You are invited to support Gina Miller’s True and Fair party in the Mid Beds by-election. True and Fair are the only serious professionally run party in England that has a clear position on Brexit and Rejoining the EU standing in this by-election with all the other main parties running scared of the word for fear of upsetting voters. More importantly, True and Fair also have exceptional policies on parliamentary and political reform for a better Britain. Plus all the usual policies that you would expect from a serious political party, except that none of them are ‘usual’. Check their policy platform out at policy toplines.
In case you are not aware, Nadine Dorries finally stood down this week and this means that a by-election will be held. If you live within 40 miles of Nad’s constituency I invite you to join us for doorstep campaigning, street events and any other help you can provide on the ground or via social media. Some of you will be asking why it is both safe, effective and incredibly sensible to support Gina’s party. Here is a Q&A to help you decide:
What’s up for grabs here?
The Tories won with 39 000 votes in Mid Beds in 2019. Given that Nadine Dorries has shamed her party and her constituents, it’s quite likely that the vast majority of these votes will go elsewhere in this by-election. Votes for other parties were fairly split in 2019 – Labour 14 000, Lib Dems 8 000, Greens 2.5K. With up to maybe 30 000 to distribute, it seems unlikely that the Tories will pull off a victory this time. Both the Lib Dems and Labour are running vigorous campaigns based on the same old hubris that they can win. Whilst it is likely that one of them will win, if they don’t, it will be a failure entirely of their own making and not because of a small challenger party. Labour are already saying that Gina’s party will allow the Tories back in – the usual bullying tactic. In Jurassic Park terms, this is the equivalent of the Veloceraptor (Tories), T.REX (Labour) and Triceratops (Lib Dems) trying to blame a Gecko (T&F) for allowing the Veloceraptor to prevail. It’s entirely safe to vote for truth and fairness in our politics at this by-election. See the candidate’s views on the matter.
Who are The True and Fair Party?
Gina Miller founded The True and Fair party to improve our politics. I’d imagine that some of you will not know who Miller is. She gained a reputation for upholding truth when she took the Westminster government to the Supreme Court to demonstrate that Britain had always had sovereignty as a member of the EU. She won her case. Of course, the government ignored the Supreme Court judge. You may more likely know Miller from the tabloid gutter press who vilified her for winning the case. The result of this was various vile threats of beheading and gang rape. All this for upholding the truth, fairness and the rule of law. Some people must have felt truly threatened. If like me, you believe that truth and trust matters, please vote for Alan Victor and The True and Fair party.
Miller’s position on Brexit is unequivocally clear, compelling, and concise. The Brexit experiment has failed. We both ‘can’ and ‘must’ rejoin the EU. She confirmed that this can be done within three years and that “there must be no half measures and mealy-mouthed compromises*. What matters most is starting the process rather than ending it.
“In terms of joining the single market and customs union option, we are not supporters as this would mean the UK doffing our cap and accepting existing and future rules and regulation without any vote or voice. The only viable option is to re-establish our membership of the EU and return to the top table once again. After seven years of failure, now we need to pull the rip cord, and start the process of re-establishing our membership of the EU, as the benefits far outweigh the costs.”
Gina Miller
Who is Alan Victor?
Alan stood as an independent candidate in 2019 gaining a respectable 812 votes. You can find Alan’s profile here. Alan decided to join the True and Fair party because he was fed up with the current state of UK politics and mainstream political parties hijacking our democracy, promising the world and failing to deliver. A multiple of 4-8 times his current vote would ensure that his deposit is returned and also that the True and Fair party are considered a serious challenger to our broken politics. If you can help in any way (on the street, online amplification of social media posts etc.), please e-mail me at or write to Alan direct at
Why is it safe to vote for the True and Fair party?
It would be a miracle if Alan Victor won the seat … yet miracles do happen in our disruptive politics. However, a significant increase on his vote share from 2019 would send an important message to Labour and Lib Dems about their myopia over Brexit and other matters. Brexit has failed. It is no longer the will of the people. Waiting longer will prolong the carnage. Just a single voice in Parliament would significantly disrupt the parliamentary paralysis that gave us Brexit and many other things. Read more at Truth and Fairness on Byline Times. Don’t just take my word for it. Read the candidate’s own answer on vote splitting:
The vote splitting narrative is:
1. Anti-democratic because it intends to withhold candidates from the election, reducing the choice that voters deserve. In Mid Bedfordshire, for example, I am the candidate with the most lived experience, transferable skills and commitment to the constituency with 32 years living in Bedfordshire and over 30 years working in the constituency.
2. Unbalanced because it is ok for Labour, LibDems and Greens to split the vote with much larger effects but not new and smaller parties.
3. Lazy armchair politics. If you want voters to vote for a particular candidate, get off your backside and campaign for the candidate in question. Don’t expect good candidates to give up because you call them names.
4. Irrelevant in by elections in general and specifically in this by election. No matter who wins, it will not change the government. We have another year or so before the General Election and the winner this time will have to defend their seat then. It is a chance for voters to send a message to Westminster that might be suppressed in a GE.
5. Just plain wrong. It is highly likely that the smaller parties will take votes away from the Tories because so many Conservative voters have had enough of this government but would in no way vote for Labour or even LibDems. You need other candidates with different offers that Conservative voters can migrate towards.
6. In the specific case of @VoteTrueAndFair we are making a unique offer to the voters to change the systems that govern our democracy , not just the party who tells your MP how to vote. I am specifically appealing to the 50% of voters who probably won’t vote because they see all politicians as in it for themselves. It’s my challenge to convince voters that changing the system will mean more MPs will do more of the right things that will lead to better government and better outcomes.
What can one person achieve?
A great deal. Just remember that Nigel Farage got us Brexit without ever getting elected to the UK parliament. Then there is Caroline Lucas who has achieved great things from a single platform. Stephen Flynn and his colleagues at the SNP do a fine job for Scotland. Just 12 DUP assassins held the Tories and the country to ransom over Brexit. I am not approving of Nigel or Arlene Foster’s politics at all, just that one person or twelve in the case of the DUP can make a big difference.
Might the Tories win?
It’s possible but quite unlikely. The local Tory candidate is a departure from the Nadine Dorries’ cult. However, if the Tories win, it will be because Labour and Lib Dems are refusing to stand aside and NOT because of the True and Fair candidate. Both Labour and Lib Dems are trying to block out all other parties by saying that the little parties will spoil the vote. Perhaps they should look a little closer to home, especially Labour and their mealy mouthed capitulation to the Tories on Brexit, Climate Change, environmental damage, ULEZ, electoral reform, taxation and so on. A Tory victory at this point, however small, will force Labour and the Lib Dems reconsider their election strategy on Brexit. After all, it’s only a by-election. If they don’t, I myself will be campaigning against the Tories AND Labour by standing an independent candidate in my area for 2024.
Please support our campaign at 2024 GE
How do I get involved?
If you can help in any way, please e-mail me at or Alan We need boots on the ground and social media support for Alan Victor.

[…] reform in a binary duopoly. The Lib Dems also offer a mealy mouthed view on Brexit. Read more at Mad Nads and Red Blue […]
[…] Read Bojo, Beds and Nads […]
[…] Join us on the streets of Mid Bedfordshire […]
[…] of two evils rather than something aspirational and pragmatic. This is why I shall be supporting Gina Miller’s True and Fair party and hoping that we reach a hung parliament, given that the Tories have already destroyed […]
[…] ← Previous […]
Your comment, ” Just remember that Nigel Farage got us Brexit without ever getting elected to the UK parliament. Then there is Caroline Lucas and the DUP who held the country to ransom over Brexit.”
In my experience, 1) the Green Party is against Brexit
2) Caroline Lucas was an ethical politician.
Can you clarify please why you have lumped her with Garage and the DUP? How did she hold the country to ransom like the DUP?
I look forward to your reply.
Yes, this is a good question. I am not making about about the values and ethics of the people I stated. Simply to say that it is a faulty conclusion to state that one person cannot make a difference. Please subscribe to the platform for updates. All the best Peter