Don Adamson writes from his Barnsley Brexit bunker.
This week’s homework
One – Discuss the following statement
I have been criticised for ‘conflating’ (whatever that means) Russell Brand’s support for Brexit with his alleged criminality. Brexit is evil, rape is evil. A person who is capable of one is perfectly capable of the other. Does it come as a surprise that the ‘freethinkers’ who have come out in support of alleged team rapist include: Andrew Tate, Elon Musk,*Ucker Carlson, Laurence Pox, Stickyfinger Pansey Lenin (Alias Tommy Robinson, Alex Jones and the Telegraph’s Allison Pearson.
Two – Walking from Park Lane to Parliament Square on 23 September we passed the Saturday afternoon shoppers. We encountered hostility and abuse from older people who failed to notice that their precious Brexit has become a catastrophe rather than the earthly paradise we heard so much about not so long ago. Younger people, by contrast were vocal in their contempt for Brexit and support for our pro Rejoin activities. One poll after another indicates increasing opposition to Brexit and increasing support for Rejoin. One poll after another indicates that >> 60% of the general population is pro Rejoin and anti Brexit. Meanwhile more than 80% of people under the age of 25 are anti Brexit and pro Rejoin. Sooner or later that is going to translate into votes at elections. Richy Scumbag, Keith Starmer and Ed Davey continue to insult our intelligence with their assurances that they will ‘make Brexit work. Does this mean a) that the major parties are fishing for votes in a body of water that is rapidly evaporating? b) that support for Brexit i) ruins your eyesight? or ii) is a symptom of early onset dementia?
After the speeches we made our way along Milbank to the rendezvous. The coach arrived some time after we did. We loaded the banners and placards into the cargo compartment then we piled aboard. We made good time on the road. I got a text to say that William’s dad would meet me at the rendezvous and drive me chez nous. Apparently that was William’s idea. I am very lucky in my grandchildren, sometimes. Do you wonder that I devote so much time and effort to finding them a future that Brexit is denying them?
On arrival as the rendezvous I found that Rob was rendering assistance to a drunken woman in difficulties. He dislikes Leeds city centre at night. Strange things happen. I told him that in the old days I used to avoid taking the last train out of London on a Friday night. Things go boisterous. The men were bad enough. The women were worse.
This particular woman took a dislike to my Bulwarks to Brexit cap and whacked me across the shoulder. I had been expecting that all day in London but not in Leeds.
Three – Is there any truth in the rumour that Laurence Pox has been suspended for inapparopriate comment? What on earth did he say that Gammonite Balderdash News would deem offensive? Was it along the lines of: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West?
Four – Russell Brand is up on rape charges. Laurence Pox has been suspended for inappropriate comment. Does this mean that this country is slowly regaining its sense?
This week’s quotes
Nadine Dorries has become such a political liability that Tory MPs are actively celebrating her resignation in constituency literature
… North Wiltshire MP James Gray writes …’ There is something rather tragic about politicians who become so fixated by themselves that they lose touch with reality. Nadine Dorries is not the sharpest tool in the box, and the authoress of some of the worst novels I have had the misfortune to read. She laboured in cheerful obscurity until Johnson thought she would make a good cheerleader, pom poms, frills and all…
Read Bojo, Beds and Nads
Reform UK
The latest vehicle of the Faragists, styles itself as the champion of the hard pressed working people struggling with the cost of living crisis, but you would not think it from the party’s forthcoming conference to be held at the Hilton’s London Metropolis Hotel. Supporters are urged to buy tickets for a gala dinner where they can mingle with party luminaries such as Richard Tice, his partner Isabel Oakeshott and Ann Widdecombe. Tickets are priced at £125.
After the Tories sacked him for comparing the COVID Vaccine programme to the Holocaust MP Andrew Bridgen joined Laurence Pox’s right wing Reclaim Party which is bankrolled by investment tycoon and culture warrior Jeremy Hosking.
The viewing figures may be mediocre but in one respect GB News is thrashing all comers – the amount it is splurging on MPs … a staggering £44313 … compares to just £55000 spent by Rival Talk TV …an enormous £149,121 dished out to Jacob Grease Bogg …
The Sun’s pisspoor sister station
TalkTV currently enjoys the eyeballs of a stunning 0.12% of the viewing public for an average of ten seconds per day…
Last week a report from ‘UK in a changing Europe’ showed how state backed investment in infrastructure and energy had collapsed since 2020 …
when the European Investment Bank ceased funding projects here … four domestic banks that have taken over the role are now lending less than a third of what the EIB was pumping into offshore wind, … meanwhile the architects of hard Brexit are staring doom in the face. In his Telegraph column Lord Frost laments not only Labour’s plans to collaborate and align with Europe over environmental and migration policies, but the explicit buyers’ remorse that has emerged in the Tory Party – with Richy Scumbag’s deal to Rejoin the Horizon science collaboration project as a straw in the wind …’All too many people in the parties think Britain’s future is to retrace our steps and get closer again to Europe.’ Writes the man who designed the disaster…. Johnson framed hard Brexit as the opportunity for Britain to ‘do its own thing in the Indo Pacific region … In return Biden has pointedly excluded Britain from the project … Britain’s exclusion from this great game is self inflicted…. the UK is on the sidelines …. The UK will be forced to align with the EU or sit like a pariah state between EU and the USA … so when Keith Starmer says there is no case for Rejoin I remain sceptical … Brexit was a long term projected boosted by the Russians fundamentally designed to make Britain a low tax playground for 5the super rich … Brexit has failed because globalisation is failing. It is around that fact that all policy towards the EU now has to revolve…
With IT set to be at the heart of Richy Scumbag’s plans to modernise the NHS tech tycoon Frank Hester has made a timely £5M donation to the Tory Party
… what went unmentioned was that his healthcare business, Phoenix Partnership has joined with other contractors in a combined £41.2M of public sector deals … TPP lists 19 government contracts on contract finder, government database … records show TPP donated £11,300 to the Tories in February and £145,000 in March…
The late Queen’s relationship with Johnson was over before he came to office
… she had not been amused by the way his then sidekick, Michael Gove dragged her into the EU referendum by telling the Sun that she backed Brexit. Gove has always disputed the fact but Gove’s relationship with Murdoch leaves little doubt about what happened…
Richy Scumbag has not proved especially keen to do in depth TV interviews
… but his aides have been putting out feelers to get him on BBC’s the One Show and ITV’s Good Morning Britain’ … these are scarcely forums for in depth political discussions but the idea is to try to endear the PM a bit more to the under 40s who are deserting the Tory Party in droves. Party leaders have long found connecting with youth challenging … one thinks of Thatcher and Ed Multiband doing broadcasts with Jimmy Savile and Russell Brand…
Thick Lizzy and her mates are desperate for her to get a foothold in the US public speaking market
… It will therefore dismay Team Truss that the swanky Lincoln Lodge Bar in Chicago is selling Liz Truss cocktails (gin, Earl Grey, lemon, sugar and soda at $12 a time – selling briskly)
Russell Brand is not a martyr and the claims against him are not a conspiracy
… Brand was once the darling of the left he is now categorised at ‘alt right’ … some of the guests on his show ‘stay free with Russell Brand fit that description … In July *Ucker Carlson granted Brand his first interview after being fired by Fox News … Carlson was also one of the first to rush to Brand’s defence, along with Andrew Tate, Stickyfinger Pansey-Lenin alias Tommy Robinson, Elon Must, and deranged info wars host Alex Jones … the key to Brand’s ideology and cosplay has been the airtime he has given to conspiracy theories… during the pandemic he embraced anti vax propaganda .. as wildly irresponsible as this has been it delivered what Brand wanted – a devoted online base … he loves to posture as the voice of the powerless, a persecuted Techno Jesus … all absurd … it is time we stopped treating Brand and his idiots as rebels. They are the establishment…. he grasped long ago that conspiracy theories tend to lure in disciples … presenting somebody gripped by conspiracy theory with the facts frequently reinforces their4 beliefs no matter how absurd … it is alarming that this sort of garbage gets any traction at all … ‘’’ kohl eyed menace and narcissism of the most toxic kind …
The utter dysfunctionality of the Tory Omnishambles…
It is easy to spend money … you can commission loads of personal protection equipment, some of it from friends, then find you have frittered £9B on kit that was never fit for purpose … successive administrations have wasted fortunes on attempts to computerise he NHS … defence procurement has become a byword for criminal waste … irresponsible extravagance is not going to be an option for Keith Starmer … Britain requires not more spending but better spending … Starmer might be wise to approach reform from the perspective of what needs to be done… relationships between ministers and administrators are beyond fraught … talent has been haemorrhaging … clearly needs drastic rethink … eschewing all the embarrassing rhetoric about ‘world beating ….
Stephen Fry is right
… we know that Brexit has failed … Johnson has a distant relationship with truth … Lord Frost confessed that he and Johnson knew the N Ireland protocol was unsatisfactory … and hoped they would have to renege on it … this statement is astounding … three quarters of British companies reported that the trade agreement has made it difficult. Across the NHS Brexit has compounded widespread existing problems … business investment is slowing across every sector … overstretched services and higher costs … reality is finally dawning on Richy Scumbag … Brexit is seriously harming our food and farming sectors … we are stronger and safer when alongside our nearest friends and neighbours … Brexit has made our country less resilient … There is little that Tories will not sacrifice on the altar of Brexit … the facts are plain to an increasing number of the population … negligible Brexit benefits …. it is time to start the road to Rejoin … polling shows that Rejoin is now the will of the people … every major party is cowering…. Brexit is far from settled in the minds of voters…
Don Adamson Pip Pip Medway Delta (Retired) Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class