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Cummings Road Trip for eyesight tests

Here are the details of our marathon road trip from Islington to Old Durham Town … in the B*llocks to Brexit Mini. Please support the venture via Go Fund Me.


I’m gonna leave old Durham Town … to check my eyesight

The “B*llocks to Brexit” Mini Cooper known as “Johnson” is making an unprecedented historic trip from Dominic Cummings house in Islington to Durham under strict COVID-safe conditions, so that the driver Peter Cook can get his eyesight checked.  Peter is taking the excursion from Islington to Barnard Castle for his wife’s birthday and will be stopping at a few beauty spots along the way.  The trip, inspired by Dominic Cummings, has been arranged by EU Flag Mafia in conjunction with Rage Against The Brexit Machine, to highlight the problems of adding Corona crisis to Brexit disaster, creating a “Britastrophe”.  We will be performing songs from our catalogue of anti-Brexit songs, including ‘Alo Vera – Brexit’s Comin’ ‘Ome and a Chas & Dave Cockney Brexit Knees Up.

11% loss in GDP from Corona, when added to 9% predicted loss from Brexit will make an exponential impact on jobs, lives and livelihoods of people in Britain.  Johnson the Mini will make the journey in order to wake people up to the oncoming economic and social tsunami.  We only needed 3.5% GDP loss to create the 2008 crash.  Corona is a natural born crisis and we must endure it.  However, we don’t need to add the man-made Brexit disaster to the mix.

I coined the phrase Britastrophe in the bath

“Johnson’s driver” Peter Cook is taking a four-year-old baby “Bobo” on this historic journey.  Bobo has promised not to urinate for the entire trip, although the Mini will be making stops in Rugby, Manchester, North Yorkshire and Newcastle, also taking in Southampton, Dorset, Wiltshire and Kent in the coming weeks.  For Baby Bobo, it is a UST (Urination Stamina Test).

“Rules are rules and we must stick to them for everyone’s safety, even if Johnson, Cummings, Farage, Jenrick, Half Cock Handcock and Papa Bojo choose not to”

The last time “Johnson” made an appearance on Britain’s roads, we were stopped by an Essex Traffic Policeman Smith, in a rage on the M25 motorway.  PC Smith asked us to remove the signage on the car on the hard shoulder of the M25, putting the police officer and the passengers at risk of death.  We are hoping to return to Essex to meet PC Smith for a cuppa.  Smith has not been located by Essex Police some 8 months after we provided his full details to the force …

Peter hopes that “Dick and Dom” aka Boris and Dominic will hear our call that this is the worst time to take Brexit out of the microwave.  If they checked their eyesight, they would now realise that there is a substantial gap in the will of the people, with nearly a ten-point gap of people now wishing to remain a member of the EU.  All that is needed is courage and political will to change the oncoming “Britastrophe”.   

“We must re-boot Britain in the wake of Corona.  It’s time for our leaders to show true courage and take a bold move to build, build, build a Better Britain in a Better Europe for a Better World.  To this end I have formed an unpolitical party to end all political parties.  It’s time we had leaders that we could look up to and trust.  Our movement is designed to help achieve that.  I’m proud to work with EU Flag mafia to help put the great back in Britain.

3 Dec 2019 – London, UK – Minis in Essex Street, London in a stunt organised and crowdfunded by anti-brexit campaigning group EU Flag Mafia. Click on the image to connect with the Mafia.

p.s.  We have just received a request to take “Johnson” to Greece to check our eyesight, via Bulgaria.  We are just checking the logistics of the trip, although all seems well, since Stanley Johnson recently made a similar pilgrimage to check on a holiday let.

For an exclusive interview on our “Unprecedented Ocular Pilgrimage” around the UK, please contact Peter Cook, Brexorcist in Chief via

Brexit BS

This week’s quotes

From Don Adamson, Brexorcist in Chief.

Tory Brexit Scum

This week’s quotes: “open goals that Labour are constantly missing … we have had uncaring people in high office before … rarely have they been as uncaring and incompetent as Priti Patel and Sue Ellen Braverman …disaster of Brexit … fake balance has corrupted TV in recent decade … Brexiters and Tory Party … to blame for everything … what does Labour think it is playing at? … Jeremy *unt knows that doctor’s pay has fallen relative to inflation since the Tories came into power … we are losing British trained doctors … go abroad where the pay and conditions are better … raw sewage pumped into English rivers on average 825 times a day … 

Frack off …

What the papers say

Lawyers for the Daily Mail successfully argued in the High Court that that the names of Daily Mail journalists accused of crimes should remain secret … Graham Johnson confessed to fabricating stories for the Murdoch press …  Gavin Burrows has provided contradictory witness statements to both sides in the Mail litigation … prompted chair of the UK statistics authority to write to the Tory Party to say their infographic was misleading … former Energy Minister Chris Skidmore MP … has been receiving salary of £80,000 a year as an adviser to a company … setting up a business.. Former education minister Gavin Williamson … will be paid £50,000 a year for seven hours work a month … News UK, the company that launched Talk TV lost owner Rupert Murdoch £4M in last financial year … even more than £31M lost by rival GB News… 

Cost of living

Britain’s annual rate of inflation is 10% … still stubbornly high and twice that of US … populist economic model is bust … extraordinary … nightmare … reckless economic model … government has treated business with contempt … only bad options left … surging costs have kept the annual inflation rate in double figures … Britain’s post pandemic inflation rate … stubbornly higher than many of its peers … Tories will be remembered as the party who made most people poorer over 14 years and screwed up public services … there are more credible ways to count inflation … NHS is a stressful and poorly paid place … struggles to retain staff … junior doctors choose to work overseas … junior doctors left the profession a huge cost to the taxpayers for training them … something has gone badly wrong … real pay has fallen to around 14% below levels in 2010 …


150,000 vacancies in vital jobs across the NHS … method is not working … Australia, New Zealand and Canada are only too happy to employ doctors we have paid £250,000 to 5000,000 to train … overseas recruitment is drying up because word is out NHS conditions are awful … excess deaths and waiting lists already high … UK has fewer doctors per head of population than most comparable countries and worse public health … worst public health crisis in a century … profiteering pack … profits of £78.4 M on income of £468M … extreme profits made by suppliers of PPE and testing kit … multi billion pound extent to which taxpayers were overpaying …

Brexit NHS Farage
We’re still waiting for the £350 million EVERY week Johnson

Brexit superpowers failing

We have no chance of being the new Silicon Valley and the Tories know it … all such promises will remain hollow … Tory politicians are anti Woke, despise the left wing ‘blob’ of human rights lawyers and civil servants … they want to represent the ‘somewheres’ and not the rootless cosmopolitan ‘anywheres’ … the ‘anywheres’ can take a hint … they will go anywhere to avoid the hate speech the Tories are spouting … what are the chances of UK emulating California … Zero … UK is lagging because we de-industrialised under Thatcher … our education system produces too few teenagers with maths and science skills … EU has agreed to pour in €6.2B of subsidies into semiconductor design … our young innovators are barred …

London is an attractive place for high flyers … in banking … Australia has become a Mecca for UK qualified doctors and nurses … Brexit has seriously damaged Britain’s ability to be part of the tech innovations story …  youngsters have to believe that this is a country with a future, not just a past … Richy Scumbag has always been reluctant to talk about Infosys, the Indian IT giant founded by his father in law … government’s own database has shown the company has been involved in £172 M worth of public sector contracts … Scumbag’s wife holds 38.9M shares worth around £89M in Infosys … dividends £12M a year … not liable for UK tax …

Raab C Brexit

Dominic Raas … massively unpopular … more than half his constituents do not want him or his ideology… graceless remorseless death of a desperate man … Raas wrote the least contrite resignation letter of the modern era … Raas told the BBC that civil servants were out to sabotage Brexit, parole reform and overhaul of human rights laws … Tory Peer Lord Marland said exit of Raas … a conspiracy by the civil service … if anything the opposite is true … Raas did not recognise wise counsel when offered it … Johnson claimed ‘the civil service wants to destroy me’ … remorseless attacks on Civil Servants … is deeply corrosive to good government … populist politics … premise that there are simple solutions to complex problems … when the absurdity of this becomes clear the next step is the attribution of blame: the vilification of people supposedly obstruct the popular will … Judges are enemies of the people …

Parliament is unlawfully prorogued … civil servants are plotting against popular ministers … The civil service deserves a gold plated ‘thank you’ for keeping the country running while the Tories have been preoccupied with a seven year long nervous collapse over Brexit, the economy and tribal identify … Raas was one of the worst Foreign Secretaries of modern times (a disaster during the retreat from Kabul) … Underlying this is the weakness of Richy Scumbag … looked desperately for a loophole that would allow him to keep Raas … Scumbag clings to Sue Ellen Braverman ,,, she is a human shield between him and the far right … Scumbag presides over a hung Parliament of factions … just waiting to see how bad the damage is in local government elections … Tory edifice continues to crumble and the country suffers accordingly … Raas … pathetic conspiracy theories are just another manifestation of this protracted decline … a reminder that desperate people really will say anything …


I wanted to see Rupert Murdoch put his hand on the bible and burst into flames … an alternative facts’ media empire … did concede that Fox News promoted 2020 election falsehoods … Murdoch has got away with it … what is $787.5M  when you have another $20B  to spare … Fox News broadcast of lies … the settlement is tax deductible … Murdoch thought ‘the election is a hoax’ thing ‘really crazy’ … Fox fact checkers considered the promotion of election deniers as ‘dangerous’ and ‘mind blowing nuts’ … hoodwinked outright fools … *ucker Carlson was the fountainhead…stoking ‘white hatred’ … maintaining a toxic workplace … Johnson and Thick Lizzie ludicrously turned up for the dinner at Hillsborough Castle … even he must have felt the coldness of the cold shoulders turning as they saw him loom … qualities of bad leaders ‘bitterness, jealousy and paranoia … the damage Brexit has done to the Good Friday Agreement … change of government in London cannot come a day too soon …

Little Brexit Britain

Britain has been diminished by Brexit …People in France remain baffled why a once powerful partner in the European project has been stricken low by an act of elective impoverishment … Claims that Rejoiners are lying about the true cost of leaving the EU are more absurd than ever … Lord Adonis said in 2016 that the vote caused a nervous breakdown in Whitehall … it is a jump to suggest that this proves the existence of a dastardly plot …. Remainer propagandists like nothing better than to use ‘official figures’ to suggest things are not working …

In Tombsland if figures do not show that Brexit is a triumph they must be the work of a dark conspiracy that supposedly pro Brexit ministers have been deplorably slow to disavow ‘misleading’ statistics … attacks on what he calls ‘dodgy figures’ … make no sense at all … The UK would see income losses of about £57B annually … in fact we are losing £40B annually so the cost of leaving is four to five times higher than the cost of membership and that is only if you count the cost of leaving the single market; just one small part of the EU … Swathes of the UK political and columnist class have lost their sanity over the visit by Biden to UK and Ireland … UK’s strange neediness towards America … “

Brexit cannibalism

Grassroots shoots

Don Adamson writes in his inimitable style from Yorkshire.

This week’s quotes: “Thick Lizzie is putting herself in a dangerous position … least experienced cabinet team the UK has had for decades (Comment after 12 years in office) … she will need every bit of Civil Service buy in she can get …Any efforts to introduce yes men will just drain the Civil Service of competent staff …  … when Jacob Rees Mogg was supposedly in charge of public sector efficiency … incessantly wailing about civil servants not being at their desks while failing to notice that due to sell off of buildings there were not enough desks for civil servants to be at … Thick Lizzie’s moves are fundamentally unfair …  crisis in the National Health Service is well known …  calls for an independent enquiry (Comment: in Booming Brexit Britain an ‘independent enquiry is one that obeys Rupert Murdoch’s orders) … services unsafe as doctors struggle with huge workloads … no hope of building the promised 48 new hospitals … new Chancellor has admitted that any gas produced by fracking would not reduce costs for UK consumers … If he does not understand measures in his own price package what hope is there? …24 hours is maximum waiting time to file past body of the Queen … 40 hours waiting time endured by woman needing ambulance and hospital treatment … Thick Lizzie’s rusty Reaganomics … transplanting a 40 year old economic policy from USA to UK will not work … President brushed aside the contradictions … Thick Lizzie’s attempts to emulate the Gipper’s success is doomed …  Thick Lizzie’s cheerleaders have read only the first part of the history of Reagonomics …  early record was mixed … did not stop a recession … inflation rose … the result will be more conflict between monetary and fiscal policy … risk that inflation becomes entrenched … business leaders are warming to Labour … businesses despair of the Tory Party … after 12 years in office and four radically different PMs the Tories can hardly promise that Johnson’s tenure was especially shambolic … a suspicion that policy is being driven by ideological reflexes … Thick Lizzie’s approach worries firms … as for Jacob Rees-Mogg as business secretary, ‘I could think of a worse choice but you would have to give me an hour … NHS treats its workers so badly they are leaving … struggle to plan holidays … it is bonkers … the whole kit and caboodle of NHS employment is utterly Kafkaesque … working in an organisation that is indifferent to their needs … NHS can be a strikingly uncaring employer … The city is fighting to carve out a post Brexit role … 7,000 jobs, and £1.3Trillion of assets were lost from a sector that employs 1.1m … international firms opening a European hub prefer Amsterdam or Luxembourg … LSE’s importance as an equity hub has dwindled … in 2006 it raised 18% of global capital … in the first half of 2022 less than 1% … A wholesale repeat of the City’s post war reinvention remains out of reach …  boosting the economy while ignoring environmental harm would be bonkers … keeping the heat on has replaced flying as an aspiration … Politicians of all stripes console themselves with the thought that Brits voted to leave the EU because they were misled by other, less upstanding politicians. ‘Nobody voted to be poorer’ runs the refrain. A scarier possibility is that people knew perfectly well what they voted for. Brexit will create a smaller economy but voters did not care … Thick Lizzie resembles a neo-liberal Kamikaze pilot, prepared to blow herself up for her cause …. The mad scientists … an experiment to test the riskiest of trickle down fantasies … It seems we have been misled … all we have needed all along was for the government to give vast amounts of money to the rich and wait for it to somehow boost the economy …Established economic theories and fact based research have disappeared a naysayer in a photograph of Stalin … all previous Tory governments have been left wing dupes … how doing nothing is supposed to increase growth is a mystery … this government will just find the money elsewhere …  many things about this budget do not make sense … will cost the treasury a fortune … no additional growth, just a lower tax take … Cutting red tape is a right wing panacea, the kind prompted by snake oil sellers … the details are shocking … Justice system, social care, ambulance services and NHS are already on their knees … none of these measures likely to increase growth at all … a right wing wet dream … without even a semblance of an effort to make the numbers add up, no  wonder the Office for Budget Responsibilities has been gagged … terrible news for those with mortgages (Comment: Daily Mail readers will love that) … right wing commentators in the press are praising it to the skies, but ignore these and read their financial pages instead … a right wing fantasy, an ideologically driven experiment to stuff the mouths of the rich with gold … it is betting with borrowed money that nobody knows how to repay … schoolboy errors … put the UK economy at risk … Kwarteng has always been a high risk appointment … too casual … too enamoured of his own intellect … a cabinet determined by loyalty to Truss rather than competence … in the space of four days three decades of sound economic management have gone up in smoke … pound suffered a rout … cartoon Thatcherism … Millwall strategy (no one likes us, we don’t care) is hardly a serious approach … Kwarteng, like the Bourbons has learned nothing and forgotten nothing …  betrayed weakness not strength …,It is a fantasy to pretend that Britain can ignore the trend … a grab bag of ideas, poorly presented …it makes you wonder if Thick Lizzie is an undercover agent for the Bring Back Boris campaign … smug, cruel, arrogant, know it all ideologies …f*** the lot of you … failings of a wasted decade … sounds like insider trading … if it had happened under a Labour government the papers would have played merry hell … the money markets have made it clear they have no faith in Trussonomics … detestable characters in the Johnson resignation honours list … there are claims that Nadine Dorries knowingly misled Parliament …

Pip Pip             Medway Delta (Retired)           Saboteur and Brexorcist First Class 

Editor’s footnote: since Don wrote this, another Tory MP has been fired …


Party Party Party

It’s Party Party Party in the Telegravda. Come on down and celebrate death by Brexit. Taken from a forthcoming book on the Kafka-esque political world in which we now operate.


FACT: Drivers stuck on the M20 [1]are not allowed to leave their cabins to urinate or defecate by Kent Police, so that traffic can continue its slow grind towards Dover. It’s not Party Party Party if you are stuck in your cab with a bottle of urine and a pile of Brexshit on the floor.

FICTION: The M20 has not been turned into a rave venue and the drivers are not drinking their own urine during ‘Operation Pisspot’[2].

FICTION: Sue Gray has not shown up in Ibiza.  On the other hand, her report on leadership failures has disappeared without trace.

Sue Gray

Chilled – Sue Gray

FACT: Johnson needs the Russian war to deflect attention from Brexit carnage, now that he has cancelled COVID, his leadership, gas, oil, petrol and food prices, national insurance, NHS backlogs, COVID … the list goes on.

NEW BOOK : Changing Minds on Europe and Brexit

Brexorcism masterclass 7 pm Thursday 21 April via ZOOM

FACT: Johnson’s leadership is disliked by 72% of the population with the most frequent word mentioned about him being LIAR.

Liar in Chief
Liar in Chief

FACT: Let’s play the party game of ‘closets and skeletons’ whilst the drinking continue into the night:

Rishi Sunak defended Mrs S of her absolute right to legally pay as little tax as possible to the country that supplies her with the house she lives in.  She was part owner of Lava Mayfair Club Ltd[3] (a private membership gym), which collapsed last year, owing almost £44 million to creditors, including £374,000 to HMRC.

Another of Mrs S’s ventures, education firm ‘Mrs Wordsmith[4]‘, went into administration last year owing £16.3 million … after receiving a £1.3 million loan from the Government’s Future Fund.

Digme Fitness, of which Mrs Rishi owns, received up to £635,000 of furlough money before it closed its eight studios in London and Oxford still owing HMRC £415,000.  In case of doubt, 635 is more than 415. 

So, Sunak introduces the furlough scheme … and the woman he’s sleeping with benefits by up to £635,000.

Sunak oversees the UK rules regarding non-Dom status[5] … and the woman he’s sleeping with benefits by over £20 million.

Sunak is supposed to be in charge of ensuring that the UK maximises its tax take…yet the woman he’s sleeping with has overseen companies going bust owing £789,000 to HMRC.

Sunak says his wife’s tax affairs are none of our business!  Never mind, let’s party like it’s 1999!

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Sue Gray

Let’s party like it’s 1999

Read recent articles Sunny UPLANDSP&O Ferries and BrexitBrexit and WW IIIDeath of Democracy in UK.

Download our MUSIC : Rage Against The Brexit Machine

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Click to view on Amazon

[1] Kent Messenger

[2] BBC Have I Got News For You on EU TUBE

[3] Mrs Sunak

[4] FT Jim Pickard 11 April 2022

[5] Non-Dom: A good deal for Mrs S

They think it’s all over

If you like this article, please support us with a regular donation via GoFundMe or Patreon. Give us a tip via Paypal. We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Read our book on Brexorcism

Support us by downloading our music on Bandcamp

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

Every breath he takes

I’m gonna leave old Durham Town … to check my eyesight – 06 July

The “B*llocks to Brexit” Mini Cooper known as “Johnson” is making an unprecedented historic trip to Durham under strict COVID-safe conditions, so that the driver can get his eyesight checked by taking an excursion to Barnard Castle for his wife’s birthday and stopping at a few beauty spots.  The trip, inspired by Dominic Cummings, has been arranged by EU Flag Mafia in conjunction with Rage Against The Brexit Machine, to highlight the problems of adding Corona crisis to Brexit disaster, creating a “Britastrophe”. 

11% loss in GDP from Corona, when added to 9% predicted loss from Brexit will make an exponential impact on jobs, lives and livelihoods of people in Britain.  Johnson the Mini will make the journey in order to wake people up to the oncoming economic and social tsunami.  We only needed 3.5% GDP loss to create the 2008 crash.  Corona is a natural born crisis and we must endure it.  However, we don’t need to add the man-made Brexit disaster to the mix.

A close up of a sign

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“Johnson’s driver” Peter Cook is taking a four-year-old baby “Bobo” on this historic journey.  Bobo has promised not to urinate for the entire trip, although the Mini will be making stops in Rugby, Manchester, North Yorkshire and Newcastle, also taking in Southampton, Dorset, Wiltshire and Kent in the coming weeks.  For Baby Bobo, it is a UST (Urination Stamina Test).

“Rules are rules and we must stick to them for everyone’s safety, even if Johnson, Cummings, Farage, Jenrick, Half Cock Handcock and Papa Bojo choose not to”

The last time “Johnson” made an appearance on Britain’s roads, we were stopped by an Essex Traffic Policeman Smith, in a rage on the M25 motorway.  PC Smith asked us to remove the signage on the car on the hard shoulder of the M25, putting the police officer and the passengers at risk of death.  We are hoping to return to Essex to meet PC Smith for a cuppa.  Smith has not been located by Essex Police some 8 months after we provided his full details to the force …

EU Flag Mafia are hoping that “Dick and Dom” aka Boris and Dominic will hear our call that this is the worst time to take Brexit out of the microwave.  If they checked their eyesight, they would now realise that there is a substantial gap in the will of the people, with nearly a ten-point gap of people now wishing to remain a member of the EU.  All that is needed is courage and political will to change the oncoming “Britastrophe”.  

“We must re-boot Britain in the wake of Corona.  It’s time for our leaders to show true courage and take a bold move to build, build, build a Better Britain in a Better Europe for a Better World.  To this end I have formed an unpolitical party to end all political parties.  It’s time we had leaders that we could look up to and trust.  Our movement is designed to help achieve that.  I’m proud to work with EU Flag mafia to help put the great back in Britain.

Peter Cook

A police car parked in a parking lot

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p.s.  We have just received a request to take “Johnson” to Greece to check our eyesight, via Bulgaria.  We are just checking the logistics of the trip, although all seems well, since Stanley Johnson recently made a similar pilgrimage to check on a holiday let.

For an exclusive interview on our “Unprecedented Ocular Pilgrimage” around the UK, please contact Peter Cook, Brexorcist in Chief on 07725 927585

If you like this article, please support us with a regular donation via GoFundMe or Patreon. Give us a tip via Paypal. We need support to continue doing this. It takes considerable time. Thank you in advance.

Read our book on Brexorcism

Support us by downloading our music on Bandcamp

Join us every Monday at 8 pm to Re-Boot Britain

Re-boot Britain

Let’s Re-Boot Britain

People ask me “Surely it is too late to reverse Brexit?”  Of course we can.  Brexit is a political process and the law is merely a servant to the politicians.   If political will changed, the law would be made to fit the circumstances with a suitable narrative created for the media and people.   We must therefore change political will across all parties.  A political backbone has been absent for four years and Remain have sometimes gold-plated the strategy that lost them the referendum, with the best of intentions. Please support our work via Re-Boot Britain.

We cannot allow the greatest disaster next to climate change to threaten the next generation’s futures to continue.  Our continued resistance is both moral, a fight worth having and certainly not a waste of time, given how much people have sacrificed over the last four years.  Would you like to be able to say that you contributed to the re-establishment of an honest Government?  I would.

Here’s a detailed video that explains our project in full.  If you are in a hurry, read our pitch deck:

We have already had a sneak preview of what Brexit will deliver via the panic buying associated with the Corona outbreak.  This is merely a sneak preview for Brexit, if we allow things to continue towards 31.12.20.  

Read all about our strategy in our slide deck “Re Building Britain ” and the paper “Brexit Futures “.  This has been adopted by Grassroots for Europe and a number of other large pro EU institutions including the Federal Trust and the originators of the FBPE hashtag.

We are building a full time professional movement with the aim of breaking the deadlock of “dead cat” Brexit politics:

1. Breaking Parliamentary Paralysis – via lobbying MPs using a variety of means.

2. “Taking Back Control” of populist media via press and media activity in national and local print / radio and TV media.

3. Develop much better reach into social media, in terms of honesty, depth of penetration and reach outside the Remain bubble.

4. Changing minds on Brexit via 1:1 “Brexorcisms” and / or en masse via online leaders’ debates and other grassroots strategies.

Click on the boot to Re-Boot Britain

This is Stage One of a wider project to build a full movement and will get us to our first level of professional organisation, for example virtual PA, professional website, company registration, accountants etc.  I ask that you join us with a suggested donation of £10 per month or £100 pa for Silver membership.  If you can spare more, please consider higher level donations of £250 or £500 per annum.   Or please just give what you can afford on an ad hoc basis.  Everything helps.

Silver : Gives you basic exclusive access to our daily stream of writing and media

Gold : Gain copies of our work in advance of release (booksmusicmedia).  Exclusive invites to our regular series of conference calls and seminars

Platinum : 1:1 coaching in the art and discipline of changing minds on Brexit plus all other benefits above

Frequently asked questions

Isn’t Brexit already done?  A piece of paper was signed.

We have merely had our “Chamberlain moment” on 31.01 plus some time spent in a gulag (fridge). But Brexit is a political process and the law is merely a servant to the politicians.

If you are not sure on this point, just think of ONE occasion when the Government obeyed the rule of law in the last four years or other precedents. Here’s a few where they didn’t:

1. Gina Miller’s Supreme Court Case
2. The Cooper No Deal amendment
3. Pro-rogation
4. The 6 million petition
… and so on.  Our Government is beyond the law

If political will changed, the law would be made to fit the circumstances. It would have to look painful and difficult as a piece of “political theatre” but nonetheless all that is needed at this point is a phone call from Johnson saying “sorry”, not easy, but possible. Johnson is the only politician currently able to do a 360 degree turnaround and get away with it.

Click on the boot to Re-Boot Britain

Is it too late?  We are about to finalise things in June?

There are clearly moves to institute delay.  Johnson may instigate one at the final hour per his many other U turns … die in ditches, Halloween etc.  The EU may also downgrade the importance of Brexit leading to fudge June may present a false ending to the story.  In any case there is still the rest of the year to introduce twists in the road.  

What will we do with the money?

We plan to hire a small organisation – A PA, fundraising team, professional web platform and so on.  Also allocate some of the funds to support our full time input.  Voluntary activity is fine but we need full time professional help to be agile and able to react.  I am prepared to set my work aside to do this but I also need to live.

Oh, no, not another anti Brexit movement?

Our difference comes from the fact that we will be more direct than professional politicians, outsmarting Nigel Farage  et al at their own wicked games.  We will also rely more on professionals in their field rather than volunteers.  This will give us the edge.  At the same time we will collaborate with other pro EU and anti-Brexit groups across the board acting to amplify their efforts.  Despite best efforts of grass roots EU organisations, much of our work has suffered from “initiative constipation” – see Brexit Futures  for more insights on this.

Click on the boot to Re-Boot Britain

About the leader of the project

I am an unusual mix of scientist, business academic and musician.  I lead the Rage Against The Brexit Machine project, having written three albums of anti-Brexit protest songs and got one of them to Number One on the Amazon chart.  “Brexorcist in Chief” for Mid Kent 4 EU, I gained two black eyes for daring to ask difficult questions of angry leave voters and was arrested by Essex Police for driving a Mini Cooper with the words “B*llocks to Brexit”.  I also stood a stuffed cat in the 2019 General Election which did not come last in the ratings !! 

For nearly 4 years I have acted to dispel the illusions of Brexit.  At 62 I am at some risk from Corona and consider that a fitting epitaph for my life would be the destruction of Brexit populism for the sake of future generations.  I wrote a requiem for Brexit on 31 January 2020 and it explains why this matters better than words can manage:

AC Grayling

AC Grayling on Rejoining the EU

Join us at this very special event with Professor AC Grayling on Rejoining the EU, sooner rather than later. Book your ticket on Eventbrite before they run out.

Wednesday September 8 2021 – from 19.00 – 21.00 – The first hour is the seminar plus questions. The second hour is a participative opportunity to reflect upon Professor Grayling’s seminar, an opportunity for dialogue and an event to update our draft scenarios for rejoin. Here is our working draft:

Click on the images to get your ticket

Please attend our induction events every Monday at 8 pm on ZOOM. We will be considering scenarios to Rejoin EU in August in preparation for Professor Grayling’s input.

In case you are not familiar with Scenario Planning, it can be summarised as “a history of the future”.  We will consider a long time horizon of at least 10 years and then identify plausible events along that time line.  These will be the PESTLE factors: political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental events.  From this we construct the most likely scenarios, bearing in mind that our politics are in flux, so disruptions must be examined.  I will be leading you through the process.  You can read a little on the process at Scenarios although our time horizons will be longer than the example given.

So, please give some thoughts as to the likely events coming up in the next decade.

The Facebook event invite is here for sharing.

The first 100 tickets were free and now we need support to help cover our costs in increasing our ZOOM contract. We aim to run more events and need £480 to cover a yearly upgrade on ZOOM. Once we reach this, all our events into 2022 will be free.

Professor Grayling will speak on what we need to do to rejoin the EU sooner rather than later with some very practical suggestions for all of us to act upon.Anthony Grayling is the author of about 30 books on philosophy, biography, history of ideas, human rights and ethics, including The Refutation of Scepticism (1985), The Future of Moral Values (1997), Wittgenstein (1992), What Is Good? (2000), The Meaning of Things (2001), The Good Book (2011), The God Argument (2013), The Age of Genius: The Seventeenth Century and the Birth of the Modern Mind (2016) and Democracy and its Crises (2017).He has been a stalwart campaigner for our continuing membership of the European Union.

The event is co-promoted by Re-Boot Britain, Mid Kent European Movement, East Kent European Movement, Alliance4Europe and Dorset European Movement. Alliance4Europe is a non-profit working to activate citizens for a more democratic, inclusive and sustainable Europe. It builds coalitions for pro-European action for more impactful campaigning. Omri Preiss is a co-founder and managing director of A4E, with a background in EU policy-making and human rights advocacy.

Re-Boot Britain
Re-Boot Britain – Please support our work by clicking the image

Connecting the Branches

I am presently applying for Branches Forum Chair at The European Movement with an election on September 04 on ZOOM. Here is my short and longer pitch:

Some thoughts on the challenges ahead as final nominations for The European Movement branches forum chair close this afternoon Monday 09 August.  You will have a choice of at least two candidates.

Yvonne Wanke and I have spoken about the needs of The European Movement going forward.  Having campaigned together at events in London and Barnard Castle, I’m glad to have friendly competition.  Free and fair elections will strengthen our Movement by making it more accountable to you and your groups.  Mass membership means making our Movement fully accountable to our members.

Over the past few days people have rung me with questions, suggestions and comments.  Please feel free to call with any issues anytime on 07725 927585 – it will be great to hear your views and to get to know your concerns.

Ageing  The average age of our Movement is over seventy.  We must also engage with a younger and more diverse audience.  This is very much in the hands of your branches and affiliates: you and your groups are our Movement’s bedrock.  My own branch has recruited a wider audience via various activities involving music, stunts, writing and regular online events.  Most recently, I engaged a rapper and a soul singer in our call to action titled “We Are Everywhere”.  We need to unite and work together to attract more people to our cause.

Organising  Our Movement faces necessary organisational development issues to make us stronger.  Some complex issues will require skilful facilitation and navigation of differing viewpoints, but with shared will we can find common ground.  The recent BARNS report vote has left “unfinished business” and it’s vital we resolve this constitutionally.  We cannot keep dodging difficult choices.  For example, to campaign effectively and highlight Britain’s Brexit failings, we need to fix Nationbuilder together with our invaluable staff.

With over twenty-five years of dealing with so-called “wicked problems” across the world – in organisations as diverse as the Metropolitan Police, the NHS, Pfizer, United Nations, Unilever – I pledge to you my undivided focus and energy as we enlarge our Movement and build on past successes.  As the oldest pro-European Movement in the country, we have a history to be proud of.  I will uphold our Movement’s traditions and ensure those at the centre do likewise.

Strategies to Rejoin  We recently started a project producing scenarios to re-apply for EU membership, aiming for a shared vision on the most probable routes.  Already we have a series of event strings, which need further input and consolidating into narratives to engage and unite our activities.  If you would like to contribute, please call for a chat on 07725 927585, write in, or join our weekly ZOOM event every Monday at 8pm.  Please note the items in blue are not entirely serious! 😊.  Such blue sky brainstorming helps create a unity of spirit and purpose as people share ideas and solutions in an engaging and relaxing way.

Beyond the bubble  We cannot shift minds on Brexit merely by preaching to the converted, nor can we rely on demographic changes alone.  We must reach outside of the bubble that has been created as a result of our disunited Kingdom.  Superb initiatives such as the Euro Cafés reflect what I have also done locally.  Our Movement has developed many great approaches across the country. Now we must build on these to deal with sensitivity and grace with the concerns and beliefs of leave voters. I feel honoured to have worked on such grassroots projects with branches and affiliates alike from the North to the South.  We need to share the good will around so that groups can adapt approaches to local contexts.

Media  Branches and affiliates can shift the Brexit narrative by reaching parts of the media national organisations cannot.  Much social opinion is embedded in what people consume in local papers and from the resulting social media comments.  Through well placed letters, commentaries on articles, op-ed pieces in local newspapers, radio and TV interviews plus phone-ins, our groups’ social media amplification can change the “diet” of what people consume in the media on Brexit.  Some of our branches and affiliates are experts on this and we should spread the word.

The Branches Forum is a vital part of our operations.  We have opportunities to extend our impact within communities, sectors and regions by uniting in diversity to power our movement forward in every street, village, town and city.  I write to you to introduce myself as a candidate for Branches Forum Chair at The European Movement.  I have included a one page synopsis of my offer below.  A longer document is available on request which explains my full background for those who perhaps don’t know so much of my work for the pro-European cause and you can always check out my Linkedin profile if you wish.  For several years now, my personal mission is one that embraces everyone and which is consistent with Object 2 of the EM constitution and which relies crucially on our Branch network.  

A Better Britain in a Better Europe for a Better World

I intend to make a valuable contribution to groups (branches and affiliates alike), Chairs and the wider EM UK membership, based on significant experience as a business leader, strategic adviser, grassroots activist and prolific writer / presenter across the mainstream media for our common cause.  

I see the Branches Forum Chair role as that of a “gardener”, helping to germinate ideas, providing nutrients to convert embryonic ideas into action, cross-pollination of initiatives and so on to help branch chairs and committees develop, grow and strengthen their groups.  I will contribute significant time to branch development, to increase meaningful collaboration and connections between groups.  At the same time, an imperative for our movement is to engage a younger more diverse demographic and that relies on a strong network of Branches, suitably resourced, trained and equipped to engage people from outside our traditional demographic.

If you and or your committee members would like to meet me, to ask questions and so on, just call me on 07725 927585, or we can set up an informal meet and greet via Zoom.  I have reserved every Monday evening at 7 pm to host consultations and Q&A if you wish to join me, or directly experience one of our events at 8 pm every Monday.   

All the best

Peter Cook – Chair European Movement Mid Kent 


Clamp for Carers

It hardly seems to be a week ago since Boris Johnson was clapping for carers and the NHS. Just yesterday, it was revealed that NHS workers would have to pay for car parking and Boris Johnson blamed care homes for COVID deaths. Lest we forget, it was Johnson who was sending COVID patients to care homes to infect vulnerable people, whilst supplies of PPE were “in transit” for several weeks according to Matt “Halfcock” Hancock.

In an exclusive interview I interviewed an ancillary NHS worker who answered the call for COVID staff. She had been running a business but saw the call for help and responded to it. Amongst the astonishing trail of events are the following revelations:

She was not paid AT ALL for several months, as management told her that the system was being sorted out.

During that time HR reviewed her job and re-classified it at a lower grade, thus her pay was adjusted accordingly.

Now that she has been paid, they have not paid for weekend working, as “the system has not been updated”.

She has been told that she will get the sack if she has a coffee break at work on her long shifts. As a diabetic, this presents other health risks.

I asked if these were the work of incompetent local management or deliberate policy decisions. She is of the view that it is the latter. I also asked if this was just down to her trust or whether it is widespread. She says she knows others in other trusts with the same treatment so she presumes it to be widespread.

Will Johnson take responsibility for unnecessary deaths?

She now wonders why she bothered. So do I. Whilst Boris Johnson was minting coins and bonging bells, he should have been listening to scientists and experts.

Take Back Control of Brexit Mayhem – click on the picture
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