Do you want to save the ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ Mini Cooper from the scrap yard? We need funds to take ‘Johnson’ the mini on the road around UK and Europe to remind people that Brexit has failed. The car has generated significant mainstream media publicity for the Rejoin / anti-Brexit cause. Accordingly, now that less than 1/5th of British people think that Brexit was worth it, we plan to take the car on tour to local groups for the purpose of mass Brexorcisms. Our visits can be accompanied by a musical protest and motivational speeches.
Save the Mini

We have taken the car from Dominic Cummings house to Barnard Castle to check our eyesight. Also to Brussels, and all round Britain. The car, codenamed ‘Johnson’ was stopped by Essex Traffic Policeman PC Smith, in a rage on the M25 motorway. Smith asked us to remove the signage on the car on the hard shoulder of the M25, putting the police officer and the passengers at risk of death. Subsequently, Smith has not been located by Essex Police some three years after we provided his full details to the force … All that is needed is political will to change the ongoing ‘Britastrophe‘.

This page run by sad obsessed retards eg (Peter Cook) get on with your life.
Delighted to hear from you David. We’ve never met so I don’t know how you know that I’m sad or retarted. I’m not really but TY for your concern.
You could of course have come on here to explain all the wonderful benefits of Brexit. That would be the logical thing to do. But you don’t. I wonder why?
You are most welcome to join me in a leader’s debate on ZOOM where you can put forward your vision for Brexit Britain and we can both have a conversation with questions.
Let me know. In the meantime I will enrol you onto our mailing list. Please tell me something of your life. Are you sad? Obsessed? Retarded? Or something else?
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