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Category: Farage

Changing minds on Europe and Brexit

Changing minds on Europe and Brexit

Finally it’s out !! The new book on Changing minds on Europe and Brexit is here. Click to buy on Amazon or contact me by e-mail via for your personal copy. If you are a sponsor of Re-Boot Britain, you can get a heavily discounted copy to just cover costs.

To find out what it’s all about, join me on Thursday 7 April at 7.00 pm GMT via ZOOM. Here’s the book blurb to give you an insight as to why you will want to buy a copy.

Brexit has broken Britain, economically, socially, culturally, politically and environmentally. Quite simply, Brexit has not delivered what was promised on the tin in 2016, for anyone in our DisUnited Kingdom. This book explains how we may join anew for a better Britain in a better Europe for a better world.

  • Strategies and scenarios to join anew 2021 – 2031.
  • Brexit freedoms, unicorns, ghosts and fantasy stories laid to rest.
  • The influence of Russia and Vladimir Putin on Brexit and the Johnson Junta.
  • The psychology of ‘Brexorcism’ and the anatomy of the Brexit psyche.
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) applied to the task of softening hardened minds on Brexit.
  • How to hold difficult conversations with Leavers in regret and Remainers in remission.
  • How does Brexorcism differ in real life from online conversations and what can you do about it?
  • Strategies to put forward a positive vision of a united Europe and heal rifts from the ‘dialogue of the deaf’ over 6 years.
  • Stories to motivate you and show how these strategies work in practice. Alongside this we explore a number of ‘glorious failures’ as they offer even better insights to success.
  • A resource section on how to break ‘parliamentary paralysis’, how to make progress in advocacy to MPs and how to engage mainstream media (MSM).
  • How to multiply your impact and pro-Europe / anti-Brexit influence in real life conversations, lobbying and in mainstream and / or social media.

A ‘Brexorcism’ requires time, patience, unconditional positive regard and skill. This book provides these elements, drawing on a range of approaches to change management from psychology, sociology and therapeutic approaches.

Here are a few samples to whet your appetite:

Read recent articles P&O Ferries and Brexit, Brexit and WW III, Banged up Bojo, Gavin Esler.

Support our activism via Patreon, Paypal or GoFundMe

Book : Changing Minds on Europe and Brexit

Music : Rage Against The Brexit Machine

Subscribe to our EU TUBE channel : EU TUBE

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The mysterious case of the rise in postal votes

Nothing is surprising in Brexit Britain. Last week Dominic Cummings threw the futures of nearly 500 000 children under one of Boris Johnson’s cardboard busses, by applying a coarse algorithm to a series of A Level results.

As if the matter never happened and with no apology, the Government have just done a U Turn on the matter, after Scotland and Northern Ireland showed leadership in the matter. In the 4th industrial age, the manipulation of data is a big issue, assisted by AI and other automation.

The data pyramid

This brings back other questions of data manipulation such as the mysterious case of the rise of 19% in postal votes at the 2019 General Election, which swung the Tories to power on a promise of a Microwaved Brexit. I hate to use the word unprecedented but it is merited here. Entropy rules most electoral systems and a rise of 19% is unprecedented and should rightly be investigated as an outlier. Why then has it not been?

The answer seems to lie (sic) with who is behind the postal vote system and more Tory cronyism via the company IDOX.

There is so much “news” that it’s hard to keep track of all the sub-plots in this Brexity Government’s chaotic about turns. All designed to subjugate the populating through gaslighting.

If you like this article, please support us with a regular donation via GoFundMe or Patreon. Give us a tip via Paypal. We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Read our book on Brexorcism

Support us by downloading our music on Bandcamp

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

Tony Blair

Tony Blair

Continuing our theme on censorship, this piece, written by Alan Bullion was censored by Byline Times, presumably as it criticises the left. Whilst I don’t agree fully with all that it says, I would defend Alan’s right to say it to the hilt. All leaders and political systems have faults and some tend to believe that they are messiah like. Blair is not immune to our failings as humans and in this article, Alan argues that Tony Blair’s commitment to representative democracy may have set up the conditions for UKIP / Farage to gain oxygen and fuel the Brexit debate. As always at Re-Boot Britain, comments are welcome and free. In the words of George Michael, listen without prejudice.

Tony Blair is perhaps the most controversial Labour Prime Minister of the post-war period. Most come to bury not praise his significant legacy and reputation, especially since the furore surrounding the Iraq war and its subsequent aftermath. Just this year we have had an online petition attracting millions of signatures opposing his proposed knighthood, both from left and right-wing critics.

Indeed, it is often forgotten brushed aside that Blair led his party to a huge majority under the ‘New Labour’ project in 1997, followed by two more convincing general election victories, one after the Iraq war.

In order to better understand how the Brexit referendum of 2016 and its aftermath occurred, I have analysed the timeline and impact of several key events under the Blair/Brown governments which led up to those fateful events of Britain leaving the EU.

Of course, I am not suggesting that these actors alone were to blame. Farage, Cameron, Johnson, Cummings and several others – all privileged public-school educated white men – clearly played their part.

But as I will argue below, the actions of Blair and others around him led to a process where an already sceptical British public became increasingly critical of the EU and its perceived ills. This resulted in the calamitous narrow vote in favour of departure in 2016.

The fringe cause of Euroscepticism under Farage and the UK Independence Party (UKIP) had been previously the province of right-wing fanatics and Home Counties pub bores.               

The rise of UKIP as an electoral force

The first touchstone in our trajectory was when Blair went along with the proposal by the then Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown to introduce proportional representation in the 1999 elections to the European Parliament. This led UKIP and its leader Nigel Farage to gain a mainstream and increasingly influential foothold in politics. Blair had not been won over to PR, rather it was a political compromise to avoid the introduction of PR to elections for the House of Commons. or local government.

Ironically, while Farage was sceptical about winning an in/out Brexit referendum, Blair, along with Ashdown, Cameron and Clegg, were overwhelmingly enthusiastic.  They severely underestimated public fears, stoked by Farage, that such a binary vote would result in disaster on a huge turnout, driven by immigration and issues such as ‘sovereignty’.

Narcissist and messiah?

In June 2014, the novelist and former Labour acolyte Robert Harris, while publicising his book The Ghost, described Blair as a ‘tragic narcissist with a messiah complex’, who would be doomed to live a ‘tragic life’ and face trial at the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes.

There was an element of truth in this harsh judgement. Both Blair and his barrister wife Cherie were often accused of being ‘money mad’, rushing around the world advising dubious autocrats on how to improve their image.

There might well have been an element of neediness there, which others such as former Labour MP Leo Abse psychologically analysed in The Man Behind the Smile. Indeed, Blair was well suited to the world of celebrity politics and self-publicists such as Kim Kardashian.The tragedy was that he would never be able to completely resurrect his image after the Iran/Iraq war, despite his other considerable achievements at winning elections.        

The truth is inevitably more complex. In my 1996 article ‘What Blair Believes’, published in the Jewish Quarterly, I argued that Blair was driven by a simplistic dualist ideology devised by Anglican mystic John Macmurray, which he imbibed while at university. This belief system basically sees protagonists in international politics as either essentially ‘good’ or ‘evil’, thereby explaining Blair’s support for US President Bush in Iraq.

Blair was highly active on the EU. For example, he was instrumental in establishing the cross-party grouping Britain in Europe, specifically to argue the case for the UK signing up to the Euro (single currency) and the European Monetary Union, via a popular referendum. This came to a crescendo in the wake of the sudden death of Princess Diana in August 2007. 

There were serious differences over this issue between Blair and Chancellor Gordon Brown. This was further exemplified by the clash over the Treaty of Lisbon and the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ), which was signed in December 2007 and came into force two years later under Brown.

Originally a referendum was promised by Labour Foreign Secretary Jack Straw for Spring 2006, but that never happened, adding more fire to the UKIP fray that the court was increasingly compromising British sovereignty. 

Eastern European migrants and the reserve army of labour

In May 2004, Blair, supported by Home Office minister David Blunkett, decided to allow migrant labour from the eight Eastern European countries that would be joining the EU. Unlike the UK, other EU member states such as Germany had instead opted to impose a seven-year delay from these countries achieving full entry to work.   

As these Eastern European migrants started to arrive, Blunkett went on BBC2 Newsnight to defend the policy, declaring that there was ‘no obvious upper limit on migration’. That calendar year alone there was a net increase of 350,000. Blunkett later conceded that he lost public support and made a mistake.

At the time I was visiting Kent sixth forms and colleges to make the case for remaining in the EU. Comments from working class children in those schools told stories of perceived resentment at migrants taking jobs such as cleaning, catering and car mechanics, and driving down wages.

It was in 2005 when I campaigned as a parliamentary candidate in Hammersmith and Fulham and was confronted on the doorstep by a British plumber who claimed he had been undercut by the nice Polish plumbers taken up promptly by middle-class housewives.

‘It’s all right for the likes of the Blairs, living their aloof and cosmopolitan lives in Islington and Brussels’, was the implication.

So now we come to 2022, with Tory cuts to universal benefits, rising food and fuel prices, and tax increases.

We are still talking about migrants … while there are severe shortages of food and farm labourers, lorry and bus drivers. And ironically, as the consequences of Brexit become ever more stark, arch Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg has just been appointed by Johnson as minister for Brexit Opportunities. You couldn’t make it up.  

The Book of Brexorcism : Let’s Talk About Brexit

Music : Rage Against The Brexit Machine

Subscribe to our EU TUBE channel : EU TUBE

Read recent articles Brexit Freedoms, Censorship

Stand with Ukraine

Stand with Ukraine : Mamma Mia

I’ve put this in the order of urgency and importance as the situation requires. This update contains several items to help everyone stand with Ukraine. Firstly an urgent practical call for supplies of clothing, medical equipment etc. Secondly a meeting on Monday 28 Feb at 8 pm GMT to come up with more practical actions on an individual and collective basis. Thirdly, a revelation about our own Government’s involvement via the unredacted Russia report and finally things you can do to face down the scandal of Priti Patel’s refusal to accept refugees due to her need to play to the racist gallery. Read on and act

1. URGENT and VERY IMPORTANT: Please contribute to these initiatives to supply vital supplies to Ukranians in Kent. Find out where your own schemes are in UK and help support them:

Click image to go to Ela’s Cakes fb page
Canterbury and East Kent – Riverside Vineyard Church Thanet Way Whitstable CT5 3JQ from 9.5 pm

2. URGENT and IMPORTANT: Join us on Monday 28 Feb at 8 pm GMT via ZOOM to consider what each of us can do individually and collectively to support Ukraine.

3. IMPORTANT: Please write to your MP, asking for the removal of MPs who were / are involved in supporting Putin’s regime.

Find the UNREDACTED Russia report at Google Drive. A summary of the salient points can be found in this tweet below:

Here’s a letter you may use or adapt:

Dear [MP’s Name]

As a constituent of [YOUR CONSTITUENCY], I am writing to you to express my deep concerns with regard to the disarray and incompetence displayed by our current government.

Having read the Russia Report it is clear that the lives of millions of UK citizens are at grave risk not just from Covid-19 but from the infiltration of British politics and business by actors for the Russian state. 

I’m sure you will agree with me that this is an extremely serious national issue and need addressing quickly and permanently. The Prime Minister has publicly stated that the ‘first duty of government is to protect British citizens’. He and his government are clearly not up to the job. I ask you to introduce a vote of ‘no confidence’ in this government and reforms to our political system.

The gravity of this situation is clear. Please take immediate action to ensure the views and concerns of the citizens that elected you are reflected in Parliament and in government policy. 

I appreciate your understanding of my concerns as your constituent, and look forward to seeing my concerns represented. 

Thank you in anticipation,


4. IMPORTANT: Please write to Priti Patel at Ask her to reform the arrangements for asylum seekers. Her policies are quite simply killing children and families. She has lied about accepting Ukrainian refugees in order to play to the galley of knuckle-dragging racists in England, simply due to the need to pray on the altar of Brexit xenophobia. Stand with Ukraine.

Stand with Ukraine
Left Outside Alone by Priti Patel – the immigrant liar in chief

Our Government can do much more – Tell Boris Johnson to Stand with Ukraine.

Read our article Brexit and WW III

Subscribe to our EU TUBE channel : EU TUBE

Schools Out

This is a kind of “end of term” report for Boris Johnson and the Conservative party. The Prime Minister has gone off for another summer rest. Well deserved? Adrian Ekins-Dauke’s invites you to judge for yourself:


Ex-Russian intelligence staff say 85% of their work is not spying, but “political funding and misinformation”. Since 2012, the Tory party has received almost £3m in donations from members of Putin’s cabinets and 14 current ministers have had donations from individuals or companies connected to the Russian leadership

The government delayed the release of the Intelligence Committee’s report on Russian interference in Brexit for 9 months. The reasons given for the delay were described as “simply not true” by the Committee. Our Home Secretary, Priti Patel said the Russia Report could be ignored because it was now 9 months old and “out of date” (One wonders whether she takes a similar view of unresolved murder, rape and other serious cases which become “out of date” after 9 months).


Matt Hancock boasted he had met the targets on his “six tests” on COVID-19. In fact 4 of the 6 targets were missed, one target couldn’t be met because it had never been defined, and one “relied on a definition [that] does not reflect practice”.

The cross-party Public Accounts Committee found there was an “astonishing failure to plan for the economic impact” of COVID-19. It also said the policy of discharging patients into care homes was a “reckless and appalling policy error”. It called the government “slow, inconsistent [and] negligent”. The Committee chair said “A competent government does not run a country on the hoof”.


Now for PPE contracts …

£252m to Ayanda Capital, registered in Mauritius for tax purposes. PPE not delivered.
£186m to Uniserve. PPE not delivered.
£116m to P14 Medical Supplies, with assets of just £145. PPE not delivered.

£108m to PestFix, with just 16 employees. PPE not delivered.

£107m to Clandeboye Agencies, a sweet wholesaler. Yes, a sweet wholesaler. PPE not delivered.
£40m to Medicine Box Ltd, with assets of just £6000. PPE not delivered.
£48m to Initia Ventures Ltd, which registered itself as “dormant” in March. PPE not delivered.

£28m to Monarch Acoustics, which makes shop furniture. PPE not delivered.

£25m to Luxe Lifestyle, which has no employees, no assets, and no turnover. PPE not delivered.
£18m to Aventis Solutions, which has total assets of £332. Not a typo, £332! PPE not delivered.

£10m to Medco Solutions, incorporated just 3 days after lockdown, with share capital of (not a typo) £2. PPE not delivered.

In all, approx £1 bn to inexplicable suppliers for PPE that hasn’t been delivered. This of course costs lives.

A Nuffield Health study found after 10 years of “chronic underinvestment”, UK is at the bottom of the league table for health resources, diagnostics and surgery by the NHS will take 4 years to return to pre-COVID levels.

The government’s “world beating” test-and-trace programme was described as “scandalous” by the British Medical Journal, and found to miss its 80% target in every COVID hotspot announced last week

Finally, Boris Johnson refused a public enquiry into government handling of COVID-19.


A report from London School of Economics has shown a WTO Brexit will shrink 16 out of the UK’s 24 industry sectors by up to 15% each. Permanently. A Tory MP tweeted:

“? WTO here we come!”

Another pro-Brexit Tory MP with a grasp of what’s to come tweeted:

“my strong advice is: “take the chance to live abroad”.


The cross-party Media & Culture Committee has reported that “government has consistently failed to recognise scale of challenge facing culture, sport and tourism and had been ‘too slow’ to respond to their needs during COVID-19.

Boris Johnson launched a “Fix Your Bike” voucher website. It broke within an hour. The editor applied and found that the website did not work. I called the people and was promised vouchers. On following up I was told the scheme was closed.

Johnson also said we should all lose weight. This is certainly true in his case at 17 Stone. However, Johnson is still issuing vouchers to help us buy burgers.

Boris Johnson would not get a job as a WeightWatchers coach

It was revealed the government spent £400m buying a bankrupt satellite company, OneWeb, to replace the Euro GPS system we have lost due to Brexit. Months before, a study by MIT found that OneWeb’s tech is 6 times less efficient than the EU solution: the worst of the technologies studied.

In June, the government guaranteed that there would be no cuts in overseas aid when the Foreign Office and International Development Dept merged. It announced cuts of £2.9 bn in aid on the day Parliament broke up for the summer, thus avoiding questions on broken their promises.

The government has permitted your health records to be given to Palantir, a large US data-mining company and to Faculty, owned by an associate of Dominic Cummings and said to have worked with Cambridge Analytica on Brexit.

Our overall assessment of the Government is 2/10. What’s yours?

Write to your MP and make these points. Ask them not to add the man made disaster of Brexit to Corona Crisis.

Join our network to Re-Boot Britain.


Not only does the UK have the “best” deaths from COVID of the G7 countries. We now have the deepest recession in Europe. Boris Johnson is mystified as to why, but we here at Let’s Re-Boot Britain can help – the UK’s resilience is at an all time low due to four years of Brexit decline. It’s time to boot Brexit and build a better Britain in a better Europe.

“The Sun”

Our work is unsupported during COVID. To help out, please find us at Let’s Re-Boot Britain.

Protest and Survive

I am bombarded on a daily basis by people who tell me that Brexit cannot be stopped. These are not leave voters but weary remainers who suffer from the condition known as learned helplessness. I concur that it has been a long battle, and many saw the General Election victory as a turning point and an opinion poll on Brexit. However, I must also make the uncomfortable point that Vote Leave would not have given up so easily.

I set out the reasons as to why Brexit can be stopped in “Let’s Re-Boot Britain“.

Students have demonstrated that effective protest works. We must continue for our children’s sake. There is no Brexit deal that will deliver the promises made by Vote Leave and, in any case, all Brexit deals will destroy the four freedoms of EU membership leading to the destruction of the EU itself over time. The 27 members are more important than any single country.

So, here is a long list of things we can do to resist by effective protest under COVID safe protocols. No more objections please. Just get out and do something.

1. Write to your MP to explain why Corona + Brexit = Britastrophe … if you have written, write again … and again – if you are not a letter writer, ask for help.

2. Ask to meet your MP and interview them. Publish the results as a video so they can see you are serious and make more ripples in the pond. Alternatively ask to make a video to your MP with us.

3. Write to the media, making a powerful case – help can be given.

4. Brexorcise your friends – if you need help, read the book.

5. Restart the conversation on social media. Open your timelines up so that your Brexit friends can see you and Brexit have not gone away.

6. Support our efforts to do more on your behalf via Let’s Re-Boot Britain.

7. Be visible. Get a t-shirt, get some stickers, get a mask via EU Flag Mafia.

8. Join us at Rage Against Brexit and We Are Everywhere on facebook.

9. Join us on Twitter at @academyofrock and @brexitrage to multiply our impact.

10. Join our weekly calls at 8 pm Monday via ZOOM.

11. Get on the street. We are arranging silent protests in Kent and also visits to MP’s houses – see explanatory video below.

Silence is assent

“Learned Helplessness” is responsible for how 99% of the good German people let the Nazis Take Back Control.

Brexit impacts

The negative impact over 10 years of the kind of EU deal now being negotiated by the Johnson regime would be around 6.4% of GDP. This contrasts with 4.9% for May’s deal and 8.1% for No Deal. On an optimistic scenario, such a deal will leave public finances £16 billion worse off, £49 billion under the most pessimistic. (Source: UK in a Changing Europe).

Much has been written about the catastrophic effects of leaving the single market, and the strangling of our European trade in goods with customs bureaucracy, particularly on our once flourishing car sector. But less has been said about services, which make up 80% of our economy. 40% of the UK’s services exports go to the EU, and the impact of Brexit here looks likely to be even greater.

To maintain free trade in services, governments need to align their domestic regulations. Thus, British financial services firms can operate across the Continent through “Passporting”  (control exercised solely by UK authorities applying universally recognised rules). Mutual recognition of professional qualifications means a British architect, for example, can get a job in Lisbon as easily as in Liverpool. Freedom of movement allows firms to send their staff to work in other member states. However, negotiations with the EU have become deadlocked since Johnson reneged on an agreement reached on the level playing field (which includes alignment)  before the general election. Unless bigotry and dogma are replaced in No 10 by a concern for the national interest, these arrangements will come to an end on 31 December 2020.

Whilst Johnson wants us to focus on glamping and the sunny uplands, his Government have not made any plans for Brexit Britain. The EU however have published impact statements for all to see:

Write to your MP with this article. Tweet them

If you like this article, please support us with a regular donation via GoFundMe or Patreon. Give us a tip via Paypal. We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Read our book on Brexorcism

Support us by downloading our music on Bandcamp

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

Food shortages

Gimme shelter

A thirst for Brexit

I was gobsmacked to note that The Sun reported the possibility of water shortages under Brexit the other day. Yes, water shortages !! Also food and electricity. Well it’s all going well …

Don’t buy The Sun

The more subtle story that The Sun did not report concerns the watering down of the water regulations (pun intended) under Brexit. This means that we will have dirtier rivers again, polluted beaches, etc. The EU are largely responsible for environmental improvements such as clean beaches and there are clear public health consequences for such policies.

Winter of discontent

Don’t buy The Sun

Bordering on the insane

Aside from clean water, another assumption that Vote Leave played under Brexit was that it would enable us to take back control of our border and therefore immigration. This is yet another piece of blind faith.

Once Brexit is done, our “border” will be on British soil / waters, whereas before it was on French soil. Since migrants have essentially no economic value to the French, it’s really quite likely that the French will not seek to stop them travelling to Britain, as it relieves France of the “problem”. Equally, we will not be able to send them back to Calais and will have to repatriate them to their country of origin, effectively sending them to their deaths in some cases. I am left wondering how happy the brave keyboard warriors will be to know that they have put children to death in order to “take back control” of their blue passports?

The drugs don’t work

People will die for Brexit

Corona + Brexit = Britastrophe

The Sun – Extract from leaked Government report

It’s all going well isn’t it?

Write to your MP and ask them to suspend Brexit

Join us at We are Everywhere on Facebook and via Let’s Re-Boot Britain on Twitter

Support our continuing work to suspend Brexit

SAY NO TO Britastrophe

I coined the phrase “Britastrophe” a while back to explain the toxic combination of Corona Crisis + Brexit Disaster. Today sees the launch of the song “Britastrophe” by “Mutant Algorithm”. Download the mini album with three tracks and a free ringtone here. Here’s the trailer video:

Please GIFT the song to MP’s – both to Conservative MPs in order to persuade them to pull back from breaking international law and to Opposition MPs on all sides, to persuade them to grow a backbone and suspend Brexit in the wake of a Britastrophe.

Find your MPs E-mail address here.

Please send your gift with a personal message – a template is below for your use or adaptation. Personal messages work best.

Dear xxx,

I write to you with the gift of “Britastrophe”, a song which explains the toxic combination of Corona Crisis + Brexit Disaster. I ask you to exert your influence to suspend Brexit by voting against the UK Internal Markets Bill, currently passing through Parliament. The bill breaks international and domestic law and represents a new low point in our reputation as a great nation. Of course, your own reputation as an MP and that of your party goes hand in hand with this.

You will be aware that even Theresa May, Lord Howard, Sajid Javid, Norman Lamont, former Attorney General Geoffrey Cox QC and many others have raised serious objections to the bill as well as six former Prime Ministers on all sides of our politics from Sir John Major to Gordon Brown and even David Cameron. It has also gained international condemnation from world leaders across the globe, for its parallels with the 1933 Enabling Act. I need not remind you where that led. Our membership of the EU costs us 37 pence a day for 70+ years of peace and offers us opportunities for our children and country to be world leaders through the membership of the most successful experiment in collaboration on the planet. I write this letter as we learn that Kent is about to have a hard border in order to deliver Brexit chaos.

I ask you to restore trust and decency in politics and pull back from the brink of this Dominic Cummings inspired initiative. I am aware that MPs on all sides find the power grab by Cummings and Johnson extremely unacceptable with extremely worrying implications for democracy in the UK as Britain slides into a banana republic. Is that what you really want on your Wikipedia page as a legacy?

Corona Crisis + Brexit Disaster = a Britastrophe

Silence is complicit behaviour. Will you act to suspend Brexit before it’s too late?

Yours sincerely

Your name

If you like this article, please support us with a regular donation via GoFundMe or Patreon. Give us a tip via Paypal. We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Read our book on Brexorcism

Support us by downloading our music on Bandcamp

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain