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Daily Excess - Go Nads

Go Nads

Our latest edition of the Daily Excess covers the stories that the mainstream media will not print. Go Nads covers the fact that Brexit has failed. Sunak’s reputation is left in tatters and the main winner is Johnson’s hairdresser and his body double Michael Fabricate. For more headlines and hard facts to defeat Johnson’s lies like this, grab your copy of our book Private Eyelines – Have I got fake Brexit news for EU.

In the end, it was Boris’ hair that brought hime down …. click to read the book.

We must ensure that this means the end of the Tories in Uxbridge and Bedfordshire. Please support our Crowdfunder to do this. We plan a full campaign costing £1200 in terms of travel, accommodation and resources, over a period of several weeks

We also plan to launch an attack on the BBC Question Time Special in Clacton on June 22. Please support the initiative by giving us a donation towards costs via Paypal. We need a minimum of £500 to pay for garage costs, tyres, tax travel costs, flags, stickers etc. We will also need a team on the ground and maybe security from the Alt-Right.

Johnson has evaded the select committee by resigning before it reports on the findings of its review. This means that Johnson has wasted £250 000 of public money in legal fees. Please sign the petition to ask for YOUR MONEY back.

Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak’s stated values of integrity, professionalism and accountability are in tatters, having been forced to give Johnson his honours list in exchange for his silence on Sunak’s dubious tax affairs. Johnson gave these honours to the Downing Street hairdresser (no this is not a joke) and a list of cronies including those who broke lockdown rules at the Partygate events. Still more of these events are coming to light. 30 000 people died unnecessarily from Johnson’s decisions. He should really be in the Hague facing trial. Of course, it must be noted that Johnson has once again escaped all responsibility for Brexit carnage, aided and abetted by Keir Starmer who follows rather than leads at every step. Since the Tories and Brexit are dead, our efforts should be mostly focused on Labour. It would be a crying shame to get the Tories out only to find that we are left with a red Brexit, indistinguishable from a blue one. Even the left wing press are now calling for Starmer to turn in the wake of the fact that Brexit has failed. Just today we learn from Greg in Northern Ireland that UK-based suppliers or distributors of medicines should prepare for different packaging for medicines to be supplied to UK and EU markets from 1 January 2025. Brexit delivers more red tape and cost rather than the promised Brexit freedoms!

Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman’s strategy – “when the boot comes in”.

Read more : Johnson’s Revenge

From the vault : Corona : Lessons learned

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Join us on Wed 5th July 8 pm on ZOOM

Big Foot

Putin the boot in

By Don Adamson, Brexorcist in Chief, the Brexit Bunker, Barnsley.

This week’s homework: Discuss the following statement – ‘Woke’ is a term that Neo Nazi Nonces use to describe their moral and intellectual superiors. 

This week’s quotes:

Tory Trumpectory

Even Matt Hancock warned that the Tory Party would be finished if a Trumpian takeover was allowed to happen … If Tory party allows itself to taken over by a right wing version of Momentum … its future looks bleak …

Nigel Farage’s admission that ‘Brexit has failed shows once again that for Nigel Garbage it is always somebody else’s fault … has not delivered any benefits … totally mismanaged … The new Real Communism … just because it has all gone wrong does not mean it is a bad idea … what has gone wrong has done so in exactly the ways that every expert warned … Brexiters got their version of Brexit … Thick Lizzie attempted to deliver the Brexit that Nigel Garbage had been talking up for years … it exploded on contact with reality … instead of accepting that Brexit was always an idiotic fantasy the Nigel Garbages of the world scold others for failing to deliver … as effective as scolding the shopkeeper for selling a losing lottery ticket when you wanted a winner … 

Two cheeks of the same arsehole.
Two cheeks of the same arsehole.

Nat-C party

NatCees “Watching last week’s NATcees conference was a surreal as it was disturbing … Speakers sounded very whiny …. Tories have been in office for 13 years … got the hard Brexit that they wanted … an extraordinary lack of responsibility…. … and increasing sense from people running the show that someone else is in charge … publicly sulking that the job is hard … have become so detached from reality … they look at what they have done without realising that they did it … Evangelical Christians seem to have forgotten that they worship a homeless Rabbi Jew, a refugee who spoke Aramaic, was frequently homeless, lived in poverty, preached forgiveness, tolerance and loving one’s neighbour… 

National Illness Service

National Health Service “Hospital waiting lists spiral beyond 7M … patients wait months or even years for treatment … 300,000 adults wait for social care assessment … 2.5M Brits are out of work because they are sick … NHS staff leaving in droves …  the country’s recent record of revolutionary change does not inspire confidence” … Britain spends less on health care than France or Germany … in the next 25 years the number of Brits aged 85+ will double … makes no sense … the equivalent of buying more fire extinguishers while dismantling the smoke alarms …  Britain would rather forget about Liz Truss. She just won’t lettuce … NHS is in grave difficulties … few will forget how many patients died waiting for ambulances and lying in hospital corridors … one in eleven posts in the NHS is vacant … fewer hospital beds per person than almost any rich country, fewer CT scanners ..

Health outcomes lag behind peers … worst five year survival rates for killer diseases…. life expectancy lags behind … Britain invested the least capital per person in health care in 2015 … nurses, junior doctors, others … suffered a decade of real terms pay cuts … England now spends the lowest share of health budget on dentistry of any country in Europe … Britain is the third fattest country in Europe … if everybody was healthy weight … could save NHS £1.4B a year … reform technology … there is an awful lot of work to do … bungled implementation … NHS has a long list of problems to tackle …staff retention is poor. Politicians still liable to meddle, apart from Johnson who just hides in fridges when there is work to be done …

Brexit Too Little, Too Late
A stitch up in time saves nine …


This week’s quote: “Tom Tugendhat is new Security Minister at the Home Office … Remainer turned Leaver … holds dual British and French citizenship … has stake in two companies awarded £17.8M worth of government contracts … Accurx awarded 3576,458 contract to provide electronic communications for GP practices in … also participates £120M contract … for technology services …  ambivalent on Brexit … complained how bad things were getting … 

Industry “Britain’s semi-conductor industry show the bind the country is in … Britain’s announcement looks anaemic … Britain has a smattering of domestic chip firms, it lacks a big manufacturer … Can the government’s latest strategy move the needle? … Even its defenders concede it is unlikely to change things… Britain’s claim to be ‘world leader’ in tech is true only in the sense that it is blazing a trail for non-democracies to pass repressive laws…

Science, Tech and Environmental impacts of Brexit. It ain’t pretty.

Sick man of Europe

Economy … little –if any – good news in the figures … core inflation at its highest rate since 1992. … Rising mortgage costs and stubbornly high inflation…    will be wealthier than the UK by 2030 … Eastern Europe has been an economic underperformer for centuries … there is plenty of room for a surge … Poland did everything it could to get into the EU at earliest opportunity … fought to be as European as possible … UK has not even recovered to its pre Covid size … UK bouncing along the bottom for 15 years. UK productivity last grew this slowly in the 18th century…. on top of that we had Brexit … Britain needs to reform and go for growth … even if it had all those things it would still be outside the EU which is a deal breaker … we all benefit from a  wealthier Europe … An increasingly erratic Tory government in Westminster …

Ducking Stool
New Brexit treatments available from Jacob Rees-Mogg on the NHS.

Shameful behaviour

Government’s immigration policy is incoherent … Brits want more nurses, doctors, fruit pickers, carers, academics, computer whizzes and students … Tories have come up with an impeccably botched response … Tories pledged to cut immigration … has instead overseen an immigration increase to a record level  … Immigration has increased sharply since the Brexit vote … The government could crack down on fruit pickers but farmers would scream. Few voters would thank a government that turns away nurses. Cutting immigrations comes at a cost that voters show no willingness to pay 

Daily Mail Richard Littlejohn … salary £1M a year … shoutiest Daily Mail shouty man … contends that civil service and renegade Tories are working to destroy Tory government … could not name a single one of these dastardly plotters … because they do not exist … Desperate.

Social impacts of Brexit – well worth 10 minutes of your time.


Johnson deranged Tories risk destroying themselves over Johnson … much energy expended on artificial intelligence … no less spectacular growth of the other 21st century phenomenon: stupidity  … Why do so many Tories want to bring back Johnson? … trousering millions for speaking engagements and memoirs … politics as gruesome showbiz … jaded cabaret act … betrayal narrative is hardening in Tory Party … Johnson is  Tory Party future … new lockdown breaches … In a rational world this would be bad news for Johnson … deranged dystopia of Tory town … noisily presented by militant Borisians as evidence of foul play … manifest absurdity of such a disgraced figure making a comeback is eclipsed by the intoxicating myth of a great man felled by lesser mortals … eight cabinet ministers called for his return to Downing St … growing marked in increasingly desperate Tory Party for a simple solution to a huge electoral problem …

Honey I shredded the evidence
Honey I shredded the evidence.


Richy Scumbag project has disastrously failed … floundering abjectly in the real world Tories are seeking solace in magical thinking … conveniently forget that dragged the government into an ethical sewer … many travesties and scandals … He ought to be a political pariah … example of political culture in bad shape … nostalgia at its most corrosive. It ought to be a cause for anxiety far beyond the Tory Party… Fees for Eton … £15,432 each half which means thrice yearly … does not stretch to fractions…  

Big Foot
BIG FOOT Sunak thinks that it’s agreeable to spend £50 000 on helicopters EVERY DAY in the middle of a cost of living crisis.

Brexiter’s Bible

Even Express readers see the light … universal consensus that Brexit was a terrible idea … Brexiter’s Bible, the Daily Express … declared that two thirds of its readers consider Brexit to be a failure … even that unflushable turd, Nigel Garbage, agrees … it is only a failure if you were naive enough to believe that Brexit was MEANT  to make things better … prior to becoming the Brexiter’s Bible the Express sustained itself as the in-house magazine for  posthumous stalkers of Princess Diana … 

Brexit Bible
The Brexit Bible.

Fog on the Tyne

Teesside Scandal Richy Scumbag claims ‘it is the Tories who are delivering for Tyneside’ … even Gove’s panel should be able to work out that the no risk, free money bonanza … is delivering a lot more for a few select Teessiders than for the rest … 

Travel delays Electronic borders crashed … latest fiasco … lamentable attempts bring entry points into the 21st century…

Pip Pip             Don Adamson Medway Delta (Retired)           Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class 

Save the Bollocks to Brexit Mini

Cat woman
Please support our crowdfunder by clicking on the cat or the catwoman.

Read more : BREX and the City

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Save the Bollocks to Brexit Mini Cooper

Save the Bollocks to Brexit Mini

Do you want to save the ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ Mini Cooper from the scrap yard? We need funds to take ‘Johnson’ the mini on the road around UK and Europe to remind people that Brexit has failed. The car has generated significant mainstream media publicity for the Rejoin / anti-Brexit cause. Accordingly, now that less than 1/5th of British people think that Brexit was worth it, we plan to take the car on tour to local groups for the purpose of mass Brexorcisms. Our visits can be accompanied by a musical protest and motivational speeches.

Save the Mini

This story went across all mainstream media in UK, Ireland and Europe. It went as far as the New York Times and Australia !! It’s a superior return on your investment.

We have taken the car from Dominic Cummings house to Barnard Castle to check our eyesight. Also to Brussels, and all round Britain. The car, codenamed ‘Johnson’ was stopped by Essex Traffic Policeman PC Smith, in a rage on the M25 motorway.  Smith asked us to remove the signage on the car on the hard shoulder of the M25, putting the police officer and the passengers at risk of death.  Subsequently, Smith has not been located by Essex Police some three years after we provided his full details to the force … All that is needed is political will to change the ongoing ‘Britastrophe‘.  

From Wikipedia.

Brexit has failed. Rejoin EU

We will put boots on the ground to stomp on the big footed fuckers of Brexit bollocks.
Daily Maul

Honey, I shredded the evidence

In this edition of the Daily Maul we look at how the populist media keep us focused on dead cats rather than the things that affect our futures … To read more of these please check out Private Eyelines. The book makes an excellent gift for Brexiteers in regret. Private Eyelines provides a sense of uplift for people who are sick to death of fascist Nat-C Brexit Britain. Here’s some hard facts and fiction busters to help you navigate today’s papers.

Cash ‘n’ Carrie

FACT : Carrie Johnson is NOT delivering the 3rd Johnson baby on Thursday at 4pm as far as we know. However, a public inquiry about Johnson’s conduct is in progress. Baroness Hallett has called for Johnson’s WhatsApp messages to help with that inquiry. It therefore seems terribly convenient that Carrie is up the duff. Swivel headed Tory loon Andrea Jenkyns said that we must leave Johnson alone, as Carrie is having a baby. Johnson literally did leave Carrie alone, by jetting off to the US to earn millions on the conference circuit, instead of spending time in his Uxbridge constituency and supporting his wife.

By giving Johnson more time to produce the evidence, it gives Johnson more time to delete messages that would incriminate him. In case you think that this witch hunt is bad form, never forget that Johnson’s decisions caused 30 000 unnecessary deaths. These were political CHOICES and not necessities. Ethics matter if you are leading the country through a pandemic. People misunderstand the difference between leadership and comedy.

FICTION : As far as we know Johnson has NOT shagged Andrea Jenkyns. His diary is full. Doubtless Nadine will be trying to access Johnson’s binbag.

To distract us, this is what the papers actually say today. Who gives a flying fuck what Holly Willoughby is doing?

You are being taken for fools.

Whats Appened?

FACT : Rishi Sunak has said that he does not think it would be helpful for the COVID inquiry to see his WhatsApp messages, claiming that they would be irrelevant. In the words of the Police “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear sir”. What might Rishi be wishing to hide? FICTION : as far as we know, Rishi Sunak has not ordered more shredders for The Cabinet Office. It already has plenty from the Johnson era.

Cats Against Brexit Mayhem

FICTION : Larry the cat has NOT been arrested, nor beaten up by the Met Police. FACT : We don’t know if Matt Hancock has deleted WhatsApp. We do know that he gave out COVID PPE contracts to people with no experience of making medical devices. He also gave special access to Tory donors, irrespective of whether they were experienced PPE manufacturers. We know that much of the PPE did not work. We know that this cost the earth when a more responsible approach was needed in a crisis. We also know that reputable manufacturers were ignored in favour of pub landlords and personal friends. Michelle Mone and Dido Harding are still at large.

Join us at Cats Against Brexit Mayhem

WHATS APPENED? Read more by clicking the image.
The real Daily Mail today – Leading through FURY, shock horror and plain lies.

The Daily Mail, Express, Sun et al systematically delete and downgrade inconvenient truths whilst distracting us with trivia and hyperbolic headlines. Many people almost literally eat their lies for breakfast. It works because many people would either prefer oblivion or entertainment to the awful truths about Brexit, the cost of living, global collaboration, wars and so on. Despite what many would say, these big issues DO affect our daily lives. One of the things the populist media wish to distract us from today is the simply appalling CPTPP trade deal that we did not vote for. Nor does it make up for the losses from Brexit in any way shape or form. The CPTPP deal will only contribute 1/50th of that needed just to stand still after Brexit. And that only after 10+ years. CPTPP contribution to GDP is + 0.08% over 10 years. Brexit losses worth MINUS 4% GDP. Do the math. Simply stated:

CPTPP gains + 0.08% Brexit losses – 4% GDP

Cold Chain Shane misrepresenting CPTPP on BBC Radio 4.

This film we made about Boris Johnson’s burned Brexit deal way back is now coming home to roost. All the Brexit carnage was baked in by Johnson and now we are in ‘Brexit fire sale mode’, willing to make deals at ANY cost.

Reject the lies. Reject the Maul, Excess, Son, Telegravda. Reject Brexit

Join us to end Brexit Chaos : Wed 7 June 8pm UK time on ZOOM

Read more : The stench of corruption

Read more : Books to change minds on Brexit

The Son

Fun Loving Criminals

In this roundup of what could be euphemistically called fun loving criminals, I make some unemotional comparisons of people who should be in jail for crimes against humanity with Rolf Harris. Without excusing Harris for his crimes, it is fair to say that Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Priti Patel, Kwasi Kwarteng, Suella Braverman, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Nigel Farage, Matt Hancock, Dominic Cummings et al. have done more damage to young people’s lives, through their decisions on Brexit, Brexonomics, immigration and COVID. Why then are they not in prison?

Brexit is a crime scene

The impact of Brexit is already evident across all the STEEPLE factors: Sociological, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical. See our articles on the impacts at Scottish Bylines and Biz Catalyst 360. The costs of all of these STEEPLE factors are one thing, but if they were to be offset greatly by Brexit benefits which outweigh the costs, then Brexit will have been worth it. However, no Brexit benefits have accrued so far, nor are any on the horizon, apart from some flaky notions of ‘freedom’. See our article on Brexit freedoms for a full list of these so-called freedoms.

Economic, environmental and social damage from Brexit ultimately impact people’s lives and livelihoods. Accordingly, the perpetrators of these crimes must therefore be locked up as a bare minimum. Their crimes are more significant than Harris’ heinous crimes, however hard that might be to hear. And the impacts will become even more pronounced as Brexit reveals its full horrors. Sure, Boris Johnson seems like a loveable rogue, but he is not a fun loving criminal, just a pound shop thief.


Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng put young people’s hopes of home ownership into the deep freeze with their cocaine fuelled experiment on the nation called ‘Trussonomics‘. In just one weekend, Truss and Kwarteng took £70 BILLION off the UK balance sheet. OK, it’s only money, but such things have significant impacts on lives and livelihoods. I pay my taxes so that our politicians can make careful decisions about macro-economics. I don’t expect them to behave like gamblers in a casino on smack, crackle and pop. Accordingly, Kemi Badenoch, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Penny Morduant are also key players in destroying the value of Britain through their bungled Brexit decisions.

Wreckers of lives and livelihoods

Child killers

Suella Braverman and Priti Patel’s time as Home Secretaries have made Theresa May’s hostile environment look like a trip to a Butlins’ holiday camp. It is not something to be proud of to dream of children being deported to Rwanda. And better alternatives are available. See our two minute answer to immigration below.

Immigration sorted in just two minutes

Immigration has failed over 13 years. Brexit did not deliver

and Rishi Sunackered is simply too weak to sack Braverman, as our micro film in this tweet shows:

Sunakered – Feat James O’Brien

COVID killers

Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock’s decision to put infected COVID patients into care homes had an estimated impact of 30 000 unnecessary deaths. In case you are wondering, this was a political CHOICE and not a necessity. Their decision was based on Dominic Cummings’ obsession with the idea of herd immunity. This again is a crime for which no punishment has been administered to date.

Instead, Matt Hancock got £400 000 on ‘I’m a Celebrity’. Michelle Mone and Dido Harding disappeared with hundreds of thousands of pounds from dodgy PPE contracts. Boris Johnson escaped to go on the conference circuit and Cummings scarpered from the crime scene having driven to Barnard Castle to check his eyesight.

Dying for Boris – find the album at

Partygate is one thing, but 30 000 avoidable deaths another thing altogether. Here’s today’s edition of ‘The Son’ – Populist Political Papers Parodied:

The Son - Click the image to read Private Eyelines on Amazon.
The Son – Click the image to read Private Eyelines on Amazon.

These are not fun loving criminals, they are professional crooks. In the words of Donald Trump:


Chat GPT

How will populism implode?

One of my colleagues challenged me by showing me an answer she got from Chat GPT when she asked the question: How will populism implode? It occurred to me that the answers given adequately described the algorithm of this website and our collected activities at Reboot Britain.

We are the robots.

Taking these in turn: Click on the text to follow the links

Promote alternative narratives

Fact checking and debunking

Engage with grassroots movements

Encourage voter education

Strengthen democratic institutions

Foster economic stability and opportunity

Collaborate with international partners

Engage with marginalised communities – see especially ‘In Limbo

Emphasise accountability and transparency

Foster unity and common purpose

We need you
To make all this work even better we need you to join us !! Click to subscribe.

How will populism implode? Find the ultimate book on imploding populism here – sample the book on Amazon. Populism will eat itself !!

Private Eyelines
Private Eyelines : Click image to read more,
Private Eyelines
Private Eyelines : Click image to read more.

Glen Robinson articulates some points to help us build a movement to get Brexit undone. He too asked Chat GPT the question, getting a slightly different response:

Building and growing a transformational political movement or party requires a strategic approach and a focus on key elements such as vision, organisation, communication, and grassroots mobilisation. While the specific tactics may vary depending on the context and goals of the movement, here are some general steps to consider: 

1. Clarify your vision and values: Clearly define the vision and values that underpin your movement or party. Articulate a compelling and inspiring narrative that resonates with people and offers a distinct alternative to the status quo.

2. Establish a strong organisation: Build a well-structured and efficient organisation to support your movement’s activities. Develop a clear leadership structure, delegate responsibilities, and establish decision-making processes. Ensure that your organisation has the capacity to handle the logistical, legal, and financial aspects of running a political movement.

3. Mobilise grassroots support: Reach out to communities, individuals, and organisations that align with your vision and values. Engage in grassroots organising efforts to build a broad and diverse base of support. Conduct outreach campaigns, host events, and leverage digital platforms to connect with potential supporters and involve them in your movement.

4. Develop strategic alliances: Seek partnerships and collaborations with like-minded individuals, organisations, and existing political entities. Building coalitions and alliances can amplify your impact, broaden your reach, and help create a united front for your transformational goals.

5. Craft a compelling policy platform: Develop a well-researched and comprehensive policy platform that addresses the key issues and challenges you seek to tackle. Ensure that your policies are grounded in evidence, practicality, and the values of your movement. Clearly communicate how your policies will lead to positive change and benefit society as a whole.

6. Engage in effective communication: Develop a strong and consistent messaging strategy to effectively communicate your vision, values, and policies to the public. Utilise various communication channels such as social media, traditional media, public speeches, and community events. Craft messages that resonate with your target audience and emphasise the urgency and relevance of your movement’s objectives.

7. Empower and educate supporters: Provide resources, training, and opportunities for your supporters to actively engage in the political process. Empower them to become advocates, volunteers, and potential candidates. Educate them about the issues, your movement’s policies, and effective strategies for creating change.

8. Mobilise for action: Organise peaceful demonstrations, rallies, and campaigns to draw attention to your cause and increase public awareness. Utilise technology and social media platforms to facilitate coordination, engage supporters, and encourage collective action. Mobilise your base to participate in elections, support sympathetic candidates, or even field your own candidates when appropriate.

9. Adapt and evolve: Remain flexible and responsive to changing circumstances and feedback. Regularly evaluate your strategies and tactics to determine what is working and what needs adjustment. Be open to learning from both successes and failures, and adapt your approach accordingly.

10. Sustain momentum and long-term engagement: Building a transformational political movement is a long-term endeavour. Focus on sustaining momentum and maintaining engagement beyond initial successes. Nurture relationships with supporters, continue organising activities, and foster an inclusive and participatory culture within your movement.

Remember, building a political movement takes time, dedication, and perseverance. It requires consistent effort, effective organisation, and a clear articulation of your vision and values.

The enigma known as Glen Robinson. Click image to find him on Twitter.



By Don Adamson, Brexocist in Chief from Barnsley. This week’s homework in Brexitania aka Broken Brexit Britain: Discuss the following statement: The strongest possible argument against abolishing the monarchy and replacing it with a Presidency is that we have politicians who would dismiss King Charles III and appoint somebody like Johnson as President. 

Trumptown to Truss

This week’s quotes: “Trump had little interest and no gift in foreign policy … his lavish state visit produced nothing …. If that is the kind of friends the right wingers want they are simply not serious people  … They do not exchange Mickey Mouse currencies … I was given a smile of incredulity when I tried to offload my last £50 note  … It is hard to remember but once there were decent Tories able to negotiate significant agreements properly … a succession of increasingly wealthy PMs, with arrogant privately educated ethic that they are better than the rest of us … in truth they don’t have a fig of understanding … Sajid Javid seems compelled to demonstrate that all political careers end in failure … a disgusting exercise in naked populism … Current behaviour of Suella Cowardlywoman, James Stupidly and Richy Scumbag needs to be called out … knee jerk response to entirely foreseeable problems that were bound to arise with their beloved bloody Brexit … Political chaos of recent years … Brexit … Johnson … Thick Lizzie … the question of competence … Momentum, a far left campaign group, would be better named Inertia …

I have had more than enough … of Liz Truss and Richy Scumbag

State of Britain

The British state is simply ineffective … Britain’s sluggish economy is undermining the welfare state … economic growth is the foundation stone for everything … a decade of political turmoil … is a disaster … British tax burden is due to hit a post war high of 37.7% of GCP … Brexit means there are fewer institutional constraints on distortionary state aid … Britain will struggle to compete with USA to attract investment … Britain has neither the industrial base nor the ability to offer larger subsidies … Tory Cabinet Ministers write honeyed histories of the past … such books tell you little about the best and much about the Tories …

CBI – Complete Brexit Idiots

Confederation of British Industry … conduct that fell short of that expected … reported allegations by more than a dozen women of sexual misconduct and misuse of drugs. This included a rape … failed to filter out the toxic people … Israel’s per person GDP is higher than Britain’s … Dominic Raas displayed unreasonable and persistently aggressive conduct … intimidating and insulting … made physically threatening gestures … number and consistency of complaints about Raas … evidence that something was genuinely wrong … the complainants acted in good faith … cutting people off in meetings would have mattered less if was not the sort of person to describe work as ‘utterly useless and woeful’ … it is hard to overlook another problem – his effectiveness as a manager. If enough people think you are a bad boss then you are a bad boss. If employees avoid you the pool of talent available to you shrinks … Raas’s approach … ‘absolutist’ … that sounds like lawyerspeak for ‘complete nightmare’…  Humpty Dumpty replied … when I use a word it means what I choose it mean … 

Bravo President Boris

Braverman describes sending refugees to Rwanda as ‘compassionate’ …  claimed to ‘refute’  the idea that her plans were  not humane … (I think she means ‘repudiate’) … can you make words mean so many different things? … punishes people who have fled war, hunger and fear … how is that ‘compassionate’ …we are truly in an Alice through the looking glass world … there is little attempt to disguise the cosy relationship between Infosys and Downing St … Infosys regards the UK as a wholly owned subsidiary… bagged a seat on the UK Trade Minister’s Technology and Telecoms Trade advisory Group … Richy Scumbag’s wife will bag nearly £6.7M from her shares in the family firm … Last March a High Court Judge found that Tory MP Andrew Bridgen had ‘lied’, ‘given dishonest answers,’ ‘evasive and argumentative’ … Polls always show that the public wants governments to keep their hands off the BBC … Chairmanship of Ofcom needs to be taken out of the PM’s hands … after Johnson’s risible attempts to appoint Paul Dacre … If you want a Republican UK are you ready for Boris Johnson … over the next ten years the politics of post Brexit Britain will grow increasingly volatile … trust in democracy and the  rule of law will plummet to nanoscopic levels … do not much fancy measures that inconvenience Westminster or dislodge snouts from troughs … the political class grows weary of the King’s passion for action on climate change … his concern for the welfare of refugees … … his pesky insistence that a generation of youngsters  is denied opportunity … step forward Boris Johnson … for the truly deranged there is always the option of President Johnson …

Fox on the run

Look at the mess Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News has made of its legal case, costing them almost a billion dollars … Sharp’s piece to the camera announcing his resignation as BBC chairman had the feel and authenticity of a North Korean News Bulletin … how ludicrous that he was even there in the first place … other players in this tawdry drama … Johnson, Richy Scumbag … will be hoping the resignation will be the end of the matter. If there is any decent journalism in this country they will be wrong …

Supermarket sweep

As food shopping gets more expensive across Europe, new checks will makes things even worse here … Food inflation in Brexitania is running at 19.1% a year, highest in 45 years … Britain has Europe’s worst inflation rate … Brexit has added to the burden … Brexit has another gift for the hard pressed and desperate because Brexit is not finished … government has stopped checking quality and safety of food that enters UK … delayed these tests four times … expect massive hikes in food prices … the checks will have to be introduced some time … UK is playing Russian roulette … repeat of the horse meat scandal, another foot & mouth outbreak increasingly likely … farming industry is terrified … food safety and standards under threat … UK is go to destination for every dodgy dealer trying to offload rotten meat, infected eggs, counterfeit cheese, adulterated olive oil and stinking fish … astounding that the government is taking such an unacceptable approach to critical checks … industry is at a huge disadvantage … undercut by rivals who sail through the border … reeks of desperation … the whole food sector is threatened … new rules will add billions to food imports … serious shortages will start very quickly if the system collapses … somebody is going to have to pay for this mess and it will be you every time to you go to the shops …

Bollocks to Brexit
Click image to Flush Brexit.

Not the Nine O’ Clock News

*ucker Carlson, Andrew Bridgen, GB News … populists have lost their grip … GB News has five Tory MPs presenting its shows but is burning £30M a year in cash … racking up complaints … Talk TV … similar outgoings that have yet to be met by ratings …  … for Fox News the problems are still bigger … Carlson peddled conspiracy theories … pulling in around 3 million viewers … his replacement got 1.3 million … Infowars was for viewers who thought Fox too fair and balanced … emerged unscathed till the courts caught up Jones … ordered to pay £1.2B to Sandy Hook families … politicisation of BBC has resulted in a series of sandals … attacks on the Civil Service back lashed onto Cabinet Ministers … Brexit boosterism has left the DUP blocking the government’s efforts to bring normality to Northern Ireland … Every victory in culture wars seems to be a defeat … Influence of Brexit on behaviour of Dominic Raas … has not been examined enough … Civil Servants unable to carry out his orders because of the difficulties of implementing Brexit … We always knew that leaving the EU would suck the machinery of government into the mire … no tangible benefits … undermining the government’s ability to govern …

Hard Labour

Labour’s refusal to mention the failures of Brexit …. missing one open goal after another … looks increasingly pig headed as a clear and growing majority recognise Brexit was a mistake … it is extremely offensive but so is everything about Boris … I wonder if the people of Kent who voted for Brexit would have done so if this absurd anomaly had been written on a bus … Two Parliamentary reports highlight the scale of fraud in the UK and the lack of effort to stop it … £2.2B lost from the Covid business grant … just £10M recovered … £4.5B loss from fraud and error in the furlough and self employed Covid support schemes … fraud accounts for 41% of all crime …. costs individuals £4.7B a year at an average of £1,290 per crime … less than 1% leads to prosecutions … fraud policing is next to non existent …

Don Adamson
Don Adamson – former coastguard, Brexorcist First Class.

Sudan Sunackered

British inaction on evacuating Brits from Sudan is a ‘shitshow’ … Brexitania’s flagship Freeport Tees Valley … industrial scale corruption … NHS have seen their pay fall since 2010 … 18,000 UK trained doctors currently practice overseas, one in seven of the total trained and a 50% increase since 2008 … more than half ‘unwilling’ to return’ … more than 6 million patients on waiting lists … shortfall in England of 1.932 midwives and 496 consultant obstetricians … we need five times as many obstetricians to have a safe maternity service … collapse of safety culture … if UK had the same mortality rates as Sweden nearly 1,000 more babies would live every year … massive midwife shortfall has persisted for well over a decade … we spend £3B a year on maternity services and £8.25B on negligence claims arising from them … one GP for 2,286 patients as opposed to 1,800 ten years ago … tried to subcontract to the private sector but this did not work either …

Woke up Britain

Prof Goodwin’s book ‘Values, voice and virtue; the new British politics.’ … A new elite has taken over Britain … a disaster … woke ideology … graduates are brimming with dangerous, liberal ideals … for a Professor at the University of Kent this is a pretty odd argument…. an unfortunately plausible argument for this sour, paranoid book could be that Professor Goodwin’s grievance stems not from the ‘elite’ but from snotty nosed students who answer him back in seminars and take the Mick out of his crusty political views… Around the world budgets are in a mess … governments are stuck in a fiscal fantasyland … the picture is forbidding … 

Don Adamson Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)          Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class

Holy Mole

Holy Mole radio show

I stumbled over the work of Holy Mole the other day – a satirical radio show to rival BBC Radio 4’s Now Show and videos to die laughing to instead of COVID. I called him up to find out more. Find Holy Mole on Twitter. Support their work via Patreon. Here are some examples of his work:

Holy Mole
Holy Mole – click the image to listen to the radio shows

Holy Mole collaborates with Chrissie Grech and Chris Doc Strange on the radio show. It deserves much more love so please subscribe and support the radio shows. They also produce an extremely diverse stream of music. Please find them on You Tube.

The Big Molehill Mashup Mix

Here it is; the big mix of my best mashups from the last 10 years

MashUp Track List:

1. Get Up, Get Down – James Brown Vs KC & The Sunshine Band
2. Somebody’s Watching My Sweet Dreams About Bleeding Virgins – Eurythmics Vs Rockwell Vs Leonna Lewis Vs Madonna
3. She Said I’m Common – Plan B Vs Pulp
4. Teenage Brightside – Killers Vs Undertones
5. Why Alison Got The Love – Moby Vs Elvis Cosetllo Vs The Source
6. Let’s Get It Out Loud – Ed Sheeran Vs Marvin Gaye
7. Just Be Good To The One I Love – S.O.S Band Vs Charlatans
8. Money’s Too Crazy To Mention – Gnarls Berkley Vs Simply Red
9. Tinna Turner’s Nine Inch Nails – T Turner Vs NIN
10. Teardrops On The Street – Massive Attack Vs Radiohead
11. Blame It On Lightning Bolts – George Ezra Vs Jake Bugg
12. Good Luck With The Police – Basement Jaxx Vs The Police
13. I Like Weak Heroes Music; Just Be Scummy, Man – Arctic Monkeys Vs S.O.S Band Vs Starlight Vs Bodyrockers
14. Play Human – Bjork Vs Rag N Bone Man
15, Power Of Fighters – Christina Aguillera Vs Frankie Goes To Hollywood
16. JCBs in Babylon – Nizlopi Vs David Gray
17. The Jesus Army Mash – White Stripes Vs Jesus Christ Superstar Vs Moby
18. Criticize The Big City – Luther Vandross Vs Gnarls Berkley
19. Born Loser – Beck Vs Albert King
20. Running In The Rain In Baltimore – Counting Crows Vs Leonna Lewis
21. Stop Me Crazy Mashing – Mark Ronson Vs Gnarls Berkley Vs Simply Red Vs Rockwell Vs S.O.S Band Vs Kim Wilde

EU-Turn Sunak

Don Adamson’s latest update from Barnsley in Yorkshire.

This week’s quotes: “ 18 Dec 2021 Frost resigned as chief negotiator citing concerns about ‘direction of travel’ ,,, Frost is a political appointee with no proven expertise “ (COMMENT: that is why the Foreign Office made him an Ambassador) … “ (Frost) tends to bugger things up, resign before the job is finished then write astonishingly brass necked columns from the sidelines … efforts to force copies of the biography of Daily Mail founder Lord Northcliffe on hacks at the paper even as they whimper and beg for mercy … Westminster reporters must undertake not to ‘put the reputation of Parliament at risk’ (COMMENT: Tory and Labour parties have already got that covered) … Efforts to clean GB News have been supplanted by an almighty meltdown … presenters must sign new contracts that make them personally responsible for fines resulting from breaches of the broadcasting code …  increasingly unhinged Neil Oliver … huge headache for Frangopoulos, the channel’s owner … whacky views … fears at TalkTV that the only possible way is down for Nadine Dorries …

BBC is in serious trouble for reporting excesses by an authoritarian government with dubious ideas on justice and efficiency. Before you get excited I should mention that the government concerned is the government of India. There is no question of the BBC reporting excesses by Richy Scumbag’s corrupt and incompetent government. Rupert Murdoch would not allow that to happen … Russia trying to overthrow the pro-EU government of Moldova … Moldova applied to join the EU … (COMMENT: Not so long ago we heard a lot of Jackanory from Gammons and Flagshaggers to the effect that the EU was on the brink of disintegration. The EU would collapse when Britain left. Yeah, right! Ukraine has also applied to join the EU and Johnson, of all people, supports the idea) …

83% rise in pubs and bars applying for insolvency … the image of Britain as a land of phlegmatic common sense has taken a beating in the last ten years … the country that voted to leave the EU without any coherent plan … simplistic answers to complex questions … Brexiters can still cause enormous damage … Richy Scumbag is surrounded by colleagues who cause him harm … waits in accident and emergency departments are gruelling … British economy will be living with the effects of the pandemic for years unlike the rest of G7 countries … damage unevenly distributed … Britain’s dismal growth over the past three years … laggard status … spending more but getting less for their money … unusually steep fall in British national income compared with peers … spending more than ever on health care but getting less for the money …  crabs poisoned by chemicals … following decades of industrial activity on the Tees … recklessly expanding the Freeport … like Long Island Sound where the lobster industry has never recovered … urgency is lacking …

France has a fatal fascination with Russia .. Marine Le Pen’s campaigns have been financed by Russia … Mr Pompeo remained obsequious – ‘He is like a heat seeking missile for Trump’s a***e … Britain’s especially limp PM Richy Scumbag … So far as I am concerned Johnson can F*** off …  Johnson is dreaming of a Churchillian return to 10 Downing St … Dominic Beales (Labour’s challenger to Johnson in his own constituency) … ‘we’re hitting the doorsteps’ … ‘I voted for Johnson last time; never again! … the government is hopeless … Johnson’s support seems remarkably soft …  his chances of beating Jonson … a startling 92% … If Uxbridge voted today it would damningly vote against the Tories … would be a seismic event in British politics …  visited Ukraine more often than his constituency … was it the visit of a genuinely concerned MP or just another photo op? … Johnson will do what is in Johnson’s interests …  he does not give a damn about Oxbridge … A charlatan’s new low …

Richy Scumbag is cursed to try to pass policies while Johnson torpedoes them …  Johnson screwed over the DUP …  a mess that needs to be fixed … “

Michel Barnier

I was delighted to attend a superb event hosted by Professor Anand Menon of UK in a Changing Europe. Even more delighted to meet Michel Barnier and present him with copies of the books Reboot Britain and Private Eyelines.

Here are my takeaways from the event. It was necessary to attend in person to gain the full value of the conversation between these two giants. Just click the link to Twitter below or go direct to the the full article on Linkedin.

Merci beaucoup pour tout ce que vous avez fait pour essayer de sauver notre pays de lui-même. Le Brexit est perdant. Nous allons nous réveiller doucement.

Whilst we are here, do check out my riotous conversation with James O’Brien on LBC re Rishi Sunak’s motivational strategy.

Talking bollocks about Rishi Sunakered – Please download the album and subscribe to our Bandcamp page for updates