I am attending the policy launch of the True and Fair Party on Monday. Gina Miller stands head and shoulders above the vast majority of Westminster politicians and deserves your support.
Truth, trust and equity in politics are precious assets. A lack of these things is the reason most often given by people who are disenfranchised with politics, politicians and the media in my local area. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you could trust the people making decisions about your children’s lives and livelihoods? I’d vote for that.
The question of truth and trust will become magnified in the AI world. We habitually place trust in authority figures, for example Martin Lewis in terms of money. But the world of deep fakes has the potential to undermine that trust. This calls on policy makers to up our game in terms of making good laws to protect vulnerable people from exploitation.
I’m sure some of you will not know who Gina Miller is. She gained a reputation for upholding truth when she took our Government to court to demonstrate that Britain had always had sovereignty as a member of the EU. Of course, the Government ignored the ruling. You may more likely know her from the tabloid newspapers who vilified her for doing this. The result of this was various vile threats of beheading and gang rape. All for upholding truth and the rule of law.
The binary prisoner’s dilemma of the Conservatives and Labour delivered Brexit. The Tories are finished. If Labour are so far ahead as they claim, it is time to introduce some diversity into the mix. Please support The True and Fair party for a better Britain in a better Europe for a better World. Gina is not a threat to the Labour party as some Labour zealots claim. She is standing a handful of candidates. However if she wins, she is a threat to the cosy binary status quo. That’s healthy and refreshing. In the same way that Caroline Lucas has leveraged change from a single seat, the True and Fair party stand as a disruptor to sleaze, corruption, cronyism and hateful practices in politics. Never forget that Nigel Farage tricked people will feeble minds to vote for Brexit without ever having been elected as an MP.
Gina’s position on Brexit is unequivocally clear, compelling and concise:
My small part in the story was in getting Gina some support from Richard Branson to launch her earlier initiative Campaign 2018.