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Category: Rejoin EU

The week that was

The week that was

By Don Adamson, Brexorcist, 1st class honours, reporting on the week that was from his grim Northern Powerhouse Brexit Bunker in Barnsley.

This week’s homework

One – Harold Wilson got into trouble when he awarded MBEs all round to the Beatles. At the time the Beatles were the most successful popular music band in the world and bringing in vast amounts of export earnings to this country. That was not the point. You cannot have a Labour PM awarding decorations to scruffy characters from the rough end of Liverpool.  Johnson awarded controversial decorations (up to and including peerages) to some very nasty people who, by rights, ought to be in the Nonce wing of some very nasty prison. That is perfectly in order and the newspapers do not mind a bit. Why the different treatment? 


Two – Discuss the following statement: Nigel Garbage (of all people) has stated that Brexit has failed. Express, Mail and Telegraph newspapers (notorious Brexit cheerleaders of the worst description) are saying (grudgingly) that Brexit has not turned out to be the earthly paradise they promised. Tories got us into this mess by making extravagant promises. Keith Starmer has promised to get us out of this mess by repeating the same extravagant and now discredited promises. Einstein defined insanity as repeating a mistake in the expectation of a different result. What would Einstein have said about Brexit? 

Serial loser Farage.

Three – Discuss the following statement. We now know the truth behind scandal concerning Nigel Garbage and the NatWest Bank. Garbage stirred up trouble so that his nasty friends could speculate on shares in the NatWest Bank. There are two kinds of Gammon. On the one hand you have blithering idiots who are stupid enough to believe what they read in trashy newspapers. On the other hand you have some very clever and calculating people who get rich by dubious means. If they would put as much effort and ingenuity into doing something useful we would all benefit. Instead they got us into this Brexit mess. 

Join Gina Miller’s True and Fair Party

Gina Miller
Join the True and Fair Party for much better politics.

Four – Discuss the following statement. The Economist of 29 July has an interesting article about US universities and sometime controversial entry criteria for students. The article must be read carefully because it contains a lot of facts, figures and sometimes complex reasoning. The last two sentences summarise the situation – “These universities are channelling comparatively under qualified legacies, athletes and private school graduates into positions of unusual influence. A greater emphasis on academic merit would yield not only a fairer society but also a brighter elite.” Meanwhile in Britain we have brain-dead Cabinet Ministers who attended Oxbridge universities. They would be unemployable if they had attended less prestigious institutes of learning (if that is the right word). 

Five – When the Tories were making extravagant promises about Brexit they had a lot to say about ‘Singapore on Thames.’ To anybody with more than three brain cells this was conclusive proof that Brexit was only ever for the benefit of tax dodgers and dubious financiers (and not many of either). Singapore used to have a commendable reputation for efficiency and clean government. Singapore is nowadays developing a reputation for mismanagement and corruption. Which ‘Singapore on Thames’ do the Tories have in mind for Booming Brexit Britain: a) the Singapore with a commendable reputation for efficiency and clean government or b) the Singapore that is groaning under the weight of incompetence and corruption? 

Brexit was not for voters. It was for Jacob Rees-Mogg et al.

This week’s quotes: 

Schools and education

Each chart looks the same … gradual improvement from the early 1990s until 2010. Then things become worse … rule that runs for everything from rough sleeping to real wages to hospital waiting lists … housing policy chaotic … From 2010 to 2016 Tories  offered a small state country within the EU. After 2016 Tories offered a flabby big state vision outside the EU … political chaos … a bureaucratic mess … one in ten children attends a school that is falling down … Teachers did not sign up to be auxiliary social workers … often must be due to government failure … experienced teachers leave profession … for more than two years the government has failed to  negotiate Britain’s re-entry to Horizon, a European research collaboration programme it left because of Brexit … many scientists say it is essential to Rejoin … my worry is we are going back to the 1990s  where you got a system that was running into the sand …

Read our page on Scotland

Sunak ‘rip-off degree war’ deserves a diploma for missing the point … the whole higher education system is a mess …we are staring down the barrel of a mid century skills crisis … unless British universities produce tens of thousands of engineers the green transition is stuffed … unless universities produce tens of thousands  more doctors and nurses  the NHS workforce plan cannot be delivered … incentives for Britain’s most talented graduates seem misaligned … how much greater would our problems look if somebody actually calibrated them against the problems we face … tens of thousands of teachers leaving the profession exhausted …  we need a more skilled and educated workforce …  any politician who refuses to answer is in the business of fantasy economics …

Tory hate mob licking its lips as … Richy Scumbag’s reign falls apart 

… the electorate in very large numbers has had enough of this government … the whiff of a dying administration … the only thing growing in the economy is the scale of the debt … a corrupt incompetent government deserves to be sacked but one presiding over a bombed-out economy will be … The Right of the Tory Party is preparing for that. Thick Lizzie … who has no sense of shame has gathered an unsavoury collection of free trade extremists and wealthy US climate change deniers to build on her policies that failed so spectacularly just months ago … Sue Ellen Braverman and Lee Anderson … gathering New Conservatives to espouse ideals that are to the right of the right … constituency organisers have welcomed former UKIP members and ushered out the moderates … the appalling misjudgement of Brexit. The problem for Starmer is that these problems would take years to settle even against the backdrop of a strong economy. The risk is that after one term of Labour the country feels no better off, and potentially worse, it will turn to the pedlars of false hopes and real hatred. That is the game plan of the New Conservatives…. 

Labour are a Brexit party


Dominic Williams, chief revenue officer … was asked if he could see the irony of a news business that pushed Brexit so far being damaged by it … … insiders say Williams is the consummate office politician … would not have dreamed of speaking out unless he felt Rothermere had come round to that way of thinking … dismayed to see how much the company has suffered from Brexit… Daily Mail editor in Chief has not been seen in the office for a while … Brextremist Bible now seems willing to think the unthinkable: what will happen if Brexit fails? … Tories will be blamed if it flops… 

Brexit Bible
The Brexit Bible. Click to read more.

James Cleverly, Foreign Secretary 

is doing as much globetrotting as possible in the Tories remaining months in office … took 91 officials with him, set the taxpayer back £700,500 … unwilling to slum it on commercial flights … £178,761 for a 3 day visit to Washington … trip to Belfast cost £4,142 for an RAF aircraft … 

Lib Dem omerta on Brexit 

Our membership and polling were at their highest when we were most outspoken against Brexit…. 

Tory MP second jobs 

average wage of  £233 per hour … Nadine Dorries job at GB News … rumoured six figure salary … £20,500 advance for Johnson hagiography … nobody can remember when she last appeared in Parliament …

Funding the National Health Service 

… Labour, with their child benefit caps and promise to continue with Tory tax and spending plans … show no sign of recognising … that Tory plans are not producing growth now and are not likely to produce growth in the future … 

Dignified exit of the week 

… ever expanding list of Tory MPs announcing they will not stand at the next election … Ben Wallace  … may yet go down as the first instance of a ship running out of rats before it even starts to sink … Wallace denies rumours of affair with Thick Lizzie …. Wallace might be applying for appointment to a juicy quango under Starmer… 

Liz Truss
Liz Truss chased the economy and escaped with a lifetime salary.

Queues at Ports 

… This is the curse of Brexit die hards: they cannot believe that EU does not realise that we are special … that the queues are caused by Brexit … what Brexiters voted for … checks that Faragists wanted to impose on visitors to Britain. Ironic that Faragists get annoyed when they are imposed on us … emergency planning for queues at Dover has now entered the English language … Operation Brock … miles of the M20 turned in a huge car park … Dover is also the port through which 35% of UK trade passes through … UK government allocated £45 from the levelling up fund to fix the problem … that could have been spent on actually  helping rundown parts of the country … will be spent on the chaos Brexit is causing at Dover ….

Nigel is now at the confessional box stage of Brexit. Nothing left to offer anyone apart from boats, banks and stale beer.

Easter was a disaster … coaches turned around and abandoned foreign trips after 24 hours queuing … Eurotunnel Terminal was built on the assumption that UK would be in the EU … Last summer queues of 18 hours … Eurostar stations were build on the assumption that UK would be in EU … some Eurostar trains travel with empty seats that could have been sold … because company could not get passengers on board in time … Easyjet has cancelled hundreds of trips … travel sector is facing significant disruption … It might help if the government had spent the last seven years preparing for what the industry saw coming … Brexiters dismissed all the predictions of chaos as a Remoaner lie … government has built its strategy on the same crazy belief … 

Don Adamson Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)                       Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class

Brexit has failed

Reversing Brexit

Here are the thoughts of Paul Cawthorne on reversing Brexit and joining the EU anew. Paul is an economist living on the Swiss – Italian border. He presents a logical incrementalism perspectives as a comparison to our ‘all or nothing‘ approach:

GOAL: full membership of the EU asap

We can all agree on this overriding objective but there are inevitable differences of opinion regarding the most appropriate strategy and tactics.

Single market

My personal viewpoint is that rejoining the single market is the essential first step needed before the ultimate objective of full EU membership can be achieved.


  1. Rejoining the single market would not require a referendum. Editor’s note : a referendum is not the only choice in any case. See London for Europe.
  2. Rejoining the single market would not require a lengthy application procedure under the Copenhagen Criteria.
  3. The UK’s current position as the only country in Western Europe outside the single market is economically unworkable and unsustainable.
  4. It would go a long way to resolving most, but not all, of the post-Brexit economic damage. Editor’s note : Brexit damage is also social, political, legal and environmental.
  5. It would be seen as a confidence building measure to convince the EU27 of the UK’s ultimate goal of EU membership.
  6. Once in the single market the UK’s unsatisfactory status as a “rule taker” (Norway/Swiss model) could be used to convince the electorate that we need to become a “rule maker”.
  7. Rejoining the single market is an essential stepping stone on the road to achieving the central objective.

Focusing on rejoining the single market in the short to medium term should in no way preclude campaigning for the central overriding objective.

Learn from the final failure of the PV campaign

It should not be forgotten that the PV campaign was very nearly successful. It ultimately failed for 3 main reasons:

  1. The decision of Corbyn and Swinson to fall into the trap of Johnson’s “Get Brexit Done” December 2019 election.
  2. Problems of leadership at the top of the movement.
  3. Bad luck in timing: if COVID had come 3 months earlier or Johnson’s “oven ready deal” had not been agreed for at least another 3 months Brexit would have been delayed indefinitely.

Ultimately, whatever the weight of public opinion, the number of people who take part in marches and/or sign petitions, campaigns are won or lost in parliament. Most MPs likely to elected in 2024 will not have fixed, immovable positions on Brexit reversal but will need to be convinced that supporting rejoin is in their interests.

Learn from the success of Vote Leave

Focus on:

  1. Keeping the message simple and repeating it over and over again. “Brexit has failed”; “you were lied to”.
  2. Emphasising the positive impacts of rejoining as much as the negative effects of leaving.
  3. Playing the patriotic card: “Britain leading in Europe and the world”. Editor’s note: Our strapline below conveys this.
  4. Turning around the Leave slogans and narrative: “take back control in the heart of Europe”; “outside the EU we have lost control”; “the new will of the people”.
Reboot Britain
Our strapline. Begins with home and fans out to wider concerns.

Positive messages

At least 70% of the electorate need to be convinced of 2 things:

  1. Rejoining the EU is an essential desirable objective
  2. Rejoining the EU is achievable

Focus on the future and not the past.

To spread the positive message, young people need to be given prominent leadership positions in the campaign.

A one minute street pop up mini talk which addresses some of Paul’s points.

Labour’s flawed Brexit policy

Labour’s current “Make Brexit Work” policy is seriously flawed and, at best, will have no positive or negative impacts on their immediate electoral prospects.

Key factors:

  1. Poor advice based on outdated (2019) focus groups and internal polling data.
  2. Overestimation of the enduring support for a hard Tory Brexit in the so-called Red Wall.
  3. Underestimation of the the impact of Brexit’s evident failure on public opinion.
  4.  Underestimation of the impact of demographic changes on the electorate.
  5.  Overblown fear of the reaction of Tory tabloids to any perceived watering down of Brexit.
  6. Misplaced belief that “Make Brexit Work” will be a convincing winning 3-word slogan in 2024.
  7. Nostalgic belief that Labour is still essentially a “working class” party and needs to prioritise at all costs the views and prejudices of these traditional “core supporters”.

Labour’s flawed position needs to be abandoned. Labour politicians parroting “Make Brexit Work” and “no case for rejoining the SM or CU” are convincing neither rejoiners nor Brexiters and are coming over either as lobotomized Stepford Wives or insincere party apparatchiks.

They will only be persuaded to address the elephant in the room when they are convinced of the urgent economic necessity and that it is their political  interests to do so.

Linked campaigns

4 electoral changes need to be promoted that would help ensure a positive future EU referendum result and put to lay any lingering fears from the EU that a future single party UK government could opt for Brexit again:

  1. PR, preferably a system close to the German model, which is strongly proportional but maintains constituency representation, it also involves a minimum 4% threshold that, in the case of the UK, could be applied in each of the 4 nations.
  2. COMPULSORY VOTING as in Australia or Belgium to ensure a high turnout, especially among young voters.
  3. REDUCE THE MINIMUM VOTING AGE TO 16 (as in Brazil and Scotland) to maximise the youth vote. A related campaign could be the promotion of political and civic education in schools.
  4. ENFRANCHISE ALL EU CITIZENS LEGALLY RESIDENT IN THE UK. Currently citizens from Ireland, Malta and Cyprus (3 EU members) are able to vote in UK elections together with residents from many Commonwealth countries; many of these are only in the UK on temporary work visas.

EU education

Seven years after the referendum here is still a worrying lack of knowledge and understanding about how the EU works. Poor knowledge of the EU is common in all age groups and among those who voted both leave and remain in 2016. In contrast, in most EU countries a study of the history and institutions of the EU is a compulsory part of a broad school curriculum.

Many people, including politicians, will speak confidently about the pros and cons of the single market and customs union but would be hard pressed to explain the differences between these two entities.

If there is eventually a rejoin referendum, there will need to be a much better informed electorate. Paul produced 432 benefits of EU membership in the book Reboot Britain.

About Paul Cawthorne

Paul Cawthorne graduated from the London School of Economics in 1982. In 1989 he left Thatcherland to become a poll tax exile. Over the last 30 years he has worked as a teacher of history, geography, economics and business management in national and international schools in France, Italy and Switzerland. He is currently living and working near Varese in the north of Italy and impatiently waiting to become an Italian (and EU) citizen. Paul is married with two grown-up children.

Please support our UK Tour

Editor’s note: Other viewpoints are available on joining anew, such as Gina Miller’s all or nothing view. Join us at her launch event on Monday 10 July in London.


Soft Brexit Illusion

Theresa May knew it. Gina Miller knew it. Michel Barnier knew it. There never was such a thing as a soft Brexit. We are now inheriting the ‘benefits’ of a hard Brexit though Brexit’s delinquent and dysfunctional offspring … the cost of living crisis, a return to climate vandalism, the sale of the century (NHS), skill shortages, recession and depression, pay freezes, Brexit red tape, travel, residence and work restrictions, the fragmentation of Brexit Britain into 4 + nations, demonisation of ‘forins’ and a retreat on our science and technology base, to name but a few of the effects. And to quote The Carpenters, “We’ve only just begun”. Biz Catalyst 360 and UK in a Changing Europe (UKICE) offer glimpses of what’s to come in the socio-economic, political, legal, technological and environmental suicide formerly known as Brexit. Read on ….

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Hard - Soft Brexit Cognitive Dissonance Continuum
Read our original article on this. Written in 2020 as a warning which was ignored by populist Remainers and the big beasts.

The illusion of a soft Brexit deal was akin to a stepping stone across a pond. Without the stepping stone of a soft Brexit, it is likely that we would have turned back from the cliff edge of a hard Brexit as the chasm was too dangerous. Theresa May knew this when she threatened the ERG with the choice of a hard Brexit or no Brexit at all. She did this several times during negotiations. May was thwarted by leading Remain voices such as Femi Oluwole who began to insist on the ‘safe Brexit’ which was not safe at all. The European Movement and Best for Britain joined in, pleading for the stepping stone. I understand the desire to manage expectations, but the time to drop the Remain project was 31st December 2020 and not 18 months later. It gave remainers the excuse they needed to give up. We know the rest.

I believe that May was playing a dangerous game with the ERG to break their grip on the Conservative party and Brexit. She may have succeeded if the Remoaners had not turned against her. I pleaded with people to support May but visceral love / hate binary responses took over. I warned that we would get Johnson if we ousted May. No one listened. We did. Quite a few blamed me for supporting Theresa May. Michel Barnier knew. Oh well.

Hard Facts about Hard Brexit

Here’s some very short helpful facts about Rejoining the EU and putting Brexit to an early. The Tories are still trying to run the illusion that the will of the people must be respected. Brexit is no longer the will of the people with only 18% of the British population now thinking that Brexit is a success and with 55% now wanting to Rejoin the EU.

63% of people in Britain now think that Brexit was a mistake

This figure is rising rapidly, as Brexit reveals its many ugly heads

I predict it will be between 67 and 74% by early 2024 !!

Rejoin statistics
I predict between 67-74% by the beginning of 2024. In any case, a supermajority.

The upward curve towards the rejection of Brexit by the vast majority of people will be asymptotic, up to perhaps a residual hardcore of racists and people clutching Brexit unicorns (80% ++ insert your own number?), but it is climbing rapidly. There will be a huge social desirability to be on the ‘winning side’ once Brexiteers realise that they are no longer a majority. I find that they operate in herds and had an interesting chat about ‘in and out’ groups with a psychologist called Elvis on this recently. Quite why I always choose the leaders of social groupings in cafes and pubs for Brexorcism purposes.

86% of young people in Britain want to rejoin the EU

Savanta Poll
Helpful facts. Keir Starmer, are you paying attention?

Only 18% of Brits now believe Brexit is a success

Nigel Farage has declared Brexit a failure

Farage v Cats
Listen to Nigel Farage being handed his arse on a plate by clicking on the cat.

The vote leave demographic is literally and metaphorically a dying breed

Public opinion on Brexit is now way ahead of politicians

Rejoining is possible, inevitable but difficult. Clear strategy, focus and leadership are needed

Join Gina Miller’s True and Fair party

Contrary to what people believe, another referendum is not the only way to settle the matter democratically.

  • Via Parliament: once Brexit carnage becomes more widely and deeply felt, legislative initiatives to mitigate the effects of Brexit (for example a single market or customs union application) may grow. If supported with the combined weight of opposition parties, who currently give the Government a free ride on Brexit, an incremental route back into EU membership may evolve.
  • General Election: the levels of Brexit carnage might become so great over time that joining becomes an election issue. Set against that possibility, people would have to conclude that Brexit was a cause or correlation with their lived experiences. This has been difficult so far, as CoVID, and now the Ukraine crisis, mask Brexit’s damage. However, that cloak is slowly being removed. For this reason, it matters that the word Brexit is not airbrushed out of the political lexicon. Labour’s collusion to date has thus far boxed it into a position that makes a U-turn difficult, but not impossible.
  • Another Referendum: a new referendum could be offered, even though I don’t favour using one. However, a second referendum might be considered as a ‘christening service’ once the ‘will of the people’ changes sufficiently. Despite the first referendum having been conducted by simple majority, it is likely any successor would require a super majority of 66%. This presents a very high bar, so it would be fair to use the same ground rules as in the 2016 referendum.
  • Government of National Unity: Things may become so bad that the idea of a Government of National Unity (GONU) becomes feasible once again. In August 2019, a GONU seemed a realistic possibility until the opposition parties responded to Boris Johnson’s temptation of a General Election. Considerable social, economic and political disruption would be needed for such a scenario to be possible, so the probability is arguably low. However, nothing can be ruled out in any disruptive political environment. Present scandals within the Tory party and Putin’s actions may reveal yet more problems. A coalition government is perhaps the latest manifestation of GONU. Perhaps this will get rid of our current GONADS Brexit government? !!

See the article from London for Europe for a full discussion on settling the democratic process:

Click on the image to read more on agile and flexible strategies to join the EU anew.

See below our five goals which we pursue with like minded people at our meetings. Join us 1st Wednesday of the month online at 8pm. Click on the image for the ZOOM link. Please add your thoughts on more helpful facts about joining the EU anew and Brexit disaster and subscribe to this platform.

Reboot Britain Goals
Reboot Britain Goals.

Here’s three things you can do to make progress on getting Brexit gone:

Write to Keir Starmer about this. Please use the material in the Bylines article HARD LABOUR to help compose your letter

Write to King Charles III using our template letter at KING CHARLES III – Yes, Chas has no authority, but he has massive soft power. Make him work for his privilege

Join us 1st Wed of the month at 8 pm on ZOOM. JOIN HERE

The wonderful Larry and Paul.
Rage Against The Brexit Machine

Brexit tinfoil hat

Don Adamson writes from the Barnsley Brexit Bunker.

This week’s homework:

Discuss the following statement. Since 2013 the Tories have ‘outsourced’ army recruitment to Crapita; which is a hopelessly incompetent ‘private enterprise company’ that gets obscenely rich on government contracts by overcharging and underperforming; except in those cases where they overcharge and do not perform at all. Crapita has missed Army recruitment targets every year. We all bad years but ten bad years in a row indicates the kind of corruption and incompetence that Gammons and Flagshaggers wanted when they voted for Brexit. The Tories are so delighted with this sheer, crass, unpardonable uselessness that they have begun to put Crapita in charge of Naval and Air Force recruiting. This is music to the ears of the morons who, after everything that has happened, still think Brexit is a brilliant idea.

EU Flag Mafia anti-brexit minis tour London.
Please support our UK tour by clicking on the mini.

Meanwhile there is a worse example of sheer, crass, unpardonable stupidity in military matters. Wagner Group is a company of mercenaries that recruits by emptying the Russian prisons of brutish thugs of the worst description. Wagner has cut a swath across Africa; looting, raping and killing gratuitously everywhere they go, usually against unarmed villagers. Wagner Group did not do so well against outnumbered but armed Ukrainians. Wagner Group attempted a coup d’état to oust Putain but made a complete fiasco of it. This is exactly the kind of idea that 21st century Tories love: evil, violent thugs who loot and rape but are so incompetent that they cannot even mount a coup d’état against a regime as inept as Putain’s. How long will it take the Tories to abolish the British armed forces and replace it emptying the prisons of evil thugs and rapists? In this way they will have defence services that cannot even mount a coup d’état to oust a hopelessly incompetent political regime. 

This week’s quotes: 

Britain’s inflation and finance 

… 8.7% in May … price of housing in Britain is soaring … only in Britain is inflation worryingly entrenched … Britain’s problem most acute … mortgage rates are surging … excruciating situation… grim … among G7 countries none has higher inflation than Britain … miserable … what has gone so wrong? … EU workers are missing … labour supply is down by 3% … inflation is unusually persistent… £1Trn government debt when Osborne became Chancellor … £1.5Ttn debt when Osborne left office in 2016 … £1.7Trn debt when going into the pandemic thanks to Osborne’s ‘repair’ of the economy … Britain signed a memorandum of understanding with EU on financial services …. Does not restore Britain’s access to the EU … mortgage rates have surged… Jeremy *unt has told banks to pass on higher interest to customers… Since the end of WW1 … Britain was economically crippled … Britain has been in a long and steady decline … endless cycle of boom and bust … promises of a better tomorrow … Brexit put the tin hat on it …


Ukraine accession to the EU is so important. It creates an incentive for reform and application of law… Do not be so sure our place is lost; some do want us back …  a Eurocrat friend said ‘You forget we want you back … Leavers were fond of referring to … an army of bureaucrats but forget that in that army the British were the Brigade of Guards . Many who work for the EU miss the rigour, clarity and discipline that British Eurocrats brought to the party … politician may want to make a British return look difficult. Many of Europe’s staffers would give us our old concessions back in the blink of an eye if it brought British Eurocrats back to Brussels … I find it hard to imagine that the EU would insist on the most stringent conditions before letting Britain Rejoin. They too have been damaged by Brexit (though nowhere near as badly was us) … Question Beaucaire, France, renamed a road that leaves Rue Robert Schuman (EEC founder) and rejoins it 60m later. What is it now called? Answer: Rue de Brexit … Brexit is a disaster that just keeps on disastering … Clacton Coastal Academy … all but two children said they would vote to Rejoin … the norm in schools is zero … something strange about a political class where the government keeps telling us that Brexit is going well and an opposition that that insists they will make Brexit work when the next generation knows it is not going well and cannot be made to work.. Something has got to give… Rejoin March 23 September is causing consternation on the Labour front bench … Keith Starmer is trying to out-Brexit Richy Scumbag … Starmer wrote pro Brexit piece for the Daily Express … who have not got around to paying Starmer for it … 

Gutter Express 

still unrelentingly positive about booming Brexit Britain … even last week Grease Bogg promised cheaper food thanks to Brexit. He is unlikely to venture into Aldi to check the prices …  biggest house price rise in 14 years … Oh Dear…

Daily Excess
Daily Excess. Click to read the gutterpress pages.


any hope politicians would put learning lessons ahead of protecting their own repudiations ended when Osborne appeared before the inquiry…. ‘the numbers you refer to are from 2015 to 2020 … I left office in 2015 ’ expect months of high level arse covering … Longest most detailed most expensive enquiry in UK history … why did UK government believe itself to be well prepared when in fact it was woefully unprepared and vulnerable … politicians did not want to commit the money … even though it was number one on the risk register … DHSC knew that the risks were huge … economic outlook was dire … it was more than likely that a moderate pandemic would overrun the system … Jeremy *unt did not attend board meetings … ministers were concerned about *unt’s lack of engagement … no deal Brexit took the focus away from pandemic planning … same lame defence of austerity … we decided to sleepwalk into a £400B disaster … *unt knew the worst case scenario … UK entered the pandemic with its public services depleted, health improvements stalled, health inequalities increased… we did not have resilience in the health service … we were at the bottom of the table in doctors, number of nurses, ITUs, respirators, ventilators … if the next pandemic does not take down the NHS diabetes will … we did not give sufficient thought to a pandemic or any other pathogen …. It is hard to imagine we would do any better in the next pandemic … government has disinvested in infection monitoring services, dismantled key infrastructure … wound down our capacity for drug and vaccine development…. levels of public anger remain high … repeated reminders … Westminster, under the leadership of Johnson, flouted rules … even stupid enough to record photographic and video evidence of gratuitous flouting … Johnson repeated lied… shows how badly things have deteriorated inside the Tory Party …

Brexit Too Little, Too Late
A stitch up in time saves nine.


system for victims to report crimes ‘outsourced’ to the usual suspects … Crapita was hit with a cyber attack … exposed thousands of savers in pension schemes … less than impressive data hygiene … Colchester Council ‘extremely disappointed’ … unsecured Amazon data bucket controlled by Crapita … Crapita is no stranger to financial rip offs … when it comes to general incompetence Crapita is no more reassuring … most notorious is military recruitment … Crapita has missed Army’s annual targets for recruiting new soldiers and officers every year since 2013 … Crapita assisted by PwC … PwC faced a string of large fines for poor auditing … focus of criticism … real problem is not reporting it but the near absence of policing it … less than 1% of reports lead to prosecutions … it will take more than another Crapita deal to address that …  

GB News

GB New boss Angelos Frangopoulos is desperately attempting to reposition his channel away from being a home for right wing cranks and conspiracists …. ‘this is not just Channel Nigel Garbage … glad to be shot of Canadian wacko Mark Steyn … found guilty of breaching Ofcom rules when he approvingly interviewed weirdo writer Naomi Wolf on her view that Covid 19 vaccination is ‘mass murder’ … 


staff at Mail on Sunday had a leaving party for departing member of staff. Video shows at least 30 people … no social distancing… 

Read Private Eyelines on Amazon

Don Adamson Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)           Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class 



I am attending the policy launch of the True and Fair Party on Monday. Gina Miller stands head and shoulders above the vast majority of Westminster politicians and deserves your support.

Truth, trust and equity in politics are precious assets. A lack of these things is the reason most often given by people who are disenfranchised with politics, politicians and the media in my local area. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you could trust the people making decisions about your children’s lives and livelihoods? I’d vote for that.

The question of truth and trust will become magnified in the AI world. We habitually place trust in authority figures, for example Martin Lewis in terms of money. But the world of deep fakes has the potential to undermine that trust. This calls on policy makers to up our game in terms of making good laws to protect vulnerable people from exploitation.

I’m sure some of you will not know who Gina Miller is. She gained a reputation for upholding truth when she took our Government to court to demonstrate that Britain had always had sovereignty as a member of the EU. Of course, the Government ignored the ruling. You may more likely know her from the tabloid newspapers who vilified her for doing this. The result of this was various vile threats of beheading and gang rape. All for upholding truth and the rule of law.

The binary prisoner’s dilemma of the Conservatives and Labour delivered Brexit. The Tories are finished. If Labour are so far ahead as they claim, it is time to introduce some diversity into the mix. Please support The True and Fair party for a better Britain in a better Europe for a better World. Gina is not a threat to the Labour party as some Labour zealots claim. She is standing a handful of candidates. However if she wins, she is a threat to the cosy binary status quo. That’s healthy and refreshing. In the same way that Caroline Lucas has leveraged change from a single seat, the True and Fair party stand as a disruptor to sleaze, corruption, cronyism and hateful practices in politics. Never forget that Nigel Farage tricked people will feeble minds to vote for Brexit without ever having been elected as an MP.

Gina’s position on Brexit is unequivocally clear, compelling and concise:

True and Fair
Please support the True and Fair Party. Click the banner above.

My small part in the story was in getting Gina some support from Richard Branson to launch her earlier initiative Campaign 2018.

The hallmark of a just society is in how we treat vulnerable people. Click to join Gina.

Well worth 10 minutes of your time.
Gina Miller
A Prince and a Queen.
True and Fair – it’s time for different rather than more of the same.

Please support our UK Tour

Brexit bunker

Hunker in the bunker

Don Adamson hunkers down in his bunker in Barnsley for another edition of his insanely great ravings with the incisive edge of a bic razor blade.

This week’s homework

One: In the sunlit uplands of Brexit Tory MPs tell lies shamelessly and routinely. A Tory MP who speaks the truth is not only rare but the object of contempt and ridicule by his mates. Harold Macmillan was, reputedly, physically ill when he learned that John Profumo had lied to Parliament. Does this mean that there was a better class of Tory in the 1960s? 

Two: Are Johnson and Grease Bogg the best that Oxford University can do? If so what light does this shed on Bertie Wooster’s assertion that he was one of the finest minds of his generation? 

Mogg Lounger
Suffer little children.

Three: Discuss the following statement – Nigel Garbage has claimed that there is a lefty woke plot to prevent him from having an account with Barclay’s Bank. As a consequence Garbage may see fit to leave the country. We do not know the actual facts but we do know that anything Nigel Garbage says is suspect. Do we want Nigel Garbage to leave now that he is actually getting real about the failure of Brexit? Personally I would prefer it if the idiots who have not noticed the failure of Brexit left before Garbage. 

Four: Cecil Rhodes was part of the process whereby the British government could distance itself from nasty goings on in Africa. Rhodes worked for a private company and was not a British government official. (Yeah Right). Rhodes was part of the process that led to the outbreak of the Second Boer War. It was during that war that the British developed the concentration camp: an invention that caught on in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Some 20,000 Afrikaner women, children and old men died the concentration camps in South, Africa.

None of this excuses Apartheid but it may explain why Afrikaners bear grudges against the British. Cur Jacob Grease Bogg, recently nominated for a knighthood by Johnson for telling shameless lies to the late Queen, said that the concentration camps were a jolly good idea. The Afrikaners were sent there for their own protection. How many Afrikaner civilians might have been killed in that war if they had not been sent to concentration camps ‘for their own safety’? Does the idea of a government sending a private company to perform dirty deeds in Africa remind you of Putain’s government sending the Wagner Group to Africa to kill, rape and plunder? 

Footnote: The concentration camps in South Africa were under the control of the British Army. There was one camp where conditions more closely resembled decent humanitarian standards. The officer in charge was a Royal Marine. Turn blue Pongoes. 

Five: Discuss the following statement: The Ring of Five Cambridge Spies betrayed Britain for a Soviet Union that had some tattered shred of ideology. Oxford Brexiters have betrayed Britain for the Russian Mafia who are criminals of the worst description. Have the Oxford Brexiters done a FUBAR on Britain beyond the wildest dreams of Stalin; or, for that matter, the wildest dreams of Hitler, Kaiser Bill, Bonaparte and Philip II of Spain?

This week’s quotes: 

Prince Andrew 

Spitting Image show opened on the West End .. Has reached the ‘no reputation to defend stage’ in which he has been joined by Johnson… 

Britain is now an anti Brexit country 

polls confirm this … in the past seven years more than four million people have died … mostly older voters who backed Brexit by 2 to 1 …  almost 5 million have reached voting age and overwhelmingly want Britain in the EU … YouGov polls … for the first year polls were close to the referendumb result …. after that ‘Buyer’s Remorse’ set in … steadily more people say we were wrong to leave … moiré Leave voters give Brexit the thumbs up than the thumbs down … proportion of Leave voters who say Brexit has been a success is just one in five. The number who says they have benefitted from Brexit is even lower…. big public appetite for Britain returning to EU.

Read Strategies to Rejoin

Johnson’s poisonous legacy will continue to cost us 

… for decades … he may be gone but the ruin he has caused will continue … Johnson’s statements churn the stomach … pathetic posturing … bloviating blowhard … Brexit is costing us 5% of GCP every year … almost certainly an understatement … equally useless David Frost negotiated a terrible deal … gave Australia and NA everything they wanted without even bothering to read his brief … added farming to the long list of sectors betrayed by Brexit … these include fishing, manufacturing, food production, financial services education … not a single sector has been helped … built on lies that hurt real people … National Health Service is collapsing, defence cuts on the way, economy is anaemic … shameless charlatan … growth is pathetic, productivity terrible, living standards collapsing …

Johnson asks why have we abandoned the free trade deal with the USA? … USA has no interest in a trade deal with Britain … Johnson could not even get his best mate Trump to bother with one … US business confidence in UK has fallen for third consecutive year …. Brexit cited as the main reason for collapse … Johnson shredded his own reputation as well as that of the country … Johnson’s economically illiterate diatribes…. Department for Brexit opportunities failed to find any … this lying clown beggars belief … his poisonous legacy will continue … MPs voted to censure Johsnon … Most Tory MPs failed to appear … only 7 Tories voted against the report … a crushingly low level of support for Johnson … at the end of Johnson’s career we get the true measure of the man … self obsessed, economical with the truth (to put it mildly) and a coward … his name will not appear on the ballot paper in the by election. He has chosen instead to sulk off into a well paid sunset …

7 years of hurt 

Britain has changed for the worse but not forever … a better country can emerge … 7 years on the full ghastly impact of Brexit becomes clearer by the day … an elite project branded as a great day for the popular will … it was a stupid idea devised by clever people …, campaigned for and wrote into law a disastrous future for the nation ,,, Vanity, a lust for power … chose to conspire for in such a predictably terrible course of action … systematically reduce this country … not since Soviet communism lured middle class hearts and minds in the 1930s has such a delusion gripped a sizable clique within the nation’s elite …  only with the rise of Nigel Garbage, whose malevolent contribution was to switch from abstract polemic … did it become fully apparent how potent the toxic was becoming …  Cameron’s gamble went hideously wrong … more striking is the readiness of its earliest champions to admit that the great project has not worked …

From Don’s bunker to Nigel’s

Nigel Garbage himself has conceded failure … for him the fiasco is the consequence of betrayal not the intrinsic idiocy of the idea … a fiasco it most certainly is … £100B less GDP every year …. Red tape has more than tripled…. Business investment now 31% below pre referendumb trend … manufacturing sector contracted for 10th consecutive month … Larry Summers, US Treasury Secretary, says Brexit was ‘historic economic error … economic consequences of Brexit only one aspect of the damage … UK needs a muscular trade deal with the US and that is not even on the agenda … Gammons can bang on all they like about British exceptionalism … we are smaller, less influential, easier to ignore …. Britain’s representatives are no longer seen as serious people … poisonous culture of resentment, post truth that Gammons turbocharged in 2016 has not gone away … a malignancy that is still metastasising …

Read Join the EU anew

Tories blame not only the failure of Brexit but everything else on imagined conspiracies of ‘liberal elitists’, judges Whitehall officials. BBC, anti growth coalition … shrill betrayal narratives are the refuge of the political scoundrel …  profoundly dangerous … ‘stab in the back’ legend essential to the growth of virulent Nazism in 1930s Germany … matter for serious concern … growing contempt of Tories for core institutions, due process, rule of law … Johnson lied to the Queen … Supreme Court ruled Johnson’s request unlawful … has any modern government been more scornful of the rule of law? … Brexit culture profoundly hierarchical, some Gammons more equal than others … Richy Scumbag focussed on the despicable and futile ‘small boats strategy … 

Suella Braverman Priti Patel
Suella Braverman, Priti Patel and the ‘others’.

Braverman’s strategy is a direct descendant of Garbage’s ‘Breaking Point strategy … denounced by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the United Nations Refugees Agency  … yet such criticism emboldens her to press ahead … believe they are speaking on behalf of the masses … the oldest delusion of the autocrat … Brexit was absolutely the wrong answer … Cumming’s pledge on the side of a bus £350M per week for the NHS was a lie … brutal irony of Brexit … raised expectations of dramatic improvements … in practice debased and diminished the ruling class … British soul has taken a beating … public services are on their knees … polls show two thirds of Brits believe Brexit is a failure … and more importantly open to another vote … Brexit vacuous slogans rather than meaningful government principles … any new government will have to work day and night to restore trust that Johnson trashed … long delayed overhaul of the second chamber and honours system and stricter rules on MPs second jobs and political lobbying ….Brexit experience has been a grim object lesson … loss on a global scale … wake up, get busy, it is later than you think, 7 years of this nonsense is long enough. It is time to win again…

Brexit Migration Algorithm
Brexit Migration Algorithm – sorted … except Richy Scumbag does not want to sort it out.

Labour and Brexit 

Keith Starmer will be challenged to rule out any attempt to rejoin … people around Starmer know that a closer relationship with the EU would be hugely beneficial … joining the euro (an idea that is as economically sensible as it is politically unpalatable) … 20% hit on imports and exports since Brexit … approximately £100B shorn from output …Starmer would have to change the way Britain conducts business … Since May’s tenure UK has tried to pretend that the EU does not exist … ministers refused to listen … arrogant and ignorant … failed spectacularly … they have had enough of humouring the Brits. There will be goodwill but Starmer will be made to work very hard… Labour has jettisoned the baggage of the Corbyn era … it is not just Johnson that helps Labour … Britain is suffering from economic pain that particularly hurts  mortgage holders … Scottish National Party support has collapsed … thanks to PC McPlod and erratic book keeping by the SNP … too much luck can be a bad thing …  Cameron gambled heavily and came across as one of the worst Prime Ministers on record … Labour comes across as a party that that expects to lose rather than one thinking on how best to lose … good luck may bring Labour to power but will not help them govern … growth prospects are lacking, public services are failing … it will be a horrible time to run the country …

Don Adamson Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)                       Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class

Alastair Campbell Mini Clacton

UK Rejoin tour 2023

To mark the 7th anniversary of the Brexit referendum with no visible signs of any Brexit benefits on the horizon, we are embarking on a UK Rejoin tour, to celebrate the benefits of joining the EU anew and to explain the pathways to ending Brexit.  Please support this tour and let us know where you want us to go in the UK.  It has cost us £1000 to put the show on the road and obviously we’ll need travel expenses and subsistence.  Find all the funding options for one-off small donations and more regular contributions at:

UK Rejoin tour

Brexit Central 22 June

We began the tour at Clacton for BBC Question Time on Thursday 22 June.  Despite the BBC’s attempt to fill the hall with a few remaining Brexiteers of Clacton, our experience on the street was quite different.  Hardly anyone said that Brexit was a success and most wanted a return to the EU, now that they realised that they were lied to.  On leaving the town hall, many of the participants at BBQ QT stayed on to listen to us, with some wanting selfies with the Bollocks to Brexit Mini, as they listened to our song of Brexit buyer’s remorse. “Alo Vera – Brexit’s Comin’ ‘Ome” is written through the eyes of a leave voter who now regrets being lied to – watch the whole film – the best part comes at the end !!

Wait for the end ….
One of the guests said that Brexit meant that builders no longer needed safety equipment to go on roofs. Well that’s sorted then !!

Learn the skills of Brexorcism here

We greeted John Redwood with Another Prick in the Mall.

City Hall 23 June

On hearing that Rishi Sunak plans to waste more of our taxes taking Sadiq Khan to court for flying EU flags on his building, we arranged at short notice to flag bomb City Hall in Docklands.  A great crew of insurgents showed up within just a few hours of announcing the event.  We delivered a keynote address around our ‘Brexit Iceberg’, a musical performance of our protest songs and engaged loads of young people.  Out of several hundred people we spoke with only two people insisted that Brexit was a good thing although they declined to explain why.

A marvellous team of people showed up to support Sadiq Khan.

Future dates

29 July The Cinque Ports Tour – From Sandwich to Hastings calling at all stops.

7 SeptemberThe Brighton Belle – From Seaford to Brighton where we will give a keynote event at The European Movement in the evening.

30 September – 04 October The Northern Powerhouse – from Barnsley to Manchester and Liverpool, taking in Norfolk and Lincolnshire.

Where next for the UK Rejoin tour?

We have had enquiries to go to Yorkshire, Dorset, Ireland, The West Midlands, Northumberland and the West Country so far. If you want us to visit your city, town, village, front room or bathroom, follow these steps:

Get in touch via

Assemble a few people in your area who would be able to act as a reception committee and organise locally.

Raise some funds to help cover our costs by whatever means possible.

Support the Rejoin tour

Check our Britastophe tour out

Ever felt you have been taken for a fool? The wonderful work of Cold War Steve.

The BREX-files

The BREX files

Don Adamson reports on the BREX files : all things Britain from his shady hollow in Barnsley, in the forgotten northern Brexit powerhouse.

This week’s homework:

One. Discuss the following statement: Nigel Garbage, Widdecombe, Andrew Neil (Murdoch lackey of the worst description for decades), swathes of the Tory Party and 66% of Daily Express readers have noticed that Brexit has failed. Nigel Garbage blames the Tories. Meanwhile Tories blame everybody but themselves. Who is right? Meanwhile the only people who do not notice that Brexit has failed are Keith Starmer and the Labour Party. Why is that? 

Brexit has failed
Brexit has failed. Click to rejoin the EU.

Two: Discuss the following statement – There is nothing the Tory newspapers would like better than to blame Labour for the failure of Brexit (Incidentally, Brexit has already failed). By making these weird and wonderful claims that Labour can make Brexit work is Starmer playing into their hands? 

Three: Discuss the following statement:  Ben Wallace is that rarest of endangered species – he is a Tory Cabinet Minister with a deserved reputation for competence. By all accounts he has done a reasonably good job as Secretary of State for Defence. In the dim and distant past he would have been a strong candidate to be appointed Secretary General of NATO. He is not going to get the job. As a consequence of Brexit British Ministers (even surprisingly competent ones) are not considered to be ‘serious people.’ Brexit has made Britain as irrelevant as Andorra or San Marino. This is what Gammons and Flagshaggers wanted when they voted for Brexit. Does this mean that in future Britain’s most valuable export will be special issues of postage stamps for sale to philatelists?

Brexit has made Britain as irrelevant as Andorra or San Marino

This week’s quotes:

Future of the Torygraph

… journalists wonder what the future holds now that Lloyds Banking Group has seized control of media empire and seeking to sell it off … best hope is that somebody Looney right comes forward … titles reckoned to be worth £500-£600M .. Short of the £600M the Barclays paid in 2004… Rothermere has shown ‘mild interest’ but has enough on his plate … Barclay’s dispute with Lloyds over debts allegedly approaching £1B… Torygraph opposes Inheritance Tax on behalf of 3.76% of the population that pays it … recruited 50 MPs … include fiscal mastermind Thick Lizzie … absurdly easy for millionaires to avoid paying tax … weirdo twins Cur Frederick and Cur David Barclay … complex series of trusts … to avoid tax liabilities …

Brexit stuffed the city 

Financial Services, one of UK’s very few world class sectors…. put at serious risk by Brexit … Paris now largest Stock Exchange in Europe … London is losing business and jobs … Large companies do not bother to float on LSE … going to New York … London lost all its EU trading to Amsterdam … abolishing rules and balances is not a rational move … British financial sector has to do business in  EU, US, Japan and China, all of which have tough rules of their own … watering down your own rules little use when competing for foreign business …. Gammons and Flagshaggers forget that they have to follow other people’s rules….  access to EU dependent of membership of the Single Market … City contributes huge amounts to Treasury coffers and to the size and success of the British economy … Brexit was a ridiculous act of vanity and self harm … don’t worry about the demented fools who backed this madness. They are multimillionaires who can live anywhere they want … when they abandon the sinking ship they will take their money with them … any credible economic policy must acknowledge and address the economic damage done by Brexit … Labour refuses to do that… 

Brex and the city
Read Brex and the city by clicking on Carrie.

Brexit relegated Britain from the Art Major League .

.. Before Brexit, London was the art capital of Europe … cancellation of three major fairs … government complacency … neglect of arts and creative industries … calamitous impact…. Spanner in the works … doing any sort of business with Britain involves a mountain of paperwork … additional and unpredictable costs … thousands of job losses…. 

Musicians and Brexit
Read Musicians and Brexit at The Federal Trust.

Bribing the Tories £5M from Mohamed Mansur 

… questionable Egyptian … Russian connections … Non Dom status … Amit Lohia gave £2M … low wages … disrespect of staff … put a major Tory donor on the Charities Commission  … Crapita has profited from privatised public services including NHS ‘outsources’ and ‘private foster care agencies’ …


Pandemic Ministers panicked by forensic questions

… Did you inform Italian PM that you wanted ‘herd immunity’…. did you state that you would rather let the ‘bodies pile high’ … did the then Cabinet Secretary advise you to dismiss Mad Halfcock … government’s only tactic is to delay and minimise damage …. Deadlines have passed unanswered…. unacceptable delays … why have excess deaths remained high … complex questions but we should have better answers … Telegraph report was based on a widely criticised  analysis … epidemiologists and mathematicians called it half baked. Peter Cook called it a Britastrophe as long ago as 2020.

In 2020 we said that the toxic combination of Corona Crisis + Brexit Disaster amounted to a Britastrophe – turns out we were right.

Bribing the Labour Party 

Labour pockets big donation from hedgie who was denounced by the party for privatisation of the Post Office … Stuart Roden … sat on the board alongside Cur Ian Duncan Smith. 

BBC merged international and domestic News Channel  

… an utter shitshow … utterly unwatchable …

Read our report on BBC QT in Clacton.

Johnson resigned as MP ahead of a damning report 

Just two of his allies said they would also quite Parliament in solidarity…. Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish First Minister was glad he hogged the headlines to attention from her troubles… Will we miss Johnson … unfortunately not? He will hang around like the smell of a sewer… post Johnson to fight to reassert truth is the fight of our times … nauseating Mirror video of Tories partying on the day Mad Halfcock announced that Covid restrictions would apply to London … what happened to basic ethical decencies of politics … Johnson personifies the rip in the space time continuum … In 1964 when MacMillan discovered Profumo had lied in parliament … MacMillan was physically ill … Parliamentary standards rely on the honesty of ministers … compare Johnson’s systematic to the Commons … his expensive lawyers should introduce him to the concept of mens rea or ‘guilty mind’ … truth means nothing to Johnson and his allies … the less we hear from Johnson the better …  Johnson’s biggest crime was the insider dealing where mates of the powerful got to bid for the mountain of Covid cash …. Could be his lasting legacy … blasé manner all these stitch ups were made …  lying and cover up … notorious Tories … unequalled since WW2 …

Get the Tories out of Uxbridge

Richy Scumbag’s plans to make UK an AI superpower fall short 

… AI has stoked a frenzy of excitement … Scumbag’s vim sounds breathless…. problems aplenty … Brexit means Britain has lost access to EU Single Market … much will have to change … Britain will struggle to persuade anybody to set up here … holding back investors across the economy … AI announcements gush from Downing St … for all his well intentioned zest … government has yet to confront reality …  enormous hurdles … Britain has serious difficulties to overcome … lack of access to the large market on its doorstep … pitifully little has been done … borderline dishonest … Richy Scumbag should know better …  the longer the delay the lower the chances of success … another set of British companies misses out … too often a mess … British government lags behind … fool’s errand … we lack competence at the heart of government … people who run the policy just do not understand it … majority of firms that started in London are now in USA … the country lags …

Read AI and Brexit


… Johnson’s political legacy has already disappeared…. Tories are losing everywhere … support is falling fastest in the north … in the constituencies it was so proud of winning … northern voters who backed the Tories have little to show for it … fundamental problems … Johnson made  impossible promises … four big pledges … they received one – Brexit … and delivering it made the others impossible to achieve … Brexit has weighed on growth … grand schemes Johnson promised have been scrapped … by pressures worsened by Brexit … MPs offered bromides best left  in an airport self help book …  Voting Tory for the first time was a big deal … they want to be proven right … Tories are not trying to win …  need to win voters in the North to hold power. The party needs to maintain voters in the south to exist … Johnson’s sweeping promises are  gone … Scumbags Doncaster speech became a eulogy for Johnsonite Toryism which is dead … came across as an admission of defeat.

Fiscal policy 

… grossly irresponsible … Britain is uniquely exposed to a wage spiral … efforts to change course have been paltry… 

Fiscal incompetence due to Brexit. Well worth 17 minutes of your time. Please subscribe to the EU TUBE channel.

Labour and the media 

Tory Party, which Mail backed to the hilt imploded in office … already blaming the next Labour government for everything …  Mail story so ridiculous as to be funny: living in a country with a plebeian far right at war with the government will not be so funny … anti fascist monitoring sites have seen a surge in hate speech … Braverman and Scumbag cannot open their mouths except to say ‘Stop the boats’ … Brexit killed the expat dream.

Meaningless drivel flows from Sunak’s mouth when asked serious questions

Post Brexit travel rules driving us mad

… Brexit has shattered their Italian dream … bureaucracy is tedious and time consuming … Seafood restaurants along the Italian coast are worried. Brits were regular clients but this year have not shown up … Brits really should have considered the affects of Brexit more seriously … Sarah felt sad and betrayed by Brexit … which she now regrets voting for … nobody in the UK was fully informed … ‘we were all duped’ …

Daily Mail and Johnson 

… after agreeing to pay Johnson £1M a year for a weekly column there is buyer’s remorse among Mail executives…. inaugural column made nonsense of the claim … ‘he would be required reading in Westminster and across the world’ …  too early to say if Johnson will attract or repel readers … comments beneath the online version … ‘just unbelievable, no shame … Paul Dacre … looked as if Dacre would receive peerage … must be feeling especially aggrieved … morale among Mail journalists not high … declining print sales … Johnson’s salary has gone down like a bucket of cold sick … 

Read the Daily Maul

GB News 

… ran up losses of £30.6M … £3.6M income…. 

Rupert Murdoch 

… has the wit to see that Keith Starmer … intention to abolish non dom tax status… will cost Murdoch a fortune … word has come down from on high to get behind Richy Scumbag … 

Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)                       Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class

BBC Question Time

Question Time Special

Join us in Clacton on Sea, Thursday June 22nd, 6 pm at the Town Hall for the BBC Question Time Special. This event is only open to leave voters. It would be a pity if some rejoiners infiltrated the event … 🙂 We’ll be driving the ‘Bollocks to Brexit Mini Cooper’ to Clacton on Sea aka Brexit on Sea for the event. And we will offer a rolling keynote entitled ‘Brexit has failed‘. We’ll also be performing a suite of original songs from 6 years of anti-Brexit / pro-EU activism. And engaging with the leave voting audience in some ‘mass Brexorcisms‘. There may be some surprises. Putting the Mini back on the road has cost circa £700 plus event / travel costs. Please support our expenses in mounting this audacious project here.

Photography by Christina Jansen – photographer for Mohammed Ali, Robert Plant, Joan Bakewell, Andrew Marr and many others. Click on the Mini to view her work.

The Brexit iceberg

The iceberg explains the link between all the things that are at the front of people’s minds with the largely invisible causation factors of Brexit, COVID 19, Russia and, of course, climate change. I have not mentioned climate change in the diagram, as it is a global factor. It does of course also play its part unless on is also a climate denier and Brexiteer. I have sized COVID 19 and Russia smaller than Brexit. They are actually less significant factors in the medium-long term. The government is now unable to use COVID 19 as a mask for the state of things in Brexit Britain.

However, COVID 19 definitely contributed to increased NHS waiting times, but few of the other factors. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia contributes to food price inflation through costs of fertiliser etc. But even here, Brexit is the main causation with a 15% hit on food prices.

Brexit iceberg
The Brexit Iceberg. Melting rapidly. Click to support us.

Today, Boris Johnson has been ‘sentenced’ to 90 days hard Brexit labour. As with everything, Johnson escapes every time. Lord Andrew Adonis of The European Movement was wrong when he said “If Boris goes, Brexit goes”. It’s not true. In fact Johnson has got off scot free, leaving Brexit as a dirty protest on Britain, with no one in any of the main parties willing to claim responsibility for the Brexit mess, even less willing to do anything about rectifying it.

Sign and share to stop liars from having privilege

Sign and share to remove Johnson’s honours’ list

Labour are a Brexit party

Of course the Tories are the major cause of Brexit. But Labour are not without their share of blame. Keir Starmer is perfectly able to say that Brexit has failed at this time. He can point to plenty of evidence from UK in a Changing Europe and other places. But he refuses to do so. Accordingly, he runs the risk of having his clothes stolen by a desperate Rishi Sunak. See our article Hard Labour on Scottish Bylines for more on this topic.

Not grasping the nettle.  Sir Keir Starmer.  Image by P Paton.
Not grasping the nettle. Sir Keir Starmer. Image by P Paton. Click to read the article.

Send the Scottish Bylines article to Sir Keir Starmer

Any questions?

Join us at The Question Time Special for the purposes of mass Brexorcisms. We need people outside the venue and some inside. Get in touch by e-mailing us at Brexit has failed. Let’s make sure Brexit is placed in a grave where it belongs !!

Photography by Christina Jansen – photographer for Mohammed Ali, Robert Plant, Joan Bakewell, Andrew Marr and many others. Click on the Mini to view her work.

Brexit has failed
Brexit has failed. Nigel said so. Where are you Sir Keir?
Clacton has good facilities. Click to support the project.
Clacton also has good facilities for those seeking to drown themselves in Brexit glory.
We’ll be performing this at Clacton – our satirical song about Brexit Buyer’s remorse as seen though the eyes of a Brexiteer.

Read more : Go Nads

From the vault : Corona : Lessons learned

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Join us on Wed 5th July 8 pm on ZOOM