Will world leaders COP out at COP 26? The world is watching.
Brexit madness makes our climate change problems much worse:
Increased transportation increases the Carbon footprint of Brexit Britain.
A bonfire on standards leads to moral hazard in materials and product manufacture. It’s back to the bad old days.
Disaster capitalism also leads to unethical practices, some of which are environmentally unsound.
Even Evan Davis sold us down the river on BBC Radio 4 when he proclaimed that, until we stop flying, driving petrol based cars and stop industry we could more of less forget any progress. Although Evan is an economist he seems not to understand that billions of people making small decisions makes a massive difference to our net zero target. Importantly, his careless comments contribute to the view that “climate change is someone else’s fault”. I’d expected better from him.
Nicola Sturgeon is much more on point, having been unafraid to meet Greta Thunberg today.
We must be the adults in the room. Watch this video and share widely:
Please help support the people who made this video at COP26.