I’ve put this in the order of urgency and importance as the situation requires. This update contains several items to help everyone stand with Ukraine. Firstly an urgent practical call for supplies of clothing, medical equipment etc. Secondly a meeting on Monday 28 Feb at 8 pm GMT to come up with more practical actions on an individual and collective basis. Thirdly, a revelation about our own Government’s involvement via the unredacted Russia report and finally things you can do to face down the scandal of Priti Patel’s refusal to accept refugees due to her need to play to the racist gallery. Read on and act

1. URGENT and VERY IMPORTANT: Please contribute to these initiatives to supply vital supplies to Ukranians in Kent. Find out where your own schemes are in UK and help support them:

Click image to go to Ela’s Cakes fb page
Canterbury and East Kent – Riverside Vineyard Church Thanet Way Whitstable CT5 3JQ from 9.5 pm

2. URGENT and IMPORTANT: Join us on Monday 28 Feb at 8 pm GMT via ZOOM to consider what each of us can do individually and collectively to support Ukraine.

3. IMPORTANT: Please write to your MP, asking for the removal of MPs who were / are involved in supporting Putin’s regime.

Find the UNREDACTED Russia report at Google Drive. A summary of the salient points can be found in this tweet below:

Here’s a letter you may use or adapt:

Dear [MP’s Name]

As a constituent of [YOUR CONSTITUENCY], I am writing to you to express my deep concerns with regard to the disarray and incompetence displayed by our current government.

Having read the Russia Report it is clear that the lives of millions of UK citizens are at grave risk not just from Covid-19 but from the infiltration of British politics and business by actors for the Russian state. 

I’m sure you will agree with me that this is an extremely serious national issue and need addressing quickly and permanently. The Prime Minister has publicly stated that the ‘first duty of government is to protect British citizens’. He and his government are clearly not up to the job. I ask you to introduce a vote of ‘no confidence’ in this government and reforms to our political system.

The gravity of this situation is clear. Please take immediate action to ensure the views and concerns of the citizens that elected you are reflected in Parliament and in government policy. 

I appreciate your understanding of my concerns as your constituent, and look forward to seeing my concerns represented. 

Thank you in anticipation,


4. IMPORTANT: Please write to Priti Patel at withammp@parliament.uk Ask her to reform the arrangements for asylum seekers. Her policies are quite simply killing children and families. She has lied about accepting Ukrainian refugees in order to play to the galley of knuckle-dragging racists in England, simply due to the need to pray on the altar of Brexit xenophobia. Stand with Ukraine.

Stand with Ukraine
Left Outside Alone by Priti Patel – the immigrant liar in chief

Our Government can do much more – Tell Boris Johnson to Stand with Ukraine.

Read our article Brexit and WW III

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