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Author Archives: Peter Cook

About Peter Cook

When I was five years old, I wanted to be in The Beatles, but all the jobs were taken … By the age of 12, I wanted to be a scientist and I became one. At the age of 18 I took a job with a philanthropic pharmaceutical company, working around the world and developing the first human insulin, novel medicines for herpes and to bring the first HIV / AIDS treatment to the world in record time. This means that I bring a scientific mind, curiosity and rigour to your enterprise. By the age of 30 I had developed an interest in business leadership and began teaching MBA programmes, having completed 3.5 degrees myself. At 34, I took myself out of a paid job and, for the last 28 years, I have worked independently as a consultant, author and speaker with people at all levels all over the world, helping them to transform their enterprises. My clients seek to balance their passions, purposes and profit for a more responsible and sustainable form of capitalism in the 4th industrial age. I also help leaders digest what we call "wicked problems and opportunities", in other words, the issues that keep them awake at night, using a unique mixture of divergent and convergent thinking skills. My 28 years of consultancy experience bring a wealth of expertise and wisdom to you, in enterprises as diverse as Unilever to the United Nations. Along the way, I have written 12 books on leadership, innovation and creativity, gaining a prize for my work from Sir Richard Branson and various accolades from Professors Charles Handy, Adrian Furnham, Tom Peters et al. Over some 50 years, I have gradually combined my three passions of science, business and music into a potent mixture which reaches the head, heart and soul of your enterprise. In combination, your enterprise benefits from rigour, analytics and curiosity due to my science and business background, plus the emotional intelligence, creativity and improvisation skills that come from my life as a music composer and producer. As a musician I have been privileged to interview world class musicians such as Roberta Flack, John Mayall, AC / DC, members of Prince’s ensembles, Queen's production team and Meatloaf's singing partners for their insights into leadership, innovation and success. I am a passionate advocate for better politics and better business for a better world, fighting populist politicians and short-termism in our global affairs. I am an "HR" person, i.e. a "Hippy Realist": green by ideals, but pragmatic by actions to change the world towards more sustainable behaviour.
Brexit Too Little, Too Late

The Lies Have It

The lies have it, the lies have it !!

During heated exchanges with Sir Keir Starmer in the Commons this week about remaining in the EU Medicines Agency, Boris Johnson claimed that this would have slowed our vaccination programme.  Afterwards, Starmer is said to have  accused Johnson of lying as they spoke at the entrance to the “Aye” lobby but later apologised.

Leadership in all fields relies on trust

If that was all that took place, there was no need whatsoever for an apology. Johnson was lying as usual. If we were still in the EU, we would have been entitled under the  Agency’s rules, to carry out our vaccination program precisely as we did . This is yet another case of our prime minister making lying propaganda at every possible opportunity.

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Britain can be rightly proud of its achievement with the vaccine rollout. This, however, was due to the expertise, efficient planning  and hard work of the scientists and administrators involved, and no thanks whatsoever to the politicians. For weeks since the need was identified to tighten up the quarantine system and tracing of entrants to  the UK, Johnson has dithered. Meanwhile entrants potentially infected by new virus strains are circulating more or less unchecked whilst hotels  waiting to receive them lie empty. A junior minister is left to blather helplessly in defence oft his master’s incompetence. More than an apology will be required from Johnson if  because of  his dithering the lockdown has to be extended and lives are lost as in the past.

Write to your MP to raise the matter of lying.

A stitch in time saves nine

Join us tonight at 7 pm and 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

Der Clown

Boris Johnson ist ein clown

This latest piece of music portrays Boris Johnson as others see him. Set in the mode of a Kraftwerk song “Boris Johnson ist ein clown” tells the terrible story of Johnson’s record on COVID, Brexit and his personal life. Download the album on Bandcamp to help us continue our work. Please don’t just steal the music, it takes a long time to produce. The video is free and needs sharing widely with this post. Here is just a small segment of Johnson’s record to ponder:

150 000 unnecessary COVID deaths due to Johnson’s “too little too late policy”.

£37 BILLION spaffed away to his mates for non-existent or non-functional PPE. Some of the companies hired to make PPE had no experience in the field.

Breaking lockdowns with lavish parties whilst others saw loved ones die alone in care homes and hospitals.

Multiple lies about non-existent Brexit benefits.

Killing 27 migrants at sea with a policy that has been judged by HMG as “dangerous”.

Still waiting for the £350 million every week for the NHS.

Left his wife for another women whilst she had cancer.

Lied to the Queen.

Watch the video, share and download the songs to support our work

Worst record on COVID in Europe.

Failed to sack Cummings and Hancock whilst he allowed junior ministers to resign for less serious offences.

“Frictionless” trade killing businesses despite promises that Brexit would be “oven ready”.

£840 per roll for wallpaper for the flat at 10 Downing Street on the whim of Carrie.

“Bonfire” on red tape has produced intolerable levels of … Brexit red tape – who knew?

Changed the rules on sleaze to protect Owen Patterson.

Illegally shut down Parliament because he could not get his way.

Failing to wear masks at hospital visits.

Stripped people of their human rights and threats to reintroduce English concentration camps for migrants. In case of doubt, it was England that introduced the idea of concentration camps during the Boer War.

Promised 50 000 more nurses for the NHS, but failed to deliver.

Blames the EU for our self-imposed Brexit when it is his decision alone.

Lied about the Northern Ireland protocol. Continues to threaten peace in Northern Ireland by breaking international law.

Counts hospital refurbishments as “new hospitals”. Counts a pair of gloves as two items of PPE.

Bungled projects : The Garden Bridge. The Scotland-Ireland Bridge. The Isle of Man Bridge. Boris Island. The Festival of Brexit.

Stopping food aid to most vulnerable children in a pandemic.

Allowing water companies to dump shit in our rivers.

Far from Boris Johnson ist ein clown, Boris Johnson is a very dangerous clown. Check more of his lies out at Boris Johnson Lies.

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With thanks to Colin Taylor, Irina Fridman, Susanna Leissle, Richard Hewison and Ambasuthan J. for their help with this.

Brexit is Broken

Brexit is broken. We are just about to notice now that the mask of COVID has come off. Here is our latest parody issue of the Telegraph with a fact checker attached, just in case you cannot tell the difference between Brexit fact and fiction:

FACT : Brexit border controls begin today. The EU has allowed us a full years grace on our desire to become a third country. The delays and tariffs are all on our own Government. early indications suggest that there will be significant impacts. See The Independent, The FT, The Mirror for more details.

FACT : So concerned are our Government to “mask Brexit” that they have instructed civil servants not to mention the word. Sadly we are unable to comply. If Brexit is so great why are they not instead publishing the benefits of our departure? The best that Johnson can mention is the reintroduction of pints in pubs. I may have amnesia but I thought we had pints before?

FACT : Dr Liam Fox went on BBC to lie about Brexit yesterday. We decoded his response to the question. You have to be really good to lie and Liam is just not very good at anything. Liam said that the main point of Brexit was to reclaim sovereignty. If that’s true how come nobody wants to buy my bargain bag o’ sovrinty?

FACT : Boris Johnson has not built any of the promised hospitals. It seems that pop up tents in car parks are now being classified as “hospitals”. We lead the world in COVID infections once again although Johnson feels unable to make the tough decisions that are needed, as he has not got the support of his own party to make decisions in the best interests of the people.

FICTION : The Queen is not prosecuting Prince Andrew even though she ought to, ma’am.

FACT : Boris Johnson is still a fu…king cu…t entered the UK charts at No 5, confirming the nation’s view on his premiership.

FICTION : Peppa Pig is not taking up a post as a doctor in the NHS, even though he has “most admired” status by Boris Johnson.

FICTION : Lenny the lion has not eaten Liz Truss as yet. We hear that Lenny is unlikely to do so as he favours eating brains.

FACT : Britain drowned 27 migrants in the channel due to their Brexit policy, which has been demonstrated to be completely unsuitable and dangerous method of addressing the issue. The United Nations reported the story as the worst disaster on record. Kent residents laughed about the deaths of women and children. This is what Brexit has brought us. Do you really support drowning women and children who are fleeing terror?

FICTION : Geoff Boycott has not written a book on cricket and racism. Maybe he should?

FACT : Brexit is broken. Read all about it at Brexit has Failed.

Write to your MP today to tell them that Brexit is broken. Demand better.

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Read our book to help with having the difficult conversations about Brexit.

Brexit is Broken
Border Farce

George came up with this helpful explanation of Brexit for toddlers:


I have taken a break over the last few months to reconsider my pro-EU and anti-Brexit activities. I have concluded that, whilst my full-time commitment to this cause is unsustainable, it remains valuable, important and impossible to escape from. What would I tell my children if I did not continue to face up to the greatest disaster for Britain across several centuries? However, things need to change and I propose the following improvements for 2022:

We need a proper organisation rather than another Remain hobby group. I have managed most of the functions of Re-Boot Britain entirely on my own up till now and this has damaged my ability deal with other priorities. To this end, I will only continue once we have appointed a board with most of the functions needed to sustain a professional organisation, in other words finance, administration, outreach, social media and so on.

To this end, I propose that we hold a meeting to discuss this on Monday January 31st at 8:00 PM via ZOOM, where we can discuss the formation have a professional organisation, so that we can deliver on the priorities we set ourselves when I formed Re-Boot Britain in 2020. We have four principal objectives and these are listed below:

Four goals : Change MP’s Minds, Change Media output, Change Social Media narrative, Change individual minds

The different objectives lend themselves to some of the capabilities that we have developed over the last few years with the circle of around 100 people and a wider outer circle:

Our Lobbying objective requires people with high level advocacy skills delivered via a variety of media : Face to face discussions, letters, petitions and other means of moving opinions with movers and shakers on all sides of the political spectrum.

Media activity requires people who are skilled at securing newsworthy inputs across the different platforms. Getting pictures in the Guardian as a backdrop is not sufficient in order to get the message out. Nor frankly is citizen journalism unless it is amplified to levels that cut through and reach outside the bubble.

Our social media amplification team is something that all can contribute towards, as it is home based, can fit the time that people have and so on. We have been quite successful already in this area with our ABV (Anti-Brexit Virus) amplifier groups but can do more, especially outside the Remain / Rejoin bubble.

The solid work to change individual minds requires time, patience and considerable skill. This is why I wrote a book to help people practice the art of difficult conversations about Brexit and the European Union. Read the book and join me in a masterclass.

At the same time, high level discussions continue with other pro-European groups that feel the need to come together to offer something much better than what we currently have. If a better organisation for our collective efforts emerges then I will be prepared to merge with that, rather than persisting with more and more silos in our movement. It is time that we join forces in pursuit of a better Britain in a better Europe for a better World.

Re-Boot Britain
Re-Boot Britain – click to support us

Brexit has failed

I never thought I’d be able to say that Brexit had failed so quickly, as we supposedly ended up with a Brexit deal rather than “WTO, way to go”. But, already we are seeing the “hors d’ouevre” of Brexit. I have summarised just some of the early impacts, as Brexit reality meets satire. This is a long post so hold on to your butts.

Hotel California Brexit

It seems that the British people are fed up with Brexit – A recent report from The Guardian stated that Britons do not want continuous negotiations with the EU over Brexit. This failure to understand the complexities of international trade and co-operation infected the Brexit debate and it will not go away just because people wish it. In the words of some leave voters, Brits had better “get used to it”, especially as the obstacles to progress continue to come from the UK in the main. For example David Frost’s repeated demands to cancel the Brexit agreement which he signed. Such things simply frustrate the prospects of making the relationship work and it is plain that Brussels and the 27 states are getting tired of our repeated sabre rattling, done only to create the impression that Britannia rules the waves. Hotel California seems to describe Brexit well, as we keep wanting to change aspects of an agreement that we signed in haste so that Johnson could claim that Brexit was out of the oven.

Crocodile Dundee Brexit

Liz Truss’ much spun trade deal with Australia is worth just £1 per person per year. How will you spend it? A pack of Tim Tams perhaps? Against that backdrop, The National Farmer’s Union reports that the Australian Trade Deal will break British farming. Listen to Farming Today on Radio 4 which should now be renamed Brexit Carnage Today.

Rough Justice

In another massive climbdown from the promises of Brexit, hidden from view by COVID, Johnson’s Government has just agreed to accept jurisdiction from The European Court of Justice (ECJ). This was one of the cornerstones of Brexit – if you remember the idea of “taking back control” of our laws and so on. So far we have not taken back control of our borders either and we already had our own currency.

We must continue to change minds on Brexit – please buy our book on Amazon – chick on the image

Frosty the No Man

Lord David Frost has just run scared from his role as Brexit negotiator, just ahead of January 1st 2021 when the grace period ends and we commence full customs checks and tariffs on imports and exports to the EU. This is expected to add on average an eye watering 11% to costs of goods entering the UK and will further exacerbate the near 5% inflation that is predicted for 2022 in the UK. This follows 4.2% inflation in 2021, an unprecedented figure with a major contribution from Brexit. Our predictions of stagflation are gradually coming true.

This twitter thread explains the carnage to come in January better than I can:

Ryanair have just abandoned the London Stock Exchange in preparation for Brexit. Expect more of this as Brexit Britain melts down.

Trussed up on Brexit Bollocks

Liz Truss has been lined up to succeed David Frost. Perhaps this an attempt by Johnson to ensure that “The Truss” does not manage to launch a leadership challenge, after all Brexit has already consumed five ministers. Or, perhaps it is intended to demonstrate the impossibility of Brexit due to Liz’s unprecedented levels of incompetence. Nonetheless, the DUP see Liz as an easy touch and have already begun to lobby her to invoke Article 16 and threaten peace and stability in Northern Ireland. Nice people! See Trussed up

Unmasking Brexit Carnage

In the months after Boris Johnson signed his post-Brexit trade deal with the European Union, COVID masked the economic damage of leaving the bloc. As the pandemic drags on, the cost is becoming clearer and voters are noticing. Goods trade with the EU was 15.7% lower to October 2018, in line with HM Government predictions.
The article above shows that Brexit has been a drag on growth. It brought new red tape on commerce between Britain and its largest and closest market, and removed a large pool of EU labour from the country on which many businesses had come to rely. The combination has exacerbated supply chain shortages, stoked inflation and hampered trade. In March 2020 I coined the phrase Britastrophe to describe the toxic combination of Corona crisis + Brexit disaster. It has literally allowed Johnson to mask Brexit:

Download Britastrophe

Clapping for shortages

Still Johnson continues with distraction, dither and delay. This costs lives. I predict a new round of clapping soon …. What shortages did I miss?

Monday : Turkey farmers, postal workers and food pickers

Tuesday : Gas workers, plumbers, hospital porters and brewers

Wednesday : Foreign butchers, space scientists and food processing staff

Thursday : Foreign surgeons, opticians, researchers and podiatrists

Friday : Dentists, accountants, computer programming specialists, security staff

Saturday : Hospitality staff, customer service agents, warehouse staff, teachers

Sunday : Fork lift truck drivers, social carers, radiographers, distribution agents

We may have to double up on most days due to the number of sectors and people affected …

Image by the wonderful Aidan Grooville

Killing in the name of Brexit

Brexit ideology kills. Plain and simple. Write to your MP to tell them.

So, here it is, merry Brexmas, everybody’s having fun. Look to the future. It’s only just begun …

Download The Brexit Party Album via
What distractions will Johnson think of next to continue his reign of incompetence?
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Find Aidan at Twitter

Foul Play

I was in a local cafe when the football fans emerged today. Gillingham lost to Portsmouth by one goal in the 93rd minute. A dejected fan came in. When I asked how it had gone, he pointed out that it was totally unfair as there was foul play and it should have been declared a nil-nil draw.

However, he seemed to think that the Brexit referendum, polluted by foul play, industrial scale fraud and a whopping lie in the 93rd minute should stand although it too was won on the thinnest of margins.

Can anyone explain the decision science in both cases?

Discuss it on Twitter – please play nicely

To all those that SAY that they want the Tories out and an END to Brexit, this is your big day. Get your arses down to Sidcup rail station on Monday 29 Nov at 12 noon. We are leafleting the area. The Torons are so worried that they have sent Johnson, Raab, Sunak, May et al to the area to canvass for Louie French Let’s #GTTO

Please help us pay for the leaflets by giving us a tip on Patreon

Peter Cook

Election FAQs

Many thanks to those who got in touch re my candidacy for the Branches Forum Chair position at The European Movement. I’ve made some responses to the issues you have wanted to know more about below:

Collaborations with Grassroots Groups and activists

There’s a very long list LOL !! Some notable entries include driving to Barnard Castle in collaboration with the EU Flag Mafia to test my eyes … Stopping along the way to deliver collaborative events with Leeds for Europe and North East for Europe in Leeds City Centre and Durham. I was the first to review the In Limbo book for an international human rights leader. Subsequently I wrote a song to amplify the book around the world, incorporating 30 spoken voice contributions from all over the world and taking three months to complete. The song reached No 1 on Amazon. I have also written Op Ed pieces for The New European, Grassroots for Europe and Hendrik Klassens, founder of the FBPE hashtag. Among the many partners I’ve collaborated with over the years, the list includes Berkshire and Hampshire for Europe, Manchester for Europe at the Tory Party Conference, Brighton and Hove for Europe at The Labour Party Conference, No 10 Vigil, Voices for Europe, Essex for Europe, SODEM, Eddisbury for Europe, Swindon for Europe, AC Grayling, Tunbridge Wells IN, The Rejoin Party, Enfield for Europe, New Europeans, Young European Movement and many more. Aside from that, I’ve just written an article for The Federal Trust on Brexit and musicians. We plan an event featuring some music giants following the release of the article. We are also about to undertake a national tour of UK with a number of branches and groups to re-engage people on the rocky road to rejoining the EU. At present the list includes Sheffield for Europe, Cornwall for Europe, EM Staffs, Glasgow Loves EU with more coming on board daily.

Our torch song we wrote to re-ignite people young and old in pro-EU activity


Clearly it would be easy to make the critique that I’m male and pale. But I’m certainly not stale, having spent lots of my time working with young people of all persuasions in the various collaborations above. We really do need to attract different demographic and lifestyle sectors, having myself campaigned at Pride and other events. We are working at The Reading Festival this weekend with just the aim of reaching new demographics in mind. Through my personal networks, I am to engage new sectors and help develop leaders to take EM forward with a rainbow coalition of people united with the aim of building a better Britain in a better Europe for a better World.

Pride in the name of Europe – One of our performances at Pride

Uniting The European Movement

Colin Gordon from Oxford for Europe asked the question reference the BARNS reforms which are a vital part of the Organisation Development for The European Movement. I’ve simply copied his question and my answer here for transparency for all that are interested.

Colin Gordon : You may recall [see below] that I sent you on July 2nd a letter from our chair Dr Peter Burke to Andrew Adonis setting out out concerns about the BARNS proposal. We wrote about the proposal to establish a separate status and rights for branches and affiliates that “A new formal division within the largest pro-European organisation could look from outside (and inside) like a significant own goal ”. You replied to me: “I …. concur with the points in the below letter.  It is important to build the organisation as strongly as possible and I don’t think that the “own goal” serves EM well, especially at this time when we have unprecedented levels of “Brexit Apathy” within the UK and therefore the movement.” In your more recent candidate’s statement, you say that if elected you will work on “completing the BARNS reforms”. Does that mean that you support the BARNS proposals for a different constitutional status and rights for groups classed as branches and groups classed as affiliates?

Peter : The BARNS issue is a complex problem.  It rather seems that a number of internal issues were conflated with external ones and this has clearly led to disquiet amongst members.  Whilst rejecting the vote or attempting to re-run the vote have parallels with the Brexit referendum, what is wise here will be to analyse the 28% and find ways to disentangle the separate issues and find solutions or mitigations to these issues where possible.  I would offer to bring parties together to process the “unfinished business” on this matter to facilitate an equitable resolution of the matters.  This is what I do for a living.

Uniting The European Movement will not occur until there is substantive movement on the organisational issues that need addressing. This needs active intervention to harmonise the various viewpoints and will not heal by simply repeating the words unity. I say this with 27 years of experience dealing with Organisation Development (OD) issues of a complex nature at Human Dynamics.

Reaching outside the bubble

It’s vital that we reach outside the bubble as a European Movement. This means that I have targeted mainstream media outlets in collaboration with others. I realise that media coverage in populist media is outside the preferred range of some of our members, and I have recently received some private critique (and a healthy dose of praise) about it, arising from a misconception about the reasons I have done it. Yet I believe it is necessary if we are to change minds on Europe and Brexit and I just happen to be good at such things. We achieve nothing other than tea and empathy by staying inside our own safe places. I intercepted this malicious communication from Patrick Reynolds, who accidentally sent it to me without realising I was a Branch Chair. if people are going to do bad stuff, it helps to be good at the job. Patrick seemed somewhat embarrassed about this and wanted me to remove this from public view. We uncovered much more of this material being circulated on whatsapp groups and in underground chat groups. These appear to have emanated from Yvonne Wancke’s team and Grassroots for Europe, although it is not clear just who originated the smear campaigns:

From Patrick Reynolds, Sevenoaks Swanley & Tonbridge in Europe SSTIE – an alternative view from Adrian Ekins-Daukes follows:

I believe that Peter is the right person for the job since he has the qualities of, inter alia, leadership, imagination and determination to get a job done.  He is an ‘ideas’ man and a strong chairman but listens to the views of others and is open to their suggestions. He is skilled at addressing waverers on the EU and stands up vigorously for our cause against its opponents when the occasion arises. His is the style of leadership that European Movement branches need  in the present circumstances. For too long it has drifted, preoccupied with its own internal problems, communicating mainly with its own supporters and converts, and encouraging members occasionally to write letters to their MPs who disregard them. I agree that the candidate whom you support, Yvonne Wancke, possesses impeccable  qualities which would make her a very good candidate for the chair of a wide range of organisations. The European Movement, however faces opponents who are dishonest, corrupt and completely unscrupulous. Beyond Brexit, they are set on undermining our democracy and retaining power for the rest of this decade and beyond. The Movement’s leadership has been slow to recognise this in the past and there are still those who turn a blind eye to it. If we really hope to achieve our goal, we need leaders who take a tougher and more active and inventive approach than at present. Peter is the man to steer our branches along this arduous track.

I am proud that we have reached into the BBC, Guardian, France 24, ZDF, New York Times etc. AND The Mail, Sun, Express, RT and the populist press, all done with no agents, no budgets, just with an intelligent approach to PR and media relations. We cannot rely solely on demographics to help us Rejoin the EU. I will help Branches and Affiliates to leverage their talents to do this, whilst respecting that we are all made differently. Some prefer letter writing, others street events, media work and so on. All are valid, as our guide to activism shows.


Another untrue rumour was raised and shared to all those with votes via WhatsApp and other messaging platforms that I had insufficient service as had only been a member for two months. This is not true. I have in fact been a member for over a year. It would have been two years but my EM membership direct debit failed the first time I applied and I did not realise for 6 months. Aside from that I have been a member of the Mid Kent EM for 4 years and was instrumental in starting our events across the area. I had eventually to write to The European Movement about these matters although they and Yvonne Wancke refused to do anything about it.


Colin Gordon from Oxford for Europe also raised the issue of what some people perceive is the “elephant in the room”. It seems that some people are asking about this topic, so I may as well deal with it openly and honestly.

Colin Gordon : In the same email you mentioned that you were presently fighting a case of potential unfair dismissal on behalf of your son Tom, who works as senior Digital Officer at European Movement UK, and that this was impacting on your communications with EM executives and your ability to comment on EM affairs. Can I please ask whether this dispute is still ongoing, and whether there is a risk of its impacting your work, if elected, as a member of the EM Executive Committee ? Should branches considering their vote in this election be taking account of  this issue?

Update 23 November 2021 : As was expected, the matter was resolved to everyone’s satisfaction with an agreement struck. It was never relevant to decision-making and this remains the case. For transparency, I have left my reply to Colin Gordon per the original post below. I am not Dominic Cummings, nor in the business of erasing history or culture wars, so my reply below remains as was originally posted at the time.

Peter : My son’s dispute is his dispute and not mine.  I had hoped that all would have been done and dusted, but there has been an unexpected delay in completion and it is now once again on the way to finalisation.  To answer your question, the matter should not be taken account of in decision making.  I am a professional business person and that’s all that matters for my part. It is completely irrelevant to my candidacy.

Profile statement

Finally, here is my 500 word statement to help guide your decision making. I bring considerable business experience to the role, plus prolific skills in grassroots campaigning and getting our cause into mainstream media. If you have questions for me, please feel free to call me.

Comedic leadership

It seems to me that people don’t understand the difference between a comedian and a world leader. This video makes the distinctions clear:

In case you are confused:

Johnson was at the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). The expectation was for a speech on business, not some ravings on a day out at a theme park.

A good sense of humour is indeed useful as a leader and as a device to be used as part of a presentation. It should not overwhelm the content of the speech. Johnson’s speech was content free. When Johnson said that most people would have got his point he was right, because there was no content and therefore no point.

Garry Honey reports “contacts in the FCO say Johnson was the worst minister in living memory who could never master the detail. Just because you can win elections doesn’t mean you are leadership material, track record will catch up with you!”

When Peppa Pig is more comprehensible than a world leader it is time to call time on the comedy act.

When Foreign Secretary Johnson was tasked with securing the release from captivity of a UK citizen in Iran, he went off script and said ‘she had been training journalists’ with the result that Nazanin Ratcliffe’s sentence was increased and she remains in captivity today.

We will fight them on the, uh… thingumies… forgive me… I uh… blast it… forgive me… BEACHES! Yes, that’s it, beaches, haha! Now, where was I? We’ll uh… oh cripes, who put these notes together? Probably some blasted foreigner. Anyway, uh… forgive me…. You get the general picture…. I make model buses… Oh look over there! An eagle! Thank you Marcus Richardson

Johnson is a national disgrace.

Day of Action

The European Movement held a day of action yesterday. Here are some of the image from events across the country.

My own contribution was in some 1:1 Brexorcisms in cafes and bars throughout the day and evening.

Our next action is to Get the Tories out in Sidcup and Old Bexley. Join us next Saturday via Sidcup and Old Bexley.


Railway Modeller

Levelling down

Here’s our latest piece of satire, based on the familiar railway magazine beloved of Boris Johnson when he is not painting Brexit buses:

Find all our work at Gutterpress – click the image

Read The Financial Times to follow the story of Johnson’s U Turn on the Northern Powerhouse. Some trainspotting notes:

The Diesel in Thomas the Tank Engine was known to be the most belligerent, paranoid, devious and neurotic engine on the SODOR railway. Fitting then that Priti Patel should take the footplate with her £77 000 lashes.

Jennifer Arcuri reported that Boris Johnson offered to be the throttle to power her business. Was this an Alan Partridge metaphor?

Meanwhile, there will be no return to steam or diesel power on Britain’s rail network, as there won’t be a northern rail network. Another Johnson promise broken. If we really needed HS2, it was the part connecting the northern cities rather than the piece we have darn sarf, taking maybe 20 minutes off the journey time to London.

If you like this post please give us a tip on Patreon or Paypal. It takes considerable time to generate these pieces.

Priti Vin Diesel – sorry about Ringo