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Bollocks to Brexit Mini

This week’s homework

Don Adamson sets out this week’s homework in his weekly digest. Better than the David Davis Dossier.

One – Discuss the following statement. Events in Ukraine have made changes. Russia has reverted to a dangerous foreign policy. You wonder what they will do next. Similarly we are faced with the prospect of a second Trump Presidency. Obama said the USA might survive four years of Trump as President. Eight years might be another matter. It is difficult to identify circumstances that more clearly demonstrate the need for a united and economically sound EU.  Countries within the EU want to expand and countries outside the EU see strong incentives to join. I would not blame the EU for resenting the nonsense they had to take from mad, bad and dangerous British politicians (not all of them Tory). Brexit has done a huge amount of damage to Britain and, to a lesser extent, to other countries in the EU. There are powerful incentives to Rejoin. Will British politicians have the brains, courage and decency to admit it? 

The only clear position on Brexit from a political party in England.

Two – Discuss the following statement. For 500 years the main plank of British foreign policy was to prevent Europe from uniting against us. Tories managed in just a few years.

Three – Discuss the following statement. Rory Stewart, Hero of the Resistance to Brexit appears on TV documentaries because he is an acknowledged expert on Roman History in general and Julius Caesar in particular. Meanwhile Nigel Garbage appears on ‘I’m a Celebrity – get me out of here.’ By what stretch of a demented imagination is Nigel Garbage and Brexit anything to do with realism? 

Four – The Greeks are determined to regain the Elgin Marbles. Sooner or later this country will return to its senses and Rejoin the EU. Will the Greeks be justified in insisting that return of the Elgin Marbles should be the price we ought to pay? Can you think of other examples? 

Marble madness.

Five – There has not been enough rain to replenish the reservoirs that store the water that allow the Panama Canal to operate. Ordinarily 40 ships per day pass through the Panama Canal. There is only enough water to allow 18 or 20 ships a day through the Panama Canal. Climate Change deniers insist that the insufficient rain is nothing to do with climate change. Why then is there insufficient rain to replenish the reservoirs; is it a) all part of some dastardly plot to cause Britain to Rejoin the EU? b) All part of some dastardly plot to keep Trump out of the White House? c) All part of some dastardly plot to force people to vaccinate their children against diseases? d) Other explanation? 

… Scumbag’s political strategy is pure Micawberism – hope that something will turn up. Whatever does turn up is unlikely to be good for the Tories … forecasts for the remaining 15 months of this parliament do not suggest a big economic pay off to delay … nasty mortgage rate increase … higher unemployment …  Scumbag faces a tough choice … going for an early election when Tories are more than 20% behind in the polls seems foolhardy … longer he delays more that mortgage holders (bedrock of Tory support) will get clobbered … Things ended well for Micawber … went to Australia … Scumbag is known to like California … 

… as with Brexit, those in public office appear reluctant to state the facts or obvious conclusions … Braverman as a practicing Buddhist? Two central tenets of Buddhism are compassion and wisdom. Braverman needs to practice much harder … increasingly unhinged and uncontrollable … If I had anything to do with the Met I would be feeling aggrieved; the force has bent itself into all sorts of weird shapes to avoid inconveniencing this government from declining to investigate criminal irregularities in the Leave campaign … to turning a blind eye to No 10 becoming party central during lockdown … how were they rewarded? … Tory Home Secretary wrote an op-ed accusing them of bias, wokery and going easy on lefties … Cruella  took innovative step … to whip up a mob of battle gammons ‘to defend the honour of our war dead’ i.e. get coked and lagered up and lay into coppers actually protecting the Cenotaph… Met must be wondering what it will take to get a fair deal from this government … arrest their political opponents? Braverman’s Brownshirts briefly buoyed up by presence of Stickyfinger Pansey-Lenin alias ‘Tommy Robinson’ … he squeaked some words of encouragement before jumping into a taxi when things got violent … Cruella omitted to mention that half the injuries had been inflicted not by the pro-ceasefire marchers but by the beery denizens of the counter protests that she had instigated.

… shop will close next month as a result of government inaction … a result of Brexit and 13 years of austerity … a flock of sheep continuing to support a corrupt and moribund government… Cameron is taking over as Foreign Secretary … he has much to to, having irreparably damaged our relationship with our closest allies … reduced us to an international laughing stock… Same people behind Brexit backed ‘anti-woke’ candidates … election to National Trust Council … record turnout of members wanted nothing to do with  it … All five of candidates recommended by nominations committee were voted in …

… question posed Leicester Square Theatre on 21 November…. Alex Salmond … Gina Miller … Andrew Marr against a team led by David Davis, Claire “IRA” Fox and Mike Graham of Talk Shit TV … John Bercow says ‘pity the debate cannot be in mainstream politics’ … 

Read The Ayes Have It

… provocations of the sacked Home Secretary Cruella Braverman, Stickyfinger Pansey-Lenin alias ‘Tommy Robinson’ and the tawdry culture war that the real war has ignited…

…Business Leaders … insight into current attitudes to a united Ireland … ‘We look north to the stalemate in Belfast and see a basket case, we look east to London and see a bigger basket case’ … it is hard to overestimate the damage we have done to ourselves … combination of Brexit, … Johnson … Thick Lizzie … Cruella Braverman … people outside Britain take us less and less seriously … Brexit had complicated postal services between UK and Ireland beyond belief … added enormous costs … complexities because of Brexit … we have even had to send back cremated ashes … amazed that there is not more of a fuss in the UK media and politics about the damage Brexit has done … most UK newspapers do not allow facts into the Brexit debate … madness, utter madness … 

… real figures what that UK exports to EU fallen by 7.2% … to the rest of the world by 9.8% … something seriously wrong with UK Trade … problems correspond with arrival of Brexit … Business and Trade Secretary  Kemi Badenoch … has access to rooms full of experts, analysts, statistician and economists … she consults none of them because they tell her what she does not want to hear … trumpeting one single think tank discredited after involvement with Thick Lizzie’s disaster … do not bother trying to explain this … 

… a snake in the jungle … I’m a celebrity get me out of here … Nigel Garbage on the show shows how insensitive, crass, tone deaf, idiot, provocative, morally bankrupt ITV is … history not on his side … Mad Halfcock’s campmates did a better job of expressing their views than most professional politicians did … did not help book sales or job prospects … Nigel Garbage is a coward who likes money, attention and the sound of his own voice … always a lot less than he appears to be … notoriously peevish and thin skinned … unlikely to keep up his act on TV … politicians on the brink of success do not volunteer for reality TV.

Nigel’s end game in a bunker.

… She did not get it … but there was a confrontation at the Cenotaph led by a few hundred tanked up fans of Stickyfinger Pansey-Lenin (Alias Tommy Robinson) … police said ‘Palestine Solidarity Campaign did not see the sort of violence carried out by the right wingers’ …

Read Cleaning up Politics

…  ethnically questionable lobbyist … recently taking Chinese money … Beijing’s ‘useful idiots’ … going to the Lords means he can skip angry encounters with Gammonite MPs … 

Read Lord Cameron on Scottish Bylines

… return of far right pinups … Stickyfinger Pansey-Lenin (alias Tommy Robinson) Hatie Katie Hopkins … Pandora’s box is opened … 

… crazed conspiracy theorist … the only way this book could be more mind bending would be if the pages were soaked in LSD … Gove is an incorrigible plotter … Cummings did decide Johnson was a lemon … incomprehensible … desperate attempt to avoid the trauma of admitting Brexit is a damp squib and that Johnson failed as PM … Gove stabbed you in the back to cut you down to size … if Go Nads gets rained on she looks at the sky and says ‘Coincidence! I think not.’… Johnson has never taken money … that is not even the book’s most absurd quote … Tory Party is a viper’s nest of ruthless infighting and overweening ambition … politicians who are entirely dishonourable …

… we went into the pandemic 24th out of 38 in the league table of avoidable deaths … we had worse resourced and staffed health service, eye watering inequality … dismal public health … no plan to ramp up figures … not enough PPE for front line workers … we predicted social meltdown but did little to plan for it … Winston Churchill and Nye Bevan would have struggled with this … instead we go Johnson and Mad Halfcock … leaders … disliked, disrespected and distrusted each other … ‘c*nts, tw*ts, f*uckpigs, incompetents and liars’ … Johnson agreed with Tory view that ‘Covid was nature’s way of dealing with old people’ … ‘let the bodies pile high’ …. comments corroborated by Johnson’s chief of staff …; witness after witness detailed how incompetent Tories were … Mad Halfcock believe he not doctors should decide who should live or die … next time we might have a different virus but similarly dysfunctional political leadership … harm everybody except vaccine manufacturers or sellers of dodgy PPE or mass testing contracts …

Pip Pip Don Adamson Brexorcist in Chief – First Class with Honours

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John Bercow

The Ayes Have It

I attended ‘The Ayes Have It’, led by former Commons Speaker John Bercow last week. The event debated the motion “Brexit has been a disaster and now must be reversed”. The motion was won with a substantial majority. Here is my review:

The panel for the motion consisted of heavyweight contributors Alex Salmond, Gina Miller and Andrew Marr. In contrast, the opposition panel comprised David Davis, plus C-listers Mike Graham and Claire Fox. No Nigel Farage, Mogg, Tice, Baker, Johnson, Andrew Pierce, or anyone of significance on the leave side. Just David Davis, who turned out to be the most gracious member of the opposition panel.

Salmond, Miller and Marr offered solid complementary arguments backed up by relevant facts. Some highlights: Gina pointed out that Brexit had delivered the exact economic hit to UK plc as predicted by various experts (ranging up to a 5% hit on GDP). My own analogy for this is to imagine trying to swim the channel with a 4.5 kg block of concrete around your neck. All the ‘offspring of Brexit’ are on show for the next General Election, although none of the main parties wish to utter ‘he who shall not be named’ (Brexit).

The Brexit Iceberg
All of the ‘offspring’ of Brexit remain issues for the election.

Alex Salmond was an excellent orator and held himself in good account, despite numerous personal attacks by the Brexit panelists. Andrew Marr focused on our place in the world after Brexit. In summary, he pointed out that we don’t have a place in the world after Brexit. However, he did not think that he would see us rejoin in his lifetime. Gina and I disagree on Marr’s point. All that is needed is political will in Westminster and the cultivation of better relations with the EU. David Cameron may well be an asset in this respect if we play the ball and not the man. Please read our separate article on Cameron and his potential contribution to the breaking of Parliamentary paralysis.

In direct comparison, the Leave panel avoided any factual analysis of the benefits of Brexit (there are none of course). Only Sugar magnate David Davis presented any serious evaluation of Brexit, although he offered no benefits. But Davis generally acted with some dignity compared with the other leave panelists. He stated that Remoaners all think that the EU is perfect. I certainly know that all political systems imperfect. The question is really one of “Go Compare” and our own Parliament earns the prize of being twinned with Belarus, North Korea and Nigeria. Davis also installed his own versions of ‘project fear’ into the debate, suggesting that:

  • Rejoining would be difficult (so was Brexit, lots of important things are difficult David);
  • That the EU had moved on (self evident) and;
  • That we would have to have the Euro and cede sovereignty (utter bollocks).

See my separate articles on Michel Barnier and Myths and Riffs of Brexit for Bylines re these points.

Mike ‘Talk Shit TV’ Graham and Claire Fox were notable because neither of them even tried to oppose the motion. Instead they hurled insults at the other panelists. Claire ‘IRA’ Fox attempted to set up a class war by saying that Gina, Andrew and Alex were all the products of public school and that only she (Baroness Fox) was a supporter of the common man and woman. She forgot to mention that the vast majority of the Brexiteers went to public school (Johnson, Mogg, the list goes on). She also said that if we rejoined the EU, Britain would become ‘Greece’. This is so much bollocks that I won’t even comment further. Graham had been encouraged by his supporters to ‘assassinate Gina’ and ‘use lots of facts’. In fact, Graham said he had decided not to use ANY facts as the Remoaners would dispute them. Clearly this was because he had none to offer. Graham also ran away before questions could be asked. These are the typical behaviours of a Brexit coward. A pound shop Alan Partridge.

After the interval, two year 6 students from Chestnut Grove Academy from spoke for each side of the debate. Both were nervous. Cora spoke for Rejoin made some terrific points about having her future taken away by people who would not live to see the damage they had done (my emphasis, not hers). She supplemented her talk with plenty of salient facts. The strangest thing happened when the young man (Dominic) stood up for the Brexit side. The first thing he said was that he could not defend Brexit !! Then he appeared to break down, unable to speak. John Bercow helped Dom to continue but his speech was incoherent. His main point was that we could not go back on the past, that Brexit was done (It’s far from done of course). At the end Dom attempted to give a benefit of Brexit mentioning the idea that we were able to get the COVID vaccine faster because of Brexit. Of course this is incorrect. Check the Full Fact link on this. I discussed this point later on with David Davis on a 1:1 basis. He tried to suggest that the EU was slow to respond and I agreed that entropy is a feature of all large institutions. Both of us have MBAs and have worked for large organisations and I found common cause with David who did not try to pull any strokes with me on the matter. But the point here is that UK was not prevented from acting independently. It’s a legal point and not an Organisational Behaviour issue. David graciously agreed with me. Boris Johnson was desperate to produce a smokescreen for Brexit at the time and it was a convenient story to fool the public with. Some still are fooled by Johnson’s lies.

COVID and Brexit
Click to read the article.

For ‘balance’, other reviews are available. Jonathan Baz must have been taking some of Liz Truss’ psychotropic drugs in his review where he describes Claire Fox as using facts to destroy the Remoaners. Check Everything Theatre for a more sober review of the evening. Well done to theatre director and former MP Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh who put this all together.

From Everything Theatre.

I was delighted to present John Bercow and Alex Salmond with copies of my Brexit Satire book ‘Private Eyelines – Have I got fake Brexit news for EU‘. Ian Hislop also has a copy. It makes a great gift. Do NOT buy on Amazon by the way. Direct sales offer the best value.

John Bercow
ORDER … a copy of Private Eyelines direct from the author – click the picture.
John Bercow
What a gentleman. Oh Bercow oh !!

Brexit Carnage

Don’s weekly round up

Don Adamson’s ruthless report on all things Brexit and politics continues:

One – Discuss the following statement. Murdoch newspapers continued to publish extracts from the Hitler Diaries after the proof emerged that that diaries were forgeries. Murdoch explained: ‘We are in the entertainment business.’ Do you find the tripe that Murdoch lackeys publish to be entertaining? Would it endanger the planet if Murdoch lackeys printed entertaining material that is factually accurate? 

Read Private Eyelines to up the ante on the Murdoch press

Two – Is there any truth in the rumour that Trump supporters refer to him as BD. This is an abbreviation for Big Dick. Why would that be an appropriate description for Trump? 

Three – Discuss the following statement. Richy Scumbag has appointed David Cameron as Foreign Secretary. Tories have an eye watering majority in the House of Commons but need to look elsewhere for ability. Cam the Sham is a proven failure as a political leader. Can it be that Scumbag has appointed Cam the Sham as Foreign Secretary because the Tories are waking up to the reality that Brexit has failed while Keith Starmer continues to insist (despite all the evidence to the contrary) that Brexit can be made to work? 

Read David Cameron

Four – Would it benefit Climate Change Deniers if they spent more time looking out of their own windows?

Five – TV journalism used to be Kate Adie (a Sunderland lass) reporting from dangerous places as she gave cool, calm and collected accounts of the mayhem that was breaking loose around her. TV journalism nowadays consists of some airhead in a tight skirt reading from a script that she barely understands. Why the change? 

… cover up over a serial rapist Tory MP … failure allowed the unnamed MP to continue to offend … many other allegations … including that another MP possessed a laptop with indecent images  of children … Thick Lizzie joking of her taxpayer funded security team … since leaving no 10 a year ago Thick Lizzie declared six trips worth £58,000, including a four nighter in Hawaii … After Lloyds was forced to seize Telegraph Media Group when a £1Bn loan went bad …  bank is sceptical of Barclay family claims to be in a position to reacquire the titles…

… toe curlingly gruesome  … Scumbag squirming excitedly in his chair like a cross between Will from the Inbetweeners (‘Briefcase Wanker’) and the luckless executive Amazon sends on Newsnight to explain why its workplace conditions do not amount to modern serfdom … PM had no idea what he was talking about … politics … fast becoming a branch of showbiz … the spectacle is the ruling order’s non-stop discourse about itself, its never-ending monologue of self-praise … emotion trumps fact … performative charisma more valued than competence … no pendulum that is going to swing back to evidence-based technocracy and rationality … shrewd politicians should not have to surrender their dignity as Richy Scumbag did … decency does not need to be dull … 

More on wankers …

… Johnson’s lack of focus and humanity cost lives during Covid … instead of facing charges he is raking in the cash … had the best, most expensive, education Britain could offer … Eton and Oxford … completely incapable of doing the job of PM … endlessly distracted and constantly changing his mind, unfit to lead … not really engaging with Covid at all … flailed, constantly changed his mind … nothing good comes of such inst ability at the top … results were catastrophic … companies have been convicted of corporate manslaughter due to gross negligence in events that killed just one person … no such investigation into corporate manslaughter here … Johnson’s advisers contemptuous of their boss … Johnson had no concern for the suffering he caused … simply ignored it … dithering uncaring blob at the heart of government, wobbling uselessly while thousands died … Johnson’s reasoning contained an error so fundamental that it should have been rectified with a two minute briefing …PM did not take the time to understand the devastating toll of the disease he was failing to contain .. an appalling failure on his part … ignorance within Downing St … an absence of humanity … jaw dropping callousness … pensioners  make up core of Tory voters … no sense of gratitude to people who put him in No 10 … his word counts for very little … disgraced … lied relentlessly … a picture of extreme arrogance … disastrous mess … no pandemic plan … inevitable that Johnson would fail the challenges … few of that group accept culpability for installing as PM somebody so unfit for the job … everything seemed to be made up on the spot … gross unsuitability for role of PM … moral failure … if he was the operator of a business he would be facing time in gaol … his punishment is millions of pounds of speaking gigs, a book deal, a Daily Mail column and a TV show … British justice system is in crisis …

… I always thought Dacre would end his days an unhappy man. No Peerage, shunned by polite society. Labour likely to be office. Mail readership in freefall… 

… leaving the EU has seriously stymied UK food importation and distribution centre… Brexit delays and red tape … it all worked perfectly before Brexit… government will not say the B-word when discussing it … weird supermarket culture in the UK … things will get worse … Brexit and the damage it does is increasingly hard-wired into the British economy … 

Food shortages
Now the Government is frightened to operate Brexit border checks for fear of more of this.

… avatar of the radical right … the truth is more disturbing than any cynical opportunism … damage the Tories have done to the UK .. unnecessary decline … international diminishment … Tories wrap themselves in the Union Jack while putting party before country … demise of good governance … sheer incompetence of Johnson …why anyone, even GB news, would pay to hear the thought of this inadequate is beyond me .. Businesses are paying millions for speeches by Johnson. What can they possibly learn that would aid their businesses…?

Shaming Britain – Richy Scumbag

… MPs are botching it … Brexit and Covid set precedents for legislating at speed and handing wide powers to ministers … habits ministers find as addictive as monarchs once did … Henry VIII clauses that allow ministers to alter primary legislation … consequential decisions get cursory scrutiny … carbon dioxide emissions … became law after only 90 minutes debate and without a vote … objectionable in principle … Legislature at risk of being ridden roughshod by ministers … bad in practice … drafting errors on the rise … impact assessments … cost and benefits … cosmetic or missing altogether … Johnson’s windfall tax on the oil and gas industry … had several big design flaws … Thick Lizzie’s law to cap energy prices … hasty and sloppy … malaise strengthens the case of constitutional reform …proportional representation would end one party dominance … an elected House of Lords would have a strong mandate to halt badly drafted bills … neither looks likely … amateurism goes too far … House of Lords membership … a bauble for  party cronies … reflects a malaise in political couture … properly scrutiny legislation serves the country better than showy rushed law making … 

Support Gina Miller’s True and Fair party

… MPs spend increasingly little time on examination of proposed legislation … a swaggering executive treats scrutiny as an inconvenience … since 1997 only one in eight bills has undergone pre-legislative scrutiny … MPs regard scrutiny as drudgery … debate is partisan and cursory … weakening system of scrutiny has been hit by two bad shocks … Brexit … Covid 19 … Brexit referendumb introduced shrill and aggressive politics that treated parliamentary scrutiny not as a service but as a betrayal … eliminating the chance for meaningful scrutiny … government by diktat was leaching power away from Parliament … skeleton bills … provide few clues as to what will be essential … so skeletal we wonder if the bones were stolen away and buried somewhere … Statutory instruments get even less scrutiny than primary legislation … haste leads to less informed decisions … MPs pass legislation with no idea of costs or benefits … scrambled together at the last minute to justify a decision already taken …. errors are rising … when you do something because it is convenient that is the time to worry … Peers feel that they are doing the scrutiny that MPs are shirking … process has broken down … few Tories care how the rule of Parliament are being forgotten … should an election force them into opposition the costs of a weakened Parliament will be more obvious to them … when the rules are bent everybody loses…

Pip Pip                        Don Adamson Medway Delta Retired  Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class

Buy us a coffee


John Bercow


Please join John Bercow, Andrew Marr, Gina Miller, Alex Salmond, moi and the last remaining Brexiteers for a panel debate on Brexit at “The Ayes Have It” on Tuesday 21st November in London at the The Leicester Square Theatre. The event will debate the motion “Brexit has been a disaster and now must be reversed”.

Bercow et al
Book your ticket by clicking the picture.

I have not listed the Brexiteers on the panel as they are mostly C-listers, unwilling to support their precious Brexit. Only ‘faux Baroness’ Claire Fox dares to show her face, former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party, IRA supporter and Reform Party member. To quote Laura Kuenssberg “That’s quite a charge”. Doubtless they will try to make the claim that Brexit is bad because Boris Johnson’s 100% Brexit cabinet gave us the wrong Brexit, that people like me thwarted Brexit, or maybe that the weather ruined the sunlit uplands of Brexit … They have nothing left. Let’s be gentle on them at the event … Talk Radio Gaga hack and Concrete magnate Mike Graham is already spreading misinformation about Brexit on Twitter. His fans have told him to make sure he brings plenty of facts to the event. I’m left wondering what these might be. Join me today (Sunday 19 Nov) at 5 pm for a free online masterclass on Brexorcism.

Gina Miller
The true patriots are those wishing to build a better Britain in a better Europe for a better World.
Brexit facts
Click the tweet to read some Brexit facts.
The only good Brexit is a dead Brexit
The only good Brexit is a dead Brexit
The Ayes have it
Hurry to buy your ticket.

Join us on Sunday 19th Nov 5 pm for a free masterclass on Brexorcism

Lyrics by the wonderful Jane Berry

Bercow’s quizzical, studied what’s admissable Process in the House Late nights all aglow in the Commons Oh, Berc – o – ow

Death-Knell Johnson-Lies, all eyes on the Hedge Fund prize Calls him on the phone “Can I take you out of the picture? Oh, Berc – o – ow

As Brexit’s getting ready to go A knockout we can’t ignore:

Bang! Bang! Bercow’s Yellowhammer comes down upon our head Bang! Bang! Bercow’s Yellowhammer makes sure that Brexit’s dead.

Back in Number Ten Johnson plays the fool again Cummings gets annoyed Wishing to create an unpleasant Sce, e, e, ene

He tells him to say YellowHammer’s not Doomsday So he fakes and lies Lying fifty times: “No Deal isn’t So, o, o, o”

He turns his back on democracy.. Grieve comes up from behind

Bang! Bang! Bercow’s Yellowhammer comes down upon our head Bang! Bang! Bercow’s Yellowhammer makes sure that Brexit’s dead.

Scottish Judges say, “We caught a dirty one” Johnson stands alone Painting testimonial busses Oh, oh, oh, oh

Mogg and Kate Hoey, screaming to the gallery Say he must be free (Johnson must be free) The judges don’t agree and they tell him So, o, o, o

But as the ruling’s leaving their court A noise comes from behind

Bang! Bang! Bercow’s Yellowhammer comes down upon our head Bang! Bang! Bercow’s Yellowhammer makes sure that Brexit’s dead. Whoa, oh, oh, oh

Suella must go

Suella must go

I attended the march for a ceasefire in Palestine on 11/11/23. I noted a high degree of misinformation from the public in conversation on the way to the march. They failed to understand that the march was organised at a different time to the Armistice day ceremony and that the route for the march was nowhere near the Cenotaph. Such is the power of fake news. One told me that the Palestinians were planning to storm the Cenotaph. Quite the reverse was true.

STOP PRESS 9 am : Suella has resigned

Mark Rowley’s decision

The march was well organised, entirely peaceful and sensitively policed. By contrast a few so called “English patriots” attempted to storm the Cenotaph, did not observe the silence at 11 am, attacked police officers and went on a rampage though China Town. The coward formerly known as Tommy Robinson retreated early to his foreign bunker in Tenerife. I say all this as someone who is not a massive fan of the police. In particular, let’s look at Mark Rowley’s decision here. Having decided that the Cenotaph might be a flash point for violence, he prevented Palestinians from approaching it. This would eliminate a potential flashpoint by confrontation with the BNP. Having set this condition up, this allowed him to insist that Tommy Robinson fanatics did not attend the march for a ceasefire. The police were then able to enforce BOTH conditions on an even handed basis. His decision largely kept both groups apart and was a textbook example of public order management. To those trying to amplify the drama, some numbers help to restore sanity:

126 arrests were made from 300 000 people attending the march or 0.042%

Of these, the vast majority (82 estimated) were the BNP contingent

Nine police officers were injured whilst dealing with the BNP

The stoking of racism and the Tory party alliance with the BNP is ENTIRELY the responsibility of Suella Braverman and sanctioned by Rishi Sunak. Suella must go NOW. So must Sunak.

Suelphuric acis – TY James Rowland

Daily Maul

The Daily Mail was not able to claim that the Palestinians had caused widespread disorder and chaos, so what to do? Well, they got Michael Gove to go on a walkabout to Victoria station knowing full well that the Palestinians would be there. Just for clarity Gove always uses a chauffeur driven car for his movements, even if they are 300 yards. He was deliberately in Whitehall to get jostled so that the Maul could lead with that rather than EDL/Tommy Robinson violence. The Maul typically uses the word terrifying when Gove appeared to be smirking for much of the time. We see you Michael.

Daily Maul
Read Private Eyelines for our takedown of the gammon media.
The wonderful work of James Rowland.
Tommy Robinson
Tommy Robinson – Suella’s private army.

Suella must go – oh, she did

So must Sunak – oh, he played a blinder by appointing Cameron

At this point I must say that it is ‘premature evaluation’ to say that David Cameron will be foreign secretary (now confirmed). If that is the case, it validates my suggestion to James O’Brien that Rishi Sunak should pivot to the centre rather than to the right if he wishes to recover his position and win an election. Cameron is a centrist. He will embolden the silent MPs in the Tory party and outside (they have been popping up regularly) and even Labour. Cameron regrets every day his decisions about the Brexit referendum and if he as much as breathed these public regrets, it would allow the opposition to move along the same pathway. Once the major opposition parties are aligned on the notion that Brexit has failed, we will have broken the parliamentary paralysis that has characterised the last five years of the Brexit entropy – see objective one of our five goals below. Let’s wait and see but then act on Cameron. So far, his arrival has enraged the ERG, the Lib Dems and Labour in one day. Proof positive that he is far from done. I said some while back that Rishi needed about 12 rabbits to pull from a hat and this is clearly one of them. See our article Pay as EU go.

Five Goals
Reboot Britain : five goals.

Watch our interview with the BBC’s Jonty Bloom

Jonty Bloom

Jonty Bloom

Jonty Bloom was the BBC Europe correspondent for many years and now writes for The New European. In this interview Jonty and I discuss Brexit and the urgent need to join the EU anew. The event was held in Brighton with the European Movement Sussex.

A Brexit fundamentalist. With Jonty Bloom at The European Movement Sussex.

Read some of our other articles below:

Brexit has failed

We can and must rejoin asap

Mealy mouthed Labour apologists are facilitating the damage

Only Gina Miller’s True and Fair party has a clear position on joining the EU anew in England

Join Gina at her Brexit debate with Andrew Marr and John Bercow

Join Peter for a masterclass on Brexorcism with Herts for Europe

Jonty Bloom
Read more on Jonty Bloom.

Brexit has failed

Don’s week

Don Adamson writes on the crazy week that was from his Barnsley Brexit Bunker.

This week’s homework:

One – Discuss the following statement: ‘Have I got news for you’ used to be a satire programme that treated all politicians mercilessly. Is it gradually turning into a Tory propaganda programme? 

Two – Discuss the following statement. Bonfire Night has come and gone. I am finally beginning to see Guy Fawkes’ point.

Three – Discuss the following statement. Common sense is a punishment because you must deal with all the people who do not have it. 

Read Bully Braverman

This week’s quotes: 

Good news from Warsaw 

… Poles turned out in record numbers to vote down populist – nationalists Law and Justice (PiS) Party … the result is a relief … PiS has installed handpicked judges … turned state broadcasters into megaphones for PiS propaganda … deployed its people to run state-run industries … building a patronage system … 

Windsor Framework still knotty 

… nor has the framework removed the biggest concern for business … uncertainty … little divergence has happened in practice; most British firms do not want it … politics still in limbo … missing executive makes it harder to run fraying public services … Keith Starmer says he would like to move closer to the EU … negotiations would be testing … Brexit was always going to be problematic.. For years Northern Ireland has been treated as collateral damage in internecine Tory wars…

Why can’t Britain build the infrastructure it needs? 

… painfully slow … in the next seven years Britain will need to build four times more grid infrastructure than it has managed in the last 30 … tangle of agencies … none has a convincing plan …

Welcome to the haunted house of Westminster 

…  a year since Thick Lizzie left … keep hearing about her … Richy Scumbag … message is that he is weak and she is still running the show … He is just Ken in her Barbie world … rather like Corbyn … Keith Starmer is a Marxist … I have principles but if you dislike them I will change them … Keith Starmer has never given a convincing explanation for why, unlike many colleagues, he served in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet for over three years. The charge of opportunism lingers … Thick Lizzie is unpopular among Tory MPs … Richy Scumbag has criticised her disastrous term in office only in mild terms … the charge of weakness sticks … Thick Lizzie is a reminder of a double Tory failure: acute blunder of the mini budget of September 2022 and the chronic failure to contain the ballooning tax burden … 

Join Gina Miller at the Brexit Debate in London

Class distinction

… after Brexit referendumb policies were analysed only as they to appealed to an imagined working class voter… a Leave voting man in his 50s with reactionary views. This voter handed the Tories a fat majority in the 2019 election … skip forward four years and dysphoria is mercifully on the wane … partly due to its own absurdities … Richy Scumbag and his family are too rich to pretend to be anything else … negative ratings rival Johnson’s at his nadir … proverbial Red Wall voter, who delivered Labour heartlands to the Tories in 2019 matters far less … when standards of living are falling, questions of identity fall … never mind how people take their coffee …

The people who ruined Britain 

… the death of political shame … Richy Scumbag … a weak man who betrayed his office, party and country … Britain has always been multicultural … Braverman’s rhetoric inflames tensions without resolving them … despicable game … portrayed all Albanians as criminals 

Has anything this UK government has done actually improved things in the last 13 years?

Worse even than Johnson or Thick Lizzie … Richy Scumbag ‘s blinkered arrogance has accelerated the decline of the Tory empire … premature success … Napoleonic delusion … March 2022, spring statement was hailed as a dud … emerged that his father in law’s company continued to operate in Russia during the Ukraine conflict … wife benefitted from non Dom status … Scumbag badly mishandled furore … role of PM … utterly unsuited … at least he blocked some of Johnson’s most outrageous recommendations for honours … Scumbag has much to answer for … fixation with ‘small boats,’ Rwanda, Bibby Stockholm barge (infected with Legionella) … badly mishandled public sector strikes … PM and most of his colleagues shamefully absent from Commons … debate .. Privileges committee report on Johnson’s lies to Parliament about Partygate … deplorable speech to Parliament … slowing strategy to achieve net emissions … cancellation Northern Leg HS2 … exasperated investors … who set a premium on consistency … broken Britain over which he presides with a rictus grin … probable that Scumbag will lead Tories to defeat … excuses are being prepared … Scumbag has been Starmer’s greatest ally … a terrible PM … done nothing to restore confidence in party or politics generally … failed his own test … reappointed Braverman … after she broke ministerial code … dithered feebly over Nadhim Zahawi’s tax affairs … allegations against  Dominic Raas perfectly clear … Scumbag desperately hung on to Raas looking for a loophole … instead of renewing standards … he encouraged conspiracy theories … stoked the populist fervour … Tory Party shifted towards MAGA UK … exploits Braverman’s spiel … He is worse than Johnson (a lumbering hulk of amorality) or Thick Lizzy (ideologically deranged)… entirely calculated and all the more despicable … delusion that past success denotes future  triumph … terrible self deception … soon the magnitude of that failure will become clear …

How they broke Britain

… politicians denied everything … loss betrayal, unbridled arrogance, impunity, warped ideology and political incompetence … deliberately set UK on course of decline … remained in power long after the damage they did became clear … not a single word of contrition … supporters of austerity, Brexit Johnson, Thick Lizzie and other disasters … determined to blame people who had spent years warning and explaining what those consequences would be … lies, prejudice, manipulations … unforgivable … controlled by… media, politics and wealth … sheer abnormality is rarely noted … we rarely notice how ridiculous our country has become … proof is everywhere … government inflicted economic catastrophe … what was once unthinkable is now unremarkable … politicians and cronies remain in office after being found guilty … epic delays … trade unfeasibly complicated … unnecessary damage … meaningless anti-woke rhetoric … bogus culture wars  … former head of the British Army said … ‘I’ve been to Rwanda … shadow of genocide lingers … dark history …  ‘ … Braverman has yet to provide evidence of her claims … commercial catastrophes, national tragedies … routinely proved spectacularly wrong without suffering censure …  experts proved horribly wrong … continue to broadcast with their status undimmed … Think of one shameful episode  and a dozen more will spring to mind … secretly funded lobby groups … represent nobody except anonymous tycoons and vested interests … allowed ridiculous things to happen … first population to vote sanctions on itself … Brexit costing the country £100Bn a year … UK is in the  most difficult position of major economies … suffered loss of investment of £29Bn … economic catastrophe … Tories bear obvious responsibility .. you would not know this from media coverage … as dangerous as it is daft … delusional denialism … traced back to Brexit … Tories increasingly detached from reality and integrity … lasting damage … inability to disown the deceptions that delivered Brexit … pantomime characters like Grease Bogg … bigots, weirdoes … flourished most in Brexit Britain …  everything they touched began to crumble … constantly denying reality, inventing persecution, shifting blame, rewriting history … everyday something new happens to deepen the awfulness, absurdity  of what these people have done …

Don Adamson Brexorcist in arms The Brexit Bunker, Barnsley

Join us at Gina Miller 3E launch event online Tues 14 Nov

True and Fair 3Es
True and Fair 3Es
Food fighters

Food fighters

Our latest article for Gina Miller’s True and Fair party previews their policy on food, water and the environment. Read the whole article here. A taster is below:

After World War II there was a necessary focus on food security in Britain, informed by ration books and virtual bankruptcy of the country. But we forget quite quickly and the National Farmers Union reported that self-sufficiency levels in fruit & vegetables fell steadily since the mid-1980s, from 78% to 64%. Britain imports 46% of its food and this may explain why our Government has delayed Brexit border checks five times since 2020 for fear of food shortages and, ultimately, food fighters. Our lack of resilience is not a sustainable position, particularly for a nation that is now isolated from the safety of belonging to the biggest trading bloc in the world. We also operate in a world where food and water will become precious assets into the 21st Century due to global warming.

Join Gina Miller in Ewell Sat 11th November

Join John Bercow, Andrew Marr and Gina on Tues 21st November

Make a donation towards better politics

True and Fair 3Es

Economy, Education, Environment

You are cordially invited to Gina Miller’s True and Fair party launch event on Economy, Education, Environment, Tuesday November 7th at 9.00 am online via ZOOM. This is the 2nd part of the True and Fair party’s policy release in the build up to a general election.

In the 4th industrial age, education is the key to so many things. Our Government has run down education over 13 years of managed decline to the point that our schools are literally crumbling, mentally and physically. They are also in denial of climate change and environmental stewardship, the very antithesis of what the idea of conservatism was supposed to mean. And we hardly need to mention the economy after 13 years of austerity which powered Brexit. This has led to a 4.5% knock in our resilience to face other global shocks such as Russia’s war, COVID and so on. Only Gina Miller’s party has a clear strategy for rejoining the EU.

If you want different rather than a continuation of the same old same old, join Gina Miller’s party today. True and Fair are standing a small number of candidates across England and some more plurality in our politics will enable us to lever significant change in Westmonster. Check out their Chapters for Change policy document on the reforms needed in politics. If you can help the candidates in any way in Derbyshire Dales, East Wiltshire, Epsom, Ewell, Leatherhead, Fareham, Waterlooville, Mid Bedfordshire, Monmouthshire or the Wirral, please get in touch via

Conviction candidates rather that Convicted Conservative candidates.

Join us on Wed Nov 1st 8pm on ZOOM to Reboot Britain


Mid Beds by-election

If you think that politicians are all the same, think again. Please vote for Gina Miller’s True and Fair party in the Mid Beds by-election today. The candidate Alan Victor is NOT a politician and therefore does not come from the broken political system in Westminster which caused this election.

Alan has lived and worked in the area for 30 years, so he’s not just arrived on the patch. Importantly, he has worked in corporate life as well as a Director of several charities, responsible for delivering caring services in and around the constituency.

Vote for better politics and politicians

This by-election is a unique opportunity to elect someone who will put the people of Mid Bedfordshire before petty party politics. True and Fair are committed to ending Brexit and the unfair FPTP system. Crucially they are taking votes from disaffected Tories who want more compassionate and caring politics. Find out more about the policies of the True and Fair party, started by Gina Miller in the wake of a decline in our fortunes, socially, economically, environmentally and politically.

If you think that truth, trust, transparency and fairness are badly needed in our broken politics, give Alan a chance to serve you. If he obtains sufficient votes this will send a powerful message to Westminster that “Enough is Enough”. It will also send all the parties a wake up call that they need to rethink their attitude to Brexit carnage and it’s offspring in broken Britain. If you think that we must vote Labour, just remember that they remain a Brexit party and show no signs of wanting political reform in a binary duopoly. The Lib Dems also offer a mealy mouthed view on Brexit. Read more at Mad Nads and Red Blue Brexit.

If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got

Here’s what one Mid Beds’ constituent had to say about Alan Victor and the importance of truth and fairness in politics.

Follow Gina Miller’s work and that of The True and Fair Party by clicking the banner.