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Category: Farage

Governed by morons

Baroness Dido Harding stated today that no one could’ve foreseen the upsurge in demand for Corona virus testing at the present time. Really? At this time, schools across the country have been going back. Almost any parent could have told her that, at the beginning of term after the long holiday, many children catch a cold or at least a sniffle almost at once. Under current instructions, this requires them to be taken out of school for a coronavirus test and not return until and unless there is a negative result. Typhoid Harding’s statement  shows her total ignorance of modern life and lack of common sense which disqualifies her for any post in this or probably any other area of public service. Matt Hancock continues to support her incompetence.


But at least Dido’s track record has been consistent. Failed at Talk Talk. Failed at stopping people herding at Cheltenham. Failed at the NHS. Failed at Corona Test, Track and Trace. Will she go down with that ship?

I know I left too much mess and
Destruction to come back again
And I caused nothing but trouble
I understand if you can’t talk to me again
And if you live by the rules of it’s over
Then I’m sure that that makes sense

Seaside Rendezvous

We went out to the quaint town of Deal in Kent yesterday.  I heaved a sigh on the morning as I wondered whether it was worth writing a press release for local media.  I remembered one of the maxims I took, not from my MBA, but from George Michael and Wham “If you’re gonna do it, do it right”.  So I dashed off a press release and mailed local media outlets.  

Cats and Dogs against Brexit

A couple of hours later the press release was picked up by a fantastic journalist. I got straight on to her by phone as we were on our way to the event, managing to lose our way due to multi-tasking on the way!   A few more hours later and we had coverage across all Kent with our message that Corona Crisis + Brexit disaster = A Britastrophe.  The journalist even included our video, which was quite surprising as it is fairly biased against Brexit.  Of course, a note to Byline Times, controversy sells newspapers … 

Find the article Kent Online – The comments from a few remaining Brexiteers are quite something to behold. There is far less push back than one year ago but still some of the usual diehards are claiming that they are taking back control just when Boris Johnson is removing all of our rights and the rule of law.  These few keyboard warriors are not representative of the vast majority of people, who actually agreed with our proposition, even in Brexity Deal. Brexit realities are at last beginning to sink in with the toxic combination of Corona + Brexit worth a whopping 12% + 9% GDP loss on our economy if we continue with Brexit on 31.12.20. I’d cancel Christmas for the kids right now.

In other news, our latest blog post Snitch on your MP has been extremely well received.  In this article, we ask people to report MPs for breaking international law.  Feel free to share and snitch on the MPs – it’s the morally right thing to do.

We will soon reach the eye of the COVID-Brexit storm.  This offers an opportunity for suspension of Brexit.  Our song “Britastrophe” will be launched soon, to be sent to MPs as well as enjoyed in its own right.

We continue to face various threats from trolls and local lunatics. Please support our campaign to protect my family against these people.

Seaside Rendezvous
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Farage Garage

Not in my back yard

I deplore NIMBY-ism (Not In My Back Yard).  It typifies the English condition. It is an underlying cause of our Brexit vote (fear of foreigners, “my home is my castle”, Rule Britannia and so on).  We experienced a small dose of NIMBY-sim in conversation with the good ladies of Deal on Sunday. We took the seaside town by storm with some candyfloss and cockles.  Although the women we spoke to voted for Brexit, they demonstrated typical English parochial self-interest:

“If it does not affect me, I don’t care”

Yet, even these fine women had changed their mind about Brexit. They realised that their quaint town will be filled with lorries from Dover shortly, under any Brexit deal.

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Operation Truss – protecting our borders with cheesy stories about Japanese trade deals

Say NO to Britastrophe – Click here

So, I cannot help reflect on the looming case of NIMBY-ism about to befall my fellow men of Kent and Kentish women.  It was announced on the BBC that 7000 lorries would soon be blocking the roads in Kent and the South East.  This represents a single lane queue of some 72 miles, stretching approximately from Dover to Greenwich, Gatwick or Guildford.  Of course. it won’t be a single lane queue though …

No, it will be worse than this.  About 18 months ago, I spoke with some Councillors at Kent County Council who had undertook some serious road planning for Brexit.  Their studies indicated that, in the age of SatNavs, people would attempt to use villages and B roads to beat the jams.  Just a few people doing this will effectively block most villages in East Kent.  They concluded that big towns like Folkestone, Dover, Ashford, Canterbury, Whitstable, Thanet Maidstone and The Medway Towns would be gridlocked.

Does it get worse?  Of course it does.  Once minor roads and villages are gridlocked, teachers, carers, nurses, business people etc. will be unable to get to work.  Their children will have to stay at home.  Contagion dictates that the impact of Brexit is very much in your back garden (and everyone else’s). Today it was reported that Kent will have an internal border something like the island of Ireland, with fines and police enforcement for lorries without the correct papers. Yet, we don’t have enough permits or customs agents to provide the said papers! Michael Gove says it is business leaders that are to blame for this. I rather think it is Michael Gove for not building capacity and capability.

Whilst we are here, don’t forget to SNITCH ON YOUR TORY MP – follow the link in red

You may well say, we knew that Brexit would make things worse.  Well, consider these further facts of life from my experience as a pharmaceutical scientist and business person.  90% of our food supply comes from Europe, especially in winter.  Much of it relies on cold storage (cook-chill, fresh food and so on).  So that means that much of our food will stand rotting on the M20 and M2, if Kent County Council’s scenarios come to pass.  The leaked Government report predicts up to two days delay per lorry in Kent and the South East.

“No problem, I don’t eat” you may say.  Well the problem extends to people who need healthcare, as many drugs are imported and some also crucially rely on carefully controlled temperature conditions.  Others have limited shelf lives anyway.  Radioisotopes literally rely on limited half-lives, especially technetium generators, which are the mainstay of UK nuclear medicine scans.  This means that babies and vulnerable people will die for Brexit.  Still happy with half a life? Will your child settle for death, in order to deliver a windfall to Jacob Rees-Mogg?

Boris Johnson has just announced extreme measures for social control to suppress resistance to Brexit chaos.  Are you still happy about this?  If you voted to Remain, are you simply going to lay down and pretend to be dead, based on the notion that spaffer Johnson popped Brexit in the Microwave, Gas Mark 4 on Halloween, then again on December 12 2019 and finally on 31.01.20? if you voted for Brexit are you now beginning to think that Johnny Rotten was right:

“Ever had the feeling you’ve been conned?”

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Project fear I hear you say?  No, I’m afraid this is project fact.  Whether you voted for Brexit or not, my guess is that you did not vote for lorries in your back yard.

It is necessary to suspend Brexit in such drastic circumstances.  Corona has contributed a 12% decline in GDP with Brexit predicted to add between 5-11% more.  We have to endure Corona as a natural phenomenon, but we don’t need to add Brexit to create a “Britastrophe”, as Brexit is a man-made phenomenon.  The economics don’t just add together to produce approximately 20% loss of GDP by the way. In any case, it only took 3.5% GDP loss to produce the 2008 crash. Do you really want this for your kids?

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No Brexit is the only good Brexit. Suspension is the next best option, followed by No Deal and then a Brexit deal. Read why by clicking the image.

Write to your MP today. Ask them to push for a suspension of Brexit using this article

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Infernal Combustion

Boris Johnson has accused the EU of not negotiating seriously. As is often the case, where Johnson is concerned, the facts show the exact opposite.
From the outset of the negotiations, there were three unproductive years during which Theresa May negotiated, mostly, not with the EU, but with the Brexiteer extremists in her own party.  Johnson played a major part  in ensuring that any deal that May drew up with the EU did not gain the support of the Tory right wing which she regarded as essential as a one nation Tory. Throughout this time, he ensured that it was Britain, not the EU, that wasted time rather than negotiating seriously.

The Emperor has no clothes

Whilst we are here, don’t forget to SNITCH ON YOUR TORY MP – follow the link in red

Once he became prime minister, Johnson scrapped May’s proposed deal and instead negotiated with the EU a withdrawal agreement and a political declaration laying down agreed principles for a future free trade deal. (The withdrawal agreement has the status of an international treaty, binding in international law; the declaration is non-binding). This enabled him to gain sufficient support in the British Parliament to hold a general election.  However, having achieved a substantial majority, he retracted his agreement to a major element in the political declaration, the level playing field which requites alignment of regulations in certain or areas – environment, workers conditions, tax and state aid. The level playing field is regarded by the EU as an essential condition for access to the tariff and quota-free single market. If Johnson had merely required some adjustment to aspects of one or more  the areas concerned, this might have been negotiable, within the non-binding terms of the declaration. However, by reneging  on the whole concept, regarded by the EU as an essential  guarantee that free trade should also be fair, Johnson made it clear that he never intended to stand by the political declaration’s terms once it had served its purpose.  That purpose was to fool opponents of No Deal in his own party and other parties into believing that he sincerely intended to strike a deal with the EU, so that they would cease blocking the general election. This is not the behaviour of a serious international negotiator or statesman.

All successful negotiations rely on trust

Johnson’s (or more likely Dominic Cummings) choice of negotiator, David Frost, is another indicator of their approach to the negotiations. Frost outlined his own views on trade policy early on when he said that:

“It’s possible to be political partner and economic competitor. Economic competition, between countries as between firms, boosts wealth for everybody in the long run …”

This approach fundamentally misunderstands business as much as it does politics. It leaves little room for alignment of regulations, as required in a level playing field. Frost has not said what sort of competitive practices he thinks countries might legitimately use under his concept of ‘wealth-creating’ competition. Perhaps they might be these:

This sort of free for all leads eventually to trade wars, as seen today between China and the United States. They create poverty for everyone, not wealth as Mr Frost claims. The appointment of a negotiator whose outlook leads to  trade wars is not a serious approach to a free trade negotiation.

Behind bars

Johnson is trying to avoid blame for the inevitable catastrophe of No Deal if this occurs over the main unresolved issues of state aids and fish. That is why he is now, disgracefully, denouncing the Withdrawal Agreement, which he himself devised earlier this year and freely entered into. Comment on this, and on the unresolved issues, will be covered in next week’s issue.

Adrian Ekins-Daukes

Write to your MP – Ask Brexit to be suspended in the wake of international law breaking and the installation of a Junta in the UK

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Tory Party Conference Special

The Party Conference to end all Parties

In this special edition of “The Sun“, we offer you a short series of the achievements of The Brexit Party aka the Tories in recent times. The Sun presents FAKE news so that you don’t have to hunt for your own. However our own brand of The SUN is filled with some actual FACTS !!

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Carrie Johnson IS expected to deliver the 11th Johnson baby around Christmas. This will present the ideal distraction from empty plates and missing Christmas trees.

ONS reported that wages have dropped consistently under 10 years of Tory rule. Even Andrew Marr was unable to stomach Johnson’s attempts to distract him from the hard facts. Here’s one part of the car crash interview. It’s hardly possible to call it a car crash these days due to petrol shortages!

2000 soldiers are expected to deliver petrol starting from Monday. We are short of 100 000 lorry drivers, thanks principally to Brexit with further food shortages expected across the mid-term according to the Chancellor Rishi Sunak.

Germans ARE being recruited to help drive lorries as are prison inmates. There’s no need to have experience, as we are desperate thanks to Brexit. Why not go the whole hog and recruit German Prisoners of War? Hence our banner picture !!

We have always had pints, miles, pounds and other imperial measures throughout our time in the EU. The idea that Pints are to be reintroduced by The Sun is FAKE NEWS.

Johnson also reported that wage growth is more important than life expectancy and cancer deaths recently. Still happy?