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Category: Britain


Brighton Rock

I am speaking at a panel event with the BBC’s Jonty Bloom on September 7th in Brighton from 7 – 9.30 pm with a cast of star people. We will be discussing the impact of Brexit on musicians. Organised by Helen Gibbons, Chair of European Movement Sussex. We will also be making stops with the Bollocks to Brexit Mini Cooper en route at the Millennium Clocktower and Seaford (venue tbc) 2 – 4 pm with our UK Brexorcism Tour. See Facebook for up to date details of the tour schedule.

Click to reserve your place.
Click to reserve your place.

Unlock the Music

The careers and livelihoods of UK musicians are being damaged by the loss of the right to work across borders in Europe. European Movement Sussex presents Unlock the Music, a panel event focused on the impact of Brexit on the music industry.

Experienced industry professionals and working musicians will each present their evidence and tell of the issues that have damaged the careers and prospects of many of those involved in music in the UK. They will also offer achievable solutions that the UK government should pursue.

Panel members include:

Dave Webster – Head of International at the Musicians’ Union

Will Page – Author, podcaster and former Chief Economist at Spotify

Tom Kiehl – Deputy CEO and Director of Public Affairs at UK Music

Heather Bird – Double bassist and founder of Classical Evolution

Peter Cook – Author of three books on Brexit and six albums of protest songs

Hanna Madalska-Gayer – Head of Policy & Communications, Association of British Orchestras

Jonty Bloom  – Freelance journalist ex BBC and New European contributor (Moderator)

Date: Thursday, 7 September. Time: 7pm – 9.30pm

Venue: Brighton Unitarian Church, New Road, Brighton, BN1 1UG.

Tickets from TicketSource.

This is the first of a series of three Rebuild with Europe events addressing Brexit impacts on specific sectors. Future events will focus on agriculture and education.

Read our article on musicians and Brexit at The Federal Trust.

Musicians and Brexit
Musicians and Brexit.

Subscribe to this platform for occasional updates. Click the image.

Join us in Swindon Wed 30 August

Brexit bunker

Concrete and May

Don Adamson is s stalwart campaigner for better government and a better Britain free of Brexit BS. He reports on the week’s news from his Brexit bunker in Barnsley. In a bumper week of Tory chaos, now we face the collapse of concrete schools, the release of Theresa May’s book, Suella Braverman’s war on lefty policemen and the selling of £2500 NHS Nightingale Beds on ebay for £6.00 a go. Concrete and May indeed!!

This week’s homework 

One – List in order of importance the following reasons to detest Gammons and Flagshaggers. Give reasons for your answers: a) Gammons and Flagshaggers are despicable, lying scoundrels of the worst description; b) Brexit has done a FUBAR on Britain beyond the wildest dreams of Stalin, Hitler, Kaiser Bill and Napoleon combined c) Brexit has unleashed English nationalism which means that the English forfeit the right to despise nationalists of other descriptions

Two – Wetherspoon’s pubs cannot make a profit and the company is selling off premises for conversion to apartments. Are these economic problems attributable to Dim Tim Martin’s support for Brexit? 

Three – Gammons and Flagshaggers have a lot to say about their heroism in wars that ended before they were born. Television broadcasts a lot of material to encourage them in that belief: both documentaries and feature films. You sometimes see images of refugees in that period being shelled by badly aimed artillery and being bombed by air forces that define accuracy as hitting the right county. What do Gammons and Flagshaggers see when they view images of refugees; do they see ordinary people fleeing to avoid horrors that never needed to happen in the first place; or do Gammons and Flagshaggers see a sinister Woke Libtard conspiracy to betray the Brexit earthly paradise? 

Four – Discuss the following statement. Prince Andrew demands that his team of Scotland Yard bullet catchers should be re-instated. He has nothing to fear from our enemies but what about our friends (if we have any left)? 

Please support our campaign in Mid Beds

This week’s quotes 

Litigation case against immigration lawyer Jacqueline McKenzie 

… stupid that the party that sent out this dossier by email and unbelievably stupid that two journalists took it upon themselves to send the dossier to the person it was attacking … a shocking hit job laced with untruths … any case McKenzie brings is likely  to result in heads rolling at Tory HQ … 

Lloyds naturally want shot of Telegraph papers 

…  noticeable shift in tone … extraordinary piece saying tens of thousands of Tories want to leave the party … papers are not worth anything near the £600M that Lloyds had originally been hoping for …paper is pleading for a buyer … Rothermere has been courting financial investors in the Middle East to support a bid … 

Organisers of the Rejoin March in London may well have performed a public service 

… a poll of Lib Dem members showed only 3% would not be attending the march as it clashed with their conference … 32% say they will definitely be marching and another 58% say they may march …will at least force the party to confront the disaster of Brexit …

Brexit has dragged Britain back by 70 years 

… Dean Acheson (1962) ‘Britain has lost an empire but not found a role … that role was found and it worked … UK became a useful partner to the USA, an important part of NATO, and, most importantly, an influential leader within the EU …. First EU talks 1955 … we suffered 20 years of angst  … it became increasingly that Britain had missed the bus … no choice but to get on board … benefits of EU membership were almost immediate. Forget the miracle of Thatcherism; the single market was a huge boost for the UK after it began to catch up after 30 years of decline…. We threw it all away in a spasm of nostalgia and stupidity … small band of ultras who dream of a return to empire … think we are a superpower … dragged us back to the 1950s … ‘Anyone stupid enough to want to go back to the 1950s did not live through the 1950s’ … pretensions of grandeur that stifled any appreciation of Britain’s rightful place in the world … once gifted with political giants … Attlee, Churchill, Bevan, Bevin, Macmillan, Heath, Healey, Wilson and a dozen others  – we now have political minnows in charge … no serious people with real experience … mainstream media is now owned and run by self-aggrandising tycoons who only care about how much power they have over the government … post Brexit decline of UK becomes clearer … Why are the French wealthier? Why are the poorest 20% of the British population poorer than the poorest Poles? Where has our trade gone? Why does USA think we are unimportant? Why is the NHS on its knees? … Small minded, insular, climate change denying little Englanders … the road back to common sense will be long and hard … but the tide is turning against the Gammons and Flagshaggers and their media friends …  economic damage is too large, pettiness too blatant, the economy in permanent doldrums, tax burden rising for no apparent reason, the lies ever more pathetic … those who are trying to drag us back to the past must be defeated… 

Tory MP Tobias Ellwood says both Tories and Labour are being dishonest over the disaster of Brexit 

… Europe is stronger with Britain – a huge economy, fifth largest in the world being part of it. There is huge regret from the EU side that we have gone … there is an omerta about Brexit, even more so about mitigating its damage … experience proves that UK needs to be back inside the Single Market … ineptness of the referendum … construction was so poor … if something has been bodged so badly then it should be reconsidered entirely … Brexit is not worth the candle … we would be a richer country if we Rejoined the single market that Thatcher created … internationally people are baffled that we left the EU …  this artificial world of both parties  avoiding the subject because it so toxic and not working … damaging the UK economy … 

Read Michel Barnier

Britain is a rickety union blown apart by the rancour that followed Brexit  

…  Brexit has triggered disputes over devolution…. 

What happens to British comedy when British politics becomes a joke….?

It is hard to say anything funny about Thick Lizzie’s 49 days in office …  politics often trumps sound policy … nation state is seen as inadequate in the face of global challenges that only a united continent can tackle.

Read Private Eyelines

Theresa May is making Tory whips perspire 

… publication of her book ‘Abuse of power’ … describes how trust in politicians and public institutions has been eroded … government hardly in strongest position … eruption from May is last thing her party needs…. the whole issue of Russian interference in our politics … Johnson’s relationship with Lebedev …. May criticising Johnson, Thick Lizzie and Richy Scumbag … she chose Headline, a publisher not within the Murdoch stable … with a reputation for holding the powerful to account … 

Theresa May Cat
The stench of Brexit is unbearable – Theresa May

The only purpose in inviting Thick Lizzie to speak at public events is to laugh at her expense

… images of a lettuce in a blonde wig …

Martin Ivens, editor of Sunday Times in 2016

… assured executives that paper would be on the side of common sense in EU referendum … something happened … Ivens informed same executives that paper would back Brexit … last weekend David Smith … economic outlook, chose not to mention he worked for a pro Brexit paper … described the decision to leave as ‘daft’ … long depressing review of what happened … 60% of population believe to leave was daft … Brexit has had a disastrous effect on politics, trust in politicians … competence in government … 

Difference between a nationalist and a patriot 

… a nationalist wastes a week of government time obsessing on small boats … and on transferring refugees to a barge infected with Legionella … national pride has been horribly poisoned by Brexit … this nation is held hostage by a gang of liars, cheats and has beens 

Much of the best journalism nowadays is done by non journalists 

… several of our newspapers do not do journalism they do Tory propaganda … chaotic incompetence of the last few years … print whatever is served up by Tory spin machine … Tory Peer picked up £200M … for providing 25 million medical gowns  that did not meet the required standard … National Crime agency is taking an absolute age investigating potential fraud … sums of money involved are mind blowing … a disgrace … a country run by and for the Tories … any decent lawyer attached to the government should be ashamed (COMMENT: does he mean Dominic Raas?) … shows how far we have fallen as a country … under this populist rabble …. Something you would expect in Russia or Zimbabwe… 

Please support our independent journalism

Don Adamson Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)           Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class 


Countryside Matters

True & Fair is a minor party, passionate about local issues affecting our rural countryside communities. The countryside is the backbone of our economy and we recognise it has been left out in the cold after Brexit with no deal and no way forward, the True & Fair Party plans to change that.

You are invited to join our Parliamentary Candidate for East Wiltshire, Pete Force-Jones and True & Fair Party Leader, Gina Miller on Wednesday, the 30th of August, at 10 am where we will announce the beginning of our journey to improve the countryside, and get a better deal after years of inaction and being let down by the major parties. 

This is your opportunity to let us know how we can best represent you and your businesses; we are here to listen. We will be announcing our countryside policy at the town hall event. Join the True and Fair party – we deserve better, not more of the same.


August 30, 2023 at 10:00 am – 12.00 noon


Marlborough Town Hall
The Court House 5 High Street
Wiltshire, England SN8 1AA
United Kingdom

Join the True and Fair party

Join us afterwards for a musical protest as well

The Disney Longstocking prison ship

The Don

Don Adamson writes from his hollow in Barnsley where he contemplates everything from the Disney Longstocking prison ship to Boris Johnson’s sacking from journalism and beyond.

This week’s homework: 

One – Some people would say that Chris Mullins was an under rated minister. He felt strongly about efficiency and economy. He would never make a decision until he was satisfied that the proposal was a) effective and b) economical. His staff officers complained that he sometimes took this to the point of diminishing returns. Sooner or later you come to the point where the cheapest thing you can do is sign the cheque and get on with it. Are there any ministers in this government who can be criticised for being over economical and over efficient? 

Two – Trump faces 91 indictments. a) Will he score a century? b) Trump calls this a Which Hunt. Is that because he does not know which indictment is which? 

Three – I looked in at the Iceland supermarket to buy provisions. The young lady at the checkout said she like my Bulwarks to Brexit cap; for which I thanked her. With the benefit of hindsight perhaps I should have told her that the people in charge of Iceland used to be ardent supporters of Brexit. We hear less of that nowadays. Do I understand that even the people who own Iceland have noticed that Brexit has not turned out to be the earthly paradise we used to hear so much about? Have even the people who own Iceland noticed that Brexit is doing a FUBAR on the British economy? 

This week’s quotes: 

Rupert Murdoch

… used to grant more audiences to Richy Scumbag than even his arch toady Johnson … passion appears to have cooled… 

JCB Chairman Lord Bamford 

… said in 2016 that UK was the fifth biggest economy in the world  … last year UK dropped to 6th largest … Bamford in no way apologetic for his position on Brexit but wails ‘Isn’t our country in a mess now?’ 

Read Changing Minds on Brexit

Immigration no immigration dream of Brexiters lies in tatters

… no public acceptance of this by the government … compared with what we had before Brexit the system is costly, time consuming, badly run, wrapped in miles of red tape and is nothing more than a huge anchor holding the economy back … Brexiters are in full retreat. While publicly lecturing business on the need to conjure up new British employees out of thin air … privately lowering the thresholds under which foreign workers can come to Britain … quite a turnaround … foreign workers can come to Britain at great expense and bother to themselves … makes sectors of the economy look aghast at the government making their lives more difficult … hospitality…. government has come up with what in Blackadder would be described as a ‘cunning plan’ … a pathetic ruse to claim that immigration is not happening  when in reality it is … an arrogant, ignorant fantasy … desperation leads the government to propose ridiculous policies like these … Scumbag’s team is torn between populist rhetoric it spews out and reality .. a moribund economy where growth is non existent … a disaster happening before our eyes … latest ruses make it harder for universities to recruit foreign students, even though they are the only thing keeping the further education sector afloat … At least in Italy the far right has woken up to reality … in our surreal politics government promises cuts to immigration knowing full well that it is neither in the national interest or possible…

Number Crunching

7.47M is the number of people on National Health Service waiting lists (up since Richy Scumbag pledged to reduce them). – 8% proportion of NHS budget spent transferring patients to private care … £318M cost of housing 500 refugees in cramped Bibby Stockholm barge for a year … £15.25M Cost of sending 500 refugees on a Disney cruise for a year.

Disney Boat
Live scenes from the Disney Longstocking.

Hack watch

Nick Timothy, Telegraph correspondent … Britain faces multiple, complex crises … everything seems frozen by uncertainty, ignorance and fear. The understanding is not there, the ideas are not there … The challenges we face are truly enormous, yet our politics has never seemed smaller … Capitalism as we know it has failed. Not even the Tories can defend it…

Michael Gove told last month’s conference of Local Government Associations 

… financially struggling councils were a handful of cases, the exception …  six councils have declared themselves bankrupt since 2020 … several others could join them … Kensington and Chelsea (Conservative) …deficit of £47M by 2027 … Kent County Council (Conservative) … faces a deficit of £86M this year … Hartlepool (Conservative since 2019) …even with a 5% increase in council tax deficits could increase to 8M … Warwickshire (Conservative) … worst cases scenario of £106M deficit by 2028 … Guildford (Lib Dem since May previously Conservative) … £300M debts … 

Coutts furore with Nigel Garbage 

Coutts indicated the decision was not about politics but corporate image… Mad Nad Dorries is taking a break from her little watched show on Talk TV … less than 3,000 views on YouTube … has not spoke in Commons for a year … her constituency want her to resign for her lack of work … most MPs don’t give a toss about the public …

Join us in Brighton

Horizon Europe 

Richy Scumbag’s stance continues to baffle EU officials, UK universities and research community … haggling over pennies … Brexit Britain procrastinates while other countries  queue to join, New Zealand is latest non EU country to apply for associate membership … Scumbag is determined to de-Europeanise education and research … Scumbag is committed to government’s own half baked Pioneer scheme … 

Immigration legal aid lawyers in South West England have zero capacity to take on asylum seekers housed on Bibby Stockholm

… makes a nonsense of Deputy PM’s claims that the barge will make processing easier … Dowden also complained he did not hear howls of outrage of use of floating accommodation in other countries … Silya Europa in Netherlands has been controversial for the last year… 

Lobbying by MPs government promised reform

… not much has changed … income from outside jobs up to £4.75M from £4M … Tory MPs … make multiples of their salaries … standards committee concluded that placing limits on outside work was too difficult … plenty of room at the trough …

Read our Gutterpress pages


Britain should rejoin … without further delay … British sciences face major obstacles …  British scientists are clamouring to get back into Horizon … Richy Scumbag sees three arguments against … none stand up to scrutiny … Tories trumpeting planned Britain only project Pioneer … cannot match … Horizon … hard-line Gammons argued Britain could keep benefits of membership … difficult to find a better example than Horizon …  Researchers and universities say delay over Horizon has cost the country … If Scumbag is serious about supporting British science he should stop dithering and sign up without delay ..

Brexit has failed  

… London Stock Exchange looks increasingly moribund … Brexit has not made it easier to manufacture in UK … exporting has become more complicated … Britain is a diminished actor in export markets … failed to bring in investment … shrank by nearly half in 2022 … Britain is going backwards … Britain’s finance sector battered by Tories … workers have fared no better … raw sewage pumped into English waterways … failing health service… Brexit is a catastrophe for the country which those who campaigned for it claimed to love … Nigel Garbage now barely mentions the B-word … Johnson’s weekly Daily Mail column is largely a B-word free zone … no wonder Mail executives are ever more loudly asking each other ‘whose f*****g idea was this?’ … meanwhile true believer Richy Scumbag quietly drops, yet again, plans for new checks on imports from EU of farm produce … Who would have thought it, apart from those people who warned it would happen? … If Brexit was going well we would never hear the end of it… 

48 52 Brexit
Brexit has failed. Click to read our article from 2021.

Eurosceptics are Ecosceptics

This time they will wreck the plant … When you have done all you can to wreck the nation what is next? Answer: wreck the planet … two projects are two sides of the same ugly coin … striking membership overlap between the European (not much) Research Group and the Net Zero scrutiny Group … Lord Frost, former chief Brexit negotiator, claimed, extraordinarily that ‘rising global temperatures are likely to be beneficial’ … both ideologies involve a shocking indifference to evidence and data … distaste for ‘experts’ … same paranoid suspicion of ‘global elites and conspiracies’ … Nigel Garbage is the key figure moving further and faster than most Tory MPs are prepared to go … all horribly familiar … classic disruptive playbook, first devised by the tobacco industry and now the basis of most populist politics … put the frighteners on Keith Starmer … you might think that Brexit did more than enough damage …

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Johnson is a person who rarely stays the course 

… his Daily Mail gig likely to be no exception … Rothermere, mindful that Keith Starmer has promised to end non dom tax status, is less concerned that the column is desperately boring as its ceaseless digs at Richy Scumbag…

Don Adamson Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)                       Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class

Don Adamson
Don Adamson and family.
Brexit bunker

Brexit bunker

Now that Nigel Farage has declared that Brexit had failed, Don Adamson reports the news that the tabloids dare not print. Don writes from his British Brexit Bunker in balmy Barnsley …

This week’s quotes: “British government makes a mockery of its rules … politicians need to get real, fast … Britain’s under taxation of posh houses is scandalous … like all autocrats … has cemented himself in power by systematically weakening institutions … erosion of democracy … excessive accumulation of power … clouds judgement and moral sense … diminishing the role of parliament … used state’s power in partial and punitive ways … massaging inflation figures and awarding lucrative contracts to cronies …

48 52 Crash

Britain’s stock market has deteriorated … in 2022 just 1% of global capital was raised in London … in 2006 the City’s share was 18% … Dealmakers after Brexit do not see London Stock Exchange as the gateway to Europe … the 48 : 52 Brexit vote has crashed to 37 : 63.

Shut your cakehole

Brexit The Movie … explains why much has gone awry … Johnson embraced a ‘cakeist’ approach claiming Britain could have it all … instead  surrendered market access and kept the laws … political failure … a half remembered vision of Thatcherism … attempts floundered … Britain’s small market made the burden of additional bureaucracy unaffordable … the notion that Britain needed smarter  and better funded officials was absent … too under resourced to keep pace with EU … subject to less scrutiny by judges … no debate about how Britain should be regulated … what happens when cronyism gets completely out of control. If elites so enrich themselves that they impoverish the country … a kleptocracy forms … at what level does corruption destroy the functions of a state … kleptocrats launder kickbacks … shady owners skirt rules and registries often lack the resources to police them …

Visa vis Brexit

Britain’s tier one visa scheme gave permanent residency to foreigners who invested £1M in Britain … of the 13,777 visas issued a fifth went to Russians and a third to Chinese … Authorities need to prevent hazardous assets seeping into their countries  ….a vote to stop the NHS disputes is not the end of the story … worst industrial action in British history. The scale would have shocked Thatcher …


Richy Scumbag has urged the public to ‘hold me to account’ if waiting lists do not fall. That goal looks precarious … Tories have no idea how to reform Britain … Sharp’s departure is the latest example of Tory failure … Tories have lost almost every fight they picked … taming the Treasure has been a goal of successive Tory PMs … Treasury is stronger than ever … Cameron promised a ‘bonfire of Quangos’ … today they are stronger than ever … Brexit was supposed to create a leaner  more efficient British state … it is easier to complain than to achieve anything …

Good morning judge

Tories seethe about the influence of European judges … do little about it … Tories have no excuse … happier moaning about institutions than altering them … After more than a decade in power Tories have no idea how to reform the state … 

Farage in a bunker

Meanwhile Nigel Garbage, that is Trump’s Brexit Guru Buddy, has stated that Brexit has failed. The best brains in the world have been saying for years that Brexit is howling lunacy that would FUBAR Britain. For some time now Gammons and Flagshaggers have been making excuses to the effect that Brexit is a brilliant idea that would have worked perfectly except that ‘Remoaners’ jinxed it by maliciously and deliberately getting the facts right. What is interesting about the Nigel Garbage statement is that Garbage blames the Tories for the failure of Brexit. Garbage is paid handsomely by Gammonite Balderdash News to cheerlead for a) the Tories and b) Brexit. We do live in strange times when even Nigel Garbage has noticed that Brexit has failed.

Don Adamson Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)                       Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class

Nigel Farage’s Garage – post-punk jazz funk psychotic ambience.
Our Brexit impact film.
Brexit Betrayal

Were you played?

I write this piece directly to leave voters. I ask you the Johnny Rotten question: Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated? This piece of investigative journalism deserves your full attention. I’ve set out some of the main points below, but watch the entire film. You were played by Nigel Farage, Richard Tice, their shady backers and their poster boy Boris Johnson. They took you for fools with well executed lies about fish, the NHS, laws, borders, sovereignty et al. How does it feel to be treated like pawns in a game that you were never part of? You will be paying for Brexit for decades in your pay packets, your freedoms, your health, wealth and happiness. It is time to demand your money back for the illusions of Brexit. Watch and learn how you were played:

The Brexit illusion of sovereignty was just that – an illusion – we could not have had fox hunting, pints, three pin plugs etc. if we were enslaved to a European superstate

The Farage illusion of taking back control of our fish was also an illusion. Many fishing businesses are suffering under Brexit

The Brexit illusion of funding our NHS failed. The £350 million every week never arrived

The Brexit illusion of a United Kingdom failed. Northern Ireland will eventually unite with the Republic of Ireland. Scotland and probably Wales will also leave Brexit Albion

The Brexit illusion of growth failed. Liz Truss’ experiment with Brexonomics took £100 BILLION off the UK balance sheet. You will be paying for this long into the future.

The Brexit illusion of frictionless trade never happened. With food inflation of 15% and a Government fear of implementing border checks lest it leads to food shortages

We can rejoin The EU at any time

Find 432 benefits of EU membership in the book Reboot Britain

To rejoin the EU, join Gina Miller’s True and Fair party

EU benefits
EU benefits – click to subscribe to this platform.
Five Goals
Join us first Wed 8 pm UK time on ZOOM to Reboot Britain.
48 52 Brexit
The will of the people has changed. Support our UK education tour.

Daily Excess

Nigella Legionnaris Brexitosis-23

Whilst the Tories continue to gaslight the nation about small boats, prison ships and so on, the truth will out. Here is our mash up of the Daily Excess for the week of bullshit in politics. If you like this, you will love our book Private Eyelines. DO NOT BUY on Amazon. Buy direct for best prices via Please see below for the real Tory stories they are trying to cover up.

For more of this, please get your copy of Private Eyelines by mailing us at

Sugar Sugar

Brexit Secretary and sugar magnate David Davis went on BBC Radio 4 to explain that Brexit was not a cause of our problems. Instead he blamed the Civil Service. When pressed he admits that the Tory Government were responsible. Even the BBC’s Brexit loving Martha Kearney was astonished. Hear a slice of the interview on our Bandcamp radio interviews album. To correct the Daily Maul front page, Brexit is the cause of Brexit and not lefty doctors, cat owners, scientists, benefit claimants, woke metropolitan elitists yada yada.

Sick of being sick

Therese Coffey, Suella Braverman, Robert Jenrick and others are in denial of the significant outbreak of sewage related illness at the recent triathlon in Sunderland. Instead they continue the blame game whilst water companies turn in record profits. Lib Dem MP Munira Wilson did not even get an answer to her question about a related problem with Thames Water. Are you still prepared to vote for these shape-shifters? SARS in their eyes?

The contempt of Sunak’s so called ‘answer’ and the nodding Tory dogs are the hallmarks of fascism …
Sick of being Jenrick ….

The Pippy Longstocking

The wonderful Jonathan Pie sums up all that is wrong with this Brexitory government in his latest rant. Attempting to put asylum seekers with tuberculosis onto a boat which would act as an incubator for the disease is a significant public health risk. It is an echo of Boris Johnson’s wilful act of killing 40 000 people by putting infected COVID patients into care homes. Meanwhile Rishi Sunak took his kids to a restaurant in the USA where meals can cost £12 000 whilst Lee Anderson is knocking them up in the kitchen for 30p a serving, even undercutting Jamie Oliver.


It has emerged that Suella Braverman knew of the Legion-ella infestation the day BEFORE they started putting asylum seekers on the prison ship !!! This is a government sponsored death camp. Read our article in Spanish and English on the subject of racism at The Prisma.

The Prisma
From the moment that Nigel Farage adopted a Nazi inspired poster to stir up latent racism in Britain, he then won the Brexit referendum by the narrowest of margins.

Follow the money

Meanwhile, it has been revealed that the real reason for the Stop the Boats campaign, is of course, once again money. UKIP donated £70 000 to Langham Industries. John Langham the owner was a long term supporter of UKIP and clearly the Tories are frightened of UKIP and the far right so they have become them. In time, I would not be surprised to learn that the Tories themselves have financial interests in the boats, hotels and other aspects of the criminal fraud that sits below the ‘fury’ in the Express, Mail and Sun. Crispin Blunt already receives a salary as an adviser to one of the asylum hotel groups.

Aside from all the above, one boat to house 220 people is quite literally a drop in the ocean when compared with the backlog at the Home Office. This is deliberate managed decline by the Tory Government. The ceremonial nature of the Bibby Stockholm hides something else that they do not want us to talk about. Look deeper.

“Fuck off back to France” – Lee Anderson.
Watch and share our two minute explainer on how to deal with immigration properly.


ULEZ is the Ultra Low Emission Zone and not the Uber Lesbian Empowerment Zone as Boris Johnson probably thinks it is. Doubtless Bojo would be willing to lend his ‘Johnson seed’ for the purposes of ‘lesbianic correction’ though !! How many kids has he got now? 12? It was in FACT Boris Johnson who introduced ULEZ and NOT Sadiq Khan. It is yet another manufactured piece of ‘gaslighting’ done by the Tories as a desperate piece of electioneering.

The Sunday gutterpress papers are trying to blame the French for the deaths in the channel. NO, this is fully the responsibility of Rishi Sunak, Suella Braverman and the Brexit cabinet. I’m quite surprised that the Sunday Express et al have not tried to blame French Legionnaires, Emmanuel Macron, Sophia Loren, Camembert, Cotes du Rhone or Sacha Distel for the deaths as yet.

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EU benefits
We can and must Rejoin the EU to save Britain from Brexit oblivion. There is now a whopping gap of 24% in favour of Rejoining the EU.Click the image to support us via PayPal, Patreon or Go Fund Me.
Brexit Tattoo

Keith Starmer and other matters

By Don Adamson in the Barnsley Brexit Bunker

This week’s homework

One – Discuss the following statement. Margaret Thatcher thought she was creating Britain in the image of her father – a hard working grocer. In fact she created a Britain in the image of her son – an underachieving spiv.

Two – Discuss the following statement – Tories have proved themselves unfit to govern. Labour Party has been AWOL since 2010 and flatly refuses to return to work. 30 Tory MPs have stated that will not stand for re-election. Labour Party members are leaving the Labour Party by the thousand. Will this be enough to make Labour and Tory Parties get real? 

Three – In 1984 MORI conducted a poll about sex in politics. Women members of each party were asked if they had ever had sex with anybody other than a current partner. The answers were Alliance (Now Liberal Democrats) 33%, Tories 33% Labour 26%. 1% of Tory women voted ‘Don’t Know.’ Pre Brexit did you expect Tory women to be so stupid? Post Brexit do you expect Tory Women to be so stupid? 


Four – The Liberal Party Club on Tong has, since we arrived here, flown the banner of the White Rose on their flagstaff. They recently flew the Union Jack instead. Have the Bradford Liberals turned Gammonite? 

Five – Can honest Tories be defined as Tories who do what they are bribed to do?

Six – We have had the horror show of Johnson’s Resignation Honours List. It was a foul parody of what ought to be something important. We now have the horror show of Thick Lizzie’s Resignation Honours list. Apparently some of the nominees declined the ‘honour’ because they did not want to be associated with Thick Lizzie or her corruption, incompetence and false values. What does the word ‘honour’ mean in booming Brexit Britain? 

Seven – Another controversial Honours list has been published and once again Nigel Garbage has not been awarded the knighthood he craves and his bootlickers demand. Since 2010 we have been horrified by the idiots and scoundrels who have been awarded decorations up to and including knighthoods and peerages. There is a rumour that Nigel Garbage will not be awarded a gong because of some sinister misdeed. What did he do that disqualifies him from getting an award from these Tories: Cannibalism? Devil Worship?

This week’s quotes

Keith Starmer thinks ruling out Rejoin will win the election

… it will continue the destruction of Britain  … Spineless attitude to Brexit … Likely that car manufacturing in Britain is simply going to end … closure of huge car plants in working class areas … this will be the first generation that will earn less than their parents did … Starmer will lie … he has no choice while his stance is ‘make Brexit work’ … Brexit cannot work. Keith Starmer knows this … he has simply lost touch with working people … we are about to elect another lying PM … all he will be able to do is to lie like Johnson did – again and again and again … Lowest valuation of inflation caused by Brexit is 40% … institutional racism was the underlying Brexit and Keith Starmer is swept along with it … forever worsening health and public services … forever declining manufacturing and services industry … forever diminishing education system for working people … forever worsening relationship between the four nations of the UK … If Keith Starmer’s Labour wins the election on this ticket it will quickly fail. That will mean just one term until they are back out and it will be their fault…. If we do not Rejoin where is the money coming from to change anything? … Polls show 63% of Brits want to Rejoin … Polls suggest that people do not believe Starmer anyway … We will never give up but Starmer has done so and it will cost the country dearly … We are asked to vote for somebody saying the opposite of what we believe based on the assumption that they are lying. That is a horrific state for politics to be in…

Read Hard Facts about Hard Brexit

Defence Admiral Sir Tony Radkin

.. under fire … after recent to-dos about honesty at Westminster it would be a pity if UK’s top military bod was found to have been dishonest with Parliament… 

Equalities Minister appointed Tories to a public body 

… 4 of the 8 people on the Social Mobility  Commission are Tory activists … with former MP Rob Wilson  … joined by GB News’s favourite academic who argues that Britain has been taken over by ‘radical, woke, middle class liberals … 

Britain’s economy is spluttering 

7.9% inflation is the highest in the G7 … disastrous premiership of Thick Lizzie … good news for Britain’s economy is hard to find…

Car making big battery investment may not put the brakes on long term decline

… the shots have been largely aimed at the foot in recent years … rumours that Tata asked for a £500M for investment in £4B factory … government was desperate …Stellantis (European car giant) has threatened to pull out of Britain … Mini (owned by BMW) said it would shift its EV business to China …

Rise of the self pitying MP 

MPs agree the pay is woeful, patronage trumps competence… online abuse is rife and MPs are leaving in droves … Almost 70 MP said they will leave on or before the next election … incompetent bootlickers rise faster than more talented and principled peers… 

Shout about Rejoin 

Tories feel obliged to try to talk up the benefits of Brexit – an impossible task that leaves them looking ludicrous since there are none. Labour is squeamish about taking a stance that might alienate Brexit voters so continue to witter about ‘making Brexit work’ … given the evidence that is piling up to demonstrate the disastrous scale of the Brexit mistake …. The cultural sector is just as unhappy as business over the Brexit fall-out. Mention the word and it occasions a deep outpouring of misery from artists and musicians … Rejoin will be far from easy but the preparations need to start now…

Read Brexit Freedoms

Jaguar Land Rover 

It took a £500M sweetener … Richy Scumbag is trumpeting the fact that Jaguar Land Rover, owned by the Tata group, had decided to build a gigafactory in Somerset … construction company … gave £177,293 and £17,152 to the Tory Party …  Financial Times said Tata project looked expensive and hard to pull off …  Richy Scumbag’s father in law will approve …  how good a friend Tata will be to the British economy is less certain… 

Daily Express 

Recent poll showed 74% of readers say it was a mistake to leave the EU … Editor Gary Jones is still championing the dubious merits of Brexit

Braverman degradation scandalous conditions … diphtheria, norovirus, scabies, open sores … hopelessly overcrowded tents … Richy Scumbag knows that his plans for economic recovery will not be advanced by the next election … hence the attacks on ‘wokery’ and migrants … firmly rightward trajectory of Tory Party … wretched …. Even on its own terms Tory approach to migrants is neither administratively practical nor financially viable…. ‘Cruelty is the point’ … systematic dehumanisation, a truly dreadful development … hateful … most debased form of politics imaginable … playing with dangerous fire … unforgivable ignorance of 20th Century lessons … devoid of mercy, compassion, or shame. It should chill every decent Brit to the bone … cruel stupid and terrible …, Home Secretary’s plans are just plain cruel … I do not understand how anybody could talk about and treat a human being the way that Braverman does… 

Brexit Migration Algorithm
Brexit Migration Algorithm


‘Is Brexit going well?’… Not a single hand went up …


Dame Alison Rose Johnson becomes a late convert to the view that bosses who mislead the public should resign…

Nigel Garbage and Daily Express  

… desperate attempt to draw readers to ill fated US website … not known how much Garbage will be paid … Garbage’s recruitment has led to downing of tools by Reach Culture … does not suggest everything is tickety boo …


‘Forgive me father for I felt sympathy for Nigel Garbage’ …

Watch Nigel Farage’s Garage

View from the Right 

‘I am a lifelong Tory voter but I am dismayed by the procession of talentless nobodies we have had to endure over the last 13 years … ‘

Cabinet Reshuffle 

Before – Hopeless and Inept … After Inept and Hopeless…

By Don Adamson, Brexorcist from Barnsley. Soothsayer, Truth teller, elder statesman.

Fuck Brexit
Fuck Brexit before Brexit Fucks you. Get your car sticker from EU Flag Mafia. Click image.
Hannibal Lecter Brexit T-Shirt
Hannibal Lecter Brexit T-Shirt. Get yours by e-mailing us
The week that was

The week that was

By Don Adamson, Brexorcist, 1st class honours, reporting on the week that was from his grim Northern Powerhouse Brexit Bunker in Barnsley.

This week’s homework

One – Harold Wilson got into trouble when he awarded MBEs all round to the Beatles. At the time the Beatles were the most successful popular music band in the world and bringing in vast amounts of export earnings to this country. That was not the point. You cannot have a Labour PM awarding decorations to scruffy characters from the rough end of Liverpool.  Johnson awarded controversial decorations (up to and including peerages) to some very nasty people who, by rights, ought to be in the Nonce wing of some very nasty prison. That is perfectly in order and the newspapers do not mind a bit. Why the different treatment? 


Two – Discuss the following statement: Nigel Garbage (of all people) has stated that Brexit has failed. Express, Mail and Telegraph newspapers (notorious Brexit cheerleaders of the worst description) are saying (grudgingly) that Brexit has not turned out to be the earthly paradise they promised. Tories got us into this mess by making extravagant promises. Keith Starmer has promised to get us out of this mess by repeating the same extravagant and now discredited promises. Einstein defined insanity as repeating a mistake in the expectation of a different result. What would Einstein have said about Brexit? 

Serial loser Farage.

Three – Discuss the following statement. We now know the truth behind scandal concerning Nigel Garbage and the NatWest Bank. Garbage stirred up trouble so that his nasty friends could speculate on shares in the NatWest Bank. There are two kinds of Gammon. On the one hand you have blithering idiots who are stupid enough to believe what they read in trashy newspapers. On the other hand you have some very clever and calculating people who get rich by dubious means. If they would put as much effort and ingenuity into doing something useful we would all benefit. Instead they got us into this Brexit mess. 

Join Gina Miller’s True and Fair Party

Gina Miller
Join the True and Fair Party for much better politics.

Four – Discuss the following statement. The Economist of 29 July has an interesting article about US universities and sometime controversial entry criteria for students. The article must be read carefully because it contains a lot of facts, figures and sometimes complex reasoning. The last two sentences summarise the situation – “These universities are channelling comparatively under qualified legacies, athletes and private school graduates into positions of unusual influence. A greater emphasis on academic merit would yield not only a fairer society but also a brighter elite.” Meanwhile in Britain we have brain-dead Cabinet Ministers who attended Oxbridge universities. They would be unemployable if they had attended less prestigious institutes of learning (if that is the right word). 

Five – When the Tories were making extravagant promises about Brexit they had a lot to say about ‘Singapore on Thames.’ To anybody with more than three brain cells this was conclusive proof that Brexit was only ever for the benefit of tax dodgers and dubious financiers (and not many of either). Singapore used to have a commendable reputation for efficiency and clean government. Singapore is nowadays developing a reputation for mismanagement and corruption. Which ‘Singapore on Thames’ do the Tories have in mind for Booming Brexit Britain: a) the Singapore with a commendable reputation for efficiency and clean government or b) the Singapore that is groaning under the weight of incompetence and corruption? 

Brexit was not for voters. It was for Jacob Rees-Mogg et al.

This week’s quotes: 

Schools and education

Each chart looks the same … gradual improvement from the early 1990s until 2010. Then things become worse … rule that runs for everything from rough sleeping to real wages to hospital waiting lists … housing policy chaotic … From 2010 to 2016 Tories  offered a small state country within the EU. After 2016 Tories offered a flabby big state vision outside the EU … political chaos … a bureaucratic mess … one in ten children attends a school that is falling down … Teachers did not sign up to be auxiliary social workers … often must be due to government failure … experienced teachers leave profession … for more than two years the government has failed to  negotiate Britain’s re-entry to Horizon, a European research collaboration programme it left because of Brexit … many scientists say it is essential to Rejoin … my worry is we are going back to the 1990s  where you got a system that was running into the sand …

Read our page on Scotland

Sunak ‘rip-off degree war’ deserves a diploma for missing the point … the whole higher education system is a mess …we are staring down the barrel of a mid century skills crisis … unless British universities produce tens of thousands of engineers the green transition is stuffed … unless universities produce tens of thousands  more doctors and nurses  the NHS workforce plan cannot be delivered … incentives for Britain’s most talented graduates seem misaligned … how much greater would our problems look if somebody actually calibrated them against the problems we face … tens of thousands of teachers leaving the profession exhausted …  we need a more skilled and educated workforce …  any politician who refuses to answer is in the business of fantasy economics …

Tory hate mob licking its lips as … Richy Scumbag’s reign falls apart 

… the electorate in very large numbers has had enough of this government … the whiff of a dying administration … the only thing growing in the economy is the scale of the debt … a corrupt incompetent government deserves to be sacked but one presiding over a bombed-out economy will be … The Right of the Tory Party is preparing for that. Thick Lizzie … who has no sense of shame has gathered an unsavoury collection of free trade extremists and wealthy US climate change deniers to build on her policies that failed so spectacularly just months ago … Sue Ellen Braverman and Lee Anderson … gathering New Conservatives to espouse ideals that are to the right of the right … constituency organisers have welcomed former UKIP members and ushered out the moderates … the appalling misjudgement of Brexit. The problem for Starmer is that these problems would take years to settle even against the backdrop of a strong economy. The risk is that after one term of Labour the country feels no better off, and potentially worse, it will turn to the pedlars of false hopes and real hatred. That is the game plan of the New Conservatives…. 

Labour are a Brexit party


Dominic Williams, chief revenue officer … was asked if he could see the irony of a news business that pushed Brexit so far being damaged by it … … insiders say Williams is the consummate office politician … would not have dreamed of speaking out unless he felt Rothermere had come round to that way of thinking … dismayed to see how much the company has suffered from Brexit… Daily Mail editor in Chief has not been seen in the office for a while … Brextremist Bible now seems willing to think the unthinkable: what will happen if Brexit fails? … Tories will be blamed if it flops… 

Brexit Bible
The Brexit Bible. Click to read more.

James Cleverly, Foreign Secretary 

is doing as much globetrotting as possible in the Tories remaining months in office … took 91 officials with him, set the taxpayer back £700,500 … unwilling to slum it on commercial flights … £178,761 for a 3 day visit to Washington … trip to Belfast cost £4,142 for an RAF aircraft … 

Lib Dem omerta on Brexit 

Our membership and polling were at their highest when we were most outspoken against Brexit…. 

Tory MP second jobs 

average wage of  £233 per hour … Nadine Dorries job at GB News … rumoured six figure salary … £20,500 advance for Johnson hagiography … nobody can remember when she last appeared in Parliament …

Funding the National Health Service 

… Labour, with their child benefit caps and promise to continue with Tory tax and spending plans … show no sign of recognising … that Tory plans are not producing growth now and are not likely to produce growth in the future … 

Dignified exit of the week 

… ever expanding list of Tory MPs announcing they will not stand at the next election … Ben Wallace  … may yet go down as the first instance of a ship running out of rats before it even starts to sink … Wallace denies rumours of affair with Thick Lizzie …. Wallace might be applying for appointment to a juicy quango under Starmer… 

Liz Truss
Liz Truss chased the economy and escaped with a lifetime salary.

Queues at Ports 

… This is the curse of Brexit die hards: they cannot believe that EU does not realise that we are special … that the queues are caused by Brexit … what Brexiters voted for … checks that Faragists wanted to impose on visitors to Britain. Ironic that Faragists get annoyed when they are imposed on us … emergency planning for queues at Dover has now entered the English language … Operation Brock … miles of the M20 turned in a huge car park … Dover is also the port through which 35% of UK trade passes through … UK government allocated £45 from the levelling up fund to fix the problem … that could have been spent on actually  helping rundown parts of the country … will be spent on the chaos Brexit is causing at Dover ….

Nigel is now at the confessional box stage of Brexit. Nothing left to offer anyone apart from boats, banks and stale beer.

Easter was a disaster … coaches turned around and abandoned foreign trips after 24 hours queuing … Eurotunnel Terminal was built on the assumption that UK would be in the EU … Last summer queues of 18 hours … Eurostar stations were build on the assumption that UK would be in EU … some Eurostar trains travel with empty seats that could have been sold … because company could not get passengers on board in time … Easyjet has cancelled hundreds of trips … travel sector is facing significant disruption … It might help if the government had spent the last seven years preparing for what the industry saw coming … Brexiters dismissed all the predictions of chaos as a Remoaner lie … government has built its strategy on the same crazy belief … 

Don Adamson Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)                       Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class

Brexit has failed

Reversing Brexit

Here are the thoughts of Paul Cawthorne on reversing Brexit and joining the EU anew. Paul is an economist living on the Swiss – Italian border. He presents a logical incrementalism perspectives as a comparison to our ‘all or nothing‘ approach:

GOAL: full membership of the EU asap

We can all agree on this overriding objective but there are inevitable differences of opinion regarding the most appropriate strategy and tactics.

Single market

My personal viewpoint is that rejoining the single market is the essential first step needed before the ultimate objective of full EU membership can be achieved.


  1. Rejoining the single market would not require a referendum. Editor’s note : a referendum is not the only choice in any case. See London for Europe.
  2. Rejoining the single market would not require a lengthy application procedure under the Copenhagen Criteria.
  3. The UK’s current position as the only country in Western Europe outside the single market is economically unworkable and unsustainable.
  4. It would go a long way to resolving most, but not all, of the post-Brexit economic damage. Editor’s note : Brexit damage is also social, political, legal and environmental.
  5. It would be seen as a confidence building measure to convince the EU27 of the UK’s ultimate goal of EU membership.
  6. Once in the single market the UK’s unsatisfactory status as a “rule taker” (Norway/Swiss model) could be used to convince the electorate that we need to become a “rule maker”.
  7. Rejoining the single market is an essential stepping stone on the road to achieving the central objective.

Focusing on rejoining the single market in the short to medium term should in no way preclude campaigning for the central overriding objective.

Learn from the final failure of the PV campaign

It should not be forgotten that the PV campaign was very nearly successful. It ultimately failed for 3 main reasons:

  1. The decision of Corbyn and Swinson to fall into the trap of Johnson’s “Get Brexit Done” December 2019 election.
  2. Problems of leadership at the top of the movement.
  3. Bad luck in timing: if COVID had come 3 months earlier or Johnson’s “oven ready deal” had not been agreed for at least another 3 months Brexit would have been delayed indefinitely.

Ultimately, whatever the weight of public opinion, the number of people who take part in marches and/or sign petitions, campaigns are won or lost in parliament. Most MPs likely to elected in 2024 will not have fixed, immovable positions on Brexit reversal but will need to be convinced that supporting rejoin is in their interests.

Learn from the success of Vote Leave

Focus on:

  1. Keeping the message simple and repeating it over and over again. “Brexit has failed”; “you were lied to”.
  2. Emphasising the positive impacts of rejoining as much as the negative effects of leaving.
  3. Playing the patriotic card: “Britain leading in Europe and the world”. Editor’s note: Our strapline below conveys this.
  4. Turning around the Leave slogans and narrative: “take back control in the heart of Europe”; “outside the EU we have lost control”; “the new will of the people”.
Reboot Britain
Our strapline. Begins with home and fans out to wider concerns.

Positive messages

At least 70% of the electorate need to be convinced of 2 things:

  1. Rejoining the EU is an essential desirable objective
  2. Rejoining the EU is achievable

Focus on the future and not the past.

To spread the positive message, young people need to be given prominent leadership positions in the campaign.

A one minute street pop up mini talk which addresses some of Paul’s points.

Labour’s flawed Brexit policy

Labour’s current “Make Brexit Work” policy is seriously flawed and, at best, will have no positive or negative impacts on their immediate electoral prospects.

Key factors:

  1. Poor advice based on outdated (2019) focus groups and internal polling data.
  2. Overestimation of the enduring support for a hard Tory Brexit in the so-called Red Wall.
  3. Underestimation of the the impact of Brexit’s evident failure on public opinion.
  4.  Underestimation of the impact of demographic changes on the electorate.
  5.  Overblown fear of the reaction of Tory tabloids to any perceived watering down of Brexit.
  6. Misplaced belief that “Make Brexit Work” will be a convincing winning 3-word slogan in 2024.
  7. Nostalgic belief that Labour is still essentially a “working class” party and needs to prioritise at all costs the views and prejudices of these traditional “core supporters”.

Labour’s flawed position needs to be abandoned. Labour politicians parroting “Make Brexit Work” and “no case for rejoining the SM or CU” are convincing neither rejoiners nor Brexiters and are coming over either as lobotomized Stepford Wives or insincere party apparatchiks.

They will only be persuaded to address the elephant in the room when they are convinced of the urgent economic necessity and that it is their political  interests to do so.

Linked campaigns

4 electoral changes need to be promoted that would help ensure a positive future EU referendum result and put to lay any lingering fears from the EU that a future single party UK government could opt for Brexit again:

  1. PR, preferably a system close to the German model, which is strongly proportional but maintains constituency representation, it also involves a minimum 4% threshold that, in the case of the UK, could be applied in each of the 4 nations.
  2. COMPULSORY VOTING as in Australia or Belgium to ensure a high turnout, especially among young voters.
  3. REDUCE THE MINIMUM VOTING AGE TO 16 (as in Brazil and Scotland) to maximise the youth vote. A related campaign could be the promotion of political and civic education in schools.
  4. ENFRANCHISE ALL EU CITIZENS LEGALLY RESIDENT IN THE UK. Currently citizens from Ireland, Malta and Cyprus (3 EU members) are able to vote in UK elections together with residents from many Commonwealth countries; many of these are only in the UK on temporary work visas.

EU education

Seven years after the referendum here is still a worrying lack of knowledge and understanding about how the EU works. Poor knowledge of the EU is common in all age groups and among those who voted both leave and remain in 2016. In contrast, in most EU countries a study of the history and institutions of the EU is a compulsory part of a broad school curriculum.

Many people, including politicians, will speak confidently about the pros and cons of the single market and customs union but would be hard pressed to explain the differences between these two entities.

If there is eventually a rejoin referendum, there will need to be a much better informed electorate. Paul produced 432 benefits of EU membership in the book Reboot Britain.

About Paul Cawthorne

Paul Cawthorne graduated from the London School of Economics in 1982. In 1989 he left Thatcherland to become a poll tax exile. Over the last 30 years he has worked as a teacher of history, geography, economics and business management in national and international schools in France, Italy and Switzerland. He is currently living and working near Varese in the north of Italy and impatiently waiting to become an Italian (and EU) citizen. Paul is married with two grown-up children.

Please support our UK Tour

Editor’s note: Other viewpoints are available on joining anew, such as Gina Miller’s all or nothing view. Join us at her launch event on Monday 10 July in London.