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Author Archives: Peter Cook

About Peter Cook

When I was five years old, I wanted to be in The Beatles, but all the jobs were taken … By the age of 12, I wanted to be a scientist and I became one. At the age of 18 I took a job with a philanthropic pharmaceutical company, working around the world and developing the first human insulin, novel medicines for herpes and to bring the first HIV / AIDS treatment to the world in record time. This means that I bring a scientific mind, curiosity and rigour to your enterprise. By the age of 30 I had developed an interest in business leadership and began teaching MBA programmes, having completed 3.5 degrees myself. At 34, I took myself out of a paid job and, for the last 28 years, I have worked independently as a consultant, author and speaker with people at all levels all over the world, helping them to transform their enterprises. My clients seek to balance their passions, purposes and profit for a more responsible and sustainable form of capitalism in the 4th industrial age. I also help leaders digest what we call "wicked problems and opportunities", in other words, the issues that keep them awake at night, using a unique mixture of divergent and convergent thinking skills. My 28 years of consultancy experience bring a wealth of expertise and wisdom to you, in enterprises as diverse as Unilever to the United Nations. Along the way, I have written 12 books on leadership, innovation and creativity, gaining a prize for my work from Sir Richard Branson and various accolades from Professors Charles Handy, Adrian Furnham, Tom Peters et al. Over some 50 years, I have gradually combined my three passions of science, business and music into a potent mixture which reaches the head, heart and soul of your enterprise. In combination, your enterprise benefits from rigour, analytics and curiosity due to my science and business background, plus the emotional intelligence, creativity and improvisation skills that come from my life as a music composer and producer. As a musician I have been privileged to interview world class musicians such as Roberta Flack, John Mayall, AC / DC, members of Prince’s ensembles, Queen's production team and Meatloaf's singing partners for their insights into leadership, innovation and success. I am a passionate advocate for better politics and better business for a better world, fighting populist politicians and short-termism in our global affairs. I am an "HR" person, i.e. a "Hippy Realist": green by ideals, but pragmatic by actions to change the world towards more sustainable behaviour.

Russia Today

In March 2019, Parliament’s Intelligence Committee finished an investigation into Russian interference in British politics.  Their report is controversial since the subject matter includes a major Russian operation in 2016 supporting Brexit, the flow of Russian money into British politics, particularly to the Tories. and the attendance of senior Tories, including  Johnson and  Dominic Cummings at events held by the ‘Conservative Friends of Russia’. This group was founded by Nabolin, a London based diplomat who has been linked to  Russian foreign intelligence. Cummings also worked  in Russia between 1994 and 1997, and may have met figures in Russian politics, intelligence and security.

Johnson prevented the Committee publishing its report before the General Election and then delayed renconvening it.  No 10 worked hard to  install a compliant stooge as chairman – former minister  ‘Failing Grayling’, so-called for his many failures whilst in office. Despite their efforts, opposition MPs on the committee persuaded a Tory, Julian Lewis, former chair of the defence select committee, to take the chair instead. Johnson and Cummings reacted by expelling Lewis from the Tory party.

Lewis has lost no time in publishing the report. Johnson immediately rejected the committee’s call for an intelligence report into “potential interference in the EU referendum”, insisting the government had seen “no evidence” of such meddling. SNP committee member Stewart Hosie said there was no evidence because the government “did not want to know”. This is not surprising, given Johnson’s own Russian contacts and his need to support the flimsy credibility of the referendum. Rather than face the Russian threat, Tory governments placed party unity, and appeasing extremist Tory Brexiteers over the interests of Britain as a whole and the prosperity of its citizens. Meanwhile the Russian Ambassador, Alexander Yakovenko, returned to Moscow last year to be decorated by Putin. He is said to have remarked:

“We have crushed the British to the ground. They are on their knees and will not rise for a very long time.”

Write to your MP Call for Brexit to be suspended pending a full investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 referendums and elections in general

Used Car Salesmen

Some translations of recent populist oratory aka mutterings from the Dominic Cummings’ car boot camp of catchphrases. They fit neatly into the vernacular of the dodgy used Brexit car salesman. Whilst we are here:

Please sign the petition to recall Parliament

“There was no suggestion of Russian interference in the Brexit referendum”

We did not look for any interference so none was found

“We’re taking back control of our borders, laws and money”

We are spending £20 billion per year on red tape

“Security is not political”

We have handed over our national security to Russia

A bright new future

“The NHS is not for sale”

We just passed a law that allows us to sell the NHS

“We’ll pursue an Australian Brexit deal”

There is no such thing as an Australia deal

“Good British common sense”

Mob rule

“Strong and Stable”

Dogmatic and insipid

Build, Build, Build

“Let me be clear”

Stand by for mendacity and obfuscation

“Let’s move on”

I don’t have an answer that won’t embarrass me.

“Brexit means Brexit”

We still don’t know what the fuck Brexit is …

“We’re all in this together”

We’re in this for ourselves and fuck the rest of you

“We’re committed and determined to do whatever”

We’ve no intention of doing anything

Banged up by unscrupulous police man

“Stay at home, Control the virus”

Go on a road trip with a baby and spread the virus to Geordies

“There will be adequate food” (Michael Gove)

We are prepared to let the poor starve

“Tough choices”

Easy victims

“Get Brexit done”

Sit on our hands and pretend to negotiate, but in reality do sod all

“People I speak to on the doorstep tell me”

I don’t speak to those plebs but they voted us in and this is what we’re going to do so fuck off

Would you buy a used car from these people?

“What the Great British public wants”

I don’t feel I can argue this point, but we’re in power and we’ll do what we please – fuck off!

“Let us be clear” 

Let me fill the space with some meaningless drivel

“No deal is better than a bad deal”

We have messed up completely, totally lost out, can’t give in so we quit


No one else counts

“We are not lowering British Food standards”

We just passed a law that we are lowering British Food standards

Thanks to Chris J. Stafford, Tony Vail, Charlotte Beyer, Finn Jackson, Don Adamson, Dominique Boulliez, Bill Sylvester, Edward Holmes, Nicola Tipton, Andrew Wallace, Jane Berry, Paul Anders, Stephen Corsham, Andy Janes, Sue Banting, Richard Henson, Nikki Fothergill, Jeremy Clarke, Arno Elout


It seems that the excess deaths from Corona (approximately 30 000) are now OUR fault and nothing to do with the extremely late decisions of the Johnson Government, pre-occupied with bonging Brexit bells and minting Brexit coins. “Slimfast Johnson” has launched a war on Britain’s fatties, having previously told the nation to eat what we like. The 17 stone clinically obese manchild has done this at a time when some other news was “forgotten” …

Dominic Cummings, architect of Vote Leave Lies, has said that Brexit may be a mistake.

17 Tories have been caught with Russian donations in their “tills”. The list includes “Dishy Rishi Sunak” (slim) and Business Secretary Alok Sharma, Robert Buckland and Brandon Lewis.

Brexit talks have reached another impasse, with an illegal No Deal Brexit on the horizon to compound the problems from Corona.

Instead of dealing with these problems, Johnson plans to do dance classes from No 10 to fight the flab.

Never mind the future of the country, slim for Britain


A new branch of economics has been launched by the Daily Mail : Eugenomics. Under Eugenomics, most of The Mail’s readership are judged worthless and a burden on society. It’s interesting that The Mail choose to publish piece below rather like an accountant might make a business appraisal, in the third person as a study rather than an opinion piece. Somehow this normalises the underlying genocide that is being sold to the nation.

Kill your grandparents is the core message here … An upbeat presentation of The Final Solution from The Daily Maul without any doomsayers. However the cheery dispassionate article asks some difficult questions:

  1. How much are your parents and grandparents worth?
  2. Is life to be measured solely in economic terms?
  3. By the NHS formula COVID damage at £70 bn is three times less than current Brexit losses at > £200 bn
  4. Will you submit to the same spreadsheet analysis when you are old?
  5. How long will it be before Boris Johnson puts forward the herd immunity strategy disguised in a sugar coated phrase such as “the greater good”?

Strangely, this level of analysis has not been applied to Brexit by our Government, where a mathematical appraisal is more appropriate. We have already spent more on Brexit than all of our contributions to the EU and we have not even begun Brexit yet. It seems that The Daily Mail can account for the value of old people’s lives using Nazi styled economics but we cannot apply similar principles to young people’s livelihoods under Brexit.

Boycott The Daily Mail, Express and Sun if you find this awful. Ask your friends to do the same.

People moving out, people moving in
Why? Because of the color of their skin
Run, run, run but you sure can’t hide
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Vote for me and I’ll set you free
Rap on, brother, rap on

Well, the only person talking about love thy brother is the preacher
And it seems nobody’s interested in learning but the teacher
Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration
Aggravation, humiliation, obligation to my nation

Ball of confusion
Oh yeah, that’s what the world is today
Woo, hey, hey

The sale of pills are at an all time high
Young folks walking round with their heads in the sky
The cities ablaze in the summer time
And oh, the beat goes on

Evolution, revolution, gun control, sound of soul
Shooting rockets to the moon, kids growing up too soon
Politicians say more taxes will solve everything
And the band played on

So, round and around and around we go
Where the world’s headed, said nobody knows
Oh, great Googamooga
Can’t you hear me talking to you?

Just a ball of confusion
Oh yeah, that’s what the world is today
Woo, hey, hey

Fear in the air, tension everywhere
Unemployment rising fast, the Beatles new record’s a gas
And the only safe place to live is on an Indian reservation
And the band played on

Eve of destruction, tax deduction, city inspectors, bill collectors
Mod clothes in demand, population out of hand, suicide, too many bills
Hippies moving to the hills, people all over the world are shouting
‘End the war’ and the band played on

Great Googamooga
Can’t you hear me talking to you?

It’s a ball of confusion
That’s what the world is today, hey, hey
Let me hear ya, let me hear ya, let me hear ya

Sayin’ ball of confusion
That’s what the world is today, hey, hey
Let me hear ya, let me hear ya
Let me hear ya, let me hear ya, let me hear ya
Sayin’ ball of confusion

Meanwhile, the anti-maskers are doing their best to kill their parents …

From Nigel Farridge, to Bobby Moore, 48-52, we knew the score …
Posted in Brexit, Corona, Cummings, Politics | Tagged | 2 Replies

Act on the Russian report

The Russian report was released just one day before the Government went on holiday. Since that time it has sunk without trace, more quickly than a Russian double agent takes her bra off in a James Bond movie. In this post we explore what needs next to happen rather than burying the report under the weight of a Slimming for Britain campaign, run by “Fatboy Slim Johnson”

Russia report requirements

Sack the 14 MP’s and 2 ISC members who have been shown to have their hands on the roubles.

Put Tony Blair in charge of a full investigation. As he is neither a Lord or an MP his would be an experienced, authoritative and independent voice.

Suspend Brexit, pending the findings of the inquiry.

Conduct a full examination of the report and publicise all social that could be considered to have influenced the 2017 referendum.

Reopen the investigations into Aaron Banks. All information about him appears to have been redacted.

With thanks to Alan Bullion, Sarah Kenhard, Amanda Spill, Jayne-Ann Liston, Sue Banting, Chris Stafford and Arno Elout

The Clap

In spite the praise heaped by Ministers on nurses  and other heroic NHS staff, many of whom sacrificed their lives, Boris Johnson has refused to give them any pay rise as a reward for their long, dangerous hours. This disgrace must be remembered as long as he holds office.

A week or so ago, Johnson was asked whether clapping was really all they merited. He replied  “Yes, of course we clap for our NHS – but under this government we also applaud those who make our NHS possible – our innovators, our wealth creators, our capitalists, our financiers.”  The last two certainly qualify to be Johnson’s particular heroes. On March 8/9 last year, the Times gave the names of 28 British billionaires who live abroad, mainly in tax havens. These people pay almost nothing towards the NHS. That comes  from our taxes. But these overseas plutocrats do prop up the Tory party, eg to the tune of over £1m before the 2017 election, despite a 2009 law designed to clamp down on such contributions. They may indeed be heroes to Mr Johnson and his cronies but no one else has any reason to clap for them.

A Government that knows the cost of everything but the value of nothing

Sadly Sir Captain Tom Moore’s heroic efforts to raise money for the NHS are also not going the help. The NHS is unable to receive charitable gifts. Tom’s marvellous effort of £32 million actually pales into insignificance when compared with Johnson’s promise of £350 million EVERY week. The NHS does not run on charity, nor does it run on applause. Let’s run it properly.

Write to your MP, making these points

Posted in Brexit, Corona, NHS, Politics | Tagged | Leave a reply

Lest we forget

Our Tunbridge Wells correspondent, formerly a staunch Tory supporter, reports from the G7 summit in Biarritz, France this time last year where Boris Johnson began his career as British prime minister on the international stage with a lie which was massive even by his standards. On 26 July 2019 he said:

“We asked the people to vote on whether to stay in or out of the EU.  They voted overwhelmingly, they voted substantially to leave by a big majority”


Only a minority of UK registered voters voted for leave – just 37%. 17.4 million Leave voters are NOT a majority in a country with 46.5 million registered voters, or a country with a population of 67 million.  The margin for Leave’s win was wafer thin, just 3.8%

That’s NOT substantial, overwhelming or big.

By comparison the amount to remain in the 1975 referendum was 34.5%. That was substantial, overwhelming and big. 


  1. Many people directly affected by the referendum results were denied a vote. 
  2. Two of the four members of the United Kingdom – Scotland and Northern Ireland – voted against Brexit 
  3. Leave won by lying cheating and breaking the law. The Prime Minister’s own Counsel agreed, in a case before the Supreme Court concerning the referendum’s validity, that it was ’notorious’.

A Prime Minister who lies to the world is a liability to the British People … all 67 million of us

Write to your MP to demand honesty in politics and the removal of liars. Use Adrian’s article to help you.

Johnson further discredited our country’s reputation for honesty and reliability  when, having reached an agreement with the EU on fundamental principles for our future trading relationship, he went back on his word after the 2019 election on the key issue of a level playing field  As matters stand today, this issue may well result in “No Deal” with the EU which, combined with coronavirus, can only result in total “Britastrophe“.

About the author

Autumn of Discontent

Suspended Animation

I’m really sick of Brexit. I’m even more sick of Remainers! Well, not all of them of course. Just the ones that waste their and my time telling me we cannot stop Brexit or that we must have a Brexit deal, even if it is shit. My angst extends to some of the key culture carriers of Remain, such as Femi Oluwole, Mike Galsworthy, People’s Vote rebadged and the self-appointed Byline Times leaders, who are merely gold-plating the reasons why we lost three elections and behave like an outreach group of the Labour Party rather than an apolitical coalition devoted to saving the UK from itself.

However, we are all on the same train in one respect, but these people have satisficed themselves with a longer term unicorn of some vague renaissance of a United Kingdom in a reformed EU at some point between 2024 and 2029. This MAY happen, but the probability is low, especially if we get a Brexit deal, as Brexit will be settled for a generation, with no-one wishing to re-open the toxic issue.

See also our article that explains why rejoining is probably a unicorn at Fool Britannia

There is a short-term imperative that these people are not addressing. That of Suspending Brexit altogether. I was gutted to listen to Femi “drinking the Johnson Kool Aid” last week, laying out options for future resistance but not listing the goal of suspending Brexit as one of them. Sadly, 500 Remainers listened to this and because we are largely a law abiding lot, most of them probably believed it. Here I set out the rationale as to why Suspending Brexit in the next 2-3 months remains a viable strategy.

Ball of Confusion OCT – DEC 2020

We can foresee a veritable shitshow in the next few months, an Autumn of Discontent. Here’s just a few of the things coming over the hill in terms of psycho-socio-economic and political factors:

Will Johnson do another U-Turn on Brexit? It’s possible if we act upon moderate MPs and embolden the opposition to grow backbones. He is possibly one of the few people who could do this AND get away with it.

I broke the law

When Remainers tell me that we passed a law to get Brexit done, they seem to forget that our Government break the law on a daily basis. They have just withdrawn the withdrawal agreement, the very law that would “Get Brexit Done”. And just recall all the other laws they have broken of late:

  • No Deal was ruled illegal. We are still pursing it.
  • Gina Miller won a case in the Supreme Court. It was ignored.
  • The Government have just voted down the findings from the Grenfell inquiry in a shameful reversal of their promise – in effect they are saying “Burn, Baby, Burn”.
  • We have an alleged rapist in the House of Commons, yet nothing has been done about it.
  • Breaking international law is the most recent example of the plain fact that politicians consider themselves above the law.

Since our Government break the law and do U-Turns on a daily basis, they can also suspend Brexit or do a U-Turn on it. There are plenty of good “excuses”, with COVID at the top of the charts.

How would it be done?

In simple terms, all that is needed is a phone call from Boris Johnson to Ursula Von Der Leyen. The EU have always left the door ajar for this. This opportunity will not prevail forever, but it is still possible at this time via whatever excuse Johnson can create and whatever mechanism the legal profession can manufacture.

Of course the phone call is not enough. But lawyers would make millions providing the “legal theatre” necessary to “christen” the decision by writing hundreds of documents to validate the decision and make it look difficult. More work for the legal profession.

Paradoxically the removal of a Brexit deal from the mix of negotiations would actually help create the chasm between No Deal + Corona i.e. a Britastrophe:

Things to do

Report MP’s for breaking international law

Join us at Futurama – an arts festival to change the world

Follow our 11 point plan outlined at Protest and Survive.

Support our work so we can continue to allocate ourselves full time to this.


RAGA Against The Brexit Machine

Governed by morons

Baroness Dido Harding stated today that no one could’ve foreseen the upsurge in demand for Corona virus testing at the present time. Really? At this time, schools across the country have been going back. Almost any parent could have told her that, at the beginning of term after the long holiday, many children catch a cold or at least a sniffle almost at once. Under current instructions, this requires them to be taken out of school for a coronavirus test and not return until and unless there is a negative result. Typhoid Harding’s statement  shows her total ignorance of modern life and lack of common sense which disqualifies her for any post in this or probably any other area of public service. Matt Hancock continues to support her incompetence.


But at least Dido’s track record has been consistent. Failed at Talk Talk. Failed at stopping people herding at Cheltenham. Failed at the NHS. Failed at Corona Test, Track and Trace. Will she go down with that ship?

I know I left too much mess and
Destruction to come back again
And I caused nothing but trouble
I understand if you can’t talk to me again
And if you live by the rules of it’s over
Then I’m sure that that makes sense