Jacob Rees-Moog has given up on his new job on day one. Instead of coming up with Brexit Freedoms, he chose to ask Sun readers what they might be. This is both a complete abdication of duty and a clever trick so that he can blame the people for the fact that there are no Brexit freedoms further down the road. Not wishing to be outdone, we decided to write to Jacob to offer some assistance. Please write your own Moggmentum letter to Jake at jacob.reesmogg.mp@parliament.uk or Jacob Rees-Mogg, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. Here is our list of suggestions to help you on your way with thanks to Helga Perry, Martin Fletcher, Jo Carr, Greg Newman, Phil Turbefield, Ken Hughes, Stanley Aylott and Julian Spencer Cakebread for the assistance with Moggmentum. Whilst you are here, please sign our project to prosecute Boris Johnson. Please suggest additions as there must be thousands. All credit given. You may also like to hunt through this article by EU Law Analysis.
Dear Jake you ask me for laws we can get bak now Brexit is done cos that eu cant stop us well I think there are loads
- Return football to 4 4 2 format we won the cup
- Sack P&O staff with immunity
- Get rid of sweepers
- Reinstate Bobbi charlton as England captin
- Freedom to use asbestos in school an hospitals
- Alf ramsey back in goalfor England
- War with Russia
- Ban transfers from forin clubs
- Install bollards in town tostop those yobs on lectric bikes
- Jail Johnson no need fer that EU cort of justise
- The sublimation of women
- Ban tennis and other poncy games done by thewokeist lefty loosers
- Bring back syphilis to stop wimmin shaggin around so much in my area
- Ban forin beer in my local watneys redbarell in all pubs
- Ban all thoise drinks for the toffs campari perno pimms keep it reel
- End votes for women youknow that they canntthink look at that Truss
- Reinstate tortose shell earings forthe missus she likes em
- Bring back smoking
- Ban lefty loosers from going on questun time billy bragg blair lammy all that lot
- Bring back booze cruises
- Rebuild pebble mill bbc studio
- 20 benson and hedges a day made compulsory
- Jail Johnson and Dick
- Rerun crossroads miss diane as news presenter
- extended work hours but no more pay
- Bring back R-Whites lemonade
- Ban the metre and 564 ml in pubs an clubs
- Make all single alcohol measures doubles forthesame prize
- Coal mines re-opened and age of employment reduced to five years
- Im all in favour of drinking my pints by the gallon then paying for them in pre 1971 prices of £.S.D.
- Misogyny to be properly rebranded as a crime aginst MEN as Dominic Raab defined it
- Sterilise lesbos and gays the only bent thing in brexitbritain should be bananas see also banana
- Keep killing the illegals on the boats harpoon them if necessary
- freeports we always ad em of course but now we can say it was that eu lot that stopped us avin em
- End vacinnation and 5G masks
- Jail Johnson on sheppey
- Shit in our rivers
- Louder vacuum cleaners
- Incandessent light bulbs and incandessent voters
- Valerie Anne Brown writes in to say stop the channel crossings Jacob! Take us out of the ECHR or whatever it’s called !!
- Jacob to avoid that nasty tax by the EU
- Dogs off the leash in parks ban cats
- More K-TEL albums. Ban byonce adele sheeran and all those woke claptrap poncy screechers an crooners bing crosby and perry homo
- Reform The Slade cockney rejects and Sham 69 hurry up harry
- short bak & sides 4 evry1
- Bare bating as olympik sport
- Bring bak dog license
- Woolworths to return and k-tel records on the shelfs
- The catholic church is the only true faith lets burn any heretics to be decided by the local planning committee this will make things very simple in Englund
- Jail Johnson bang im up for life
- Evryone to wear size 7 shoes
- Make trainers £7 a pair
- Make all the food free for Brexit votersas you promised not calamari tho i dont like it
- Recalibrate dart boards to use imperial measures
- Buy British cars
- World war III putin bankrolled Brexit to destabilise the west now he can walk into eastern europe to take back control
- Get rid of mobile phone regs higher prices for all
- Get rid of citizens rites
- Get rid of eu driving lisences are lisence is the best one for driving in europe
- Shut that french tunnel and the frogs
- Jail Johnson
- Ban seat belts they are inconvenient whilstwatching videos in the car
- longer lorries on are roads
- Bring back the burch
- Love thy neghbour on prime time TV with Nigel farridge
- Ssgregate the blacks and chinkeys
- Get rid of Scotland nothin but trubble
- feet and inches guineas
- Stop wimmins sports xept mud resling in bikinis
- Watrebording for traffic offenders
- Keg bitter back on menus babysham for the missus
- Welsh lamb replaced by imports
- Hormone filled beef to make us beefier
- Get rid of eu flight compesantion directive
- Scampi in the basket back in berni inns
- Bring back hanging for asbos
- Jail Johnson for shagging that bird
- Give are Queen life peeridge hang that nonce andrew
- A banon garlic sauce in restorants
- Get rid of that Saddam Kahn and the mossies
- Evryone toget degrees when they leave sckool ban universitys and books
- Free food gas and electrisity
- Ban tampons from EU they dont stoptheflow
- Jail Johnson cos hes a nonce
- Gypsy camps moved to Guantanamore bay
- Scrap NHS itonly encourages sick people
- Ban abortons to cuntrol populashun
- Woolworths back in towncenters
- More british kidneys in fraybentos pies rename fraybentos as fraybilston build the factory inthe black cuntry
- Ban euros in shops
- Musicians to write more patriotic songs scrap radiohead pink floyd tracy chatman and all that lot
- Prawn cocktail back
- Jail Johnson he lies
- Stop porn being shown in muslim churches
- Bingo halls inevry town bingo
- Railway time brought bak
- Ban sesame seeds on burger buns astheyget in my teeth
- Introduce a rule to stopimports of bentbananas see bananas
- Ban forin dentists one had a go at my mum aboutnot cleening teeth
- Chips to be fried in lard
- Potato famine for irish they eat two much anyway
- Jail Johnson for letting Priti Patel in
- British bangers for British gammon no richmond irish sausages
- Nigel farridge for chanceseller
- Strippers in all restaurants ITS NOT SEXIST Jake !!!
- Sort out endangered species whatever
- GB News to be national channel
- english channel, to be guarded by alsations
- Salute are Queen evry morning
- Sun university to start the peoples degrees
- Jail Johnson do it Jake he hates you and is not as posh, as you are
- Run are own Eurovision song contest we don’t need romaniuns
- Bring back traditional British diseases consumption lasser fever typhoid polio
- Speak in propper English like an eastender
- Ban the word NO better be brexit optimists
- Boris to replace prince charles
- Traffic police to carry guns
- The right to restart the troubles in northern ireland
- Bring back hangin for sum lefty loosers
- No more french sticks just hovis
- Benefit scroungers to work on farms
- get rid of cycle lanes they clog up towns make, it danger for drivers
- OAPs to work inprisons they are takers not givers Jake
- Priti patel torun a restaurant shes no good at the illegals
- Pitta bread and Chibatter banned innit
- Unlimited fishing
- Somerset brie cornish gouda deptford champagne
- You are English if ur ancestry goes back to 1066 anyone who cant prove residence from that date must leave
- GMT brought back all over the world
- Guardian to be closed down and all journos locked up
- Ban the dutch cap french letter and spanish fly
- Freedom to use leaded petrol
- ban olives they make me shit green
- King arthur to come back with the round table best king we ever had
- Cuntry Manor to be the national wine at £1.29 a quart
- Let me knockdown my wall inthe consrevation area topark my car
- Let my husbandget loadsa gov contracts without having tofill in stipid forms
- Wars with india china russia africa borneo take bak are cuntries
- Jail Johnson and Dorries shes aving im ain’t she?
- Pole dancing on ice sat at 7 o clock on the BBC
- Stop the 24 hour clock cos its confusing
- england flags on all dwellings
- Bakelite plugs and round pins
- Tank tops compulsory
- Bring page 3 back
- Women to only be allowed to order cocktales when the. football is on in the pub takes too long
- Vegans locked up
- Mines in the channel, stop them dingies gettin to England
- Fracking
- Halal meat and veg banned
- Freedom to grow are own pineapples for english gammon
- Restart Laker Airways so me and the missus can use my uncles appartmint in Benidorm
- Green Shield stamps whenever I has to use a bus go shopping or sups a half downa local
- snickers to be renamed marathon
- Freedom to leave fish to rot on, the dock of the bay
- Dyson motors to be as big as we like
- BSA norton bikes back no yamaha
- Bring back coal mining
- 179 000 unnecessary COVID deaths to mask Brexit by BOJO
- Scampi fries to be made of real scampi
- Mark francois to be made a lord for services to women
- Contraception banned for Brits we need more of us to take on the wokeists
- Bring back wrestling on a Saturday afternoon Boris johnson v big daddy
- The biggest oneof all sovrinty priceless
- The blue passport shood onlybe valid for England
- New austin allegro model and ford anglia
- Freedom to construct buildings of whatever materials we want to use
- No right of entry to England for France Holland Germany Italy that will keep them out
- Public floggings to be reinstated on sunday afternoons
- Call it the tory brexit berlin wall across the channel are boys are cuntry
- I can work in kent essex but not normandy dont care whatever
- Ramsgate to build new martello towers
- capitol punishment brought back for women who lead men into crime
- Cheryl Lewin writes in from British Life on Facebook saying “Yes he’s better than the nobs that r in votes would b better if they got ride of all labour the r scum bags trying t destroy our country”
- Prince Andrew to come bak
- Are queen to recover from Euro Covid
- Bonsai plants to be banned too small oaks better
- Ian duncan smith can pick his nose in public he used to have to do it in the toilets before brexit
You are the man you can get it done Jake !! take us bak ome tell that Euro lot they can go fuckthemselves
You have six kids as well a man aftermy own hart keep spreading the British seed
Kep the Moggmentum up !!
Book : Reboot Britain by changing minds on Europe and Brexit
Music : Rage Against The Brexit Machine
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Patricia Halls offered this late entry … whereas Eileen Kent is despondent about the list …