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Author Archives: Peter Cook

About Peter Cook

When I was five years old, I wanted to be in The Beatles, but all the jobs were taken … By the age of 12, I wanted to be a scientist and I became one. At the age of 18 I took a job with a philanthropic pharmaceutical company, working around the world and developing the first human insulin, novel medicines for herpes and to bring the first HIV / AIDS treatment to the world in record time. This means that I bring a scientific mind, curiosity and rigour to your enterprise. By the age of 30 I had developed an interest in business leadership and began teaching MBA programmes, having completed 3.5 degrees myself. At 34, I took myself out of a paid job and, for the last 28 years, I have worked independently as a consultant, author and speaker with people at all levels all over the world, helping them to transform their enterprises. My clients seek to balance their passions, purposes and profit for a more responsible and sustainable form of capitalism in the 4th industrial age. I also help leaders digest what we call "wicked problems and opportunities", in other words, the issues that keep them awake at night, using a unique mixture of divergent and convergent thinking skills. My 28 years of consultancy experience bring a wealth of expertise and wisdom to you, in enterprises as diverse as Unilever to the United Nations. Along the way, I have written 12 books on leadership, innovation and creativity, gaining a prize for my work from Sir Richard Branson and various accolades from Professors Charles Handy, Adrian Furnham, Tom Peters et al. Over some 50 years, I have gradually combined my three passions of science, business and music into a potent mixture which reaches the head, heart and soul of your enterprise. In combination, your enterprise benefits from rigour, analytics and curiosity due to my science and business background, plus the emotional intelligence, creativity and improvisation skills that come from my life as a music composer and producer. As a musician I have been privileged to interview world class musicians such as Roberta Flack, John Mayall, AC / DC, members of Prince’s ensembles, Queen's production team and Meatloaf's singing partners for their insights into leadership, innovation and success. I am a passionate advocate for better politics and better business for a better world, fighting populist politicians and short-termism in our global affairs. I am an "HR" person, i.e. a "Hippy Realist": green by ideals, but pragmatic by actions to change the world towards more sustainable behaviour.

Get The Tories Out

We have 20 000 leaflets available for non-party campaigners to help #GTTO or Get The Tories Out by Friday 7th May. By sending them a massive shock wave in the local elections, we hope to point out their vulnerabilities. Nothing moves politicians quicker than losing their seats.

To get physical copies of leaflet, mail me at

To have the leaflet badged with your group’s logo or details, get in touch

To simply use the leaflets online, just download the images below

Support us so we can print more and deliver them via the Bollocks to Brexit Mini via Go Fund Me

Get The Tories Out
Support our costs by clicking the image
Get The Tories Out
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Get ‘Em Out by Friday

We are taking the Mini on the road – let us know if you want a visit
April Brexit Showers

April Brexit Showers

In our occasional round up of April Brexit Showers via the medium of populist media parody, we offer you “The Sun”. The only difference with The Sun is that we include some facts …

I have to include a fact and fiction checker just for clarity:

FICTION : When Liz Truss said she got a great trade deal with Japan, she meant “for Japan”. A really good deal in fact, with five times the amount of trade going to Japan.

FACT : Dairy exports have fallen by 96% due to Brexit.

FACT : Meat exports have also fallen by 25% and these losses are expected to be permanent.

FICTION : Rachelle does not plan a trip to Scotland or Ireland. Nicola Sturgeon does not need her help to Get the Tories out in Scotland. Rachelle is however available for modelling assignments in France.

FACT : Northern Ireland is beginning to become the great tragedy of Brexit as tensions continue. This is not news. It was always predicted to be the case.

FACT : If you want to help get the Tories out at the local elections, contact me for leaflets via email We have 12 000 left for rapid distribution.

If you like this article, please tip us using the Paypal button on this site or via GoFundMe

We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Say no to the new variant Brexit – Write to your MP and the press using the facts in this article to make your case

Read our guide to Brexorcism

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

Support our local election campaign

Subscribe to Re-Boot Britain
Subscribe to Re-Boot Britain – we cannot continue without support

Get the Tories out

We have delivered 20 000 leaflets to help get the Tories out and Re-Boot Britain in the last 10 days. This is quite astonishing when one considers that it has been done with just 12 people and a Mini Cooper. There are 23 million houses in Britain and our 20 000 leaflets represent 1/1000 of those houses. Not bad at all for a micro organisation. To help support our work, please donate using the PayPal button or via Go Fund Me for a regular donation.

To join us on the tour, here are our dates this coming week:

  • Monday : Gravesend from 11.00 am
  • Tuesday and Wednesday : Tunbridge Wells from 10.30 am
  • Wednesday evening : Maidstone from 6 pm
  • Thursday : TBC
  • Evening slots available most days by appointment

Please contact me directly via to join us

Here is our report from the street from stalwart campaigner Don Adamson

If you like this article, please tip us using the Paypal button on this site or via GoFundMe

We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Say no to the new variant Brexit – Write to your MP and the press using the facts in this article to make your case

Read our guide to Brexorcism

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

Breaking Point

Breaking Point

At what point do you consider that “enough is enough” in terms of voting conservative in the local elections? Are you at breaking point yet? Ask yourself the following questions?

  • Do you mind that Boris Johnson promised fishermen that he would take back control of their waters only to find that this was a red herring?
  • Do you mind that Liz Truss has done a trade deal with Japan that gives them five times more trade than we get?
  • Do you mind that Matt Hancock wasted £37 BILLION of your taxes on fictional Test and Trace equipment?
  • Do you mind that Boris Johnson presided over up to 80 000 unnecessary COVID deaths?
  • Do you mind that the Conservatives are now unhappy with the Brexit deal it signed off without reading?
  • Do you mind that Boris Johnson lied to The Queen?
  • Do you mind that Boris Johnson will be judge and jury at an enquiry about his conduct as the leader of your country?
  • Do you mind that Boris Johnson said there would be no border in Ireland and now there is as Brexit marks a return to “the troubles”?
  • Do you mind paying £35 ++ in tariffs and taxes for goods imported from Europe when we were promised that trade would be frictionless and free?
  • Do you mind that India and other countries require freedom of movement as part of any trade deal with Britain? This is the very thing that the Conservatives promised to stop through Brexit.
  • Do you mind that you were lied to about Brexit, COVID and Grenfell?
  • Do you mind that James Dyson was paid millions and never made a single COVID ventilator?
  • Do you mind that UK trade in dairy products has been decimated by Brexit?
  • Do you mind that farmers are unable to get workers to pick fruit and veg after Brexit?
  • Do you mind that the wallpaper used to redecorate Downing Street costs more per roll than most people earn in a week?
  • Do you mind?
  • Do you mind?
  • Do you mind?

Vote for any party other than the Tories on Thursday May 6th

Breaking Point
Feel free to use the images in your social media posts. Right click to download
Breaking Point
Support our work by clicking the images
Breaking Point
Breaking Point
Breaking Point

Are you at breaking point or don’t you mind being lied to constantly?

If you like this article, please tip us using the Paypal button on this site or via GoFundMe

We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Say no to the new variant Brexit – Write to your MP and the press using the facts in this article to make your case

Read our guide to Brexorcism

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

Swan Vista

Boris Johnson has declared war on France, leading the charge in a flotilla of pedalos. Fearless Johnson was reported to have said:

We will fight them in our britches. We will fight them with our swans. Our swan vestas. Our Vesta Chow Mein. We will never surrender!

In other news, it is the local elections in England, Wales and Scotland today. Make sure you vote and don’t vote for a swan or a signet.

The new royal yacht

If you like this article, please tip us using the Paypal button on this site or via GoFundMe

We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Say no to the new variant Brexit – Write to your MP and the press using the facts in this article to make your case

Read our guide to Brexorcism

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

What the papers won’t say

Forget Hartlepool. Forget the gaslighting of Gove, Jenrick, Johnson et al. Here’s what the papers won’t say about the local elections. It seems that the our efforts as non-party campaigners helped quite a bit. The Tories lost overall control of Tunbridge Wells, with the leadership of Nick Pope and the Lib Dems in that area. We also helped turn parts of Kent Green with an incredible team of people who went out leafletting and talking on the street. I also understand that these results spread far and wide through those who took our leaflets in Hampshire, Scotland and the West Country. In most cases, we made a contribution to the leavening of the Tory vote across Britain. Tory party HQ will be discussing these results more than the story they want us to focus on. We are still awaiting insights from Swindon, Cornwall and some other places.

A massive thank you to the team who designed the leaflet, produced the graphics and layout and who went out tirelessly to deliver them. Also a big shout out to EU Flag Mafia for the loan of the Mini Cooper.

Our next projects aims to re-energise people to take to the streets across summer. We need £260 for a video and up to £500 to pay for social media ads to mainstream the initiative “We are Everywhere”. To contribute, please go to Re-Boot Britain. Please join us on Monday 10 May at 8 pm to help design the video release. Here is a draft which the film maker is to improve upon:

In other news, next Friday, we are part of a major marketing campaign to Rejoin the EU via The New European.

What should we have learned from this election?

COVID has taken residence in people’s minds. Low turnouts. A retreat to the safety levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs in the face of post-COVID PTSD.

What the papers won't say

Scotland deserve better than Brexit.

Brexit won’t lie down and any party that thinks it will must reflect, learn and act.

An unwillingness to collaborate allowed the Tories to maintain the illusion that they won.

If you like this article, please tip us using the Paypal button on this site or via GoFundMe

We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Say no to the new variant Brexit – Write to your MP and the press using the facts in this article to make your case

Read our guide to Brexorcism

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

Re-Boot Britain – What The Papers Won’t Say

Railway Modeller

Trains and Goats and Planes

In our occasional series of Brexit satire we offer you Railway Modeller and The Northern Farmer. Plus a fact checker to help you tell Brexit facts from fiction.

Railway Modeller
Trains and Goats and Planes

FACT and FICTION checker

FICTION : AC DC’s Angus Young does not have a signature hormone fed steak pie. He has a signature Gibson SG.

FACT : Australian beef is hormone injected. It can be selectively fed to children and vulnerable people as UK Government rules allow for cheap food to be dumped on schools, the NHS and care homes. Our EU membership protected us from dodgy food standards but we opted for a blue passport.

FACT : Liz Truss has NOT struck a great trade deal with Japan. Japan benefits five times more than we do. Our desperation to get Brexit done makes us an easy target for “fire sale” type trade deals. Truss wants to claim success by striking a deal with Australia. We will pay for this dearly. Free trade in 15 years time will decimate the economies of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and parts of England.

FICTION : Boris Johnson is not a train enthusiast. Allegedly he paints cardboard buses.

FACT : The rebrand of Great British Railways is an expensive distraction. See Grant Schapps’ ludicrous flag shagging video filmed with emotional music at the National Railway Museum in York, shortly to be renamed the Great British Brexit Museum.

FICTION : Mallard is not being put back into service, nor The Rocket to power HS2.

FACT : The Australian trade deal will spell a sharp decline in farming in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

FICTION : Ringo Starr is not stuck in the tunnel from Scotland to Northern Ireland. The tunnel is a work of fiction rather like Brexit.

FICTION : Jennifer Arcuri is not a farmer. She is about to release a TV drama in which she describes her sex life with Johnson : “We read sonnets to each other, then he rolled onto me like a binbag full of custard, gasping like an asthmatic octogenerian, as he reached his climax & I wondered if he’d got it in yet”.

If you like this article, please tip us using the Paypal button on this site or via GoFundMe

We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Say no to the new variant Brexit – Write to your MP and the press using the facts in this article to make your case

Read our guide to Brexorcism

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

New Variant Brexit

In this edition of the Daily Maul, we cover BOJONA-21 – the New Variant Brexit. It seems that the Brexit deal we did has mutated, so now we must waste more time and money trying to get a new deal after we already left. Fat chance. Read the terms and conditions.

The Maul also covers the Australian deal, an exposé into the private life of Boris Johnson and a new hardcore approach to immigrants by Priti Patel. As always, a fact and fiction checker has been prepared as it is hard to tell the difference between farce and fact with our Government.


FACT : Australian beef is hormone injected. It can be selectively fed to children and vulnerable people as UK Government rules allow for cheap food to be dumped on schools, the NHS and care homes. Our EU membership protected us from dodgy food standards but we opted for a blue passport. Liz Truss faces a dilemma on whether she kills British farmers or British children.

FICTION : Poots is not undergoing conversion therapy but he does need to re-take CSE History and Science.

FACT : Priti Patel has had some ‘tough girl’ photographs taken so she can look tough on immigrants. At the same time Liz Truss will be agreeing to give Indians freedom of movement as part of her Brexit “fire sale”. This is all grandstandin on Patel’s part to make her look like she is respectin the will o’ the people. It’s just a photo scam.

FACT : In other news The Department of Health wanted to send 1.6 million pieces of PPE to India but the Treasury stopped them because of Rishi Sunak and Priti Patel’s overseas aid cuts. Noice

Police State

Please support our campaign to rejoin in the Amersham and Chesham by-election.

Get in touch to find out how you can help on the ground or on social media.

FACT : The new DUP leader Edwin Poots is a creationist who claims that the earth is only 6000 years old. Just when you thought that it could not get any madder than Arlene Foster …

FICTION : Boris Johnson is not full of custard. He is however full of shit.

FACT : “Sir” David Frost continues to pretend that Brexit is the fault of the EU. Frost is a serial failure as a civil servant who got lucky by suggesting that he would be a useful liar for the Government. In an astonishing move, Frost said that noboby expected Brexit to cause problems in Northern Ireland. Marina Purkiss sums it up well. Sounds a bit like the Monty Python Spanish Inquisition sketch …

If you like this article, please tip us using the Paypal button on this site or via GoFundMe

We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Say no to the new variant Brexit – Write to your MP and the press using the facts in this article to make your case

Read our guide to Brexorcism

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain


Brexodus – Movement of the People … Goods … Services

In our occasional series of Brexit impact roundups, I’d like to be able to tell you that Brexit is going well. However, I cannot tell a lie, unlike Boris Johnson and the Cabinet. Here are just some of the recent impacts that are either partly or wholly attributable to Brexit via the Five F’s of Brexodus

Fish Fighters

Despite the promises made by Boris Johnson’s Government, fishing continues to be a disaster area wholly attributable to Brexodus. Livelihoods continue to be lost and the vague promises to compensate fisherman will not deal with the loss of their way of life. In Jersey, the problems continue, compounded by the fact that Jersey did not have a voice in the 2016 referendum. Furthermore, Norway is threatening not to make a post-Brexit trade deal with Britain, with fishing being a major issue in the North Atlantic, the source of our fish and chips. Turns out that Brexodus means we’ve had our chips!

Finance fleeing

Another predictable impact of Brexit was the movement of the centre of gravity in Financial Services away from London to Ireland and mainland Europe. It was reported that UK plc lost £2.3 TRILLION in derivatives trading in just ONE MONTH recently. Now it seems that many firms are relocating away from London in the wake of Brexit. The trickle down effects for service businesses in London will of course follow.

Farmers brooding

Liz Truss continues to tell lies about British farming in her bid to secure a fire sale deal with Australia that will see Britain accepting hormone fed beef. We were told this would never happen, but lying is a hardy perennial in Brexit negotiations. Even arch Brexiteer Nick Ferrari squewered Truss on LBC. Farmers will lose their livelihoods for the sake of a blue passport and our Brexodus.


Northern Ireland continues to show signs of violent uprisings. This is an entirely predictable and unacceptable outfall of Brexit.

Fcuk trading

The Office for National Statistics reported that the combined impact of Corona and Brexit shows that trade with EU countries has declined 23.1%. The report points out that Brexit problems far outweighed Corona issues in the first quarter of 2021. As stated last year Corona crisis + Brexit disaster = Britastrophe. To read more on this go to Brexit Carnage.

Meanwhile today, Dominic Cummings provides evidence to the select committee. It becomes clear that COVID was used as a cover for Brexit. It also becomes clear that there was insufficient bandwidth in Government and the Civil Service to cope with the Corona Crisis + Brexit Disaster. It’s a simple time management problem. Please retweet and build on the thread to Mr Cummins.

Download the album Britastrophe by clicking the image

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Support Re-Boot Britain by clicking on the image
Cummings and Goings

Cummings and Goings

Yesterday’s “Domshell” revelations from Cummings are out there for all to see. However, Cummings managed to sidestep one vital issue. The extent to which the Government’s decisions on COVID were themselves informed by the obsessive need to “Get Brexit Done”. Here we report on the Cummings and Goings after a brief interlude from a spoof edition of “FHM Magazine” which illustrates the type of gaslighting we will be expecting in the cummings days:

Cummings and Goings
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Cummings could hardly admit that his pet project of Brexit was in any way a cause of the indecision, cronyism, delay and lies put forward to fool the public about our world beating deaths under COVID and the losses of lives and livelihoods due to stop start lockdowns and failure to use circuit breakers under the advice of scientists. However, it is plain to see that Johnson used COVID as a mask to “Get Brexit Done” last Christmas, when no-one seemed to care about anything else other than turkeys and an end to the COVID crisis. Johnson was able to railroad his own MPs and the opposition into signing a deal with zero scrutiny. We are only just beginning to see the outfall of Johnson’s decisions on Brexit, see Brexodus and to misquote a well-worn phrase “the worst is yet to come”

Brexit + COVID overload

At the most basic level, our problems with COVID deaths and emerging Brexit problems are a resourcing and time management issue in Government and The Civil Service in spite of best efforts on the part of most people. No other civilised country in the world has tried to deal with a pandemic PLUS a constitutional coup at the same time. Stretched resources meant that decisions were either not taken or delayed. Bad decisions cost lives in a pandemic, at least 150 000 unnecessary COVID-related deaths. The decisions made by Johnson’s Cabinet were masked by lies, which also grew on an exponential scale alongside pandemic deaths.

Hancock’s half hour

Although Matt Hancock has been served up to face the public, he is not the root cause of the problems with COVID deaths. They go back to the irresponsible decision to Get Brexit Done alongside the pandemic and the people who pushed for this are strangely silent. Lest we forget their names:

Do something today

If we are to learn anything from Cummings, it is that a full public enquiry into Brexit needs to be done NOW. Write to your MP using the resources provided by Paul Bowers on this site and demand that this be done TODAY.

We warned of the problems from dither and delay over a year ago in March 2020. Cummings revelations are welcome. If he is now to clear his record, he must go further and admit that the toxic combination of Corona crisis + Brexit disaster has delivered a Britastrophe. I am not forgiving Cummings yet, but his candour is welcome and I believe his testimony. To quote some well worn phrases:

I agree with Dom

Let’s talk about BREX .. it

Too little too late
Decision making is a function of effective leadership
Cummings and Goings
The wonderful work of Cold War Steve with an insertion of my Britastrophe banner. Find Steve’s work by clicking the image.
Cummings and goings