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Category: Sovereignty

Truss Fridge

Reflections from a sea dog

Don Adamson writes from Yorkshire on the latest mayhem which contributes to our Britastrophe.

This week’s quotes: “Johnson’s ‘levelling up’ agenda is ailing and listless, a casualty of Johnson’s lack of seriousness …   Few doubt the new chancellor’s intellect but he swings between genius and idiocy …  an attention span of four seconds … The Chancellor rattles the Treasury … the Treasury needs good advice more than ever … may not be enough to avoid a downturn … None of this bodes well for the public finances. Yet the government is expected to announce tax cuts … Having got their woman into Downing St dodgy financiers can look forward to … deregulate their businesses yet further … Kwarteng should be able to get his ideas through with less sense checking from experienced officials…. However resounding the next crash the sound for friends of Kwasi wil be ‘kerching’ … Department of Health and Social Care is proving shy about efforts to claw back billions of pounds from underperforming suppliers … progress on suspect suppliers is close to bugger all …Priti Patel put former Australian Foreign Secretary (who helped create Australia’s harsh anti-refugee system) in charge of ‘independent review’ of her Rwanda scheme  … leaked files showed guards hitting children or demanding sex from female inmates in grim camps in Papua New Guinea … If Downer could not detect abuse in Australia’s infamous offshore camps it seems unlikely he will spot it in Rwanda … Chris Philp, new appointment as Chief Secretary to the Treasury … why pay any tax at all when they can simply fold their companies when owing hundreds of thousands of pounds to Revenue and Customs … It was refreshing to hear a Labour Politician unapologetic about opposing Brexit, clear about the palpable damage was doing …  Sept ans plus tard qui peut pretendre que le Royaume-Uni a beneficie du Brexit (Translation – after seven years who can pretend that the UK benefits from Brexit) … the answer is next to nobody. The tragedy is that the few who do pretend are sitting round the cabinet table, living in la la land imagining that Brexiters who ‘knew what they were voting for’ knew that it was bankers getting bigger bonuses … many of Thick Lizzie and Kwarteng’s plans are detailed in an economically illiterate pamphlet they published ten years ago … Britannia Unchained … unremarkable, badly researched, cherry picked data using taxi drivers’ anecdotes as ‘evidence.’ … evidence is thin … lifting the ban on bankers’ bonuses … even Johnson retreated on this idea … the authors without a science or maths degree between them or any sense of irony … one of the most illiterate parts of the prospectus is the notion that we will all have to work harder … in fact British workers put in longer hours but productivity remains low … the obvious change  is more training, investment and better management … if you don’t believe ‘Britannia Unchanged’ the pamphlet has the evidence to convince you  … the opinions of taxi drivers … the authors are terrible at maths, economically illiterate, ignorant of science and engineering and completely unaware of how to research a book or write well … smug, selfish, self satisfied, lacking in empathy, ignorant of facts and believing in their own fantasy economics …unfortunately they are now running the country …

Pip Pip            

Don Adamson, Medway Delta (Retired), Saboteur and Brexorcist First Class 

Kettling Johnson

Boris Johnson’s legacy

I don’t really think that Boris Johnson deserves more than one minute to reflect upon his legacy so I made several videos in less than one minute on this subject. In fact James O’Brien summed up the detail so well that I don’t feel i could better that. In summary we are talking about:

Broken promises on Brexit (It is NOT “DONE”, it will consume a lifetime of wasted time and money to continue the pretence). To read the full history, read Private Eyelines – Have I Got Fake Brexit News for EU and Reboot Britain – Strategies and skills to change minds on Europe and Brexit. Remainers and Rejoiners seriously need to up their skills if we are to win the next battle with the populists. Never forget that we lost two elections and a referendum, however inconvenient that fact is. Yesterday I delivered copies of these books to Sir Alan Sugar, Richard Branson and James O’Brien. I wish to send them to Hugh Grant next if anyone can help with this.

On Brexit, COVID and lies

Outright LIES on COVID (Johnson was late to the party when others were listening to experts. He conducted an experiment with genocide by placing infected NHS patients into care homes, causing 10’s of 1000’s of unnecessary deaths). The list goes on. These were political CHOICES and not inevitable. Johnson has been lying ever since he was born. Why would we expect any different from him?

On COVID, care homes and unnecessary deaths

On Brexit, Kettles and gold wallpaper

Industrial levels of distraction or dead cat politics, the latest one being the “kettle”. Even the kettle story is not correct. If you want your kettle to boil faster, descaling and using the correct amount of water will make bigger impacts on your bill. £20 is of course not even significant when compared with the actual energy price rises, but Johnson assumes that people cannot add up.

I don’t believe the Tories will call an election in order to lose their majority but if they do, we’ll need to do better than sharing memes on fb. The Daily Maul has set another dead cat loose on this subject today. Preparation is better than regret. Learn the skills to persuade people outside your bubble to change their voting behaviour here.

Join us on Monday September 12 at 8 pm on ZOOM to build momentum to remove the Brexit beast from our lives and build a better Britain in a better Europe for a better World.

Support our election fighting fund via Go Fund Me. Read our strategy for this at Brexit Doesn’t Pay.

Populism will eat itself

Populism will eat itself

The recent news that Trump is under investigation is yet another point on the curve towards improved world leadership. To misquote the band name : Populism will eat itself !

In world that needs collaborative leadership to face complex problems such as climate change, famine, war, migration and so on, we seem to have opted for more didactic leaders with catchy but meaningless slogans.  In the UK we have Brexit populism.  In the US we have Trump’s version of isolationist politics, and so on.

This is why I coined the phrase ‘Brexorcism’ to change minds in the UK about Brexit.  The skills involved are just as applicable in other theatres of populism.

Last week, I was asked to speak on the need to turn back from populism and discuss the contributions from psychology, sociology and therapeutic approaches to wake people up to more long-term and global outlooks on our politics.  You can view the masterclass below.

I also spoke on the role of satire, humour and catharsis as a way into the most closed minds on political issues, based on our book Private Eyelines.

To get hold of the books ‘Reboot Britain’ and ‘Private Eyelines’ please go to Rage Against The Brexit Machine or write direct to me at

careless whisper

Careless Whisper

Whilst shopping in Tesco yesterday, a man approached me and whispered in my ear “I love your T-Shirt”, almost as if he dare not say the word Brexit in public !! Given this Twitter thread below, part of me understands his reticence. Yet we must not allow Brexit to be airbrushed out of the lexicon by the Tories. This is why I wrote three books on Brexit. Check the books out on ETSY. Our latest edition of Reboot Parliament explains more. Watch it below:

“Actually it’s 178 x more but I’m a Tory and I lied”


Subscribe to our EU TUBE channel : EU TUBE

DOWNLOAD the MUSIC : Rage Against The Brexit Machine

Recent articles : What now for BrexitTOWIE, Every CloudGutterpress

Sunny Uplands


Find all our populist parodies at

EXTRACT from the book Private Eyelines. I’ve noticed that everything is UP in the post-Brexit sunny uplands world. What could have possibly caused this?

Costs of children’s shoes are UP by 20% shortly. Jacob Rees-Mogg promised that shoe prices would plummet after Brexit. Oh dear, Jake was wrong.

Inflation in UK is UP at over 6%. This is exceptional.

Gas prices are UP by 54% In France they are UP by 4% France levied a windfall tax on energy companies using their own sovereign powers. In Brexit Britain our Brexit freedoms seem to have prevented this. How strange?

Hunger is UP.

Food bank usage in Britain is UP, but food bank donations are DOWN.

COVID cases are UP. This is preventing the NHS from treating people with other serious conditions.

DEATHS will be UP but Boris Johnson says that COVID is DOWN. Of course, he is WRONG.

Russian influence is UP.

Sunak’s tax dodging is UP. His holidays in California are UP. More sunny uplands.

Channel 4 is UP for sale.

National debt is UP.

Petrol prices are UP.

Homelessness is UP.

Delivery times are UP.

Troubles in Northern Ireland are UP.

Fines for breaking lockdown are UP.

Postage fees are UP.

Bullshit from the Go Home Office about the Ukrainian refugee settlement scheme is UP.

Queues on the M20 / M2 in Kent are UP. P&O Ferries are only in part to blame. Since we have no resilience in our port systems after Brexit, only a small knock is needed to bring the system to a standstill.

The Brexit IT system is UP the cack. This does not help, but the underlying cause of delays in Kent is Brexit and not the IT system per se. if we did not have Brexit we would not have the crappy IT system and we would not have gridlock in Kent.

Urination is Kent is up as drivers have no place to go (freedom of movement and urination).

National Insurance is UP.

Sea levels are UP.

Hospital parking fees are UP.

Looting is UP.

Tory ethics are DOWN.

Labour is UP.

Tax is UP.

The game is UP.

With thanks to all at Re-Boot Britain for this list. The sunny uplands can only increase. This list is an extract from Private Eyelines.

BUY OUR BOOKS : Changing Minds on Europe and Brexit Private Eyelines Let’s Talk About BREX

Private Eyelines
Available to order direct from ebay – click to view. Discounted copies available direct from the author via Also on Amazon at a higher price.
Re-Boot Britain
Re-Boot Britain is a practical methodology on changing minds about Europe and Brexit. Find it on Amazon or direct from the author via

We wish to fight the next election. Support our campaign via PatreonPaypal or GoFundMe.

Subscribe to our EU TUBE channel : EU TUBE

DOWNLOAD OUR MUSIC : Rage Against The Brexit Machine

Read recent articles : Like a PrayerTOWIEBrexit Broke BritainGutterpress

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Sunny Uplands
Giant hedgehogs are UP

Every cloud

Every cloud … This week, I had a serious accident when I was nearly run over and killed on my bicycle by an articulated lorry travelling at 50 mph. I was admitted to A&E and found to have a number of fractured bones in my lower back and in areas connected to the spine. I am presently recuperating. As is the way with such things, people tend to get in touch to find out how you are. My estranged sister was one of them and she was WhatsApping me on Thursday. I decided to break our arrangement of silence and called her by phone. I say estranged because I asked that she stop visiting for family teas some years ago after she said she and her husband voted for Brexit to “keep two million German rapists out of Tonbridge” and to “stop Sharia Law in Britain”. I found our conversation deeply depressing and cut ties for family gatherings as a result. We must still Brexorcise people if we are to move the dial – see Books to change minds, although my sister is not really part of my target market – she is beyond redemption. The phone conversation went something like this:

S: I’m only phoning up to find out how you are Peter. I’m not going to go on about my ailments.

ME: I thank her, explain briefly that I’m OK and answer questions about the accident. As expected this is followed by a full exposition of ‘her ailments’, which I allow, as she is quite old and it’s expected anyway as part of our normal conversation. I find out which pills she is on and so on and host of other unnecessary information. Still, that’s family for you.

S: I suppose you are really pleased today?

ME: Why?

S: Well, Boris going and all that? (she knows she should not bring the subject up but cannot help herself).

ME: No, not at all. (she is perplexed as she only sees issues as being binary off / on, in / out, yes / no decisions). I wait a bit and then continue: As you know changing the figurehead does not change the underlying problem which remains, in other words Brexit.

S (looking for an escape route): Well, I could not vote for Keir Starmer.

ME: What exactly is it that means you cannot vote for him? Nor can I by the way.

S: (long pause) er, um, well I don’t know really but it’s just a feeling (she reads The Daily Maul). I note that she is beginning to question her statement and let it go.

S: (after my embarrassingly long pause): Well, Boris is funny isn’t he?

ME: Yes, he is …. (long awkward pause), but being funny is not the most important thing if you are running the country …

S: (fumbling) Well, he did COVID well didn’t he.

ME: Er, yes if you think that 170 000 unnecessary deaths is good (long pause). You do realise that there were other choices and that this course of action was not inevitable? (long pause). S: Did you know that I’m a great grandmother? We continue with small talk.

A friend wondered why I continue to bother and in some ways she is right. My sister represents a small group of people for whom little will change in terms of their beliefs about Brexit. They do however offer an excellent practice arena for the larger swathe of people who now doubt the wisdom of Brexit. We must work on this group now that they are starting to question the lies they were sold about Brexit. In a relatively short intervention I was able to raise significant doubt about the following matters:

  • Remainers are not all Boris haters or ‘lefty losers’.
  • Keir Starmer has some competences to lead. My sister is of the view that Starmer represents communism in her binary world.
  • Entertainment is not a core leadership skill. Other qualities matter more. Johnson was good at the Olympics and could have possibly had a career presenting ‘It’s a kockout’. However these skills are insufficient to run the country.
  • Killing people unnecessarily is not something to be proud of.
  • Herd immunity was not the only choice to address COVID (Brexiteers love the modal operator of necessity – see the books for more information on linguistics).

We simply cannot change the outlook on Brexit unless we work outside the bubble. Read the books today and arm yourself to have these difficult conversations. Every cloud …

BUY OUR BOOKS : Changing Minds on Europe and Brexit Private Eyelines Let’s Talk About BREX

Private Eyelines
Available to order direct from ebay – click to view. Discounted copies available direct from the author via Also on Amazon at a higher price.
Re-Boot Britain
Re-Boot Britain is a practical methodology on changing minds about Europe and Brexit. Find it on Amazon or direct from the author via

We wish to fight the next election. Support our campaign via PatreonPaypal or GoFundMe.

Subscribe to our EU TUBE channel : EU TUBE

DOWNLOAD OUR MUSIC : Rage Against The Brexit Machine

Read recent articles : Like a PrayerTOWIEBrexit Broke BritainGutterpress

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Every Cloud …

What now for Brexit ?

I thought it foolish of Andrew Adonis to coin the phrase “if Boris goes, Brexit goes”. Simply cutting the head off the Brexit hydra does not of itself mean that the monster is dead. In this article I explore what now for Brexit, based on some less hysterical projections. I accept that Boris Johnson has embodied Brexit as his project, much in the same way that Anita Roddick WAS The Body Shop and it was never the same without her. However The Body Shop did continue without Roddick and the Tory party has invested a great deal into Brexit. Whether we like it or not, the Tory party is the most successful party of all time and it will not walk away from its investment in Brexit lightly. The recent leadership debates are testament to the resilience of the Tory party, even under severe logical, legal and political challenges.

But there is hope. The inner civil war inside the Tory party which gave birth to Brexit is alive and kicking and very visible in the so-called leadership debates. A tsunami of lies from Truss, Morduant and Badenoch typified the debates, with others trying to hold the Conservative party together and one saying that a fresh start was needed. Sadly a fresh start is not possible with the same raw materials. Leopards and spots etc. The leadership contest will not solve the inherent instability of the Conservative party. A fresh start would include the removal of the right wing loony elements from the party. Tom Tugendhat and Rishi Sunak are both capable of that. We will see whether they are willing to do it in time. Rishi in particular bears the scars of knowing that Johnson nearly killed his career and we may see a change in his behaviour if elected compared with his role as part of the Exec. I predict a purge of the thickos from cabinet if he wins. With Truss in charge, I predict a full cabinet of thickos, so as not to undermine the TIC (Thicko in Chief).

Badenoch demonstrated dangerous levels of incompetence by saying that people were sick and tired of Brexit. I am one of those people who is sick and tired of Brexit. But I’m also intelligent enough to know that Brexit is a life changing process. Like it or loathe it we would do well to treat it with the importance it deserves. Pretending it does not exist is a recipe for disaster for future generations. She applied the same desperate logic to the question of climate change, claiming that people were more concerned with parochial issues than having a planet to live on. Kemi demonstrates a real poverty of time management skills by confusing things which are urgent with those that are urgent and important:

My left wing (I’m not a lefty looser as many Brexiteers would have it) friends tell me that we must have a general election. Sadly, my scientific and analytical side tells me that the Tories won’t choose to have one at this time due to the Johnson factor. Labour would have to find a way to force a GE. At this time Labour do not have answers on Brexit either, having colluded passively with the Tories to “get Brexit done”. The Tories will wait until they are likely to win an election or are forced to do so. It is yet another unicorn to suggest otherwise and they will use any excuse necessary to justify their position (WWIII, cost of living crisis, COVID, Brexit etc.).

We must still work on politicians, media and the great unwashed to change minds about Brexit and Europe. These books really help in that effort.

Private Eyelines
Private Eyelines – e-mail or click the image buy discount copies direct from the author


A Knowing Rant barking in the pre-Woke tradition of British barbed political satire. This book takes no prisoners! 

But, there’s certainly reasoned method within Peter Cook’s tome of madness.

Presented in quality full colour format, it is basically a reversed diary wittily detailing his Anti-Brexit Campaign over the past six years.

His photomontages stick the knife in exactly where  deserved. While gloriously tasteless in the extreme, these visions of horror grasp the reader warmly by the throat. No longer should we allow ourselves to drift towards the inevitability of Brexit. We must address The Mess That It Undoubtedly IS!

But it is the text that really matters. Vast amounts of carefully uncovered and sifted information which our elders and betters of the upper echelons  would wish the lower orders to ignore or better still, forget. 

As such the book will find a home with Remainers who need to find smart ways of explaining difficult issues fully supported with depth.

Also by gifting it to Brexiteers who will love its straightforwardness and cheeky delivery style. I found it best to progress backwards from the end where Peter lays down his initial pitch.

All commentaries, justifications  and future expectations are intelligently reasoned. Increasing backwards from Z to A he forever rams his points home. An excellent addition to Peter Cook’s other books spanning business, leadership and creativity.

By Wokery, ‘Tis a goodly read! 

Michael Alexander PhD

“Whack it in a microwave, gas mark four. Prick the lid,”- said prime minister Boris Johnson about Brexit. This book of razor-sharp political satire does a lot of lid-pricking, demonstrating persistent problems with the microwave and a ready-meal of Brexit itself. Johnson’s ignorance of how a microwave works epitomises the sheer level of incompetence of his government regarding to complexities of the U.K.’s decades-long relationship with the EU.

This unique book can be read in two ways: from start to finish or from finish to start. You might be shocked, appalled or disgusted. You most definitely will have a laugh.

The companion book “Reboot Britain by changing minds about Brexit and Europe” offers a masterclass in the gentle art of what I call Brexorcism. Brexit has broken Britain, economically, socially, culturally, politically and environmentally. Quite simply, Brexit has not delivered what was promised on the tin in 2016, for anyone in our DisUnited Kingdom. This book explains how we may join anew for a better Britain in a better Europe for a better world and persuade others to do the same.

  • Strategies and scenarios to join anew 2021 – 2031.
  • Brexit freedoms, unicorns, ghosts and fantasy stories laid to rest.
  • The influence of Russia and Vladimir Putin on Brexit and the Johnson Junta.
  • The psychology of ‘Brexorcism’ and the anatomy of the Brexit psyche.
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) applied to the task of softening hardened minds on Brexit.
  • How to hold difficult conversations with Leavers in regret and Remainers in remission.
  • How does Brexorcism differ in real life from online conversations and what can you do about it?
  • Strategies to put forward a positive vision of a united Europe and heal rifts from the ‘dialogue of the deaf’ over 6 years.
  • Stories to motivate you and show how these strategies work in practice. Alongside this we explore a number of ‘glorious failures’ as they offer even better insights to success.
  • A resource section on how to break ‘parliamentary paralysis’, how to make progress in advocacy to MPs and how to engage mainstream media (MSM).
  • How to multiply your impact and pro-Europe / anti-Brexit influence in real life conversations, lobbying and in mainstream and / or social media.

A Brexorcism requires time, patience, unconditional positive regard and skill. This book provides these elements, drawing on a range of approaches to change management from psychology, sociology and therapeutic approaches.

Order direct from the author at a discount via or via Amazon:

Click the image to order on Amazon
Private Eyelines

Humour as a weapon against fascism

Private Eyelines : Have I Got Fake Brexit News for EU is just released. Humour is one of the few weapons this Government cannot take away from us. It’s a historical and hysterical record of #Brexit and one that holds this #fascist government to account in ways that spreadsheets and graphs do not. The book helps us deconstruct the fake news of populist media from “The Son” to “The Daily Maul” “Excess” and “Telegravda”. Grab copies for yourself and your Brexity friends now on Amazon or order discount copies direct from the author by e-mailing us at Here is the book blurb below:

Satire reaches the parts that spreadsheets, graphs and logic do not. Brexit provides a rich dark seam of tragicomedy in a Kafkaesque world of gaslighting, shapeshifting and shameless lies. We live in desperately sad times. But simply drowning in the sadness of Brexit does not help us deal with paranoid populist politicians. Bittersweet levity cuts through people’s minds to their visceral core. Simply stated, satire heals.

Populist media brainwashed leave voters to believe in Brexit unicorns. I tried my hand at parodying these media to expose the lies on which the Brexit hydra reared its many ugly heads. I found that people rather liked my gutterpress pages. Some even believed that they were real!

To change minds on Brexit, it is not sufficient to break the parliamentary paralysis which continues to enable the slow-motion destruction of Britain. Nor is demographic change, aka death, a success recipe. We must actively work on the huddled masses. People almost literally eat lies for breakfast from a biased populist media, owned by people who seem just a little bit too friendly with Vladimir Putin. Private Eyelines opens up the conversation anew with Brexiteers with buyers’ remorse, or Remainers numbed into submission by six years of bullshit and bullying from our so-called political leaders.

Peter Cook is a unique combination of scientist, business consultant and musician. As a 60’s child, his mum made him watch Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, saying “it would be good for him”. It wasn’t! Instead, Peter built a solid career bringing life-saving treatments for diabetes and HIV / AIDS to the world, 18 years tutoring MBAs in academia, writing books and 28 years running a business. His early exposure to Cook and Moore suddenly came to the fore after 24 June 2016, as satire met real life through Brexit. His mis-spent youth and creativity have been rejuvenated through campaigning, writing, music, film making and speaking about our rightful place in Europe. It was good for him after all. Mum was right!

Available to order direct from Amazon – click to view. Discounted copies available direct from the author.

Turn despair into action. Join us every Monday at 8pm on ZOOM via Reboot Britain.

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BUY OUR BOOKS : Changing Minds on Europe and Brexit Private Eyelines

Watch a full video on the art of Brexorcism

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Read recent articles : Like a PrayerIrish UnityMumsnet v JohnsonGod Save The Queen.

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Mumsnet v Johnson

I did an analysis of the car crash Mumsnet v Boris Johnson interview using the medium of the BBC Radio 4 programme “Just a Minute”, with apologies to Nicholas Parsons.

Johnson is doing the reading at St Paul’s today. Apart from talking about honesty and thou shalt not commit adultery, his reading will mainly consist of Rule Brittania, Rule Boris, spaff-waff, bazookas, Jubilee, jubilation, jubinobs party, no party, our party, my party, sovereignty … balderdash, bunkum, hokum, pokum, where’s Carrie, who’s Carrie, ah Carrie you make me feel so young Jennifer, sorry Carrie, God save me, I mean God Save the Queen; whilst roughing up his mop (hair, not wife or current lover 🤮🤮🤮) With thanks to Jackie Brook and BillieJoeMcAll on Twitter.

Well worth your time

Turn despair into action. Join us every Monday at 8pm on ZOOM via Reboot Britain.

NEW BOOK : Changing Minds on Europe and Brexit

SUPPORT us via PatreonPaypal or GoFundMe. We work 24/7/365 on a suite of projects.

DOWNLOAD OUR MUSIC : Rage Against The Brexit Machine

Subscribe to our EU TUBE channel : EU TUBE

Read recent articles : Food Fight FuryIrish UnityBrexit and WW IIIThe Letter.

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God Save The Queen

God save the Queen

Click to Reboot Britain

God save the Queen from Boris Johnson, Brexit and Prince Andrew. Our latest edition of ‘The Son’ previews a weekend of flagshagging. Just in case you are confused, here is a fact and faction decoder:

FACT: There have been bunting shortages[1] for the jubilee!  It does not come from the EU though as intimated in some circles …

FICTION: A pint is not 562 ml.  It is 568.26125 ml.  Millilitres are not the product of EU law but the result if SI units.  Lions are not English even though they appear on t-shirts.  FACT: A pint is not a standard measure as a US pint is not the same as a UK pint with a US pint coming in at 473 ml.  The obsession of the British government with imperial measures is simply another piece of ‘red meat’ to feed to Brexit voters at the jubilee!

FICTION: Sue Gray has never appeared in Eastenders, nor have the Mitchell brothers removed her organs in an East End styled murder.  We are pretty sure that Boris Johnson would have her removed if he thought he could get away with the dirty deed however.

FACT: Priti Patel has not ordered teachers to bear arms in schools as yet.  Give her time …

FACT: Liverpool football fans were held up at Dover for hours[2], as Brexit border controls started to bite hard.  Is this what you voted for when he said we would be “taking back control of our borders”?

FACT: Boris Johnson has cancelled the part of the Ministerial code that holds him responsible if he breaks the law.  The law literally no longer applies to him.  Is this what you voted for when he said we would be “taking back control of our laws”?  Priti Patel continues to try to cancel refugees through sponsored drowning and sending to re-education camps in Rwanda.  Culture secretary Nadine Dorries is trying to cancel culture.  It’s all a bit Reginald Perrin really.  If the going gets tough, Kim Jon Bojo will likely cancel general elections.

FACT: Quite subtlely, Conservative ministers have started to blame Ukraine for domestic problems when the feed through to our economy is largely not related to problems in Ukraine as yet. Rishi Sunak did it at the so-called emergency budget on 26 May 2022 by stating that 80% of our problems were ‘global’.  Horseshit.  Brexit has made an impact of some 4-5% on inflation, all of this man-made and therefore avoidable.  Lee Anderson inferred that the poor were to blame for poverty.  Subtle mentions of Africa in relation to Monkeypox cement the idea that the disease has an ethnic component for feeble racist minds.

FACT: Ireland is not to blame for Brexit.  It is wholly the product of our own government.  We own it.  It’s ours.  100%. Priti Patel has used the spectre of a repeat of the Irish potato famine[3] to feed weak English minds and distract them from the plain facts of Brexit.

God save the Queen from Johnson! Download Prince Andrew is a Sweaty Nonce to tell Boris Johnson and Justin Welby that child abuse is NOT OK. Mumsnet ate Boris Johnson for breakfast the other day. Our analysis of the encounter via the medium of “Just a Minute” follows.

Well worth your time

[1] Bunting shortages

[2] Champions League

[3] Priti Potato Famine

Turn despair into action. Join us every Monday at 8pm on ZOOM via Reboot Britain.

NEW BOOK : Changing Minds on Europe and Brexit

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Read recent articles : Food Fight FuryIrish UnityBrexit and WW IIIThe Letter.

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