Can all our previous Prime Ministers be wrong about Brexit? Please watch as leaders unite against Brexit. Learn and then share with MPs to wake them up. Sir John Major’s speech is well worth 30 minutes of your time to start with:
John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron and even Theresa May … Almost nothing unites these five people, apart from the fact each were once the UK’s head of government. Three Tories and Two Labour. Many of them stood against each other in General Elections. But all of them have now spoken out against Brexit. Even if it’s to save their own face. But if Brexit is so bad that every single living British Prime Minister speaks out against it … Then it’s obvious that Brexit is a bad idea. And that the UK’s current government is being run by the very worst of politicians.
For comparison this is our PM demonstrating his skills of oratory and principled leadership:
Take Action
Write to your MP and demand that they oppose the toxic combination of Corona + Brexit
Write to the press with the same ambition
Write to EU leaders and encourage them to hold firm on Brexit negotiations now that Johnson is alone
Join our ABV-20 (Anti-Brexit Virus-20) Super Spreaders group to increase our footprint on social media
Thank you to A Peace of Europe for their help with this article.
Really! You pick five ex-leaders, all of whom have failings one way or another. Left to right, Signed us up to EU Lordship without so much as asking was it ok; Tony B. Liar lied about WMD and took us into a middle eastern conflict on dodgy intelligence and feels the EU Emperorship slipping away from his champagne socialist grip; May the deceiver, Remainer – Soft Brexiteer (i.e. would have signed us back in by the back door) – Now a 100% Remoaner; GB the incompetent ex-chancellor, told everyone he was going to sell some of the UK gold reserve, how much and when, price of gold drops – he sells – price of gold goes back up costing the UK millions if not billions; Cocky smart ass Eton snot, thought he had the Remoaner media in his pocket, tied in “experts” that haven’t ever been right to convince the plebs, set the electoral commission loose on the brexit party and Nigel Farage in particular on zero proof, zip, nil, nada, diddly-squat sweet FA. I would suggest that all of them have EU position dreams to draw a salary for nack-all effort because they’re special. F*** OFF!!!
If they’re not happy in an independent UK, they can all “retire” to their beloved EU and die quietly. I bet this will never see the light, but I feel a whole lot better.
Our personal feelings about these people is rather less important than their collective impact
Brexit is the most STUPID thing we have ever done!