In the wake of the collapse of Ann Summers’ exports to Ireland due to Brex-rated blue tape and costs, this update charts various issues relating to BREX and the city.
Ann Summers pulled out from direct sales to Ireland last year. They stated that ‘higher operating costs’ associated with Brexit made it ‘uneconomical’, according to their anal report. Despite promises of frictionless trade by Michael Gove, no amount of business lubrication could save Ann Summer’s operations. Brexit has literally fucked people over.
ANALYSIS : The Ann Summers story is one of a kind. Rishi Sunak has had to offer inducements aka bribes to keep Jaguar Land Rover in Britain and prop up Tory MPs in the Midlands and West Country. Read the report from the Tony Blair institute for more insights into Brexit carnage. One of the predicted outcomes from Brexit is a decline in trade East – West from GB to the island of Ireland and an increase in trade North – South from NI to the Republic of Ireland. Rishi Sunak was right when he suggested that NI had the best of both worlds. The rest of Britain should follow this example and Join EU anew.
ACTION : Please join us Wed 7th June on ZOOM to consider next steps to take action on ending Brexit and joining EU anew.

Indecent proposals
Rishi Sunak has decided that he does not want trusted colleagues to see his WhatsApp messages for the COVID inquiry. Instead he has decided to take the Civil Service to court to prevent them being able to do their job properly. Sunak’s attack on the judiciary and civil service is something that would be more at home in North Korea, Russia, Nigeria, Pakistan etc., an indecent proposal. So much for Sunak’s promises of integrity, professionalism and accountability. Somewhat strangely, Johnson says he has lost his phone from 2020 – 2021 and has not complied with the request for transparency. At the back of this story are all the people whose loved ones died and were unable to say their farewells. These include the Queen. All while Boris Johnson partied hard. It is beyond words to describe the contempt with which this Government view the general public and their loved ones.

ANALYSIS : It seems extremely odd that Rishi Sunak would take civil servants to court for trying to do their job properly. Especially so when it was his Government who actually commissioned the inquiry that they are now trying to stop. The Government has admitted that they are not expecting to win this challenge, yet they are willing to waste taxpayers’ money to do so. There must be such damning material in the diaries and WhatsApp messages that Rishi Sunak feels he has no choice but to criminalise the civil servants he asked to do the work. It also allows for more dither and delay to bury the evidence along with the bodies. Another possible explanation is that this is a stand-off between Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak, with Johnson using the inquiry to discredit Sunak for a heroic comeback. Whilst I personally believe that Johnson is terminally injured by his actions as PM, Johnson’s level of hubris may mean that he thinks otherwise. We shall see. In any case, this is a new low for Sunak.
ACTION : We are presently preparing a petition about the need to repay taxpayer’s money on this legal case. More about that soon.

Brexodus and the city
One of the lesser reported impacts of Brexit is the slow brain drain of finance professionals from the City of London to Brussels and Dublin. Here are some facts about Brexodus and the city from UK Government:
UK GDP is set to shrink by 1 per cent this year, compared to 0.1 per cent for the eurozone.
Brexit has reduced our GDP by 5.5 per cent, investment by 11 per cent and reduced goods and services trade by 7 per cent.
The London School of Economics found that Britons are paying an extra 6 billion pounds to eat because of Brexit with food inflation running at more than 13 per cent.
The estimated cost to the Treasury in lost tax revenues due to Brexit is £40 billion, more than the supposed £39 billion savings promised by Brexit.
The number of businesses in London experiencing at least one skills shortage has now risen to almost 7 in 10.
The number of jobs in London held by EU-born workers has fallen by over 80,000.
“While Whitehall has taken a vow of silence on the damage Brexit is causing, businesses across the country are drowning under the weight of increased bureaucracy, staffing shortages and supply chain challenges. London is being hit hard by the loss of trade and talent to our global competitors.” Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London.
ANALYSIS : You may be asking why this matters? Well, in 2021, the financial services sector contributed £173.6 billion to the UK economy, 8.3% of total economic output. The slow destruction of the sector will impact all that serve the sector, from taxi drivers to restaurant owners.
ACTION : There are no actions that we can take in the short term to stop this. Even undoing Brexit is unlikely to stop the flow of people and wealth from the City of London. This is an example of what I call an irreversible change from Brexit.
The Conservatives still find themselves with a number of ministers in post with some kind of sexual offences lodged against them. I fail to understand how this can be allowed. In times past, the Profumo affair was sufficient to topple the career of an eminent MP. But this is Brexit Britain, where sex, drugs and rock’n’roll are part of the daily diet of our elected politicians. Neil Parish, Rob Roberts, Imran Ahmad Khan, David Warburton, Chris Pincher, Charlie Elphicke, Damien Green, Andrew Griffiths, Rob Roberts and the Tory rapists. I’ve added an ‘s’ to rapist, as I’m sure that, like buses with £350 million painted on the side, another one will be along in a moment.