This latest piece of music portrays Boris Johnson as others see him. Set in the mode of a Kraftwerk song “Boris Johnson ist ein clown” tells the terrible story of Johnson’s record on COVID, Brexit and his personal life. Download the album on Bandcamp to help us continue our work. Please don’t just steal the music, it takes a long time to produce. The video is free and needs sharing widely with this post. Here is just a small segment of Johnson’s record to ponder:
150 000 unnecessary COVID deaths due to Johnson’s “too little too late policy”.
£37 BILLION spaffed away to his mates for non-existent or non-functional PPE. Some of the companies hired to make PPE had no experience in the field.
Breaking lockdowns with lavish parties whilst others saw loved ones die alone in care homes and hospitals.
Multiple lies about non-existent Brexit benefits.
Killing 27 migrants at sea with a policy that has been judged by HMG as “dangerous”.
Still waiting for the £350 million every week for the NHS.
Left his wife for another women whilst she had cancer.
Lied to the Queen.
Worst record on COVID in Europe.
Failed to sack Cummings and Hancock whilst he allowed junior ministers to resign for less serious offences.
“Frictionless” trade killing businesses despite promises that Brexit would be “oven ready”.
£840 per roll for wallpaper for the flat at 10 Downing Street on the whim of Carrie.
“Bonfire” on red tape has produced intolerable levels of … Brexit red tape – who knew?
Changed the rules on sleaze to protect Owen Patterson.
Illegally shut down Parliament because he could not get his way.
Failing to wear masks at hospital visits.
Stripped people of their human rights and threats to reintroduce English concentration camps for migrants. In case of doubt, it was England that introduced the idea of concentration camps during the Boer War.
Promised 50 000 more nurses for the NHS, but failed to deliver.
Blames the EU for our self-imposed Brexit when it is his decision alone.
Lied about the Northern Ireland protocol. Continues to threaten peace in Northern Ireland by breaking international law.
Counts hospital refurbishments as “new hospitals”. Counts a pair of gloves as two items of PPE.
Bungled projects : The Garden Bridge. The Scotland-Ireland Bridge. The Isle of Man Bridge. Boris Island. The Festival of Brexit.
Stopping food aid to most vulnerable children in a pandemic.
Allowing water companies to dump shit in our rivers.
Far from Boris Johnson ist ein clown, Boris Johnson is a very dangerous clown. Check more of his lies out at Boris Johnson Lies.
With thanks to Colin Taylor, Irina Fridman, Susanna Leissle, Richard Hewison and Ambasuthan J. for their help with this.