. I am asking for your regular support via Patreon, Paypal or GoFundMe to continue our full time work to put Brexit and it’s culture carriers into a shallow grave. Here’s a mini roundup of our current collaborations on the future of Brexit, some online, some in real life. Let me know if you can help in any way to Re-Boot Britain.
Jail Johnson
In collaboration with Prof Joshua Silver, we have a project to, at the very least, prosecute Johnson for lying to Parliament and thus breaking the Ministerial code. The alluring sexed up title of Jail Johnson refers to the real goal of taking Johnson to court for killing 179 000 people unnecessarily for pursuing his herd immunity strategy. We need thousands of signatures to support this action initially. Please find out more at Jail Johnson and send this paragraph to friends with a link to the petition Uphold The Rule of Law.
By the way, the objective of Jailing Johnson is itself not the only goal we have. Amidst some of the items in the ‘backroom’ that are perhaps less interesting to the public is Putin’s donation of £8 million to Aaron Banks which, if exposed, could lead to the destruction of the Conservative Party and to some reconsideration of our relationship with the EU. There is also the case of the £1 billion bribe with the DUP, which again has serious ramifications.
Europe Day – May 7th
In collaboration with EU Flag Mafia, we are planning a concert at a church near to Parliament for Europe Day. We need headline artists, social media marketing team and, of course, an audience of 400 people. ‘Rage Against The Brexit Machine’ will be supporting the event with a 20 minute set of the best of our output from 6 years of pro-European activism and I’m planning to put together a sh..t hot live band for the occasion. Get in touch if you can help and let me know if you would like to reserve tickets for this special event. To support our costs in doing this please go to PayPal.
We had an extraordinary response to our article on Brexit Freedoms, following Jacob Rees-Mogg’s request for Sun readers to do his job for him. The article has reached outside the bubble and I’ve been trying to set up a Leader’s debate with some angry leave voters who seem unable to think of any freedoms they now have but who are convinced they exist !! 😊
See Moggmentum and British Life on Facebook for some comedy gold on the future of Brexit.
EU Britizens in exile
In collaboration with Alice Boulliez et al. we have drafted a press release for use with UK media to highlight an upcoming legal case. See Orphaned by Brexit if you can help Alice in reaching mainstream media in the UK.
Brexit Doesn’t Pay – Removing the Brexit culture carriers
In collaboration with the wonderful Adrian Ekins-Daukes, we plan to build a database of MPs who are (a) vulnerable and (b) who are ‘Brexophiles’. Once we have that, there is a much longer job of finding leaders in their constituencies to help remove their majority at the earliest opportunity, working systematically as of now to leaven their chances of winning a GE. The message must clearly be that ‘Brexit Doesn’t Pay’. We need a data and an excel people to build the database and people who can reach the leaders in the areas to build teams to deliver our strategy. It is a considerable amount of work. We may also eventually link up to Andy Watkin’s fine work to help people target their efforts within specific wards for maximum impact. If you can support the ‘Brexit Doesn’t Pay’ project financially, please go to GoFundMe.
Please note – This project is quite different to Lord Andrew Adonis’ barmy attempt by the European Movement to target 44 Tory MPs and, in doing so, to kill our support with the quieter rump of Conservative MPs who wish to rejoin the EU. This was quite wrong-headed and, working together with the MODEM group, we managed to push back Adonis’ daft idea, although this was after much of the damage had been done, after The Conservative European Forum left The European Movement because of him.
Next meeting – Monday March 7th
I have not been overwhelmed with offers of support from people wishing us to build a bigger Re-Boot Britain organisation !! ☹ I’ve had four offers of Gold sponsorship for which I am extremely grateful. I have presently declined them as (a) it does not get us to the target and, more importantly (b) it is simply wrong to rely on a few people with deep pockets. We really need 4 – 800 x much smaller amounts. Here is the link to the video presentation. Do let me know how you are doing at engaging others. I’ve had much more beneficial offers to return to corporate life and I’m beginning to think that this may be my best option to thrive rather than merely surviving by doing this full-time. We will review progress on March 7th at 8 pm on ZOOM. I am left wondering if we really don’t believe that Brexit can be reversed or whether continuing effort is actually worth it tbh and am not someone who believes it’s worth it if we cannot get the needed collaborations. The future of Brexit is bleak if we make it so but I recognise that people are at a low ebb.
The Book of Brexorcism : Let’s Talk About Brexit
Music : Rage Against The Brexit Machine
Subscribe to our EU TUBE channel : EU TUBE
Read recent articles Brexit Freedoms, Dead Cats