I have said on numerous occasions that populism will eat itself. And so it comes to pass, as Nigel Farage decides to cannibalise himself by stating that “Brexit has failed” this week. I wrote a song in 2018 that predicted Nigel’s demise at the confessional box of Farage’s fascist funeral. Just like Eleanor Rigby, nobody came. Check our film “We are Donkeys” out on our EU Tube Channel. It’s a dark dystopian piece of ambient jazz. not destined for the pop music charts, but it tells the tale of Nigel’s lonely demise in his bunker:
We are Donkeys.
Nigel was a great opportunist. Having failed to mobilise any meaningful movement around his euroscepticism over 20 years whilst taking a large salary from an employer he hated, he weaponised Tory austerity from 2010-2015. Angry people need something or someone else to blame. Nigel spotted that immigrants were an excellent target for ‘othering’. He set about leveraging the dissent within knuckle dragging racists and people with feeble minds who felt they did not have a voice in David Cameron’s Britain. Borrowing an old Nazi poster from the 1930’s, Nige kept his message simple and clear. “Breaking Point” was a huge success, contributing to a 12% swing in the referendum result which would have otherwise been 60 : 40 in favour of remaining in the European Union. When combined with the vacuous promises of Boris Johnson about “Taking Back Control” and giving £350 million to the NHS EVERY week, it represented a potent cocktail which people drank in straight glasses with a crown on the side. Cameron was caught with his pants down as he also assessed Nigel as an utter tosser. He could not believe it when Nigel use the killing of Jo Cox in the final push towards victory. Now that Nigel is dead, he seeks forgiveness for his sins, along with his wife Ann, who could not even afford a cheese sandwich at his funeral, choosing to appear on GB News instead. Nigel leaves his German children with a blue passport, a Toby jug and a 1970’s alarm clock to remind them of the final destination of Brexit. Nigel is remembered as being quintessentially a pound shop fascist and a piece of Eurotrash, not even worthy of a slot on Antoine de Caunes’ famous expose of all things kitsch, arcane, bizarre and just sad.
Cats look for a cheese sandwich … Click image to support our work.
We’re only making plans for Nigel
Nigel’s admission will have systemic consequences. What does Rishi Sunak now do about his pound shop fascist Suella Braverman? What does Richard Tice do about the Reform party? How will the BBC find guests for Question Time? How will Jacob Rees-Mogg continue to espouse the benefits of Brexit in terms of cheaper training shoes etc.? How will Ann Widdecombe cope? Liz Truss? Penny Mordaunt? Kemi Badenoch? and much more … We finish with the A-side of the Nigel Farage single. “Nigel Farage’s Garage” is a song performed regularly on Downing Street and also in Swindon, The Reading Festival, Glastonbury, Leeds, Manchester, Harrogate, Durham, Barnard Castle, Brighton, Rochester, Deal, Faversham, Sittingbourne and …. Brussels. Please support our continuing work by buying The Brexit Party Album on Bandcamp. It’s the party album to end all tomorrow’s Brexit parties !!
From Dulwich Collage – As Nigel pointed out, he did not even go to the right school.
The Brexit Party Album – download from Bandcamp by clicking on Ann, a Moggy or Nige.
Recently, I took the new prospective local Tory Councillors to task over their inability to answer a simple question about the local impacts of Brexit. See this microblog on twitter for the background to this article:
"Venus" and I have not got off to a great start. Venus is the local Tory Councillor – what did I do wrong?
— Reboot Britain – Rage Against The Brexit Machine (@BrexitRage) April 19, 2023
The sorry tale of Ms Venus
In the course of my e-mail exchange with Tina Venus-Coppard, it transpired that she and her husband had become ‘angry birds’ due to my over familiarity, but most particularly because I explained that it was nothing to be proud of by supporting drowning children in the channel in order to ‘pray at the racist altar’ of Brexit. Of course, Ms Venus vigorously denied supporting Suella Braverman’s policy, although I pointed out that if they were Tory party members, then surely they supported the values and behaviours of that party? They did not answer. Mr Venus pretended that he wasn’t a Tory nor did he back Brexit and that was the end of the matter ….
Until today, when the local Tory MP, Rehman Chishti published an article in The Observer, yes, The OBSERVER, saying that he does not agree with Braverman’s racist remarks about Muslim grooming gangs. Chishti stopped short of criticising Braverman’s policy on racist abuse of people fleeing from terror and therefore her policy on migration and asylum via deportation to Rwanda. Chishti calls Ms Braverman’s comments ‘inaccurate’. Translated, that’s a LIE. Rehman is himself a Pakistani Muslim and the son of a preacher imam, He campaigns on various issues of cross faith religious co-operation, when he’s not taking consultancy fees for Saudi defence ‘consultancy’ and taking £22 000 pa salary for a US fundamentalist anti-abortion pressure group.
Nonetheless, I must welcome Chishti’s candour in this matter, particularly as his voting record shows that he votes with the Government on nearlyevery issue he is presented with. This is presumably a throwback to the time when he became a prefect at the local Grammar school. However, I am naturally suspicious that this is a carefully crafted stunt, simply designed to curry (sic) favour with the local Conservative party and the Pakistani community for the local elections on Thursday May 5th. Interestingly I am told that Mr Chishti’s daughter is also a local Tory candidate in my area. It is notable that Chishti did this almost immediately after I challenged Ms Venus on her immigration credentials. Last time Chishti opposed something was over the illegal pro-roguing of Parliament by Boris Johnson. He voted against the bill initially as it was safe to do so but then subsequently he voted it through. But to see the good in what he has done, this is a major contribution towards racial harmony in an area full of knuckle dragging white supremacists in Medway and Mr Chishti should be applauded for this. I wait to see what happens on Friday 5th May for my final analysis. I note that the Tories are now fighting like cats in a sack over this trumped up issue and look forward to the eventual climbdown. In case Rehman is looking, here is my answer to immigration and asylum in just two minutes. Having gone this far, it is time to lead Rehman. Who knows, Mr Chishti may well cross the floor to Labour again or The Lib Dems as he did many years ago in order to win the 2010 General Election in my area.
What should we learn from this? Click on the links to read more:
I am tired of Tories who pretend that local politics has nothing to do with national policies. In this context, I ask that you support my campaign to GET THE TORIES OUT. My campaign in 2019 demonstrated that if I’d campaigned seriously I’d have a fighting chance to wreak some serious damage. This time I will adopt a longer term and more serious approach to the matter.
We have exclusive use of The Gulbenkian Theatre in Canterbury in November on Tuesday November 17th from 6.30-8.30 pm. Futurama – Re-Boot Britain is a multi-media arts event on the future of Britain and the World for our children. “Futurama” covers a range of future based issues for our children:
Climate Change, XR and environment
Brexit, Populism and Pop Art
BLM, racism and xenophobia
Social change, the future of work and living with COVID
All these will be expressed through different artforms. This extraordinary event will be live streamed and captured on film, so it will live beyond the event itself via You Tube etc. To be in the audience, get your free ticket here. To present your work at Futurama read on.
Join us at Futurama.
Art meets the melting iceberg of politics.
To pitch your idea pleasee-mail me at reboot@brexitrage.com. We expect good media coverage for this event on TV / Radio and in the newspapers / social media. The outputs will last for all time, so your work will gain global coverage.
We will stage an art exhibition in the foyer. We plan the use of digital art / photography exhibition as part of the backdrop to the event in the theatre.
The Gulbenkian Theatre.
There is a limit of seven people to be on stage at any one time, five backstage. We will manage this via a comprehensive risk assessment.
We can have an audience of up to 100 people, socially distanced in the Gulbenkian Theatre. This includes performers and any video crew.
I require a professional pitch from people wishing to stage a performance so that I may include in our COVID risk assessment. This will include a thumbnail sketch of what you intend to do, how many people will be involved, how much time is needed and any special considerations you will need to execute your plan (equipment and so on).
Futurama – Reboot Britain comes early to Kent.
Don’t miss it …
Inspiration for your own performances follow:
The Festival Goers – Cold War Steve.
Music and Extinction.
Black Lives Matter and Musical Expression.
“If there ain’t no justice then there ain’t no peace” Prince
I am grateful to Cheryl Noti, New Jersey, USA for writing this excellent reflection on a troublesome conundrum of binary politics which seems to bedevil the world on both sides of the Atlantic. It turns out that Cheryl is a Trumpist but I decided to give her a platform.
We here in America are 33 days away from Election Day, 2020. Not normally significant, except for the fact the country seems to be made up of either those who hate Trump and will vote for anyone else, including a chimpanzee, or those who see Trump as the only real option to Make America Great Again.
There is NO in between.
Editor’s note: It is the same here in Britain with a two horse race between Johnson and Corbyn. Johnson and Brexit did not exactly win, but Corbyn and Brexit apathy lost. Now we live with the consequences.
2020, a year not to be repeated, has brought raging wildfires, hurricanes, flooding, a major pandemic that crippled the economy and forced us to wear masks and live like hermits, the race centric BLM movement, and last but not least the icing on the cake, an election with no real choice.
I, and others like me, have a difficult decision. Do we vote for the self-proclaimed bully, or the creepy old Grandpa who has seen better days?
With all the lies being flung and a media full of forked-tongued devils, it really is a tough call.
Four months ago, if asked would I vote for Trump, the answer would have been NO Way, NO How! His constant tweeting and childish behavior left me wondering could we stand another four years of this man?
Lou Reed often sums up the range of social problems that political leaders face.
As a registered Independent, with no allegiance to either party, I had pretty much bought into the mainstream media rhetoric and thought the choice was an easy one, simply vote along democratic party lines.
Things however changed when I became a “COVID 19 Hermit” with plenty of time to do some fact checking on both parties. And what I found just did not add up.
I, like many others considered to be “The Silent Majority”, those who refuse to buy into the BLM movement, and believe in supporting the police and military, have found ourselves questioning whether Trump could really be as bad as the mainstream media makes him out to be?
The media blamed everything on Trump including the COVID 19 virus. Silly me, I thought that was a China mess up. Well, if the media said it, then gosh it must be true!
Editor’s note: As a scientist, I would point out that Trump’s knowledge on science and the nature of wicked problems don’t impress me much. Regardless of the origins of COVID, the outcome of any situation is the result of leaders’ responses to the challenge. Both Trump and Johnson have undoubtedly contributed to many thousands of unnecessary deaths through their laissez faire approaches and scant disregard for experts:
The problem for me, however, was the facts did not match the rhetoric. Trump was being praised by the Democratic governors in the Northeast, the center of the pandemic, for the outstanding job he and his administration did, yet the media mouthpieces still said he was doing a horrible job.
The left and the media even went so far as to call Trump a Xenophobe and racist for closing the border to China.
Then the whole left back BLM movement and the media coverage really made me wonder if everything being said about Trump was a lie.
As the BLM movement and the so called “peaceful protesters” were burning cities across the U.S., tearing down statues and demanding we get rid of Aunt Jemima, the racist pancake syrup, the media continued to say these were all peaceful protests and again blamed Trump.
It seemed to me that the blame belonged with the radical left and the states and cities. What I, and others like me, began to see is a carefully-architected plan by the left to discredit Trump and his party.
They blamed Trump for stirring up the racial unrest and causing carnage, when in fact, it appeared the opposite was true. It appeared the left had unleashed a monster in BLM and was now unable or unwilling to control the problem.
As the rioting continued, I had to ask myself why wasn’t anyone stopping this? And why did the media and the Democratic party keep saying these were peaceful protesters? I saw with my own eyes the devastation occurring in NYC and Philadelphia. These were not peaceful protesters, and it was no longer about George Floyd, the man killed in Minneapolis, at the hands of the police. Something more sinister was going on.
The “race card” had been thrown by the Democratic party, who declared there was systemic racism throughout the country. BLM and the Democratic party declared all whites were privileged and racists, and we needed to be cleansed. For an organization that talked about ending racism, they seemed to be nothing but a bunch of racists who hated all whites and America.
Red, White and Blue.
I had to question how if we were such a racist country did Obama, a black man, get voted in as President not once, but for two terms? And why hadn’t Obama in his eight years and Biden in his 47 years in office done anything to end this systemic racism?
Editor’s note: I completely resonate on this point. It is said that Obama could not touch the issue as the first black President. Over here we have politicians now running scared from Brexit and outright racism as the far right take over our politics. Someone must stand up.
Something else did not add up. Where was all the money coming from to fund these riots? They were not grass roots. Instead, paid anarchists were being bussed from city to city to wreak havoc and burn down American cities. And why was the left not decrying the destruction of our cities? They seemed to be cheering these anarchists on.
Wow, could I get behind a party that did not believe in law and order? This was so not the party my parents supported. It seemed to have moved so far off center that the party was now being called the party of the radical left and their supporters were referred to as the “Libotards”.
Seemed like the mainstream media was not really telling us the truth about anything. I felt like a sheep going to slaughter.
To Trump or Not to Trump? All indicators seem to be pointing to the right, but to be fair to all involved, I need to wait and see the debates before casting my vote.
Gardening shoes on …
I sit here knowing my last thread of hope for any clarity will come from the soon-to-be televised presidential debates. Would I be swayed by smooth-talking Joe Biden, or would I become a member of the “Silent Majority” who supported Trump and believed in law and order? Only time will tell.
Editor’s notes: This post perfectly sums up the dilemma of voters confounded by fake news on all sides of political debates and the terror of being caught in a binary trap of A or B, Black, or White, On or Off, Yes or No etc. when most issues in life are analogue rather than digital in nature. We need total reform of our politics and political systems and this is why I started Re-Boot Britain. We will have some exciting news on this front shortly. Meanwhile:
Boris Johnson is heading an Anti-Conservative Tory Government. Conservatives instinctively want to conserve, as the name implies, but this is an administration of destroyers. Dominic Cummings, Johnson’s senior adviser, is not even a member of the Tory party. He treats its elected representatives with contempt.
Anti-Conservative Tory Government now runs the country and nobody noticed or cared
Conservatives could not give a stuff about Scotland or NI
Munira Mirza, Mr Johnson’s head of policy, used to write for Living Marxism, the in-house magazine of the Revolutionary Communist Party.
Michael Gove, the Cabinet Office minister, had a picture of Vladimir Lenin on his office wall.
These occupants of No 10 reject traditional Tory respect for continuity and compromise in favour of creative destruction. Their current targets are the BBC, the impartial civil service, and the judiciary, with our planning system. Further down the road, they plan to destroy local government.
Managerial capability and economic credibility have been thrown out of the window. This is most recently demonstrated by the extraordinary failure to report and then trace the contacts of almost 16,000 COVID-19 cases. One Tory former cabinet minister robustly denounces the prime minister and his top team.
“I am a Conservative but we don’t have a Conservative government. Conservatives believe in parliament, they don’t try to bypass it, Conservatives believe in the rule of law, they don’t announce to the House of Commons and the world that they are going to break the law. Conservatives believe in the Union and in trying to hold on to the best aspects of diplomacy like the Good Friday agreement. This is a bad English nationalist government with no idea of where it’s going.”
In all this the guiding hand of Cummings is clear. This over-powerful adviser has no respect for our Institutions, Parliament, the Constitution or the law itself. He has built a power base at the heart of Government which is beyond accountability. His activities are not confined to “getting Brexit done”. Our traditions and system of government are being undermined. A stench of corruption and cronyism is emanating from No 10.
Conservative MPs must act as they did following the 2017 general election. They told Theresa May to dispense with her advisors, Nicholas Timothy and Fiona Hill, or face a leadership challenge. In the interests of Britain’s democracy the same needs to be done now with Dominic Cummings and his gang of aides. If Johnson is unable to do without him, it is time for him to go too.
By Adrian Ekins-Daukes : Former Conservative Councillor
“I didn’t leave the Tory party. The Tory party left me”
Don Adamson writes from the leafy dales of Yorkshire … well actually Barnsley but never mind.
This week’s homework:
1. Q Why does Lord David Pannick KC wear silly spectacles? A Because it requires very bad eyesight to view Johnson as innocent … Q Is Johnson innocent? A Don’t be silly … 2. Cocaine makes a person manipulative and vindictive. Most of the politicians who inflicted Brexit on us are manipulative and vindictive. Are they all on cocaine or are some of them naturally like that? 3. In the dim and distant past comedians (if that is the right word) like Boardman, Davidson and Manning used to tell crass and offensive jokes about ethnic minorities. Such jokes are seldom heard on TV and radio these days. All over the world people telling anti Brexit jokes that depict the British as being rather dim. Are these anti-Brexit jokes as crass and offensive as the ethnic minority jokes used to be?
This week’s quotes:
“USA generated more electricity from renewable energy than coal for the first time last year … ideological fanaticism, economic restlessness and a predilection for alternative facts … Brexit’s poisonous aftermath … a recipe for gridlock and fragility … good government rather than slogans is the way … Britain’s nutty megaprojects … we never learn from past mistakes and let politics trump prudence … haste, hubris, political deadlines and ignoring the experts all played their part … another crackdown on anti-social behaviour … serious crimes like rape go unpunished, critics ask why the government is launching a push against anti social behaviour … People of Somalia have emitted roughly as much carbon dioxide since 1960 as Americans have done in the past two and half days … well connected people and ‘ruling elites’ play by different rules … Rich Chinese favour Singapore as a destination for their wealth … its political stability is a bonus for those wary of the roller coasters of American and British politics … (COMMENT: Interesting contrast to that Singapore on Thames that Gammons say so much about) … the reckless mendacity of Johnson and the self harming intransigence of the Democratic Unionist Party have done more for the prospects of a united Ireland than IRA Bombing ever did … The vindictive ecstasy of Braverman’s theatre of cruelty … Tory Refugee policy … they lie, we know they lie, they know we know … they persist in lying to rub our noses into the realisation that evidence no longer matters … cruel people get off on cruelty … when confronted with a video of migrants fleeing though Kigali during a massacre, Braverman remained deadpan and trotted out her lines …
Vote for the Tories on May 6th if you support killing children fleeing from terror …
Tories play to an audience that takes vicarious pleasure from seeing ministers dead bat all facts and evidence … the dead end that Tories have created for themselves … having achieved hard Brexit they can no longer blame Brussels for everything … presides over economic stagflation and a debt to GDP ratio of 100% … after the disaster of the Thick Lizzie experiment … there is no way out … all it has left are enemies … the horrible truth is that cocktail of joyous anger can work for a while … but it cannot lead to Conservatism in the future … it is obvious to most people that we are heading for climate chaos … Scumbag’s government cannot beat doctors, teachers, nurses because the economics are flowing the other way … it fails to revive the Tories in the polls … will leave its stain … the wonderful Mandela quote: ‘Everything is impossible until you make it happen … Richy Scumbag is conscious how toxic the word ‘Conservative’ has become … May, Thick Lizzie, Johnson, Dominic Raas, Amok Sharma, Said Avid, Tom Tugendhat and a large number of other Tories have dropped ‘Conservative’ from their Social Media bios … UK has handed over £175 million to the French to put a halt to small boats crossing the Channel … rumour that Paul Dacre’s name had disappeared from Johnson’s long delayed resignation honours list … connected to phone hacking and intrusion case that Prince Harry, Elton John and others are bringing against Rothermere newspapers … Richy Scumbag appears reconciled to losing 1,000 seats in next month’s local elections … Johnson is grimly reconciled to the fact that he is a busted flush … Tories face problems finding candidates for local and general elections … The Tories’ future is Rejoin … the Tories exist only to win elections – they will soon twig that one path to doing that involves dumping Brexit … Tories have no permanent friends only permanent interests. That interest is to get into power and stay there … Tories will lose the next election … their one and only priority will be getting back into power … if the Tories find that backing Brexit is the road to political oblivion they will drop it like a hot potato … newly elected leader will denounce the ‘impossible dreams of Brexit’ … ‘rigid dogma’ … ‘misplaced irrelevance to real needs’ … current leadership will not do that yet … their attacks on ‘wokeism’ and ‘lefty lawyers’ are pathetic attempts to snatch victory from the jaws of victory … the reality is becoming all too clear: one day, sooner than you think, the Tories will come out in favour of rejoining the EU. They will have to if they want to win further elections… Latest survey of issues that matters to voters has immigration fifth on the list behind the economy, cost of living, National Health Service … and a lack of faith in politicians…
Have I got Fake Brexit News for EU
Mail, Sun, Express and Telegraph see it as a badge of honour that efforts to curb immigration ‘human rights to the limit’ … fact checking ministerial pronouncements is not a priority for the Mail … we are not the automatic country of choice for refugees … there is no evidence to support ministerial assertions … GB New … retoxifying public discourse … Mail’s ‘infamous’ flirtation with Fascism in the 1930s … we need young people to work and pay taxes yet we are busting a gut to exclude healthy young people who are willing to do both … Tories are tilting the electoral odds in their favour by making it difficult for groups likely to vote against them … unfolding economic crisis and string of bad news stories led to soul search and Bregret … UK falls significantly behind other European countries in adoption of new technology … antiquated British production lines … Britain is on course for a £62B investment gap … per capita income in the EU grew by 8.5% from 2016 to 2022 … Britain saw 3.8% growth … we are on track to fall behind. Consequent effect on British living standards could be grave … erosion of infrastructural base … We face a post Brexit world without the tools to make it alone … we need high quality education … for competitiveness UK slid 7 places … the sunlit uplands are a long way off … country is barely limping … Brexit has been a disaster for the economy … we sink into obscurity with only memories of a golden past … Brexit cost me £290 per month … I cannot identify a Brexit dividend … biggest con trick since the Trojan Horse but with far more negative consequences … witless denials of Brexit impacts … the majority in favour of Rejoin can only increase … let Johnson rot … proven liar and disgrace … Brexit relegated English football … When England left the EU rules on transfers changed … when talented Irish player Kevin Zefi signed for Inter Milan the headline ran ‘Grazie alla Brexit … we are disadvantaged … it is just another bureaucratic nightmare created by Brexit and the diminution of one of the few industries where we still lead the world … Britain’s tax system is flawed … infested with complications … incentives chicanery …beneficial for the rich … bad for the public purse … property taxes poorly designed … encourages tweaking and gimmicks rather than coherent strategy … the losses from eliminating exemptions would be concentrated on just a handful of groups, benefits of simplification and efficiency would be diffuse …British voters have developed a taste for technocracy after years of chaos … 61% of Brits said ‘having experts not government make decisions would be good … Brexit was one system of Tory estrangement from modern British capitalism … Richy Scumbag is styled as a ‘fixer’ … shows an appetite for gimmicks … in many areas Scumbag offers no fixes at all because they are politically ‘off limits’ … fixing an imbalance between anticipated revenues and outlays can be solved in two ways: raising taxes or reducing benefits … there is a magical third solution of increasing immigration to make the ratio between retirees and workers more manageable … why do billionaires get a free ride? … Truss was wrong … IMF is predicting that UK will shrink by 0.3% -the worst performing economy in the developed world … Truss was always going to spook the markets … We have a country in stagnation … a workforce permanently reduced by Covid … our trade and potential are being hammered by Brexit … the only realistic chance is to grow the economy … we need politicians prepared to defeat Alice in Wonderland arguments … Brexit has brought chaos to the education sector … If you cannot get students to come to the home of English to study English then something has gone very wrong … Brexit shambles … Bad decision in 2016 with disastrous consequences … Kafkaesque … devastating effect … put red tape and confusion into a system that had worked well for years … education contributed over £1b every year and supported 17,200 jobs … Brexit killed this … many previous customers taking their business to other destinations … The best place to learn English is now Ireland … hardly surprising … plagued with problems … worst is yet to come … research done by UK universities is most at risk … decline was driven by Brexit … Johnson and Princess Nut Nuts have given occasional glimpses into their Gatsbyesque lifestyle … Lady Carole Bamford, wife of JCB heir, provides luxurious free accommodation … visited the Heathrow VIP suite an astonishing 20 times since he left office … £40,000 worth of free hospitality … Richy Scumbag disclosed that Murdoch was the only individual who wined and dined him … it is not the electorate but the likes of Murdoch who decide what happens … Times has a new columnist from the Telegraph … puerile tosh, dull, appallingly badly written … I know they publish rubbish but this is a work of art even for them … forlorn hope of Paul Dacre acquiring an honour … blame Brexit for wrecking the UK … if we are looking for an elite to blame we need look no further than the privileged gang that brought us Brexit … almost entirely the work of opportunistic privately educated boys from Oxford … working class Brits and pensioners worst hit … pitiful record … shameful … repulsive … bigotry … deeply unpatriotic … new elite leading the country to perdition … Brexit is going badly; by June 2041 we will be hard pressed to find anybody who admitted voting for it … history will not be kind … Ireland is looking confident, vibrant, energetic and at ease with itself, membership of the EU is a large part of that … It is easier for the Brextremists to indulge in anti Irish tropes than to confront reality … there has been little coherence in anything that has followed Brexit … a government that is trying to run one of the world’s largest economies with fag end idea formulated in the 1970s … It is obvious that the UK has run out of ideas … Brexit is stupid …inexplicable decisions, bloody mindedness and entirely foreseeable problems … self sabotaging … Kafkaesque … significantly higher costs … incredibly frustrating process … so much wasted time … tortuous red tape … extra cost … blizzard of paperwork … no short term wins … self defeating isolation … “
Pip Pip Don Adamson Medway Delta (Retired) Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class
Don Adamson reviews the week – there’s not enough time to get it all done within a short article !!
This week’s homework: Discuss the following statement. We used to have a system in this country. When the Tories ran out of steam Labour would take over for a while. When Labour ran out of steam the Tories would take over. It did not make for great government but it did provide for failure. That system does not work anymore. Tories have proved themselves unfit to govern and show no indication of having learned the error of their ways. Labour has been AWOL since 2010 and shows no indication of wanting to form a government. The only answer they have for inexcusable standard of government that we have is that Labour makes vague and unconvincing promises ‘to make Brexit work.’ To quote Shakespeare: A plague on both their houses. We have local government elections coming up. Vote for anybody, repeat anybody, who wants to Rejoin the EU.
Help us remove Boris Johnson from his seat – click the image
This week’s quotes: “Thick Lizzie and Toilet Kwarteng broke the economy … this budget is returning to Trussonomics… huge benefits for the rich … higher taxes and worse public services for the rest of us … good ideas that clash with Brexit ideology … useless ideas, waste of time and money but the Brexiters like it … incomes fall by further 6% … biggest drop in living standards since records began .. worst record for any major economy … rocked by post Brexit disruption … Global Britain is a lie … £29B in lost investment … future growth is unlikely to take off … lower growth because of Brexit, higher taxes because of Brexit and worse public services because of Brexit … throwing billions at the wealthiest … Brexit has made everything worse … As always in Tory Britain, there is one rule for them and another for the rest of us … Tory MPs breathless excitement at the news that Richy Scumbag was not as totally useless as Johnson and Thick Lizzie … Daily (Once was a real newspaper) Telegraph …. in other news you are unlikely to hear … Rwanda has so far picked up £140M for the deportation scheme at the time that the number of asylum seekers sent there was zero … What Sue Ellen Braverman calls invasion has been a continuous process throughout history … there is no precise distinction between British and non British life forms … never mind the facts … atavistic fear of invasion … hard to say which is more dismaying … politicians compete as to who can be the nastiest … to the most desperate people on earth … Braverman’s nasty public image … Rwanda policy is doomed … as is Richy Scumbag’s pledge to stop boats crossing … UK is abdicating an essential responsibility under international law … Rwanda’s problematical track record on human rights … British government’s message is baffling … even more nonsensical … the site Braverman visited is nothing to do with the UK … smoke and mirrors with nothing behind them … sadistic bait … UK receives small number of asylum seekers than even most European countries … British government policy serves to enrich and empower people smugglers … do we compromise with reality or continue the current deadly charade … toxicity of the asylum debate … ridiculous backlog of claims … realism needs to enter the debate … so long as there is profit people smugglers will enable that behaviour … ridiculous … government is taking the public for fools … promising something it cannot deliver … decent economic growth has escaped the Tory government for all 13 years of its tenure … Braverman’s Rwanda policy is the worst of all the options … no PM has abused powers in such a manner in the last 50 years …
Johnson’s hypocrisy … taxpayer footing the bills … Johnson has made £3.5M and counting … Murdoch talks of being Scottish … he is whatever is expedient for tax purposes … little fraternisation between Daily Mail top brass and Richy Scumbag … Richy Scumbag is in no hurry to sign off the peerage for Dacre … he could do without yet another sleaze scandal … Braverman is awful … scandals … idiotic remarks … fault is not with her but with those who over promoted her … not up to the job … Scumbag is scared of the not sensible wing of his party … Tories have run out of ideas … out of control … desperation leads to bad choices … Braverman gets a free ride for a calculated lie … Tories abandoned the British manufacturing industry in 1979 …
Trump’s dwindling but increasingly unhinged fan base … Brexit is most embarrassing unforced error since Villa keeper let a throw in into his net … Inflation in Britain rose to 10.4% in February … machinery and structure of British government need reform …
Dump Trump
Johnson’s blustering testimony to Parliament reminded us what we had not been missing … less experienced officials acre in more senior posts … ministers have eroded the tradition that officials provide candid advice … the planning system makes quagmires look slick … taxation will reach a lost war high this year … not producing better results … bleak picture …
Pip Pip Medway Delta (Retired) Brexorcist and Saboteur First Class
Learn how to get rid of these shysters – click the link on this picture
In the wake of Suella Braverman’s “sorry not sorry” apology to asylum seekers, in this film, we look at the social impacts of Brexit, including things like immigration, social care, the cost of living, freedom and various other things, lest they be forgotten by the sheer pace of Government gaslighting and dead cattery.
This follows our economic stock take film:
Write to your MP to tell them that enough is enough !!
Write to Lee Anderson MP (e-mail lee.anderson.mp@parliament.uk) to help him understand his failings. Here is a sample letter from a good friend:
Dear Mr. Anderson,
Just in case you missed it all – I think you’ve decided to take a break from Twitter after your last car crash pronouncements – you’ve really thrown Katy under the bus and are now trending like no other MP since Matt Hancock was filmed grabbing his assistant’s bum in his office.
In particular, you may wish to find the clips from James O’Brien’s radio show on LBC this morning. It’s a corker.
MP Dawn Butler has a bit to say about you on Twitter as well, as does Mike Galsworthy. You should make an effort to read these, if no others.
#PoorKaty is trending on Twitter as well, due to your poor judgement.
You have made a huge mistake by doubling down on your original ‘30p’ message, first with ‘own brand’ Weetabix, and now by using Katy. Did you not think that she would come under the microscope? The whole country knows about her background now.
You should feel ashamed of yourself. You have once again showed the country, in fact the World, what an ignorant fool you are.
I don’t really think that Boris Johnson deserves more than one minute to reflect upon his legacy so I made several videos in less than one minute on this subject. In fact James O’Brien summed up the detail so well that I don’t feel i could better that. In summary we are talking about:
Broken promises on Brexit (It is NOT “DONE”, it will consume a lifetime of wasted time and money to continue the pretence). To read the full history, read Private Eyelines – Have I Got Fake Brexit News for EU and Reboot Britain – Strategies and skills to change minds on Europe and Brexit. Remainers and Rejoiners seriously need to up their skills if we are to win the next battle with the populists. Never forget that we lost two elections and a referendum, however inconvenient that fact is. Yesterday I delivered copies of these books to Sir Alan Sugar, Richard Branson and James O’Brien. I wish to send them to Hugh Grant next if anyone can help with this.
On Brexit, COVID and lies
Outright LIES on COVID (Johnson was late to the party when others were listening to experts. He conducted an experiment with genocide by placing infected NHS patients into care homes, causing 10’s of 1000’s of unnecessary deaths). The list goes on. These were political CHOICES and not inevitable. Johnson has been lying ever since he was born. Why would we expect any different from him?
On COVID, care homes and unnecessary deaths
On Brexit, Kettles and gold wallpaper
Industrial levels of distraction or dead cat politics, the latest one being the “kettle”. Even the kettle story is not correct. If you want your kettle to boil faster, descaling and using the correct amount of water will make bigger impacts on your bill. £20 is of course not even significant when compared with the actual energy price rises, but Johnson assumes that people cannot add up.
I don’t believe the Tories will call an election in order to lose their majority but if they do, we’ll need to do better than sharing memes on fb. The Daily Maul has set another dead cat loose on this subject today. Preparation is better than regret. Learn the skills to persuade people outside your bubble to change their voting behaviour here.
I don't believe the Tories will call an election in order to lose their majority but if they do, we'll need to do better than sharing memes on fb.
Preparation is better than regret.
Learn the skills to persuade people outside your bubble to change their voting behaviour here.
— Reboot Britain – Rage Against The Brexit Machine (@BrexitRage) September 3, 2022
Join us on Monday September 12 at 8 pm on ZOOM to build momentum to remove the Brexit beast from our lives and build a better Britain in a better Europe for a better World.
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