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Category: Britain

The Wall

Another Prick in the Mall

Our leaflets are now ready to destroy the Tories. Please mail me at to order yours. Together with your order, you will receive digital versions of the leaflet for use on social media. For local versions of the leaflet with different text please get in touch. Low res drafts below:

Another Prick in the Mall

Anybody But Conservative

Know your ABCs : Anybody But Conservative

We have got a fantastic leaflet design for ‘non-party leaflets’ to encourage people to vote for Anyone But Conservative.  These are perfectly legal under our current system.  To order some leaflets for local distribution, please get in touch.  The design builds on an iconic image from Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” and a withered Tory tree.  Prices range from £35 inc P&P for 1000, £75 for 5000 and progressively better rates for larger orders.  Included in all orders is a hi res pdf / jpg version of the leaflet for use on social media.

If you wish to make variations to the draft design below for a more local feel, we can also do that.  Please get in touch with amended wording etc. via

We have our next ZOOM meeting on Mon 11 March at 8 pm – NOTE Monday not Wednesday – open agenda but the GE will feature strongly.  We will know whether the GE is to be called in May, November or January 2025 shortly after Jeremy Hunt’s tortured budget.  Usual link via ZOOM.

I made a new film with a Rejoin Party member, inspired by a 50’s Sci-Fi Movie as Rishi Sunak’s power decreases in size by the day.  Please share widely.

Larry knows it …

Meanwhile Brexit continues to deliver its toxic payload of destruction, socially, culturally, politically, economically, legally and environmentally.  See Brexit Four Years On.  Of course, getting rid of the Tories is paramount and guaranteed at this point in the cycle of things. We must therefore turn our attention to strategy.  My contention is that if we rid ourselves of the Tories and end up with Brexit we will have failed to Reboot Britain.  All efforts in terms of influence and persuasion must continue on Labour, now that the Tories face oblivion.  Yes, it’s true that the main parties have formed a pact not to mention Brexit at a GE, but all the offspring of Brexit will be doorstep issues and Brexit will not go away just because it does not fit into polite conversation at Sunday tea.

The Brexit Iceberg
The Brexit Iceberg
Brexit bunker

Don’s Rant 17 Feb

Don Adamson reports in his unique style from his Brexit Bunker in Barnsley.

… Grease Bogg promised Brexit would bring cheaper food  … UK government failed to build the facilities or develop the software … let us park our disbelief that Grease Bogg is owning up  … Brexit is not working …. industry is warning that neither it nor government is ready for seismic change … red tape will add £330M to the cost of food imports … figure does not allow for delays … real cost much higher … crisis … lack of veterinary capacity … 8 years on, importers still waiting to hear how much it will cost … potential threat to viability of small and medium sized businesses … long delays … damage to plants … system is likely to collapse on day one … none of this was necessary before Brexit … higher prices and shortages … 

With apologies to Paul McCartney.

Two minutes on fixing immigration.

Please support our full time work

… crisis for British manufacturers about to get worse … Brexit has thrown obstacle after obstacle into our path … added red tape at great cost … pain of UKReach, copycat version of EU regulatory framework … have to test and register all its chemicals both in EU and UK … pointless, massively expensive duplication … makes EU based companies think twice about doing business with Britain … why accept the added costs, why bother? … tip of the iceberg … German firms will not touch Britain with a barge pole … ‘I have said that to this government so many times, it is like talking to a Labrador’ … no idea at all … Brexit is a continuing expense and a continual drain … getting new business is not as simple as it used to be … it does not look like Brexit was a temporary blip … wants a similar deal to Northern Ireland … chances of getting a similar deal are zero … government does not care and will not listen … things are getting worse … UK used to be an attractive staging post for access into EU … UK will fall further behind EU and USA … UK cannot compete … another plea that falls on deaf ears … British government is not interested in the facts … does not listen and does not care … lectures on ‘Brexit opportunities’ that do not exist except in minister’s minds … tells them to adjust to new realities of a harder, harsher life … argue that the pain is worth  as the price of sovereignty … his response speaks for us all ‘Ah Jesus’ …

Don Adamson Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)           Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class  

“Take Back Control” – a remake of Je T’aime moi non plus, based around Brexit bollocks.
Overton Window

Who moved my Overton window?

The Overton window describes the range (or window) of policies that the public will accept. It is used by politicians to win elections through campaigning on issues that lie inside the window. Although the concept is neutral, like most things, mankind and especially politicians have attempted to manipulate things inside and outside the window for their own personal gain since humanity began. A few examples illustrate the problems of moral hazard.

The Overton window.

In 2014, hardly anyone cared about our membership of the EU, apart from a few politicos in the Tory party and some think tanks who feed the media with lies. In doing so they feed popular culture about what people care about through the media. Fast forward to 2016 and David Cameron completely misjudged the Brexit referendum on two counts : He thought he would lose the GE and not have to keep the promise of a referendum and ; He did not see how Nigel Farage would weaponise 6 years of austerity through blaming foreigners for people’s feelings of being left behind. Result : a 52:48 vote instead of 60:40 in favour of remaining (source UKICE).

In 2020, the perceived problem of small boats was almost non-existent. The far right moved the boats into the Overton window through manipulation of the press when the actual problem of illegal migration remains relatively small. At the same time, ALL the political parties have moved BREXIT out of the window with the illusion that “Brexit is done” when the truth is far from this. All have colluded in this piece of mass manipulation since they do not wish to fight another General Election on the “B word”. However, we are living with all the offspring of Brexit as our iceberg demonstrates. The issue does not go away just because politicians and the media have airbrushed it out of existence. And it is always best to deal with root causes of problems. Brexit remains a major contribution to broken Britain, when Sunak, Starmer, Davey et al would rather have you believe that we are at war and so on.

The Brexit Iceberg
The Brexit Iceberg.

When one considers the global finding that the majority of people who voted for Brexit were more susceptible to being lied to, due to general intelligence levels, the Overton Window is an important concept. It’s even more important that our politicians and media people tell us the truth about difficult issues.

It is well known that it is much easier to influence people of lower general intelligence. It’s not decent tho.

The lessons here are :

Do not let Brexit slip away from the Overton window. It’s a one way trip!

Always ask questions when politicians try to move issues into the public consciousness. What do they NOT want you to think about?

Continue to mass Brexorcise people using our guide to the process.

It’s entirely fair to bring truth into the Overton window. Join Gina Miller’s True and Fair party for ethical politics.

And so on.

BEWARE : By writing this article, I myself am trying to move the Overton window back to the long term issues facing our children. In other words to counter lies with the truth.

The latest gaslighter is Kemi Badenoch, a major racist, hiding under the cloak of equalities minister. Watch this superb film from Rob Burrows, which exposes her Overton window-shifting ways:

Bad Enoch

The Brexit Iceberg

Brexit four years on

Today marks the fourth anniversary of Brexit and we’ve nothing to show for it. The last remaining Brexiteers tell me that ‘it’s too soon to say’ – of course that’s rubbish, four years is plenty of time for some formative evaluation across the STEEPLE factors. They also say that people like me have thwarted Brexit … I never realised I had so much power !!… In case of amnesia, we were sold Brexit in 2016 with a brochure that promised ONLY sunny uplands and NO downsides. Neither have materialised. Meanwhile the dead cats are out in force : Vaping, Conscription, Rwanda, Cheese, Hanging … the list goes on in the Daily Excess, the Daily Maul and The Son. Brexit has failed. The only good Brexit is a dead Brexit. We can and must join EU anew as a priority.

Click to read Gina Miller’s piece in the New European today.

Read The Ayes Have It

The comments below come from Linkedin in response to a post by The Crocodile Club. They are ‘one of a kind’ as the sum up the sheer desperation of the last remaining Brexiteers. They also bear testimony to the poverty of what I call ‘online Brexorcisms’. By definition these people are the extremists and I’m always more interested in the silent majority. Matthew deserves the chance to read what he wrote again. I pity his employer. He has become trapped by the quasi religion of Brexit.

When you lose the argument, attack the crocodile …
When you cannot answer the question, gaslight away from the question …
When you have REALLY lost the argument, just insult the messenger …

These below are some of the reasons why online Brexorcisms are often ineffective taken from my book Reboot Britain. It is a social process, not a social media process. We are fast approaching the point where a super majority believe that Brexit has failed. Once that happens, politicians have to listen or lose their seats. Labour are complicit in the radio silence on the matter, as are the Lib Dems who have copped out by saying that we’ll rejoin ‘at some time in the future. Simply dodging the question.

Online Brexorcisms
Online Brexorcisms – click to read Reboot Britain

Join Gina Miller’s True and Fair party for the only clear and compelling position on Brexit and Rejoining the EU in England:

Brexit has failed … We must rejoin the EU as a priority. Join Gina Miller.

Watch these evaluation videos on Brexit and subscribe to our EU Tube Channel:

Economic impacts.

Social impacts.
Political and Legal impacts.
Environmental impacts.

Read Routes to Rejoin


Don’s rant

Don Adamson is a seasoned anti-Brexit activist with a unique style that takes no prisoners. Read his work carefully – it has many facts sometimes hidden beneath his rants. As a senior citizen I feel no urge to edit him or apologise for the acidic manner of his posts that come straight from the heart of Barnsley.

One – People all over the country are angry about the way that the Post Office treated its employees in the matter of the Horizon/Fujitsu computer system. What is interesting is that trashy Murdoch and Rothermere newspapers are blaming Ed Davey (Liberal Democrats) and Keith Starmer (Labour Party) for everything. It may well be that Davey and Starmer have some questions to answer. Is there a reason why Trashy Murdoch and Rothermere newspapers have completely failed to ask the questions that Tory Cabinet Ministers need to answer: for instance – Richy Scumbag’s wife is a big shareholder in Fujitsu? It must be obvious to the meanest intelligence that Fujitsu’ behaviour is unpardonable. 

Two – The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has reported that diplomats posted overseas do not return to this country because Britain is in such a post Brexit mess. Diplomats posted overseas get jobs locally and settle down. Is this something we should encourage because of big reductions in the FCO travel budget; FCO only needs to buy one way fares? 

Three – In the late 1960s Harold Wilson had a lot to say about the ’13 years of Tory misrule’ that preceded his government. After a while this was counterproductive because it was too easy an excuse. Is it fair to say that Tory Cabinet Ministers in period 1951 to 1964 were infinitely superior in every way to the Cabinet Ministers we have had since 2010? 

Four – John Kenneth Galbraith was quoted as saying that economic forecasts existed to make astrology look reliable. Has this statement ever been truer than in the case of economic forecasts to the effect that Brexit can be made to work? 

… peerages to Tory donors no laughing matter … Tories cannot even get the simple stuff right, Scumbag could never resist an opportunity to be too clever by half …not appointments that will encourage  greater trust in British political system … shameless abuse that lays bare the ridiculousness of how UK appoints peers … obvious that Tories will shameless abuse the system for as long as they can … cringe worthy … having honours with ‘Empire’ in the title in 2024 …  problem with the honours system  heightened by the low calibre of people in office … 

Liz Truss – Songs of the Siren.

… ‘alternative facts’ … lies go unchallenged … Tories have forgotten which party has been in office since 2010 … untrue statements unchallenged, there is no hope … 

… looking back on 13 years in power it is difficult to pinpoint any Tory achievements … people are deeply dissatisfied with this government…

Irish Unity Special - Daily Maul
Click to read Private Eyelines.

… father in law prizes relationship with Indian PM Narendra Modi … Modi professes to be neutral on Ukraine … is chummy with Putain … British spooks nervous about UK cooperation with India not least intelligence and intellectual property … could well end up in Russian hands … 

… where the Knesset has clearly overstepped the mark…. Stern rebuke to Netanyahu…. amid widespread protest … coalition government had succeeded in forcing through only its abolition of the reasonableness standard. Now the court has put an end to that initiative too…

… was asked ‘when would Britain Rejoin EU … ‘No! No! No! You don’t get it. … The constitutional question is closed … Many Labour voters would cheer reintegration with EU. 78% of them think Brexit was a mistake. Brexit is a drag on growth … Ms Reeves represents the dominant strain of thinking in Labour Party: not Europhilia but Europhobia … In Ms Reeve’s telling Leave voters had a point … Labour is Euro-agnostic on economics … long history of Labour Europhobia … Can a party that has promised the fastest growth in the G7 afford to be ambivalent about Britain’s largest trading partner? … Europhobia breeds naivety about European Leader’s appetite for a new deal with Britain. It would require of Labour hard diplomatic graft, a willingness to spend political capital and a vision that is currently lacking … A first Labour government is likely to yield a few worthwhile improvements in the relationship with the EU. … The day may come when Labour sees no alternative … to serious integration … price to be paid, reluctantly … for a higher standard of living…

…  On 1 January thousands of people woke up to finding an email attempting to con them out of their cash … recipients, drawn from a list of supposed Tory supporters … to send£10 to help fund the Tory Party …. Reasoning would embarrass the most thick skinned confidence tricksters…. Brexit done, Corbyn defeated, 20,000 extra police officers taxes down, inflation down, investment up, economy up … Outrageous falsehoods … Brexit is about as done as an oven ready turkey with a cook who forgot to turn on the oven. Ardent Gammons are in revolt over perceived failure … injuries, injustices confusion that continue to escalate … in 2019 inflation was 1.3% … now 3.9% … extraordinarily damage Thick Lizzie premiership inflation rocketed to 11.1 % … hundreds of thousands of people have seen their mortgages soar… higher borrowing costs by 2026 … Disease that is endemic in Tory Party, lying ….  PM recent claims on asylum breached the line so egregiously that Office for Statistics felt obliged to investigate … Richy Scumbag has endeavoured to distance himself from Johnson, whose relationship with the truth was never in doubt: Johnson does not believe in truth…. clear that Scumbag is intent on misleading the country…

Majority was won on Johnson’s manifesto whose credibility evaporated…. Thick Lizzie’s disastrous 49 days in office … flat lining economy  … meaningless pledges, manic rants, rancid attacks on ‘wokeness’ …global economy adrift … worsening geopolitical crisis … we have a powerless government … £17B black hole in defence equipment budget, … no long term investment for business … Brexit means that all Britain’s chokes are hard. Investment flat lining, growth stagnant … there is a malaise, a despondency, routine cynicism, nastiness. … Only once Labour wins will we know how bad things are … We deserve better than the games Richy Scumbag is playing… 

… income exceeded £140,000 in glory days with Johnson … fallen dramatically … his consultancy firm racked up £84,287 since he founded it two years ago … Shortcummings owes the firm £79,431 … Lee Cain, Shortcummings former partner … has £689,086 … 

Cummings and Goings
Cummings and Goings

… brought Ed Davey’s inertia over the scandal into focus … a poll on X social media site asked if Davey should lead the Lib  Dems into the election … 84.% of people who voted said no ….

… crooks, charlatans brought the madness into being by lying convincingly enough to… persuade people to vote against their own interests … never ending expanding downsides of Brexit … press, especially the right wing majority … has been a significant contributor  to the mess the country is in … dumbed down political debate … normalisation of lying and corruption in public life …nationalism masquerading as patriotism … newspapers that exist to help the powerful to maintain and develop their wealth … rather than speak the truth … Johnson style lying …, Thick Lizzie style vandalism … Mone style profiteering …  Brexit cheerleaders continue to erode their credibility by endless telling readers that it is not going so badly as the facts indicate … They know it but they just cannot bring themselves to say it … that would be to tell the truth and they have lost that habit … Richy Scumbag is closer to Johnson than to Cameron … 

… unlikely as it may seem there is one person in this country who seems to believe that Richy Scumbag is popular … unfortunately that man is leader of the opposition … Starmer is determined to import the worst traits of Richy Scumbagism … idiocy and self harm on a scale that could easily undermine Labour’s commanding position.

Pip Pip             Don Adamson Medway Delta (Retired)           Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class

The Elephant is BREXIT

The Dark Arts of Brexit

Art imitates nature in all its beauty and ugliness. Gordon Coldwell’s fine work shows us the grim realities of Brexit. Find Gordon’s work at Gordon Coldwell. Here’s just a small sample of his work which includes a satirical book. The only benefit of Brexit is the level of satire that it has produced. See also Gutterpress, aimed at our populist media.

An uncool £74 billion blown in just 49 days of Brexonomics.

Gordon’s piece on The Truss perfectly encapsulates her own view of herself versus the chaos that surrounds her. The epitome of naked populism with zero substance.

Brain dead
Talking Heads.

Gordon says of himself and his satirical book:

When I was 16, in 1970, my secondary school art teacher took me to see an exhibition of work by the German anti-war artist, John Heartfield, at Newcastle University’s Hatton Gallery, in the NE of England. The exhibition left a lifelong impact on my thinking about the importance of art as a means of communicating concerns about political developments that have the potential to lead to conflict and social unrest.

Approximately 50 years on from seeing that exhibition, it is still fresh in my memory – Heartfield’s works appeared as profound, apocalyptic and poster-like compositions.

During my career, I spent 30 years working in colleges: 20 years as a Lecturer and Head of Art, Design & Media and 10 years as a Marketing Manager. I left the education sector to start my own Branding & Marketing business – after 10 years, I closed the company due to being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.

Since turning 60, I have been making artworks every day. My preoccupation is always concerned with the message/meaning of each image and the ongoing development of my own pictorial language.

Since 2016, the political landscape in the USA (re Trump), UK (re BREXIT) and elsewhere, seems to me to have undergone a significant shift to the right. Populist politicians strategically presenting contrived, accusative, provocative and distorted bite-sized phrases that are essentially emotive and manipulating. These messages are the essence of today’s ‘climate of political ideas’ and pander to a Nationalist appeal.

My response has and continues to be one of making artworks, often remaking and re-populating ‘Old Master’ compositions to present oblique and, at times, humorous or ambiguous comment on, for example, President Trump’s extremely odd, self-caricatured appearance and behaviour. His use of language, his spitefulness (…etc) all point to the potential for extreme outcomes… AND… the politicians responsible for the disharmony and fracture that is self-evident in the UK because of the whole BREXIT process, which could ultimately have a seriously damaging impact on the UK’s economy and social cohesion.

Populism personified
The parable of populism …
Boris Johnson
Naked populism
Gordon Coldwell
Find all Gordon’s work at
Farage v Cats

Operation Brexit

Don Adamson reports from the Brexit Bunker in Barnsley.

One – There is a nasty war happening in Western Congo that involves Rwanda. Is this what the Tories mean when they say that Rwanda is a safe place? 

Two – There has been a strike in Hollywood caused by Artificial Intelligence being used to write scripts and to replace actors. In the Novel ‘1984’ George Orwell predicted a future where pornography would be written by robots. Did Orwell write ‘1984’ as a dire warning or as a training manual for dubious politicians and robber baron capitalists?

Three – In Britain we get a tiny fraction of the refugees and asylum seekers that go to other countries. Why do we get so hot and bothered by such a non problem?

Brexit Migration Algorithm
Brexit Migration Algorithm

Four – Discuss the following statement – Ordure is a biological necessity. Gammons are an expensive disaster.

Five – This New Year is different. We have two honours’ list instead of just one. In addition to the standard list we have Thick Lizzie’s resignation honours. I have heard of rewarding failure but that is ridiculous. Neither list refers to the knighthood that Nigel Garbage craves nor his bootlickers demand. There is a persistent rumour that there is some deep dark secret in Nigel Garbage’s past that renders him unfit for an honour. That is incredible. These Tories have scattered medals and other decorations on the most utterly deplorable people. What on each did Nigel Garbage do that disqualifies him from receiving some kind of decoration from these Tories – cannibalism? Human sacrifice? 

Six – Discuss the following statement. It is a pretty state of affairs when our best hope is to vote Labour in the expectation that Keith Starmer is telling lies about Rejoin.

Seven – Is there any truth in the rumour that Kim Il Sung of North Korea refused the peerage that Johnson offered him? They say that even Kim has some standard.

Eight – Netanyahu is furious because the Israeli Supreme Court is making efforts to obstruct illegality by Netanyahu’s thugs. Do you think there will ever be lawyers in Britain with the brains, courage and decency to obstruct illegality by Richy Scumbag and his criminals? 

Nine – Rupert Murdoch assures us that Brexit is a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious success. Everybody in this country is rejoicing in the sunlit uplands that we all expected. Why then do the heroes of Brexit, notably Nigel Garbage, go everywhere accompanied by Thuggish minders when it simply cannot be possible that the heroes of Brexit have anything to fear? 

Read Tectonic Plates

… that BBC would get an independent chair … Samir Shah looks unlikely to impress … what a creep Samir was … he was a goon … 

… riddled with foreign ownership  … Telegraph and Spectator back in hands of Barclay family … debt to Lloyds bank paid by US investment fund … bank is happy … nobody else … financed by Abu Dhabi … given assurances  there will be no interference … government and press unconvinced … journalists in open revolt … nice to have a British owner … Brits with huge amounts to squander on dying industry thin on the ground … Press ownership in serious need of scrutiny … never happen under Tories … unlikely under Labour … remember all those assurances when Murdoch bought Times? … Telegraph has form on suppressing news … UAE involvement will pollute media … threaten society and freedom of expression … News Group … hacking and illegal information gathering … aim was to interfere with business of government … spying on ministers for commercial gain … knowingly repeating lies … unacceptable … yet stock in trade in Murdoch companies … 

Government’s migration plans … cruel mess that will harm British business… 

… unflushable turd of British politics … no talents except self publicity and exacerbating ethnic tensions … 

Farage Garage
Farage’s Garage on the M20.

… Michael Gove did insist that all procurement decisions went through a ‘painstaking process by teams of civil servants’ … that is not how the Commons public accounts committee saw it … ‘perhaps the most shameful episode in government response to pandemic … splurged huge amounts of money … obscenely inflated prices … chaotic .. Chucked out even the most cursory due diligence’… 

… Nadine Dorries has been plugging her memoir ‘The Plot’ … critics have dubbed it ‘Lost the Plot’ … tawdry world of Westminster power broking … factual errors … errors of interpretation … omissions that undermine the credibility of the main thesis … eye poppingly extraordinary book … fails to ring true … by repeatedly adding two and two and getting 666 Dorries reinforces every paranoid fantasy … surreal document … tired regime fading away like the gas released by a dead body …

… Southbank part of the Agora Group … targeted by US regulators … prey on consumers … misleading deceptive claims … fake miracle cures … get rich quick schemes … Garbage backed Bitcoin as an investment … it was then $18,000 … later hit a record $64,000 then nosedived … they are coming for your money … certainly true of Nigel Garbage’s friends at Southbank Investment …

… the absence of chaos seems like competence … the unthinkable seems acceptable … A PM should not be a relief because he did not blow up the financial markets in a month… not normal for a British government to suspend human rights legislation, ignore international law … Britain needs stability … neither Tories nor Richy Scumbag can deliver it … Rwanda policy is impractical and unprincipled … Britain has paid Rwanda £240M without sending a single migrant to Rwanda … scheme is unusually mean … unsafe, shameful … a sensible PM in a sensible party would long ago have retreated on Rwanda …  Scumbag has a technocratic manner that disguises two truths … he has a weakness for silly ideas, true believer in Brexit, was a supporter of Johnson … fond of gimmicks … second truth is that he is not very good at politics … set himself up as an agent of  change but brought back David Cameron … pointless row with the Greeks over the Elgin Marbles … sacked a Home Secretary he should never have appointed … Rwanda started out as a whim … Scumbag turned it into a totem … opposition to the European Court of Human Rights has become a test of purity … even though Russia was the last to leave … Scumbag is using a deeply flawed bill to force through a bad policy … giving the Labour Party an easier ride than it deserves  … humiliation for Scumbag … different set of Tory values … authoritarian … disdain for checks and balances … Whimsy became policy … concern from officials overruled … evidence of deterrent effect uncertain … factionalism, self absorbed back benchers  and enormous payments to foreign governments ….  Careerists sense opportunity in rallying to the right … hope of getting flights airborne forlorn … magical thinking … not grounded in reality … reads like a line from a fairy tale … means nothing good…

… easy for Keith Starmer to forge close links with Brussels … 8 out 10 Labour voters want to Rejoin … Britain has been chaotic for ten years… yet to have an agenda … Labour putting a lot of effort into looking ready for government … increasing doubts … is it real substance or just spin … many in the party feel Labour has no real idea  of what it will actually do … Starmer needs a battle plan … best response to Starmer’s ‘clever stance’ on Brexit … we are asked to vote for somebody saying the opposite of what we believe based on the assumption that this person is lying … horrific state for politics to be in …

Read Scottish Bylines

… accused the government of legislation so divorced from reality that it might as well claim dogs are cats … belief that saying something instantly makes it a fact is a dangerous tendency … seems to be a common affliction in politicians … looks like an attempt to hoodwink the public … this government’s appalling record of telling whoppers…. would reduce the Advertising Standards Authority to apoplexy … ministers hope the public will not notice …  we are told the Rwanda scheme is worth the escalating millions of pounds … Scumbag has cast a shadow over his integrity … Brexit has seen the politicians peddling the greatest fairy stories … all a mirage … fairytale ..

… remains Richy Scumbag’s obsession … dreadful strategy … by any means necessary … ludicrous …  disgrace … Tories know full well … it is performative cruelty and a flagrant betrayal of the Tory Party’s ancestral commitment to the rule of law … Scumbag’s appeared at Atreju Festival in Rome – Glastonbury of the international hard right …  For a Tory once described as a centre ground technocrat … Scumbag has cultivated a taste for the hard right … Britain is in terrible shape … yet nothing seems more important than ‘stopping the boats’ … the true Brexit dividend : an exhausted, morally bankrupt government that is … fight for survival with a populist gimmick that is ethically repugnant, pointlessly costly and almost certain to fail in the courts … restorative nostalgia for  monoculture Britain that never truly existed … 

Don Adamson Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)                       Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class


Talking Pints

Talking Pints

Following Brexit there was a lot of excitement in the UK about the possible return of the pint bottle of champagne. Apparently, this size of bottle was much beloved of Winston Churchill, and so for reasons to do with winning the War (?) it was important that the pint bottle return.

The claim had become widespread before Brexit that the pint bottle had been banned by metrification and the diabolical Brussels bureaucrats. Of course, it was all nonsense. Pint bottles of cider, for example, are widely available under European law.

It’s because of regulation and standardisation. Just not in the way that you might think.

The 750 ml bottle is now almost the global standard. However, in the past in France (and indeed Europe) non-standard bottle sizes were common.

Over time the variations reduced to the few that remain today in your local Auchan, Lidl or Kaufland. But why are Britons forced to drink the continental 750 ml and not a true British pint of champers?

Actually, the 750 ml is British, or at least “for Britain”. Dealing with all those irregular wine bottle sizes, and an irregular number of bottles to the case, was an irritant to the wine merchants and wholesalers of London in centuries gone by.

Range of different Champagne bottles sizes at Pol Roger, Épernay.
750 ml was the standard set in France to facilitate exports to … Britain.

Wooden cases containing six bottles of wine
Why? The six bottles amounted to… one imperial gallon.
Chart of top wine-drinking countries with USA top, then France, Italy, Germany, China, UK, Spain, Russia, Argentina and Australia

Post Brexit Britain is somewhat in the same position

Policymakers in the UK have to adjust to the reality of no longer setting international standards. The UK no longer offers markets of bulk. Nor does it have recognised high standards that others are keen to adopt.

Yet many Brexiteers, and some in the Labour Party, seem to have difficulty in adjusting to the UK’s new place in the world.

Man dressed in union jack suit, hat and glasses
Image credit: Camilo Rueda López via Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Look at Gina Miller’s position on Rejoining EU

We leave you with a punk rock song about the difficulty of ordering two pints of lager and a packet of crisps – based on Max Spodge’s difficulty in being heard at the Tramshed in Woolwich – it was impossible to procure said 568 ml of light ale in the 1980’s … Splodgenessabounds were an oi band which the editor played with in days of yore … I doubt Max had foreseen the problems of Brexit, but just as a soft landing for this article …

Talking Pints …
Posted in Brexit, Britain, Europe, Wine | Tagged , | 2 Replies
Brexit Broke Britain

Village of the Brexit Damned

Village of the Brexit Damned

Rishi Sunak’s plans to stop the boats are illegal, immoral, indecent and impractical. Sunak recently lied about the reductions of migrants coming to Britain in 2023. He presumably feels he has to do that in order to pray at the altar of Brexit for his right wing factions in the Tory / UKIP / Brexit party and especially the voices of Suella Braverman, Kemi Badenoch, Nigel Farage, Richard Tice, Lee Anderson, Steve Baker, Esther McVey, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Priti Patel et al., who have poisoned the Tory party with 1930 Nazi Germany styled strategies of racism and xenophobia.

This film contains challenging images about Brexit Britain’s slide into a fascist state. We make no apology about this. Art and satire must reflect reality. The professional images in this video are by James Rowland, with the ‘garage / steampunk’ style graphics made by me on PowerPoint. How many more must die before decency is restored to our politics?

The 1950’s Sci Fi film ‘Village of the Damned’ provided a form of sad inspiration for this piece, in so far as the idea that the Tory party now sees itself as a master race who must survive at all costs. History repeats itself too often if we let it …. don’t.

Join us Wed 3 Jan 8pm on ZOOM

Yesterday, James Cleverly lied through his teeth about immigration numbers. In June 2023 Sunak promised to abolish the backlog. Yesterday Cleverly said that there was a ‘process’ for clearing the backlog, and some new language was introduced i.e. ‘legacy claims’. Basically he was talking bollocks. Nigel Farage then complained that the review had found more than 50 000 asylum seekers were legally entitled to be here. Clearly this is the system working rather than Farage’s pound shop fascist view of things. Cleverly ‘forgot’ to mention that the Home Office had ‘lost’ 17 000 asylum seekers from the system. Careless you might say? Additionally, he forgot to mention that 100 000 asylum seekers have joined the queue in the interim. All in all, a total pack of lies. Here is a good analysis of Cleverly’s lying. Check Georgina’s Channel 4 fact check article in full.

Channel 4 Fact Check
Click the excerpt to read the whole report from Channel 4.

Some selected tweets amplify the BS of James “Shithole” Cleverly.

BS, BS and more BS from Cleverly of Braintree.
From 100 000 to 99 000 – that equals ZERO in Cleverly speak.
James “Shithole” Cleverly.
The old jokes are the most accurate.

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